Finale PDK Framework 0.74
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FCMiscDocPrefs Class Reference

Class that contains document preferences that doesn't fit in any other class. More...

#include <ff_prefs.h>

Inheritance diagram for FCMiscDocPrefs:
__FCPrefsBase __FCBaseData __FCBase

Public Types

 Date formats to be used with GetDateFormat() and SetDateFormat(). More...
 The beaming styles for use with GetBeamSlopeStyle() and SetBeamSlopeStyle() More...
 The beaming styles for use with GetPageMarginScope() and GetPageMarginScope(). More...
- Public Types inherited from __FCBase
 Constants for the GetClassID method. More...
 Constants for Finale's standard measurement units. More...

Public Member Functions

bool Load (twobyte prefsNumber=0) override
bool Save () override
 FCMiscDocPrefs ()
 The constructor. More...
const char * ClassName () const override
 Returns the name of the class, for diagnostic purposes. This method MUST be overwritten in each child class. More...
const PDKFRAMEWORK_CLASSID GetClassID () const override
 Returns the internal class ID for the PDK Framework class. This is implemented mostly because Lua has problems to resolve the true classes of inherited objects. More...
bool GetExtendSecondaryBeamsOverRests () const
 Returns the state of the "Extend Secondary Beams Over Rests" beam option. More...
bool GetPrimaryBeamWithinSpace () const
 Returns the state of the "Allow Primary Beam Within a Space" beam option. More...
bool GetHalfStemsForBeamedRests () const
 Returns the state of the "Display Half-stems for Beamed Rests" beam option. More...
bool GetAllowFloatingRests () const
 Returns the state of the "Allow rests to float" beam option. More...
bool GetBeamThreeEights () const
 Returns the "Beam three eight notes before/after an eight rest" beaming option. More...
BEAMSLOPESTYLES GetBeamSlopeStyle () const
 Returns the beam slope style. More...
bool GetExtendBeamsOverRests () const
 Returns the state of the "Extend beams over rests" document option. More...
bool GetBeamedCommonTimeEights () const
 Returns the state of the "Beam 4 eights in 4/4" document option. More...
bool GetDisplayReverseStemming () const
 Returns the state of the "Display Reverse Stemming" stem option. More...
bool GetIncludeRestsInFour () const
 Returns the state of the "Include rests when beaming in groups of four" beaming option. More...
bool GetDoubleBarlineAtKeyChange () const
 Returns true if the "Double barline preceding key changes" option is used. This option is only available on Finale 2014.5 and later versions. More...
bool GetDisplayAllBarlines () const
 Returns true if "Display All Barlines" is used. More...
bool GetCloseBarlineAtSystem () const
 Returns true if "Close Barline at End of Each System" is used. More...
bool GetCloseBarlineAtEnd () const
 Returns true if "Close Barline at End of Piece" is used. More...
bool GetFinalBarlineAtEnd () const
 Returns true if "final barline at end" is used. More...
bool GetLeftBarlineDisplaySingle () const
 Returns true if "Left Barlines - Display on Single Staves" is used. More...
bool GetLeftBarlineDisplayMultiple () const
 Returns true if "Left Barlines - Display on Multiple Staves" is used. More...
bool GetLeftBarlineDisplayMultipe () const
 Returns true if "Left Barlines - Display on Multiple Staves" is used. More...
bool GetNormalDefaultBarline () const
 Returns true if the default barline style is the normal barline. More...
bool GetAlwaysSlashGraceNote () const
 Returns the state of the "Always Slash Grace Notes" check box. More...
bool GetUseStemConnections () const
 Returns true if the stem connection table is used for the document. More...
twobyte GetClefResize () const
 Returns the default % reduction for clef changes. More...
bool GetShowActiveLayerOnly () const
 Returns the "Show Active Layer Only" option. More...
bool GetConsolidateRestsAcrossLayers () const
 Returns the "Consolidate Rests Across Layers", available in Finale 2014 and above. More...
bool GetItalicizeCapoChords () const
 Returns the "Italicize Capo Chords" setting (in the Chord menu). More...
bool GetShowFretboards () const
 Returns the "Show Fretboards" (in the Chord menu). More...
Evpu16 GetMaxBeamSlope () const
 Returns the maximum beam slope, in EVPUs. More...
bool GetOnlyFirstSystemClef () const
 Returns if the clefs should be displayed only on the first system, or not. More...
eClef GetDefaultClefIndex () const
 Returns the default clef index. More...
twobyte GetCurveResolution () const
 Returns the curve resolution (1-128), for non-PostScript and screen output. More...
bool GetAdjustDotForMultiVoices () const
 Returns if the augmentation dots should adjust for multiple voices. More...
twobyte GetGraceNotePlaybackDuration () const
 Returns the duration of a grace note (in EDUs). More...
bool GetKeySigOnlyFirstSystem () const
 Returns if the clef should be displayed only on first staff system. More...
bool GetKeySigNaturalsInC () const
 Returns if naturals should be displayed in C at start of staff systems. More...
bool GetKeySigModeChange () const
 Returns if the key should redisplay if only mode is changing. More...
bool GetKeySigCancelOutgoing () const
 Returns if outgoing keys should be canceled. More...
bool GetKeySigCancelSwitchingSharpsFlats () const
 Returns the Finale 25.4 option if outgoing keys should be canceled when switching between sharps and flats. More...
bool GetKeySigPreserveOctave () const
 Returns if the octaves should be preserved when simplifying keys. More...
twobyte GetTimeSigCompositeDecimals () const
 Returns how many decimals composite time signatures should have in the fraction part. More...
bool GetAbbreviateCommonTimeSig () const
 Returns if common time signatures should be abbreviated. More...
bool GetAbbreviateCutTimeSig () const
 Returns if cut time signatures should be abbreviated. More...
bool GetCourtesyClefAtSystemEnd () const
 Returns if courtesy clefs should be displayed at the end of systems. More...
bool GetCourtesyTimeSigAtSystemEnd () const
 Returns if courtesy time signatures should be displayed at the end of systems. More...
bool GetCourtesyKeySigAtSystemEnd () const
 Returns if courtesy key signatures should be displayed at the end of systems. More...
bool GetSecondsInTimeStamp () const
 Returns if the time stamp (for text inserts) should include seconds. More...
DATEFORMATS GetDateFormat () const
 Returns the date format to be used in the document (for text inserts). More...
int GetTextTabCharacters () const
 Returns the number of space characters that forms a tab stop in text. More...
bool GetScaleManualNotePositioning () const
 Sets if manual positioning of notes should be scaled. More...
bool GetCrossStaffNotesInOriginal () const
 Sets if cross staff notes should be displayed in the original staff. More...
bool GetUseNoteShapes () const
 Sets if note shape should be used. More...
