Finale PDK Framework 0.74
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FCMusicCharacterPrefs Class Reference

Contains the document options for music character preferences. More...

#include <ff_prefs.h>

Inheritance diagram for FCMusicCharacterPrefs:
__FCPrefsBase __FCBaseData __FCBase

Public Member Functions

const char * ClassName () const override
 Returns the name of the class, for diagnostic purposes. This method MUST be overwritten in each child class. More...
const PDKFRAMEWORK_CLASSID GetClassID () const override
 Returns the internal class ID for the PDK Framework class. This is implemented mostly because Lua has problems to resolve the true classes of inherited objects. More...
 FCMusicCharacterPrefs ()
 The constructor. More...
bool Load (twobyte prefsnumber=1) override
 Overridden version of Load() More...
bool Save () override
 Overridden version of Save() More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolQuarterNotehead () const
 Returns the default symbol character for filled "quarter note" noteheads. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolHalfNotehead () const
 Returns the default symbol character for half-note noteheads. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolWholeNotehead () const
 Returns the default symbol character for whole-note noteheads. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolBrevisNotehead () const
 Returns the default symbol character for brevis (double-whole) noteheads. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbol128thRest () const
 Returns the default symbol character for 128th rests. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbol64thRest () const
 Returns the default symbol character for 64th rests. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbol32ndRest () const
 Returns the default symbol character for 32nd rests. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbol16thRest () const
 Returns the default symbol character for 16th rests. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbol8thRest () const
 Returns the default symbol character for 8th rests. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolQuarterRest () const
 Returns the default symbol character for quarter note rests. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolHalfRest () const
 Returns the default symbol character for half rests. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolWholeRest () const
 Returns the default symbol character for whole rests. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolBrevisRest () const
 Returns the default symbol character for brevis (double-whole note) rests. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolLongaRest () const
 Returns the default symbol character for longa rests. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolDefaultMeasureRest () const
 Returns the default measure rest symbol. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolFirstFlagUp () const
 Returns the symbol for First Upstem Flag. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolFirstFlagDown () const
 Returns the symbol for First Downstem Flag. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolSecondFlagUp () const
 Returns the symbol for Second Upstem Flag. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolSecondFlagDown () const
 Returns the symbol for Second Downstem Flag. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbol16thFlagUp () const
 Returns the symbol for 16th Note Upstem Flag. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbol16thFlagDown () const
 Returns the symbol for 16th Note Downstem Flag. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolStraightFlagUp () const
 Returns the symbol for Straight Upstem Flag. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolStraightFlagDown () const
 Returns the symbol for Straight Downstem Flag. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolNatural () const
 Returns the default symbol for the natural accidental. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolFlat () const
 Returns the default symbol for the flat accidental. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolSharp () const
 Returns the default symbol for the sharp accidental. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolDoubleFlat () const
 Returns the default symbol for the double-flat accidental. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolDoubleSharp () const
 Returns the default symbol for the double-sharp accidental. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolParNatural () const
 Returns the default symbol for the natural accidental within parentheses. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolParFlat () const
 Returns the default symbol for the flat accidental within parentheses. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolParSharp () const
 Returns the default symbol for the sharp accidental within parentheses. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolParDoubleFlat () const
 Returns the default symbol for the double-flat accidental within parentheses. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolParDoubleSharp () const
 Returns the default symbol for the double-sharp accidental within parentheses. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolChordNatural () const
 Returns the symbol for natural accidentals in chord symbols. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolChordFlat () const
 Returns the symbol for flat accidentals in chord symbols. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolChordSharp () const
 Returns the symbol for sharp accidentals in chord symbols. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolChordDoubleFlat () const
 Returns the symbol for double-flat accidentals in chord symbols. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolChordDoubleSharp () const
 Returns the symbol for double-sharp accidentals in chord symbols. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolKeyNatural () const
 Returns the symbol for naturals in key signatures. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolKeyFlat () const
 Returns the symbol for flats in key signatures. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolKeySharp () const
 Returns the symbol for sharps in key signatures. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolKeyDoubleFlat () const
 Returns the symbol for double-flats in key signatures. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolKeyDoubleSharp () const
 Returns the symbol for double-sharps in key signatures. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolLargeSlash () const
 Returns the symbol for large slashes in Alternate Notation. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolSmallSlash () const
 Returns the symbol for small slashes in Alternate Notation. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolHalfSlashDiamond () const
 Returns the symbol for half note diamond in Alternate Notation. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolWholeSlashDiamond () const
 Returns the symbol for whole note diamond in Alternate Notation. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolBrevisSlashDiamond () const
 Returns the symbol for brevis (double-whole note) diamond in Alternate Notation. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolOneBarRepeat () const
 Returns the symbol for one-bar repeats in Alternate Notation. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolTwoBarRepeat () const
 Returns the symbol for two-bars repeats in Alternate Notation. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolAugmentationDot () const
 Returns the symbol for augmentation dots. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolForwardRepeatDot () const
 Returns the symbol for forward repeat dots. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolTimeSigPlusScore () const
 Returns the symbol for plus signs in time signatures (in the score). More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolCommonTimeSigScore () const
 Returns the symbol character used for the abbreviated common time signature for the score. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolCutTimeSigScore () const
 Returns the symbol character used for the abbreviated cut time signature for the score. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolTimeSigPlusParts () const
 Returns the symbol for plus signs in time signatures in parts. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolCommonTimeSigParts () const
 Returns the symbol character used for the abbreviated common time signature for parts. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolCutTimeSigParts () const
 Returns the symbol character used for the abbreviated cut time signature for parts. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolBackwardRepeatDot () const
 Returns the symbol for backward repeat dots. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolTrill () const
 Returns the default trill (tr) character. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolWiggle () const
 Returns the default wiggle (~) character for trills. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolOctave () const
 Returns the default octava (8va) character. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolOctaveBass () const
 Returns the default octava bass (8vb) character. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolTwoOctaves () const
 Returns the default 2-octava (15ma) character. More...
