Finale PDK Framework 0.74
Abstract Classes

The abstract classes are never intended to be used directly in the plug-in. Instead, these classes provides basic mechanisms for their child classes. More...


class  __FCBase
 Base class for the Finale Framework classes. More...
class  __FCBaseData
 Base class for all data-related classes (that handles Finale data). More...
class  __FCCollection
 Base class for all collection classes. A collection is a storage that can store multiple objects of similar types. More...
class  __FCCollectionTinyXML
 Base class for all collections that are streamable to XML. More...
class  __FCCollectionData
 Base class for all collections based on decendants from __FCBaseData. More...
class  __FCCollectionEntryDetail
 Base class specially designed for collections of entry detail classes. More...
class  __FCCollectionInciOther
 Base class for "other" data with incis of the __FCInciOther class (where it's common to collect all incis from the same CMPER.) More...
class  __FCCollectionNoInciOther
 Base class for "other" data without incis (inci always 0.) More...
class  __FCCollectionGlobal
 Base class for "Global" data. More...
class  __FCCollectionDetail
 Base class specially designed for collections of detail classes. More...
class  __FCCollectionPrefs
 Base class specially designed for collections of prefs classes. More...
class  __FCCollectionNoInciDetail
 Base class specially designed for collections of detail classes that doesn't use the inci. More...
class  __FCBrowserBase
 Base class for all browser classes. A browser is a bit like collection, but it doesn't store any data - it just browses throgh the database. More...
class  __FCBrowserBaseData
 Base class for all browser classes of data elements. More...
class  __FCBrowserNoInciOther
 A browser class for "other" elements with no incis. More...
class  __FCCellDetail
 Base class for data that attach to cells. A call to the ConnectCell method is required prior to loading/saving data. More...
class  __FCNoInciCellDetail
 Base class for details data where inci always is 0. More...
class  __FCCollectionCellDetail
 Base class specially designed for collections of detail classes connected to cell data. More...
class  __FCCollectionNoInciCellDetail
 Base class specially designed for collections of detail classes (where inci always is 0) connected to cell data. More...
class  __FCEntryDetail
 Base class that provides the basic functionality for entry detail data (such as Special Tools modifications). More...
class  __FCEntryDetailNoteID
 Base class that provide entry details that are based on noteIDs, such as notehead modifications, augmentation dot modifications etc. More...
class  __FCGlobals
 Base class for all data that use the global part of the EDataID. More...
class  __FCIteratorBase
 The base class for both browser and collection classes. More...
class  __FCOther
 Base class for all "Other" (ot_*) Enigma structures. More...
class  __FCNoInciOther
 Base class for the "Other" (ot_*) Enigma structures that don't use the inci parameter. More...
class  __FCOtherText
 The base class for text classes that loads from 'other' (not as regular raw text). More...
class  __FCLyricsBase
 The base class for all lyrics text classes. More...
class  __FCUndoBlockHandler
 The base class for the block handler. Intented for inheritance for use with the FCUndoController utility class. More...

Detailed Description

The abstract classes are never intended to be used directly in the plug-in. Instead, these classes provides basic mechanisms for their child classes.