TimeEdu16 GetPickupDuration () const
 Returns the duration of the pickup measure (in EDUs). 0 if no pickup measure. More...
CMPER GetSpecialExtractionID () const
 Returns the Cmper to the special extracted part IU list. 0 if no special extracted part is active. More...
bool GetDisplayPartExpressions () const
 Returns the "Display Expressions for Parts" option state. More...
fourbyte GetUnderlineDepth () const
 Returns the Underline Depth option (currently Mac only). More...
fourbyte GetUnderlineThickness () const
 Returns the Underline Thickness option (currently Mac only). More...
fourbyte GetFretboardsResizeFraction () const
 Returns the fretboard resize value, in 10000th of a percent. More...
bool GetChordPlayback () const
 Returns if chord playback is enabled. More...
bool GetAvoidSystemMarginCollisions () const
 Returns the "Avoid Margin Collision" setting in the Layout menu. More...
PAGEMARGINSCOPES GetPageMarginScope () const
 Returns the margin adjusment scope for "Page Margins" in the Page Layout menu. More...
bool GetKeepOctaveTransposition () const
 Returns the "Keep octave transposition in Concert Pitch" setting for the document, introduced in Finale 25.2. More...
bool GetAlignMeasureNumbersWithBarline () const
 Returns the "Align Measure Numbers With Barlines" setting for the document, introduced to the Measure menu in Finale 27.4. This setting affects only mid-measure left-aligned measure numbers. When off, the number aligns with the point after key, time, and repeat. When on, the number aligns with the barline. More...
bool GetLegacyDotPositionOnFlippedStems () const
 Returns whether to use legacy positioning of augmentation dots on flipped stems. You choose this option when you open a pre-27.4 file for the first time in Finale 27.4 (or higher). You can use SetLegacyDotPositionOnFlippedStems to modify it. More...
void SetAlwaysSlashGraceNote (bool state)
 Sets the state of the "Always Slash Grace Notes" check box. More...
void SetExtendSecondaryBeamsOverRests (bool state)
 Sets the state of the "Extend Secondary Beams Over Rests" beam option. More...
void SetPrimaryBeamWithinSpace (bool state)
 Sets the state of the "Allow Primary Beam Within a Space" beam option. More...
void SetHalfStemsForBeamedRests (bool state)
 Sets the state of the "Display Half-stems for Beamed Rests" beam option. More...
void SetAllowFloatingRests (bool state)
 Sets the state of the "Allow rests to float" beam option. More...
void SetBeamThreeEights (bool state)
 Sets the "Beam three eight notes before/after an eight rest" beaming option. More...
void SetDisplayReverseStemming (bool state)
 Sets the state of the "Display Reverse Stemming" stem option. More...
void SetIncludeRestsInFour (bool state)
 Sets the state of the "Include rests when beaming in groups of four" beaming option. More...
void SetBeamSlopeStyle (BEAMSLOPESTYLES mode)
 Sets the beam slope style. More...
void SetExtendBeamsOverRests (bool state)
 Sets the state of the "Extend beams over rests" document option. More...
void SetUseStemConnections (bool state)
 Sets if the stem connection table is used for the document or not. More...
void SetShowActiveLayerOnly (bool state)
 Sets the "Show Active Layer Only" option. More...
void SetConsolidateRestsAcrossLayers (bool value)
 Sets the "Consolidate Rests Across Layers", available in Finale 2014 and above. More...
void SetClefResize (twobyte value)
 Sets the default % reduction for clef changes. More...
void SetBeamedCommonTimeEights (bool state)
 Sets the state of the "Beam 4 eights in 4/4" document option. More...
void SetDoubleBarlineAtKeyChange (bool state)
 Sets if the "Double barline preceding key changes" option should be used. This option is only available on Finale 2014.5 and later versions. More...
void SetDisplayAllBarlines (bool state)
 Sets if "Display All Barlines" is used. More...
void SetCloseBarlineAtSystem (bool state)
 Sets if "Close Barline at End of Each System" is used. More...
void SetCloseBarlineAtEnd (bool state)
 Sets if "Close Barline at End of Piece" is used. More...
void SetFinalBarlineAtEnd (bool state)
 Sets if "final barline at end" is used. More...
void SetLeftBarlineDisplaySingle (bool state)
 Sets if "Left Barlines - Display on Single Staves" is used. More...
void SetLeftBarlineDisplayMultiple (bool state)
 Sets if "Left Barlines - Display on Multiple Staves" is used. More...
void SetLeftBarlineDisplayMultipe (bool state)
 Sets if "Left Barlines - Display on Multiple Staves" is used. More...
void SetNormalDefaultBarline (bool state)
 Returns if the default barline style is the normal barline. More...
void SetItalicizeCapoChords (bool state)
 Sets the the "Italicize Capo Chords" (in the Chord menu). More...
void SetShowFretboards (bool state)
 Sets the the "Show Fretboards" (in the Chord menu). More...
void SetMaxBeamSlope (Evpu16 slope)
 Sets the maximum beam slope, in EVPUs. More...
void SetOnlyFirstSystemClef (bool state)
 Sets if the clefs should be displayed only on the first system, or not. More...
void SetDefaultClefIndex (eClef clef)
 Sets the default clef index. More...
void SetCurveResolution (twobyte value)
 Sets the curve resolution (1-128), for non-PostScript and screen output. More...
void SetAdjustDotForMultiVoices (bool state)
 Sets if the augmentation dots should adjust for multiple voices. More...
void SetGraceNotePlaybackDuration (twobyte value)
 Sets the duration of a grace note (in EDUs). More...
void SetKeySigOnlyFirstSystem (bool state)
 Sets if the clef should be displayed only on first staff system. More...
void SetKeySigNaturalsInC (bool state)
 Sets if naturals should be displayed in C at start of staff systems. More...
void SetKeySigModeChange (bool state)
 Sets if the key should redisplay if only mode is changing. More...
void SetKeySigCancelOutgoing (bool state)
 Sets if outgoing keys should be canceled. More...
void SetKeySigCancelSwitchingSharpsFlats (bool state)
 Sets the Finale 25.4 option if outgoing keys should be canceled when switching between sharps and flats. More...
void SetKeySigPreserveOctave (bool state)
 Sets if the octaves should be preserved when simplifying keys. More...
void SetTimeSigCompositeDecimals (twobyte count)
 Sets how many decimals composite time signatures should have in the fraction part. More...
void SetAbbreviateCommonTimeSig (bool state)
 Sets if common time signatures should be abbreviated. More...
void SetAbbreviateCutTimeSig (bool state)
 Sets if cut time signatures should be abbreviated. More...
void SetCourtesyClefAtSystemEnd (bool state)
 Sets if courtesy clefs should be displayed at the end of systems. More...
void SetCourtesyTimeSigAtSystemEnd (bool state)
 Sets if courtesy time signatures should be displayed at the end of systems. More...
void SetCourtesyKeySigAtSystemEnd (bool state)
 Sets if courtesy key signatures should be displayed at the end of systems. More...