eUniChar32 GetSymbolTwoOctavesBass () const
 Returns the default 2-octava bass (15ma) character. More...
fourbyte GetDefaultStemLift () const
 Returns the default vertical stem lift value, in EFIXes. More...
bool GetUseStraightFlags () const
 Returns the if straight flags should be used. More...
twobyte GetHorizontalFirstFlagUp () const
 Returns the horizontal adjustment for the first upstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
twobyte GetHorizontalSecondFlagUp () const
 Returns the horizontal adjustment for the second upstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
twobyte GetHorizontal16thFlagUp () const
 Returns the horizontal adjustment for the 16th upstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
twobyte GetHorizontalStraightFlagUp () const
 Returns the horizontal adjustment for the straight upstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
twobyte GetHorizontalFirstFlagDown () const
 Returns the horizontal adjustment for the first downstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
twobyte GetHorizontalSecondFlagDown () const
 Returns the horizontal adjustment for the second downstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
twobyte GetHorizontal16thFlagDown () const
 Returns the horizontal adjustment for the 16th downstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
twobyte GetHorizontalStraightFlagDown () const
 Returns the horizontal adjustment for the straight downstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
twobyte GetVerticalFirstFlagUp () const
 Returns the vertical adjustment for the first upstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
twobyte GetVerticalSecondFlagUp () const
 Returns the vertical adjustment for the second upstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
twobyte GetVertical16thFlagUp () const
 Returns the vertical adjustment for the 16th upstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
twobyte GetVerticalStraightFlagUp () const
 Returns the vertical adjustment for the straight upstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
twobyte GetVerticalFirstFlagDown () const
 Returns the vertical adjustment for the first downstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
twobyte GetVerticalSecondFlagDown () const
 Returns the vertical adjustment for the second downstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
twobyte GetVertical16thFlagDown () const
 Returns the vertical adjustment for the 16th downstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
twobyte GetVerticalStraightFlagDown () const
 Returns the vertical adjustment for the straight downstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
twobyte GetVertical8thRest () const
 Returns the vertical adjustment for 8th note rests, in EVPUs. More...
twobyte GetVertical16thRest () const
 Returns the vertical adjustment for 16th note rests, in EVPUs. More...
twobyte GetVertical32ndRest () const
 Returns the vertical adjustment for 32nd note rests, in EVPUs. More...
twobyte GetVertical64thRest () const
 Returns the vertical adjustment for 64th note rests, in EVPUs. More...
twobyte GetVertical128thRest () const
 Returns the vertical adjustment for 128th note rests, in EVPUs. More...
twobyte GetVerticalFlagSpacing () const
 Returns the "Flag Spacing" value, in EVPUs. More...
twobyte GetVerticalSecondaryGroupAdjust () const
 Returns the "Second Group Adjust" value for flags, in EVPUs. More...
twobyte GetVerticalQuarterSlashBaseline () const
 Returns the quarter note (small) slash baseline adjustment value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs. More...
twobyte GetVerticalQuarterSlashStemLift () const
 Returns the quarter note (small) slash stem connection lift value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs. More...
twobyte GetVerticalHalfSlashBaseline () const
 Returns the half note diamond baseline adjustment value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs. More...
twobyte GetVerticalHalfSlashStemLift () const
 Returns the half note diamond stem connection lift value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs. More...
twobyte GetVerticalWholeSlashBaseline () const
 Returns the whole note diamond baseline adjustment value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs. More...
twobyte GetVerticalBrevisSlashBaseline () const
 Returns the brevis (double-whole) note diamond baseline adjustment value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs. More...
twobyte GetVerticalTwoMeasureRepeatOffset () const
 Returns the vertical value offset for two-bar repeats, in EVPUs. More...
void SetSymbolQuarterNotehead (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol character for filled "quarter note" noteheads. More...
void SetSymbolHalfNotehead (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol character for half-note noteheads. More...
void SetSymbolWholeNotehead (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol character for whole-note noteheads. More...
void SetSymbolBrevisNotehead (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol character for brevis (double-whole) noteheads. More...
void SetSymbol128thRest (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol character for 128th rests. More...
void SetSymbol64thRest (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol character for 64th rests. More...
void SetSymbol32ndRest (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol character for 32nd rests. More...
void SetSymbol16thRest (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol character for 16th rests. More...
void SetSymbol8thRest (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol character for 8th rests. More...
void SetSymbolQuarterRest (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol character for quarter note rests. More...
void SetSymbolHalfRest (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol character for half rests. More...
void SetSymbolWholeRest (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol character for whole rests. More...
void SetSymbolBrevisRest (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol character for brevis (double-whole note) rests. More...
void SetSymbolDefaultMeasureRest (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default measure rest symbol. More...
void SetSymbolFirstFlagUp (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for First Upstem Flag. More...
void SetSymbolFirstFlagDown (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for First Downstem Flag. More...
void SetSymbolSecondFlagUp (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for Second Upstem Flag. More...
void SetSymbolSecondFlagDown (eUniChar32 value)
 Sets the symbol for Second Downstem Flag. More...
void SetSymbol16thFlagUp (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for 16th Note Upstem Flag. More...
void SetSymbol16thFlagDown (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for 16th Note Downstem Flag. More...
void SetSymbolStraightFlagUp (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for Straight Upstem Flag. More...
void SetSymbolStraightFlagDown (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for Straight Downstem Flag. More...
void SetSymbolNatural (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol for the natural accidental. More...
void SetSymbolFlat (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol for the flat accidental. More...
void SetSymbolSharp (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol for the sharp accidental. More...
void SetSymbolDoubleFlat (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol for the double-flat accidental. More...
void SetSymbolDoubleSharp (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol for the double-sharp accidental. More...
void SetSymbolParNatural (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol for the natural accidental within parentheses. More...
void SetSymbolParFlat (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol for the flat accidental within parentheses. More...
void SetSymbolParSharp (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol for the sharp accidental within parentheses. More...
void SetSymbolParDoubleFlat (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol for the double-flat accidental within parentheses. More...
void SetSymbolParDoubleSharp (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the default symbol for the double-sharp accidental within parentheses. More...
void SetSymbolChordNatural (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for natural accidentals in chord symbols. More...
void SetSymbolChordFlat (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for flat accidentals in chord symbols. More...
void SetSymbolChordSharp (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for sharp accidentals in chord symbols. More...
void SetSymbolChordDoubleFlat (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for double-flat accidentals in chord symbols. More...
void SetSymbolChordDoubleSharp (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for double-sharp accidentals in chord symbols. More...
void SetSymbolKeyNatural (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for naturals in key signatures. More...
void SetSymbolKeyFlat (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for flats in key signatures. More...
void SetSymbolKeySharp (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for sharps in key signatures. More...
void SetSymbolKeyDoubleFlat (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for double-flats in key signatures. More...
void SetSymbolKeyDoubleSharp (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for double-sharps in key signatures. More...
void SetSymbolLargeSlash (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for large slashes in Alternate Notation. More...
void SetSymbolSmallSlash (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for small slashes in Alternate Notation. More...
void SetSymbolHalfSlashDiamond (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for half note diamond in Alternate Notation. More...
void SetSymbolWholeSlashDiamond (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for whole note diamond in Alternate Notation. More...
void SetSymbolBrevisSlashDiamond (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for brevis (double-whole note) diamond in Alternate Notation. More...
void SetSymbolOneBarRepeat (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for one-bar repeats in Alternate Notation. More...
void SetSymbolTwoBarRepeat (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for two-bars repeats in Alternate Notation. More...
void SetSymbolAugmentationDot (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for augmentation dots. More...
void SetSymbolForwardRepeatDot (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for forward repeat dots. More...
void SetSymbolTimeSigPlusScore (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol for plus signs in time signatures (in the score). More...
void SetSymbolCommonTimeSigScore (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol character used for the abbreviated common time signature for the score. More...
void SetSymbolCutTimeSigScore (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the symbol character used for the abbreviated cut time signature for the score. More...
void SetSymbolTimeSigPlusParts (eUniChar32 value)
 Sets the symbol for plus signs in time signatures in parts. More...
void SetSymbolCommonTimeSigParts (eUniChar32 value)
 Sets the symbol character used for the abbreviated common time signature for parts. More...
void SetSymbolCutTimeSigParts (eUniChar32 value)
 Returns the symbol character used for the abbreviated cut time signature for parts. More...
void SetSymbolBackwardRepeatDot (eUniChar32 value)
 Sets the symbol for backward repeat dots. More...
void SetSymbolLongaRest (eUniChar32 value)
 Sets the default symbol character for longa rests. More...
void SetSymbolTrill (eUniChar32 value)
 Sets the default trill (tr) character. More...
void SetSymbolWiggle (eUniChar32 value)
 Sets the default wiggle (~) character for trills. More...
void SetSymbolOctave (eUniChar32 value)
 Sets the default octava (8va) character. More...
void SetSymbolOctaveBass (eUniChar32 value)
 Sets the default octava bass (8vb) character. More...
void SetSymbolTwoOctaves (eUniChar32 value)
 Sets the default 2-octava (15ma) character. More...
void SetSymbolTwoOctavesBass (eUniChar32 value)
 Returns the default 2-octava bass (15ma) character. More...
void SetDefaultStemLift (fourbyte value)
 Sets the default vertical stem lift value, in EFIXes. More...
void SetUseStraightFlags (bool state)
 Sets the if straight flags should be used. More...
void SetHorizontalFirstFlagUp (twobyte value)
 Sets the horizontal adjustment for the first upstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
void SetHorizontalSecondFlagUp (twobyte value)
 Sets the horizontal adjustment for the second upstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
void SetHorizontal16thFlagUp (twobyte value)
 Sets the horizontal adjustment for the 16th upstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
void SetHorizontalStraightFlagUp (twobyte value)
 Sets the horizontal adjustment for the straight upstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
void SetHorizontalFirstFlagDown (twobyte value)
 Sets the horizontal adjustment for the first downstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
void SetHorizontalSecondFlagDown (twobyte value)
 Sets the horizontal adjustment for the second downstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
void SetHorizontal16thFlagDown (twobyte value)
 Sets the horizontal adjustment for the 16th downstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
void SetHorizontalStraightFlagDown (twobyte value)
 Sets the horizontal adjustment for the straight downstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
void SetVerticalFirstFlagUp (twobyte value)
 Sets the vertical adjustment for the first upstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
void SetVerticalSecondFlagUp (twobyte value)
 Sets the vertical adjustment for the second upstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
void SetVertical16thFlagUp (twobyte value)
 Sets the vertical adjustment for the 16th upstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
void SetVerticalStraightFlagUp (twobyte value)
 Sets the vertical adjustment for the straight upstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
void SetVerticalFirstFlagDown (twobyte value)
 Sets the vertical adjustment for the first downstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
void SetVerticalSecondFlagDown (twobyte value)
 Sets the vertical adjustment for the second downstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
void SetVertical16thFlagDown (twobyte value)
 Sets the vertical adjustment for the 16th downstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
void SetVerticalStraightFlagDown (twobyte value)
 Sets the vertical adjustment for the straight downstem flag, in EFIXes. More...
void SetVertical8thRest (twobyte value)
 Sets the vertical adjustment for 8th note rests,in EVPUs. More...
void SetVertical16thRest (twobyte value)
 Sets the vertical adjustment for 16th note rests,in EVPUs. More...
void SetVertical32ndRest (twobyte value)
 Sets the vertical adjustment for 32nd note rests,in EVPUs. More...
void SetVertical64thRest (twobyte value)
 Sets the vertical adjustment for 64th note rests,in EVPUs. More...
void SetVertical128thRest (twobyte value)
 Sets the vertical adjustment for 128th note rests,in EVPUs. More...
void SetVerticalFlagSpacing (twobyte value)
 Sets the "Flag Spacing" value, in EVPUs. More...
void SetVerticalSecondaryGroupAdjust (twobyte value)
 Sets the "Second Group Adjust" value for flags, in EVPUs. More...
void SetVerticalQuarterSlashBaseline (twobyte value)
 Sets the quarter note (small) slash baseline adjustment value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs. More...
void SetVerticalQuarterSlashStemLift (twobyte value)
 Sets the quarter note (small) slash stem connection lift value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs. More...
void SetVerticalHalfSlashBaseline (twobyte value)
 Sets the half note diamond baseline adjustment value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs. More...
void SetVerticalHalfSlashStemLift (twobyte value)
 Sets the half note diamond stem connection lift value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs. More...
void SetVerticalWholeSlashBaseline (twobyte value)
 Sets the whole note diamond baseline adjustment value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs. More...
void SetVerticalBrevisSlashBaseline (twobyte value)
 Sets the brevis (double-whole) note diamond baseline adjustment value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs. More...
void SetVerticalTwoMeasureRepeatOffset (twobyte value)
 Sets the vertical value offset for two-bar repeats, in EVPUs. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from __FCPrefsBase
bool Reload () override
 Overridden version of Reload(), that handles prefs from multiple sources. More...
bool LoadFirst () override
 Loads the very first element in the database, if any. More...
int GetItemNo () const
 Returns the prefs number for the loaded data. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from __FCBaseData
EDOCID GetConnectedDocID () const
 Returns the document ID that was connected to the last load/save of the data. More...
bool VerifyConnectedDocID ()
 Checks that the stored document ID for the data object matches the current document's ID. More...
virtual int DataSizeSave () const
 Returns the data size for the data structure that should be saved or created. More...
void _CloneFrom (__FCBaseData *pSource)
 For internal use only. Copies object data (except data block) from another object. More...
const EDataID * _GetDataID ()
 Intended ONLY for the _CloneFrom implementation. More...
int _GetLoadedSize () const
 Intended ONLY for the _CloneFrom implementation. More...
const void * GetDataBlock ()
 Intended ONLY for the _CloneFrom implementation. More...
EXTAG GetCustomTag () const
 Returns the custom Enigma tag, if any. More...
void SetCustomTag (EXTAG tag)
 Sets the custom Enigma tag, for classes that support multiple Enigma tags. More...
 __FCBaseData ()
 The constructor.
virtual ~__FCBaseData ()
 Virtual destructor.
virtual bool DeleteData ()
 Deletes the associated data from Finale's database. Be careful when deleting multiple objects. More...
virtual bool DeepDeleteData ()
 Deletes data and all data that's connected to the object. More...
virtual bool LoadLast ()
 Loads the very last element in the database, if any. More...
virtual bool LoadNext ()
 Loads the next element from the database, if any. More...
virtual bool LoadPrevious ()