void SetSecondsInTimeStamp (bool state)
 Sets if the time stamp (for text inserts) should include seconds. More...
void SetDateFormat (DATEFORMATS dateformat)
 Sets the date format to be used in the document (for text inserts). More...
void SetTextTabCharacters (int tabcount)
 Sets the number of space characters that forms a tab stop in text. More...
void SetScaleManualNotePositioning (bool state)
 Sets if manual positioning of notes should be scaled. More...
void SetCrossStaffNotesInOriginal (bool state)
 Sets if cross staff notes should be displayed in the original staff. More...
void SetUseNoteShapes (bool state)
 Sets if note shape should be used. More...
void SetPickupDuration (TimeEdu16 duration)
 Sets the duration of the pickup measure (in EDUs). 0 if no pickup measure. More...
void SetSpecialExtractionID (CMPER cmper)
 Sets the Cmper to the special extracted part IU list. 0 if no special extracted part is active. More...
void SetDisplayPartExpressions (bool state)
 Sets the "Display Expressions for Parts" option state. More...
void SetUnderlineDepth (fourbyte value)
 Sets the Underline Depth option (currently Mac only). More...
void SetUnderlineThickness (fourbyte value)
 Sets the Underline Thickness option (currently Mac only). More...
void SetFretboardsResizeFraction (fourbyte value)
 Sets the fretboard resize value, in 10000th of a percent. More...
void SetChordPlayback (bool state)
 Sets if chord playback should be enabled. More...
void SetAvoidSystemMarginCollisions (bool state)
 Sets the "Avoid Margin Collision" setting in the Layout menu. More...
void SetPageMarginScope (PAGEMARGINSCOPES mode)
 Returns the margin adjusment scope for "Page Margins" in the Page Layout menu. More...
void SetKeepOctaveTransposition (bool state)
void SetAlignMeasureNumbersWithBarline (bool state)
 Sets the "Align Measure Numbers With Barlines" setting for the document, introduced to the Measure menu in Finale 27.4. This setting affects only mid-measure left-aligned measure numbers. When off, the number aligns with the point after key, time, and repeat. When on, the number aligns with the barline. More...
void SetLegacyDotPositionOnFlippedStems (bool state)
 Sets whether to use legacy positioning of augmentation dots on flipped stems. You choose this option when you open a pre-27.4 file for the first time in Finale 27.4 (or higher). See comments at GetLegacyDotPositionOnFlippedStems for more information about this option. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from __FCPrefsBase
bool Reload () override
 Overridden version of Reload(), that handles prefs from multiple sources. More...
bool LoadFirst () override
 Loads the very first element in the database, if any. More...
int GetItemNo () const
 Returns the prefs number for the loaded data. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from __FCBaseData
EDOCID GetConnectedDocID () const
 Returns the document ID that was connected to the last load/save of the data. More...
bool VerifyConnectedDocID ()
 Checks that the stored document ID for the data object matches the current document's ID. More...
virtual EVERSION EnigmaVersion () const
 The Enigma version for save/load/create/delete operations. More...
virtual int DataSizeSave () const
 Returns the data size for the data structure that should be saved or created. More...
void _CloneFrom (__FCBaseData *pSource)
 For internal use only. Copies object data (except data block) from another object. More...
const EDataID * _GetDataID ()
 Intended ONLY for the _CloneFrom implementation. More...
int _GetLoadedSize () const
 Intended ONLY for the _CloneFrom implementation. More...
const void * GetDataBlock ()
 Intended ONLY for the _CloneFrom implementation. More...
EXTAG GetCustomTag () const
 Returns the custom Enigma tag, if any. More...
void SetCustomTag (EXTAG tag)
 Sets the custom Enigma tag, for classes that support multiple Enigma tags. More...
 __FCBaseData ()
 The constructor.
virtual ~__FCBaseData ()
 Virtual destructor.
virtual bool DeleteData ()
 Deletes the associated data from Finale's database. Be careful when deleting multiple objects. More...
virtual bool DeepDeleteData ()
 Deletes data and all data that's connected to the object. More...
virtual bool LoadLast ()
 Loads the very last element in the database, if any. More...
virtual bool LoadNext ()
 Loads the next element from the database, if any. More...
virtual bool LoadPrevious ()
 Loads the previous element in the database, if any. More...
bool RelinkToCurrentView ()
 Relinks the contents in the current view so that the score and part(s) match. More...
bool RelinkToScore ()
 Relinks all parts to the contents of the score. More...
__FCBaseDataCreateClone ()
 Creates an identical copy of an object. More...
void DebugDump () override
 Outputs the class data/information for debugging purposes. More...
void DebugDataDump () override
 Outputs a memory dump of the data block in the object for debugging purposes. More...
void DebugDataByteArrayDump () override
 Outputs a memory dump of the data block in the object for debugging purposes, as a C++ byte array. More...
void DebugDataOffsetDump (int offset, int size)
 For debug mode only. Dumps a data memory block at a specific offset and with a specific size.
FCNumbersCreateRawDataDump ()
 Creates a byte collection with the raw loaded data block for the object (if the object type supports single data blocks). This method is only intended for debug purposes. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from __FCBase
virtual ~__FCBase ()
 Virtual destructor, so all inherited classes get the virtual destructor.
void DebugMsgInt (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in decimal presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
void DebugMsgHex (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (as a hexadecimal number) appearing afterwards. More...
void DebugMsgString (const char *pszPrefixText, const char *thestring)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. More...
void DebugMsg (const char *pszMsg)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes with just one text string. More...
void DebugOutMenuInfo (FCUI *pUI, int menuixd_horiz, int menuixd_vert) const
 Outputs the menu command info for debugging purposes. More...
int DebugOutFormat (const char *fmt,...)
 Outputs debug text using C style "printf" syntax. More...
void Set16BitFlag (FLAG_16 *flag, FLAG_16 flagbits, bool state)
 Sets a 16 bit flag. More...
void Set32BitFlag (FLAG_32 *flag, FLAG_32 flagbits, bool state)
 Sets/resets a 32 bit flag, by using a bit mask. More...
bool GetBitFlag (FLAG_32 flag, FLAG_32 flagbits) const
 Gets a state from flag bits. Returns true if any bit in the mask is set. More...
int GetBitCount (FLAG_32 flag)
 Returns the total number of set bits in a 32-bit unsigned int.
void SetSpecific32Bit (FLAG_32 *flag, int bitnumber, bool state)