 Loads the previous element in the database, if any. More...
bool RelinkToCurrentView ()
 Relinks the contents in the current view so that the score and part(s) match. More...
bool RelinkToScore ()
 Relinks all parts to the contents of the score. More...
__FCBaseDataCreateClone ()
 Creates an identical copy of an object. More...
void DebugDump () override
 Outputs the class data/information for debugging purposes. More...
void DebugDataDump () override
 Outputs a memory dump of the data block in the object for debugging purposes. More...
void DebugDataByteArrayDump () override
 Outputs a memory dump of the data block in the object for debugging purposes, as a C++ byte array. More...
void DebugDataOffsetDump (int offset, int size)
 For debug mode only. Dumps a data memory block at a specific offset and with a specific size.
FCNumbersCreateRawDataDump ()
 Creates a byte collection with the raw loaded data block for the object (if the object type supports single data blocks). This method is only intended for debug purposes. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from __FCBase
virtual ~__FCBase ()
 Virtual destructor, so all inherited classes get the virtual destructor.
void DebugMsgInt (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in decimal presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
void DebugMsgHex (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (as a hexadecimal number) appearing afterwards. More...
void DebugMsgString (const char *pszPrefixText, const char *thestring)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. More...
void DebugMsg (const char *pszMsg)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes with just one text string. More...
void DebugOutMenuInfo (FCUI *pUI, int menuixd_horiz, int menuixd_vert) const
 Outputs the menu command info for debugging purposes. More...
int DebugOutFormat (const char *fmt,...)
 Outputs debug text using C style "printf" syntax. More...
void Set16BitFlag (FLAG_16 *flag, FLAG_16 flagbits, bool state)
 Sets a 16 bit flag. More...
void Set32BitFlag (FLAG_32 *flag, FLAG_32 flagbits, bool state)
 Sets/resets a 32 bit flag, by using a bit mask. More...
bool GetBitFlag (FLAG_32 flag, FLAG_32 flagbits) const
 Gets a state from flag bits. Returns true if any bit in the mask is set. More...
int GetBitCount (FLAG_32 flag)
 Returns the total number of set bits in a 32-bit unsigned int.
void SetSpecific32Bit (FLAG_32 *flag, int bitnumber, bool state)
 Sets/resets a single bit in a 32 bit flag, by specifying one specific bit. More...
void SetUserData (void *pData)
 Sets the user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
void SetUserData2 (void *pData)
 Sets the additional user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
void * GetUserData () const
 Gets the user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
void * GetUserData2 () const
 Gets the additional user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
virtual bool IsIdentical (const __FCBase *pCompareObject) const
 Returns true if the data in the passed object is considered to be identical to the current object, otherwise false. More...
void StoreXML_String (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper function to store FCString objects in the XML file. More...
void StoreXML_Integer (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, int value)
 Helper function to store integer objects in the XML file. More...
void StoreXML_Bool (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, bool value)
 Helper function to store boolean objects in the XML file. More...
void StoreXML_StringAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper function to store FCString objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
void StoreXML_IntegerAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, int value)
 Helper function to store integer objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
void StoreXML_BoolAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, bool value)
 Helper function to store boolean objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
void StoreXML_FloatAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, float value)
 Helper function to store floating point objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
virtual void StoreToXML (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode)
 Virtual method that is used to store an object's data. More...
bool ReadXML_String (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper method to read FCString objects from the XML file. More...
bool ReadXML_Integer (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, int *pValue)
 Helper method to read integer objects from the XML file. More...
bool ReadXML_Bool (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, bool *pValue)
 Helper method to read boolean objects from the XML file. More...
bool ReadXML_StringAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper method to read FCString objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
bool ReadXML_IntegerAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, int *pValue)
 Helper method to read integer objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
bool ReadXML_BoolAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, bool *pValue)
 Helper method to read boolean objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
bool ReadXML_FloatAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, float *pValue)
 Helper method to read floating point objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
virtual bool ReadFromXML (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode)
 Virtual method that is used to read object data. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from __FCBase
 Constants for the GetClassID method. More...
 Constants for Finale's standard measurement units. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from __FCBase
static void DebugOutPtr (const char *pszPrefixText, void *ptr)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The prefix text appears with the extra ptr (in hexadeximal representation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutInt (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in decimal presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutFloat (const char *pszPrefixText, double f)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra float value appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutTag (const char *pszPrefixText, EXTAG extag)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the EXTAG (in text) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutHex (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in hexadecimal presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutBin (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in binary presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutString (const char *pszPrefixText, const char *thestring)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes (C string version). The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutString (const char *pszPrefixText, FCString *pString)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes (FCString version). The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutBool (const char *pszPrefixText, bool state)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The boolean state appears afterwards as either "TRUE" or "FALSE". More...
static void DebugOutBlock (const void *pBuffer, int startoffset, int size)
 Static method that outputs a memory block for debugging purposes. Eight bytes per line will appear (as hex digits) until the whole memory block is dumped. More...
static void DebugOutByteArrayBlock (const void *pBuffer, int startoffset, int size)
 Static method that outputs a memory block for debugging purposes. Eight bytes per line will appear (as hex digits) as a C++ onebyte array, until the whole memory block is dumped. More...
static void DebugOut (const char *pszLine)
 Static method to output a line of text for debugging purposes. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from __FCPrefsBase
 __FCPrefsBase ()
 standard constructor
- Protected Member Functions inherited from __FCBaseData
virtual void Deallocate ()
virtual bool IsDynamicSize ()
bool LoadDataBlock ()
 Loads the data. If the object is of dynamic size, the old memory block is freed and a new is allocated.
void ClearData ()
virtual twobyte CalcLastInci ()
 For internal use only! More...
bool DataIsLoaded () const
 Returns true is any data has been loaded into the object.
void _TagDocumentID ()
 For internal use only. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from __FCBase
 __FCBase ()
 The constructor.
- Protected Attributes inherited from __FCBaseData
EDOCID _connecteddocID
 The "connected" document ID., which is the document the where the document was loaded (or last saved). This is for a mechanism to prevent resaving of certain data in other documents.
void * _datablock
 Pointer to the object's data block, the meaning is implementation-specific for each derived subclass.
bool _heapdatablock
 Variable that tells if _datablock is dynamically created on the heap (and should be deleted at object destruction).
int _loadedsize
 Loaded size of the data block for a loaded object, in bytes. Since the datablock is implementation-specific, the _loadedsize should be updated by child classes that create new data. More...
EDataID _dataid
 The EdataID for the last loaded/saved object.

Detailed Description

Contains the document options for music character preferences.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FCMusicCharacterPrefs()

FCMusicCharacterPrefs::FCMusicCharacterPrefs ( )

The constructor.


Member Function Documentation

◆ ClassName()

const char * FCMusicCharacterPrefs::ClassName ( ) const

Returns the name of the class, for diagnostic purposes. This method MUST be overwritten in each child class.


Reimplemented from __FCPrefsBase.

◆ GetClassID()

const PDKFRAMEWORK_CLASSID FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetClassID ( ) const

Returns the internal class ID for the PDK Framework class. This is implemented mostly because Lua has problems to resolve the true classes of inherited objects.

This method must be overwritten by all child classes.

Lua-supported (also read-only property) (0.55).

Implements __FCBaseData.

◆ GetDefaultStemLift()

fourbyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetDefaultStemLift ( ) const

Returns the default vertical stem lift value, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetHorizontal16thFlagDown()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetHorizontal16thFlagDown ( ) const

Returns the horizontal adjustment for the 16th downstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetHorizontal16thFlagUp()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetHorizontal16thFlagUp ( ) const

Returns the horizontal adjustment for the 16th upstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetHorizontalFirstFlagDown()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetHorizontalFirstFlagDown ( ) const

Returns the horizontal adjustment for the first downstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetHorizontalFirstFlagUp()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetHorizontalFirstFlagUp ( ) const

Returns the horizontal adjustment for the first upstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetHorizontalSecondFlagDown()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetHorizontalSecondFlagDown ( ) const

Returns the horizontal adjustment for the second downstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetHorizontalSecondFlagUp()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetHorizontalSecondFlagUp ( ) const

Returns the horizontal adjustment for the second upstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetHorizontalStraightFlagDown()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetHorizontalStraightFlagDown ( ) const

Returns the horizontal adjustment for the straight downstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetHorizontalStraightFlagUp()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetHorizontalStraightFlagUp ( ) const

Returns the horizontal adjustment for the straight upstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbol128thRest()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbol128thRest ( ) const

Returns the default symbol character for 128th rests.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbol16thFlagDown()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbol16thFlagDown ( ) const

Returns the symbol for 16th Note Downstem Flag.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbol16thFlagUp()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbol16thFlagUp ( ) const

Returns the symbol for 16th Note Upstem Flag.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbol16thRest()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbol16thRest ( ) const

Returns the default symbol character for 16th rests.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbol32ndRest()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbol32ndRest ( ) const

Returns the default symbol character for 32nd rests.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbol64thRest()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbol64thRest ( ) const

Returns the default symbol character for 64th rests.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbol8thRest()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbol8thRest ( ) const

Returns the default symbol character for 8th rests.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolAugmentationDot()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolAugmentationDot ( ) const

Returns the symbol for augmentation dots.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolBackwardRepeatDot()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolBackwardRepeatDot ( ) const

Returns the symbol for backward repeat dots.

Please note that although backward and forward repeat dot symbols can be changed independently, the current Finale user interface handles both values simultaneously.

This method is currently only supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

0 will be returned on Finale versions earlier than Finale 2012.

◆ GetSymbolBrevisNotehead()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolBrevisNotehead ( ) const

Returns the default symbol character for brevis (double-whole) noteheads.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolBrevisRest()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolBrevisRest ( ) const

Returns the default symbol character for brevis (double-whole note) rests.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolBrevisSlashDiamond()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolBrevisSlashDiamond ( ) const

Returns the symbol for brevis (double-whole note) diamond in Alternate Notation.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolChordDoubleFlat()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolChordDoubleFlat ( ) const

Returns the symbol for double-flat accidentals in chord symbols.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolChordDoubleSharp()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolChordDoubleSharp ( ) const

Returns the symbol for double-sharp accidentals in chord symbols.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolChordFlat()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolChordFlat ( ) const

Returns the symbol for flat accidentals in chord symbols.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolChordNatural()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolChordNatural ( ) const

Returns the symbol for natural accidentals in chord symbols.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolChordSharp()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolChordSharp ( ) const

Returns the symbol for sharp accidentals in chord symbols.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolCommonTimeSigParts()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolCommonTimeSigParts ( ) const

Returns the symbol character used for the abbreviated common time signature for parts.

This method is currently only supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

0 will be returned on Finale versions earlier than Finale 2012.

◆ GetSymbolCommonTimeSigScore()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolCommonTimeSigScore ( ) const

Returns the symbol character used for the abbreviated common time signature for the score.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolCutTimeSigParts()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolCutTimeSigParts ( ) const

Returns the symbol character used for the abbreviated cut time signature for parts.

This method is currently only supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

0 will be returned on Finale versions earlier than Finale 2012.