 Sets/resets a single bit in a 32 bit flag, by specifying one specific bit. More...
void SetUserData (void *pData)
 Sets the user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
void SetUserData2 (void *pData)
 Sets the additional user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
void * GetUserData () const
 Gets the user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
void * GetUserData2 () const
 Gets the additional user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
virtual bool IsIdentical (const __FCBase *pCompareObject) const
 Returns true if the data in the passed object is considered to be identical to the current object, otherwise false. More...
void StoreXML_String (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper function to store FCString objects in the XML file. More...
void StoreXML_Integer (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, int value)
 Helper function to store integer objects in the XML file. More...
void StoreXML_Bool (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, bool value)
 Helper function to store boolean objects in the XML file. More...
void StoreXML_StringAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper function to store FCString objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
void StoreXML_IntegerAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, int value)
 Helper function to store integer objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
void StoreXML_BoolAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, bool value)
 Helper function to store boolean objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
void StoreXML_FloatAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, float value)
 Helper function to store floating point objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
virtual void StoreToXML (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode)
 Virtual method that is used to store an object's data. More...
bool ReadXML_String (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper method to read FCString objects from the XML file. More...
bool ReadXML_Integer (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, int *pValue)
 Helper method to read integer objects from the XML file. More...
bool ReadXML_Bool (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, bool *pValue)
 Helper method to read boolean objects from the XML file. More...
bool ReadXML_StringAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper method to read FCString objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
bool ReadXML_IntegerAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, int *pValue)
 Helper method to read integer objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
bool ReadXML_BoolAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, bool *pValue)
 Helper method to read boolean objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
bool ReadXML_FloatAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, float *pValue)
 Helper method to read floating point objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
virtual bool ReadFromXML (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode)
 Virtual method that is used to read object data. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from __FCBase
static void DebugOutPtr (const char *pszPrefixText, void *ptr)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The prefix text appears with the extra ptr (in hexadeximal representation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutInt (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in decimal presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutFloat (const char *pszPrefixText, double f)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra float value appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutTag (const char *pszPrefixText, EXTAG extag)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the EXTAG (in text) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutHex (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in hexadecimal presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutBin (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in binary presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutString (const char *pszPrefixText, const char *thestring)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes (C string version). The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutString (const char *pszPrefixText, FCString *pString)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes (FCString version). The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutBool (const char *pszPrefixText, bool state)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The boolean state appears afterwards as either "TRUE" or "FALSE". More...
static void DebugOutBlock (const void *pBuffer, int startoffset, int size)
 Static method that outputs a memory block for debugging purposes. Eight bytes per line will appear (as hex digits) until the whole memory block is dumped. More...
static void DebugOutByteArrayBlock (const void *pBuffer, int startoffset, int size)
 Static method that outputs a memory block for debugging purposes. Eight bytes per line will appear (as hex digits) as a C++ onebyte array, until the whole memory block is dumped. More...
static void DebugOut (const char *pszLine)
 Static method to output a line of text for debugging purposes. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from __FCPrefsBase
 __FCPrefsBase ()
 standard constructor
- Protected Member Functions inherited from __FCBaseData
virtual void Deallocate ()
virtual bool IsDynamicSize ()
bool LoadDataBlock ()
 Loads the data. If the object is of dynamic size, the old memory block is freed and a new is allocated.
void ClearData ()
virtual twobyte CalcLastInci ()
 For internal use only! More...
bool DataIsLoaded () const
 Returns true is any data has been loaded into the object.
void _TagDocumentID ()
 For internal use only. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from __FCBase
 __FCBase ()
 The constructor.
- Protected Attributes inherited from __FCBaseData
EDOCID _connecteddocID
 The "connected" document ID., which is the document the where the document was loaded (or last saved). This is for a mechanism to prevent resaving of certain data in other documents.
void * _datablock
 Pointer to the object's data block, the meaning is implementation-specific for each derived subclass.
bool _heapdatablock
 Variable that tells if _datablock is dynamically created on the heap (and should be deleted at object destruction).
int _loadedsize
 Loaded size of the data block for a loaded object, in bytes. Since the datablock is implementation-specific, the _loadedsize should be updated by child classes that create new data. More...
EDataID _dataid
 The EdataID for the last loaded/saved object.