◆ GetSymbolCutTimeSigScore()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolCutTimeSigScore ( ) const

Returns the symbol character used for the abbreviated cut time signature for the score.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolDefaultMeasureRest()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolDefaultMeasureRest ( ) const

Returns the default measure rest symbol.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolDoubleFlat()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolDoubleFlat ( ) const

Returns the default symbol for the double-flat accidental.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolDoubleSharp()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolDoubleSharp ( ) const

Returns the default symbol for the double-sharp accidental.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolFirstFlagDown()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolFirstFlagDown ( ) const

Returns the symbol for First Downstem Flag.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolFirstFlagUp()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolFirstFlagUp ( ) const

Returns the symbol for First Upstem Flag.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolFlat()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolFlat ( ) const

Returns the default symbol for the flat accidental.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolForwardRepeatDot()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolForwardRepeatDot ( ) const

Returns the symbol for forward repeat dots.

Please note that although backward and forward repeat dot symbols can be changed independently, the current Finale user interface handles both values simultaneously.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolHalfNotehead()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolHalfNotehead ( ) const

Returns the default symbol character for half-note noteheads.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolHalfRest()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolHalfRest ( ) const

Returns the default symbol character for half rests.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolHalfSlashDiamond()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolHalfSlashDiamond ( ) const

Returns the symbol for half note diamond in Alternate Notation.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolKeyDoubleFlat()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolKeyDoubleFlat ( ) const

Returns the symbol for double-flats in key signatures.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolKeyDoubleSharp()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolKeyDoubleSharp ( ) const

Returns the symbol for double-sharps in key signatures.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolKeyFlat()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolKeyFlat ( ) const

Returns the symbol for flats in key signatures.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolKeyNatural()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolKeyNatural ( ) const

Returns the symbol for naturals in key signatures.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolKeySharp()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolKeySharp ( ) const

Returns the symbol for sharps in key signatures.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolLargeSlash()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolLargeSlash ( ) const

Returns the symbol for large slashes in Alternate Notation.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolLongaRest()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolLongaRest ( ) const

Returns the default symbol character for longa rests.

This value currently has no user interface in Finale. It's only supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

0 will be returned on Finale versions earlier than Finale 2012.

◆ GetSymbolNatural()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolNatural ( ) const

Returns the default symbol for the natural accidental.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolOctave()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolOctave ( ) const

Returns the default octava (8va) character.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolOctaveBass()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolOctaveBass ( ) const

Returns the default octava bass (8vb) character.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolOneBarRepeat()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolOneBarRepeat ( ) const

Returns the symbol for one-bar repeats in Alternate Notation.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolParDoubleFlat()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolParDoubleFlat ( ) const

Returns the default symbol for the double-flat accidental within parentheses.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolParDoubleSharp()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolParDoubleSharp ( ) const

Returns the default symbol for the double-sharp accidental within parentheses.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolParFlat()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolParFlat ( ) const

Returns the default symbol for the flat accidental within parentheses.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolParNatural()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolParNatural ( ) const

Returns the default symbol for the natural accidental within parentheses.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolParSharp()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolParSharp ( ) const

Returns the default symbol for the sharp accidental within parentheses.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolQuarterNotehead()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolQuarterNotehead ( ) const

Returns the default symbol character for filled "quarter note" noteheads.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolQuarterRest()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolQuarterRest ( ) const

Returns the default symbol character for quarter note rests.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolSecondFlagDown()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolSecondFlagDown ( ) const

Returns the symbol for Second Downstem Flag.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolSecondFlagUp()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolSecondFlagUp ( ) const

Returns the symbol for Second Upstem Flag.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolSharp()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolSharp ( ) const

Returns the default symbol for the sharp accidental.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolSmallSlash()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolSmallSlash ( ) const

Returns the symbol for small slashes in Alternate Notation.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolStraightFlagDown()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolStraightFlagDown ( ) const

Returns the symbol for Straight Downstem Flag.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolStraightFlagUp()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolStraightFlagUp ( ) const

Returns the symbol for Straight Upstem Flag.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolTimeSigPlusParts()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolTimeSigPlusParts ( ) const

Returns the symbol for plus signs in time signatures in parts.

This method is currently only supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

0 will be returned on Finale versions earlier than Finale 2012.

◆ GetSymbolTimeSigPlusScore()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolTimeSigPlusScore ( ) const

Returns the symbol for plus signs in time signatures (in the score).

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolTrill()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolTrill ( ) const

Returns the default trill (tr) character.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolTwoBarRepeat()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolTwoBarRepeat ( ) const

Returns the symbol for two-bars repeats in Alternate Notation.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolTwoOctaves()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolTwoOctaves ( ) const

Returns the default 2-octava (15ma) character.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolTwoOctavesBass()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolTwoOctavesBass ( ) const

Returns the default 2-octava bass (15ma) character.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolWholeNotehead()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolWholeNotehead ( ) const

Returns the default symbol character for whole-note noteheads.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolWholeRest()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolWholeRest ( ) const

Returns the default symbol character for whole rests.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolWholeSlashDiamond()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolWholeSlashDiamond ( ) const

Returns the symbol for whole note diamond in Alternate Notation.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSymbolWiggle()

eUniChar32 FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetSymbolWiggle ( ) const

Returns the default wiggle (~) character for trills.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetUseStraightFlags()

bool FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetUseStraightFlags ( ) const

Returns the if straight flags should be used.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVertical128thRest()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVertical128thRest ( ) const

Returns the vertical adjustment for 128th note rests, in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVertical16thFlagDown()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVertical16thFlagDown ( ) const

Returns the vertical adjustment for the 16th downstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVertical16thFlagUp()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVertical16thFlagUp ( ) const

Returns the vertical adjustment for the 16th upstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVertical16thRest()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVertical16thRest ( ) const

Returns the vertical adjustment for 16th note rests, in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVertical32ndRest()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVertical32ndRest ( ) const

Returns the vertical adjustment for 32nd note rests, in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVertical64thRest()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVertical64thRest ( ) const

Returns the vertical adjustment for 64th note rests, in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVertical8thRest()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVertical8thRest ( ) const

Returns the vertical adjustment for 8th note rests, in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVerticalBrevisSlashBaseline()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVerticalBrevisSlashBaseline ( ) const

Returns the brevis (double-whole) note diamond baseline adjustment value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVerticalFirstFlagDown()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVerticalFirstFlagDown ( ) const

Returns the vertical adjustment for the first downstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVerticalFirstFlagUp()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVerticalFirstFlagUp ( ) const

Returns the vertical adjustment for the first upstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVerticalFlagSpacing()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVerticalFlagSpacing ( ) const

Returns the "Flag Spacing" value, in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVerticalHalfSlashBaseline()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVerticalHalfSlashBaseline ( ) const

Returns the half note diamond baseline adjustment value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVerticalHalfSlashStemLift()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVerticalHalfSlashStemLift ( ) const

Returns the half note diamond stem connection lift value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVerticalQuarterSlashBaseline()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVerticalQuarterSlashBaseline ( ) const

Returns the quarter note (small) slash baseline adjustment value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVerticalQuarterSlashStemLift()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVerticalQuarterSlashStemLift ( ) const

Returns the quarter note (small) slash stem connection lift value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVerticalSecondaryGroupAdjust()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVerticalSecondaryGroupAdjust ( ) const

Returns the "Second Group Adjust" value for flags, in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVerticalSecondFlagDown()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVerticalSecondFlagDown ( ) const

Returns the vertical adjustment for the second downstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVerticalSecondFlagUp()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVerticalSecondFlagUp ( ) const

Returns the vertical adjustment for the second upstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVerticalStraightFlagDown()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVerticalStraightFlagDown ( ) const

Returns the vertical adjustment for the straight downstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVerticalStraightFlagUp()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVerticalStraightFlagUp ( ) const

Returns the vertical adjustment for the straight upstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVerticalTwoMeasureRepeatOffset()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVerticalTwoMeasureRepeatOffset ( ) const

Returns the vertical value offset for two-bar repeats, in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVerticalWholeSlashBaseline()

twobyte FCMusicCharacterPrefs::GetVerticalWholeSlashBaseline ( ) const

Returns the whole note diamond baseline adjustment value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ Load()

bool FCMusicCharacterPrefs::Load ( twobyte  prefsnumber = 1)

Overridden version of Load()

Reimplemented from __FCPrefsBase.

◆ Save()

bool FCMusicCharacterPrefs::Save ( )

Overridden version of Save()

Reimplemented from __FCPrefsBase.

◆ SetDefaultStemLift()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetDefaultStemLift ( fourbyte  value)

Sets the default vertical stem lift value, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetHorizontal16thFlagDown()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetHorizontal16thFlagDown ( twobyte  value)

Sets the horizontal adjustment for the 16th downstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetHorizontal16thFlagUp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetHorizontal16thFlagUp ( twobyte  value)

Sets the horizontal adjustment for the 16th upstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetHorizontalFirstFlagDown()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetHorizontalFirstFlagDown ( twobyte  value)

Sets the horizontal adjustment for the first downstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetHorizontalFirstFlagUp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetHorizontalFirstFlagUp ( twobyte  value)

Sets the horizontal adjustment for the first upstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetHorizontalSecondFlagDown()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetHorizontalSecondFlagDown ( twobyte  value)

Sets the horizontal adjustment for the second downstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetHorizontalSecondFlagUp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetHorizontalSecondFlagUp ( twobyte  value)

Sets the horizontal adjustment for the second upstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetHorizontalStraightFlagDown()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetHorizontalStraightFlagDown ( twobyte  value)

Sets the horizontal adjustment for the straight downstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetHorizontalStraightFlagUp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetHorizontalStraightFlagUp ( twobyte  value)

Sets the horizontal adjustment for the straight upstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbol128thRest()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbol128thRest ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol character for 128th rests.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbol16thFlagDown()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbol16thFlagDown ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for 16th Note Downstem Flag.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbol16thFlagUp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbol16thFlagUp ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for 16th Note Upstem Flag.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbol16thRest()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbol16thRest ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol character for 16th rests.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbol32ndRest()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbol32ndRest ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol character for 32nd rests.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbol64thRest()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbol64thRest ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol character for 64th rests.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbol8thRest()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbol8thRest ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol character for 8th rests.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolAugmentationDot()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolAugmentationDot ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for augmentation dots.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolBackwardRepeatDot()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolBackwardRepeatDot ( eUniChar32  value)

Sets the symbol for backward repeat dots.

Please note that although backward and forward repeat dot symbols can be changed independently, the current Finale user interface handles both values simultaneously.

This method is currently only supported on Finale 2012 and above. It will do nothing on earlier Finale versions.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolBrevisNotehead()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolBrevisNotehead ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol character for brevis (double-whole) noteheads.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolBrevisRest()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolBrevisRest ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol character for brevis (double-whole note) rests.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolBrevisSlashDiamond()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolBrevisSlashDiamond ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for brevis (double-whole note) diamond in Alternate Notation.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolChordDoubleFlat()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolChordDoubleFlat ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for double-flat accidentals in chord symbols.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolChordDoubleSharp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolChordDoubleSharp ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for double-sharp accidentals in chord symbols.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolChordFlat()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolChordFlat ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for flat accidentals in chord symbols.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolChordNatural()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolChordNatural ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for natural accidentals in chord symbols.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolChordSharp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolChordSharp ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for sharp accidentals in chord symbols.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolCommonTimeSigParts()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolCommonTimeSigParts ( eUniChar32  value)

Sets the symbol character used for the abbreviated common time signature for parts.

This method is currently only supported on Finale 2012 and above. It will do nothing on earlier Finale versions.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolCommonTimeSigScore()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolCommonTimeSigScore ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol character used for the abbreviated common time signature for the score.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolCutTimeSigParts()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolCutTimeSigParts ( eUniChar32  value)

Returns the symbol character used for the abbreviated cut time signature for parts.

This method is currently only supported on Finale 2012 and above. It will do nothing on earlier Finale versions.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolCutTimeSigScore()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolCutTimeSigScore ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol character used for the abbreviated cut time signature for the score.

This method currently doesn't support the full Unicode range on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolDefaultMeasureRest()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolDefaultMeasureRest ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default measure rest symbol.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolDoubleFlat()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolDoubleFlat ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol for the double-flat accidental.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolDoubleSharp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolDoubleSharp ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol for the double-sharp accidental.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolFirstFlagDown()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolFirstFlagDown ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for First Downstem Flag.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolFirstFlagUp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolFirstFlagUp ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for First Upstem Flag.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolFlat()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolFlat ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol for the flat accidental.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolForwardRepeatDot()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolForwardRepeatDot ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for forward repeat dots.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolHalfNotehead()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolHalfNotehead ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol character for half-note noteheads.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolHalfRest()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolHalfRest ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol character for half rests.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolHalfSlashDiamond()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolHalfSlashDiamond ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for half note diamond in Alternate Notation.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolKeyDoubleFlat()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolKeyDoubleFlat ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for double-flats in key signatures.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolKeyDoubleSharp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolKeyDoubleSharp ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for double-sharps in key signatures.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolKeyFlat()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolKeyFlat ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for flats in key signatures.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolKeyNatural()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolKeyNatural ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for naturals in key signatures.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolKeySharp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolKeySharp ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for sharps in key signatures.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolLargeSlash()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolLargeSlash ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for large slashes in Alternate Notation.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolLongaRest()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolLongaRest ( eUniChar32  value)

Sets the default symbol character for longa rests.