Detailed Description

Class that contains document preferences that doesn't fit in any other class.

Member Enumeration Documentation


The beaming styles for use with GetBeamSlopeStyle() and SetBeamSlopeStyle()



"Base Slope on End Notes Only" option


The "Flatten All Beams" option.


The "Flatten Beams Based on Standard Note" option


The "Flatten Beams Based on Extreme Note" option.


Date formats to be used with GetDateFormat() and SetDateFormat().



Short date format


Long date format


Mac-specific long date format alternative.


The beaming styles for use with GetPageMarginScope() and GetPageMarginScope().



Adjust current page only.


Adjust all pages.


Adjust left or right pages.


Adjust a range of pages.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FCMiscDocPrefs()

FCMiscDocPrefs::FCMiscDocPrefs ( )

The constructor.


Member Function Documentation

◆ ClassName()

const char * FCMiscDocPrefs::ClassName ( ) const

Returns the name of the class, for diagnostic purposes. This method MUST be overwritten in each child class.


Reimplemented from __FCPrefsBase.

◆ GetAbbreviateCommonTimeSig()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetAbbreviateCommonTimeSig ( ) const

Returns if common time signatures should be abbreviated.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetAbbreviateCutTimeSig()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetAbbreviateCutTimeSig ( ) const

Returns if cut time signatures should be abbreviated.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetAdjustDotForMultiVoices()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetAdjustDotForMultiVoices ( ) const

Returns if the augmentation dots should adjust for multiple voices.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetAlignMeasureNumbersWithBarline()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetAlignMeasureNumbersWithBarline ( ) const

Returns the "Align Measure Numbers With Barlines" setting for the document, introduced to the Measure menu in Finale 27.4. This setting affects only mid-measure left-aligned measure numbers. When off, the number aligns with the point after key, time, and repeat. When on, the number aligns with the barline.

This method always returns false on earlier versions than Finale 27.4.

Lua-supported (also as property) (0.68).

True if "Align Measure Numbers With Barlines" is checked. Always false on earlier versions than Finale 27.4.

◆ GetAllowFloatingRests()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetAllowFloatingRests ( ) const

Returns the state of the "Allow rests to float" beam option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetAlwaysSlashGraceNote()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetAlwaysSlashGraceNote ( ) const

Returns the state of the "Always Slash Grace Notes" check box.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetAvoidSystemMarginCollisions()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetAvoidSystemMarginCollisions ( ) const

Returns the "Avoid Margin Collision" setting in the Layout menu.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetBeamedCommonTimeEights()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetBeamedCommonTimeEights ( ) const

Returns the state of the "Beam 4 eights in 4/4" document option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetBeamSlopeStyle()

BEAMSLOPESTYLES FCMiscDocPrefs::GetBeamSlopeStyle ( ) const

Returns the beam slope style.

This is connected with the FCBeamMod::SetDefaultMode() method.

Lua-supported (also as property).

Any of the BEAMSLOPE_* constants.

◆ GetBeamThreeEights()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetBeamThreeEights ( ) const

Returns the "Beam three eight notes before/after an eight rest" beaming option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetChordPlayback()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetChordPlayback ( ) const

Returns if chord playback is enabled.

use FCChordPrefs::GetEnableChordPlayback instead.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetClassID()

const PDKFRAMEWORK_CLASSID FCMiscDocPrefs::GetClassID ( ) const

Returns the internal class ID for the PDK Framework class. This is implemented mostly because Lua has problems to resolve the true classes of inherited objects.

This method must be overwritten by all child classes.

Lua-supported (also read-only property) (0.55).

Implements __FCBaseData.

◆ GetClefResize()

twobyte FCMiscDocPrefs::GetClefResize ( ) const

Returns the default % reduction for clef changes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetCloseBarlineAtEnd()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetCloseBarlineAtEnd ( ) const

Returns true if "Close Barline at End of Piece" is used.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetCloseBarlineAtSystem()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetCloseBarlineAtSystem ( ) const

Returns true if "Close Barline at End of Each System" is used.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetConsolidateRestsAcrossLayers()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetConsolidateRestsAcrossLayers ( ) const

Returns the "Consolidate Rests Across Layers", available in Finale 2014 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

On Finale versions earlier than 2014, the method always returns false.

◆ GetCourtesyClefAtSystemEnd()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetCourtesyClefAtSystemEnd ( ) const

Returns if courtesy clefs should be displayed at the end of systems.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetCourtesyKeySigAtSystemEnd()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetCourtesyKeySigAtSystemEnd ( ) const

Returns if courtesy key signatures should be displayed at the end of systems.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetCourtesyTimeSigAtSystemEnd()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetCourtesyTimeSigAtSystemEnd ( ) const

Returns if courtesy time signatures should be displayed at the end of systems.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetCrossStaffNotesInOriginal()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetCrossStaffNotesInOriginal ( ) const

Sets if cross staff notes should be displayed in the original staff.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetCurveResolution()

twobyte FCMiscDocPrefs::GetCurveResolution ( ) const

Returns the curve resolution (1-128), for non-PostScript and screen output.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetDateFormat()

DATEFORMATS FCMiscDocPrefs::GetDateFormat ( ) const

Returns the date format to be used in the document (for text inserts).

Lua-supported (also as property).

Any of the DATEFORMAT_* constants.

◆ GetDefaultClefIndex()

eClef FCMiscDocPrefs::GetDefaultClefIndex ( ) const

Returns the default clef index.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetDisplayAllBarlines()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetDisplayAllBarlines ( ) const

Returns true if "Display All Barlines" is used.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetDisplayPartExpressions()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetDisplayPartExpressions ( ) const

Returns the "Display Expressions for Parts" option state.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetDisplayReverseStemming()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetDisplayReverseStemming ( ) const

Returns the state of the "Display Reverse Stemming" stem option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetDoubleBarlineAtKeyChange()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetDoubleBarlineAtKeyChange ( ) const

Returns true if the "Double barline preceding key changes" option is used. This option is only available on Finale 2014.5 and later versions.

Lua-supported (also as property).

On Finale versions earlier than 2014.5, false is always returned. Otherwise, the state of the option is returned.

◆ GetExtendBeamsOverRests()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetExtendBeamsOverRests ( ) const

Returns the state of the "Extend beams over rests" document option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetExtendSecondaryBeamsOverRests()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetExtendSecondaryBeamsOverRests ( ) const

Returns the state of the "Extend Secondary Beams Over Rests" beam option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetFinalBarlineAtEnd()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetFinalBarlineAtEnd ( ) const

Returns true if "final barline at end" is used.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetFretboardsResizeFraction()

fourbyte FCMiscDocPrefs::GetFretboardsResizeFraction ( ) const

Returns the fretboard resize value, in 10000th of a percent.

use FCChordPrefs::GetScaleFretboardsBy instead.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetGraceNotePlaybackDuration()

twobyte FCMiscDocPrefs::GetGraceNotePlaybackDuration ( ) const

Returns the duration of a grace note (in EDUs).

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetHalfStemsForBeamedRests()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetHalfStemsForBeamedRests ( ) const

Returns the state of the "Display Half-stems for Beamed Rests" beam option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetIncludeRestsInFour()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetIncludeRestsInFour ( ) const

Returns the state of the "Include rests when beaming in groups of four" beaming option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetItalicizeCapoChords()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetItalicizeCapoChords ( ) const

Returns the "Italicize Capo Chords" setting (in the Chord menu).

use FCChordPrefs::GetItalicizeCapoChords instead.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetKeepOctaveTransposition()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetKeepOctaveTransposition ( ) const

Returns the "Keep octave transposition in Concert Pitch" setting for the document, introduced in Finale 25.2.

This method will always return true on earlier versions than Finale 25.2.

Lua-supported (also as property).

True if "Keep octave transposition in Concert Pitch" should be ON. Always true on earlier versions than Finale 25.2.

◆ GetKeySigCancelOutgoing()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetKeySigCancelOutgoing ( ) const

Returns if outgoing keys should be canceled.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetKeySigCancelSwitchingSharpsFlats()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetKeySigCancelSwitchingSharpsFlats ( ) const

Returns the Finale 25.4 option if outgoing keys should be canceled when switching between sharps and flats.

Lua-supported (also as property).

Always true on pre-Fin25.4. Otherwise, the state of the "When switching between sharps and flats" option.

◆ GetKeySigModeChange()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetKeySigModeChange ( ) const

Returns if the key should redisplay if only mode is changing.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetKeySigNaturalsInC()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetKeySigNaturalsInC ( ) const

Returns if naturals should be displayed in C at start of staff systems.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetKeySigOnlyFirstSystem()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetKeySigOnlyFirstSystem ( ) const

Returns if the clef should be displayed only on first staff system.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetKeySigPreserveOctave()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetKeySigPreserveOctave ( ) const

Returns if the octaves should be preserved when simplifying keys.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetLeftBarlineDisplayMultipe()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetLeftBarlineDisplayMultipe ( ) const

Returns true if "Left Barlines - Display on Multiple Staves" is used.

Use GetLeftBarlineDisplayMultiple instead.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetLeftBarlineDisplayMultiple()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetLeftBarlineDisplayMultiple ( ) const

Returns true if "Left Barlines - Display on Multiple Staves" is used.

Lua-supported (also as property) (0.68).

◆ GetLeftBarlineDisplaySingle()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetLeftBarlineDisplaySingle ( ) const

Returns true if "Left Barlines - Display on Single Staves" is used.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetLegacyDotPositionOnFlippedStems()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetLegacyDotPositionOnFlippedStems ( ) const

Returns whether to use legacy positioning of augmentation dots on flipped stems. You choose this option when you open a pre-27.4 file for the first time in Finale 27.4 (or higher). You can use SetLegacyDotPositionOnFlippedStems to modify it.

Finale 27.4 corrected a long-standing bug that only applied when "Adjust Dot for Multiple Voices" was checked in the Augmentation Dot document settings. When the Multiple Voices option was checked, it caused augmentation dots on lines of flipped stems to appear in the wrong space when there was only one voice. Finale 27.4 corrected the problem, but if a file had already been edited manually to correct it, the new behavior ruined that manual positioning by correcting it again. For these files you would probably opt to turn on legacy positioning.

Note that Finale's UI itself only offers one chance to choose this setting. The first time you open the file, Finale looks to see if there is any manual vertical dot positioning on flipped stems. If there is, you are presented with a question. Answering the question "YES" turns off legacy positioning. Answering "NO" turns on legacy positioning. Once you save your file as a 27.4 (or later) file, it no longer asks the question. If Finale found no manual vertical dot positioning, it automatically assumes you do not want legacy positioning and turns it off.

This method always returns true on earlier versions than Finale 27.4.

Lua-supported (also as property) (0.68).

◆ GetMaxBeamSlope()

Evpu16 FCMiscDocPrefs::GetMaxBeamSlope ( ) const

Returns the maximum beam slope, in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetNormalDefaultBarline()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetNormalDefaultBarline ( ) const

Returns true if the default barline style is the normal barline.

Lua-supported (also as property).

true - Default barline style is the normal barline. false - Default barline style is previous measure's right barline.

◆ GetOnlyFirstSystemClef()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetOnlyFirstSystemClef ( ) const

Returns if the clefs should be displayed only on the first system, or not.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetPageMarginScope()

PAGEMARGINSCOPES FCMiscDocPrefs::GetPageMarginScope ( ) const

Returns the margin adjusment scope for "Page Margins" in the Page Layout menu.

Lua-supported (also as property).

Any of the PAGEMARGINSCOPE_ constants.

◆ GetPickupDuration()

TimeEdu16 FCMiscDocPrefs::GetPickupDuration ( ) const

Returns the duration of the pickup measure (in EDUs). 0 if no pickup measure.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetPrimaryBeamWithinSpace()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetPrimaryBeamWithinSpace ( ) const

Returns the state of the "Allow Primary Beam Within a Space" beam option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetScaleManualNotePositioning()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetScaleManualNotePositioning ( ) const

Sets if manual positioning of notes should be scaled.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSecondsInTimeStamp()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetSecondsInTimeStamp ( ) const

Returns if the time stamp (for text inserts) should include seconds.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetShowActiveLayerOnly()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetShowActiveLayerOnly ( ) const

Returns the "Show Active Layer Only" option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetShowFretboards()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetShowFretboards ( ) const

Returns the "Show Fretboards" (in the Chord menu).

use FCChordPrefs::GetShowFretboards instead.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSpecialExtractionID()

CMPER FCMiscDocPrefs::GetSpecialExtractionID ( ) const

Returns the Cmper to the special extracted part IU list. 0 if no special extracted part is active.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetTextTabCharacters()

int FCMiscDocPrefs::GetTextTabCharacters ( ) const

Returns the number of space characters that forms a tab stop in text.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetTimeSigCompositeDecimals()

twobyte FCMiscDocPrefs::GetTimeSigCompositeDecimals ( ) const

Returns how many decimals composite time signatures should have in the fraction part.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetUnderlineDepth()

fourbyte FCMiscDocPrefs::GetUnderlineDepth ( ) const

Returns the Underline Depth option (currently Mac only).