This value currently has no user interface in Finale.

This method is only supported on Finale 2012 and above. It will do nothing on earlier Finale versions.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolNatural()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolNatural ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol for the natural accidental.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolOctave()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolOctave ( eUniChar32  value)

Sets the default octava (8va) character.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolOctaveBass()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolOctaveBass ( eUniChar32  value)

Sets the default octava bass (8vb) character.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolOneBarRepeat()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolOneBarRepeat ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for one-bar repeats in Alternate Notation.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolParDoubleFlat()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolParDoubleFlat ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol for the double-flat accidental within parentheses.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolParDoubleSharp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolParDoubleSharp ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol for the double-sharp accidental within parentheses.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolParFlat()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolParFlat ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol for the flat accidental within parentheses.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolParNatural()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolParNatural ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol for the natural accidental within parentheses.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolParSharp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolParSharp ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol for the sharp accidental within parentheses.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolQuarterNotehead()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolQuarterNotehead ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol character for filled "quarter note" noteheads.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolQuarterRest()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolQuarterRest ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol character for quarter note rests.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolSecondFlagDown()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolSecondFlagDown ( eUniChar32  value)

Sets the symbol for Second Downstem Flag.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolSecondFlagUp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolSecondFlagUp ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for Second Upstem Flag.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolSharp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolSharp ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol for the sharp accidental.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolSmallSlash()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolSmallSlash ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for small slashes in Alternate Notation.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolStraightFlagDown()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolStraightFlagDown ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for Straight Downstem Flag.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolStraightFlagUp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolStraightFlagUp ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for Straight Upstem Flag.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolTimeSigPlusParts()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolTimeSigPlusParts ( eUniChar32  value)

Sets the symbol for plus signs in time signatures in parts.

This method is currently only supported on Finale 2012 and above. It will do nothing on earlier Finale versions.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolTimeSigPlusScore()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolTimeSigPlusScore ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for plus signs in time signatures (in the score).

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolTrill()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolTrill ( eUniChar32  value)

Sets the default trill (tr) character.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolTwoBarRepeat()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolTwoBarRepeat ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for two-bars repeats in Alternate Notation.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolTwoOctaves()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolTwoOctaves ( eUniChar32  value)

Sets the default 2-octava (15ma) character.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolTwoOctavesBass()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolTwoOctavesBass ( eUniChar32  value)

Returns the default 2-octava bass (15ma) character.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolWholeNotehead()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolWholeNotehead ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol character for whole-note noteheads.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolWholeRest()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolWholeRest ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the default symbol character for whole rests.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolWholeSlashDiamond()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolWholeSlashDiamond ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the symbol for whole note diamond in Alternate Notation.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSymbolWiggle()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetSymbolWiggle ( eUniChar32  value)

Sets the default wiggle (~) character for trills.

The full Unicode range is supported on Finale 2012 and above.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetUseStraightFlags()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetUseStraightFlags ( bool  state)

Sets the if straight flags should be used.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVertical128thRest()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVertical128thRest ( twobyte  value)

Sets the vertical adjustment for 128th note rests,in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVertical16thFlagDown()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVertical16thFlagDown ( twobyte  value)

Sets the vertical adjustment for the 16th downstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVertical16thFlagUp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVertical16thFlagUp ( twobyte  value)

Sets the vertical adjustment for the 16th upstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVertical16thRest()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVertical16thRest ( twobyte  value)

Sets the vertical adjustment for 16th note rests,in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVertical32ndRest()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVertical32ndRest ( twobyte  value)

Sets the vertical adjustment for 32nd note rests,in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVertical64thRest()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVertical64thRest ( twobyte  value)

Sets the vertical adjustment for 64th note rests,in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVertical8thRest()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVertical8thRest ( twobyte  value)

Sets the vertical adjustment for 8th note rests,in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVerticalBrevisSlashBaseline()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVerticalBrevisSlashBaseline ( twobyte  value)

Sets the brevis (double-whole) note diamond baseline adjustment value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVerticalFirstFlagDown()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVerticalFirstFlagDown ( twobyte  value)

Sets the vertical adjustment for the first downstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVerticalFirstFlagUp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVerticalFirstFlagUp ( twobyte  value)

Sets the vertical adjustment for the first upstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVerticalFlagSpacing()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVerticalFlagSpacing ( twobyte  value)

Sets the "Flag Spacing" value, in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVerticalHalfSlashBaseline()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVerticalHalfSlashBaseline ( twobyte  value)

Sets the half note diamond baseline adjustment value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVerticalHalfSlashStemLift()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVerticalHalfSlashStemLift ( twobyte  value)

Sets the half note diamond stem connection lift value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVerticalQuarterSlashBaseline()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVerticalQuarterSlashBaseline ( twobyte  value)

Sets the quarter note (small) slash baseline adjustment value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVerticalQuarterSlashStemLift()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVerticalQuarterSlashStemLift ( twobyte  value)

Sets the quarter note (small) slash stem connection lift value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVerticalSecondaryGroupAdjust()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVerticalSecondaryGroupAdjust ( twobyte  value)

Sets the "Second Group Adjust" value for flags, in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVerticalSecondFlagDown()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVerticalSecondFlagDown ( twobyte  value)

Sets the vertical adjustment for the second downstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVerticalSecondFlagUp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVerticalSecondFlagUp ( twobyte  value)

Sets the vertical adjustment for the second upstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVerticalStraightFlagDown()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVerticalStraightFlagDown ( twobyte  value)

Sets the vertical adjustment for the straight downstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVerticalStraightFlagUp()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVerticalStraightFlagUp ( twobyte  value)

Sets the vertical adjustment for the straight upstem flag, in EFIXes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVerticalTwoMeasureRepeatOffset()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVerticalTwoMeasureRepeatOffset ( twobyte  value)

Sets the vertical value offset for two-bar repeats, in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVerticalWholeSlashBaseline()

void FCMusicCharacterPrefs::SetVerticalWholeSlashBaseline ( twobyte  value)

Sets the whole note diamond baseline adjustment value (for rhythmical notation), in EVPUs.

Lua-supported (also as property).