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetUnderlineThickness()

fourbyte FCMiscDocPrefs::GetUnderlineThickness ( ) const

Returns the Underline Thickness option (currently Mac only).

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetUseNoteShapes()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetUseNoteShapes ( ) const

Sets if note shape should be used.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetUseStemConnections()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::GetUseStemConnections ( ) const

Returns true if the stem connection table is used for the document.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ Load()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::Load ( twobyte  prefsNumber = 0)

Overrides Load to handle special processing for Finale 26.2 and higher.

Reimplemented from __FCPrefsBase.

◆ Save()

bool FCMiscDocPrefs::Save ( )

Overrides Save to handle special processing for Finale 26.2 and higher.

Reimplemented from __FCPrefsBase.

◆ SetAbbreviateCommonTimeSig()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetAbbreviateCommonTimeSig ( bool  state)

Sets if common time signatures should be abbreviated.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetAbbreviateCutTimeSig()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetAbbreviateCutTimeSig ( bool  state)

Sets if cut time signatures should be abbreviated.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetAdjustDotForMultiVoices()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetAdjustDotForMultiVoices ( bool  state)

Sets if the augmentation dots should adjust for multiple voices.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetAlignMeasureNumbersWithBarline()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetAlignMeasureNumbersWithBarline ( bool  state)

Sets the "Align Measure Numbers With Barlines" setting for the document, introduced to the Measure menu in Finale 27.4. This setting affects only mid-measure left-aligned measure numbers. When off, the number aligns with the point after key, time, and repeat. When on, the number aligns with the barline.

This method will do nothing on earlier versions than Finale 27.4.

Lua-supported (also as property) (0.68).

◆ SetAllowFloatingRests()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetAllowFloatingRests ( bool  state)

Sets the state of the "Allow rests to float" beam option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetAlwaysSlashGraceNote()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetAlwaysSlashGraceNote ( bool  state)

Sets the state of the "Always Slash Grace Notes" check box.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetAvoidSystemMarginCollisions()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetAvoidSystemMarginCollisions ( bool  state)

Sets the "Avoid Margin Collision" setting in the Layout menu.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetBeamedCommonTimeEights()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetBeamedCommonTimeEights ( bool  state)

Sets the state of the "Beam 4 eights in 4/4" document option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetBeamSlopeStyle()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetBeamSlopeStyle ( BEAMSLOPESTYLES  mode)

Sets the beam slope style.

This is connected with the FCBeamMod::SetDefaultMode() method.

Lua-supported (also as property).

modeAny of the BEAMSLOPE_* constants.

◆ SetBeamThreeEights()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetBeamThreeEights ( bool  state)

Sets the "Beam three eight notes before/after an eight rest" beaming option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetChordPlayback()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetChordPlayback ( bool  state)

Sets if chord playback should be enabled.

use FCChordPrefs::SetEnableChordPlayback instead.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetClefResize()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetClefResize ( twobyte  value)

Sets the default % reduction for clef changes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetCloseBarlineAtEnd()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetCloseBarlineAtEnd ( bool  state)

Sets if "Close Barline at End of Piece" is used.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetCloseBarlineAtSystem()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetCloseBarlineAtSystem ( bool  state)

Sets if "Close Barline at End of Each System" is used.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetConsolidateRestsAcrossLayers()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetConsolidateRestsAcrossLayers ( bool  value)

Sets the "Consolidate Rests Across Layers", available in Finale 2014 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

On Finale versions earlier than 2014, the method does nothing.

◆ SetCourtesyClefAtSystemEnd()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetCourtesyClefAtSystemEnd ( bool  state)

Sets if courtesy clefs should be displayed at the end of systems.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetCourtesyKeySigAtSystemEnd()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetCourtesyKeySigAtSystemEnd ( bool  state)

Sets if courtesy key signatures should be displayed at the end of systems.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetCourtesyTimeSigAtSystemEnd()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetCourtesyTimeSigAtSystemEnd ( bool  state)

Sets if courtesy time signatures should be displayed at the end of systems.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetCrossStaffNotesInOriginal()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetCrossStaffNotesInOriginal ( bool  state)

Sets if cross staff notes should be displayed in the original staff.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetCurveResolution()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetCurveResolution ( twobyte  value)

Sets the curve resolution (1-128), for non-PostScript and screen output.

This method only allow values between 1 and 128 to be set.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetDateFormat()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetDateFormat ( DATEFORMATS  dateformat)

Sets the date format to be used in the document (for text inserts).

Lua-supported (also as property).

dateformatAny of the DATEFORMAT_* constants.

◆ SetDefaultClefIndex()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetDefaultClefIndex ( eClef  clef)

Sets the default clef index.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetDisplayAllBarlines()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetDisplayAllBarlines ( bool  state)

Sets if "Display All Barlines" is used.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetDisplayPartExpressions()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetDisplayPartExpressions ( bool  state)

Sets the "Display Expressions for Parts" option state.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetDisplayReverseStemming()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetDisplayReverseStemming ( bool  state)

Sets the state of the "Display Reverse Stemming" stem option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetDoubleBarlineAtKeyChange()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetDoubleBarlineAtKeyChange ( bool  state)

Sets if the "Double barline preceding key changes" option should be used. This option is only available on Finale 2014.5 and later versions.

On Finale versions earlier than 2014.5, this method does nothing.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetExtendBeamsOverRests()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetExtendBeamsOverRests ( bool  state)

Sets the state of the "Extend beams over rests" document option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetExtendSecondaryBeamsOverRests()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetExtendSecondaryBeamsOverRests ( bool  state)

Sets the state of the "Extend Secondary Beams Over Rests" beam option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetFinalBarlineAtEnd()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetFinalBarlineAtEnd ( bool  state)

Sets if "final barline at end" is used.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetFretboardsResizeFraction()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetFretboardsResizeFraction ( fourbyte  value)

Sets the fretboard resize value, in 10000th of a percent.

use FCChordPrefs::SetScaleFretboardsBy instead.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetGraceNotePlaybackDuration()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetGraceNotePlaybackDuration ( twobyte  value)

Sets the duration of a grace note (in EDUs).

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetHalfStemsForBeamedRests()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetHalfStemsForBeamedRests ( bool  state)

Sets the state of the "Display Half-stems for Beamed Rests" beam option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetIncludeRestsInFour()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetIncludeRestsInFour ( bool  state)

Sets the state of the "Include rests when beaming in groups of four" beaming option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetItalicizeCapoChords()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetItalicizeCapoChords ( bool  state)

Sets the the "Italicize Capo Chords" (in the Chord menu).

use FCChordPrefs::SetItalicizeCapoChords instead.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetKeepOctaveTransposition()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetKeepOctaveTransposition ( bool  state)

Sets the "Keep octave transposition in Concert Pitch" setting for the document, introduced in Finale 25.2.

This method will do nothing on earlier versions than Finale 25.2.

Lua-supported (also as property).

[in]stateTrue if "Keep octave transposition in Concert Pitch" should be ON.

◆ SetKeySigCancelOutgoing()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetKeySigCancelOutgoing ( bool  state)

Sets if outgoing keys should be canceled.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetKeySigCancelSwitchingSharpsFlats()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetKeySigCancelSwitchingSharpsFlats ( bool  state)

Sets the Finale 25.4 option if outgoing keys should be canceled when switching between sharps and flats.

This does nothing on version earlier than Finale 25.4.

Lua-supported (also as property).

[in]stateThe state of the "When switching between sharps and flats" option.

◆ SetKeySigModeChange()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetKeySigModeChange ( bool  state)

Sets if the key should redisplay if only mode is changing.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetKeySigNaturalsInC()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetKeySigNaturalsInC ( bool  state)

Sets if naturals should be displayed in C at start of staff systems.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetKeySigOnlyFirstSystem()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetKeySigOnlyFirstSystem ( bool  state)

Sets if the clef should be displayed only on first staff system.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetKeySigPreserveOctave()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetKeySigPreserveOctave ( bool  state)

Sets if the octaves should be preserved when simplifying keys.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetLeftBarlineDisplayMultipe()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetLeftBarlineDisplayMultipe ( bool  state)

Sets if "Left Barlines - Display on Multiple Staves" is used.

Use SetLeftBarlineDisplayMultiple instead.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetLeftBarlineDisplayMultiple()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetLeftBarlineDisplayMultiple ( bool  state)

Sets if "Left Barlines - Display on Multiple Staves" is used.

Lua-supported (also as property) (0.68).

◆ SetLeftBarlineDisplaySingle()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetLeftBarlineDisplaySingle ( bool  state)

Sets if "Left Barlines - Display on Single Staves" is used.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetLegacyDotPositionOnFlippedStems()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetLegacyDotPositionOnFlippedStems ( bool  state)

Sets whether to use legacy positioning of augmentation dots on flipped stems. You choose this option when you open a pre-27.4 file for the first time in Finale 27.4 (or higher). See comments at GetLegacyDotPositionOnFlippedStems for more information about this option.

This method will do nothing on earlier versions than Finale 27.4.

Lua-supported (also as property) (0.68).

◆ SetMaxBeamSlope()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetMaxBeamSlope ( Evpu16  slope)

Sets the maximum beam slope, in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetNormalDefaultBarline()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetNormalDefaultBarline ( bool  state)

Returns if the default barline style is the normal barline.

Lua-supported (also as property).

statetrue - Default barline style is the normal barline. false - Default barline style is previous measure's right barline.

◆ SetOnlyFirstSystemClef()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetOnlyFirstSystemClef ( bool  state)

Sets if the clefs should be displayed only on the first system, or not.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetPageMarginScope()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetPageMarginScope ( PAGEMARGINSCOPES  mode)

Returns the margin adjusment scope for "Page Margins" in the Page Layout menu.

Lua-supported (also as property).

modeAny of the PAGEMARGINSCOPE_ constants.

◆ SetPickupDuration()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetPickupDuration ( TimeEdu16  duration)

Sets the duration of the pickup measure (in EDUs). 0 if no pickup measure.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetPrimaryBeamWithinSpace()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetPrimaryBeamWithinSpace ( bool  state)

Sets the state of the "Allow Primary Beam Within a Space" beam option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetScaleManualNotePositioning()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetScaleManualNotePositioning ( bool  state)

Sets if manual positioning of notes should be scaled.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSecondsInTimeStamp()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetSecondsInTimeStamp ( bool  state)

Sets if the time stamp (for text inserts) should include seconds.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetShowActiveLayerOnly()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetShowActiveLayerOnly ( bool  state)

Sets the "Show Active Layer Only" option.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetShowFretboards()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetShowFretboards ( bool  state)

Sets the the "Show Fretboards" (in the Chord menu).

use FCChordPrefs::SetShowFretboards instead.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSpecialExtractionID()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetSpecialExtractionID ( CMPER  cmper)

Sets the Cmper to the special extracted part IU list. 0 if no special extracted part is active.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetTextTabCharacters()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetTextTabCharacters ( int  tabcount)

Sets the number of space characters that forms a tab stop in text.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetTimeSigCompositeDecimals()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetTimeSigCompositeDecimals ( twobyte  count)

Sets how many decimals composite time signatures should have in the fraction part.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetUnderlineDepth()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetUnderlineDepth ( fourbyte  value)

Sets the Underline Depth option (currently Mac only).

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetUnderlineThickness()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetUnderlineThickness ( fourbyte  value)

Sets the Underline Thickness option (currently Mac only).

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetUseNoteShapes()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetUseNoteShapes ( bool  state)

Sets if note shape should be used.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetUseStemConnections()

void FCMiscDocPrefs::SetUseStemConnections ( bool  state)

Sets if the stem connection table is used for the document or not.

Lua-supported (also as property).