Finale PDK Framework 0.77
Power Up Your Finale Music Software
The base class for FCStaff (and its subclass FCCurrentStaffSpec), as well FCStaffStyleDef. More...
#include <ff_other.h>
Public Types | |
Styles for the FCStaff::GetNotationStyle() and FCStaff::SetNotationStyle() methods. The constants are also used for the similar FCStaffStyleDef methods. More... | |
Options for the directions in which the staff displays note stems. More... | |
Alternate staff notation styles for FCStaff::GetAltNotationStyle() and FCStaff::SetAltNotationStyle() methods. The constants are also used for the similar FCStaffStyleDef methods. More... | |
The different hide modes for FCStaff::GetHideMode() and FCStaff::SetHideMode(). More... | |
![]() | |
Constants for the GetClassID method. More... | |
Constants for Finale's standard measurement units. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
const char * | ClassName () const override |
Returns the name of the class, for diagnostic purposes. This method MUST be overwritten in each child class. | |
bool | Save () override |
Overloaded version of the Save method, that saves any attached objects. | |
bool | GetIgnoreKeySig () const |
Returns true if "Ignore Key Signature" is set for the staff. | |
bool | GetIndependentTimeSig () const |
Returns true if independent time signatures is set for the staff. | |
bool | GetIndependentKeySig () const |
Returns true if independent key sigs is set for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowMeasureNumbers () const |
Returns true if measure numbers should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowKeySignatures () const |
Returns true if the key signature should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowTimeSignatures () const |
Returns true if the time signature should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowScoreTimeSignatures () const |
Returns true if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in the score. | |
bool | GetShowPartTimeSignatures () const |
Returns true if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in parts. | |
bool | GetShowClefs () const |
Returns true if clefs should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowChords () const |
Returns true if chords should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowBarlines () const |
Returns true if barlines should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowTextRepeats () const |
Returns true if endings and text repeats should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowRepeats () const |
Returns true if repeats should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowScoreStaffNames () const |
Returns true if score staff names should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetBreakBarlines () const |
Returns the "Break barlines between staves" state. | |
bool | GetBreakRepeatBarlines () const |
Returns the "Break repeat barlines between staves" state. | |
bool | GetShowAugmentationDots () const |
Returns true if augmentation dots should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetIndependentFont () const |
Returns if a independent notehead font should be used for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowNoteColors () const |
Returns if the staff should display note colors. | |
bool | GetShowNoteShapes () const |
Returns if the staff should display note colors. | |
twobyte | GetHalfRestPosition () const |
Returns the vertical position for the half rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
twobyte | GetOtherRestPosition () const |
Returns the vertical position for the "other" rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
twobyte | GetWholeRestPosition () const |
Returns the vertical position for the whole rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
twobyte | GetDoubleWholeRestPosition () const |
Returns the vertical position for the double whole rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup dialog box". | |
twobyte | GetStemReversalPosition () const |
Returns the stem reversal position offset for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
bool | GetShowTopRepeatDot () const |
Returns if the top repeat dot should be displayed for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
bool | GetShowBottomRepeatDot () const |
Returns if the bottom repeat dot should be displayed for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
twobyte | GetTopRepeatDotPosition () const |
Returns the top repeat dot position for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
twobyte | GetBottomRepeatDotPosition () const |
Returns the bottom repeat dot position for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
bool | GetTransposeChromatic () const |
Returns the chromatic transposition status for the staff. | |
bool | GetTransposeUseClef () const |
Returns the "Set to clef" state in the transposition dialog. | |
bool | GetShowLyrics () const |
Returns true if lyrics should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowRests () const |
Returns true if rests should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowPartStaffNames () const |
Returns true if part staff names should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowStems () const |
Returns true if stems should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowBeams () const |
Returns true if beams should be displayed for the staff. | |
STAFFSTEMDIRS | GetStemsDirection () const |
Returns the stem direction for note entries on the staff. (Staff Stem Settings dialog.) | |
bool | GetStemsUseVerticalOffsetForNoteheadEnd () const |
Returns the value of "Use Vertical Offset For Notehead End Of Stem" checkbox in the Staff Stem Settings dialog. | |
bool | GetStemsNoteheadEndFixedToStaff () const |
Returns the value of "Use Vertical Offset For Notehead End Of Stem: Offset From" radio buttons in the Staff Stem Settings dialog. | |
bool | GetStemsUseVerticalOffsetForBeamEnd () const |
Returns the value of "Use Vertical Offset For Beam End Of Stem (Offset From Staff)" checkbox in the Staff Stem Settings dialog. | |
Efix32 | GetStemsUpHorizontalOffset () const |
Returns the horizontal stem offset for up stems. | |
Efix32 | GetStemsDownHorizontalOffset () const |
Returns the horizontal stem offset for down stems. | |
Efix32 | GetStemsUpVerticalOffsetForNoteheadEnd () const |
Returns the vertical stem offset for the notehead end of up stems. | |
Efix32 | GetStemsDownVerticalOffsetForNoteheadEnd () const |
Returns the vertical stem offset for the notehead end of down stems. | |
Efix32 | GetStemsUpVerticalOffsetForBeamEnd () const |
Returns the vertical stem offset for the beam of end up stems. | |
Efix32 | GetStemsDownVerticalOffsetForBeamEnd () const |
Returns the vertical stem offset for the beam of end down stems. | |
bool | GetShowTies () const |
Returns true if ties should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetAltNotationDisplayOtherLayerNotes () const |
Returns true if notes in the non-alternate layers should be displayed. | |
bool | GetTransposeSimplifyKey () const |
Returns the state of the "Simplify Key Sig" in the transposition dialog box. | |
bool | GetDisplayEmptyRests () const |
Returns the "Display Rests in empty measures" state. | |
bool | GetFlatBeams () const |
Returns the "Flat beams" state. | |
bool | GetShowTuplets () const |
For tablature notation: returns if tuplets should show or not. | |
bool | GetShowOnlyFirstMeasureClef () const |
For tablature notation: returns if the clef should show only on the first measure. | |
bool | GetFretLetters () const |
For tablature notation: returns if fret letters should be used. | |
bool | GetBreakTablatureLines () const |
For tablature notation: returns if tablature lines should break at fret numbers. | |
bool | GetShowFretboards () const |
Returns true if fretboards should be displayed for the staff. | |
STAFFNOTATION_STYLE | GetNotationStyle () const |
Returns the notation style for the staff. | |
bool | GetAllowHiding () const |
Returns the "Allow hiding when empty" state. If set, the staff allows "optimization". | |
twobyte | GetTransposeInterval () const |
Returns the transposition interval. | |
bool | GetShowStaffLines () const |
Returns true if staff lines should be displayed for the staff. | |
twobyte | GetLineCount () const |
Returns the number of staff lines for the staff. | |
Efix32 | GetLineSpacing () const |
Returns the distance between the staff lines, in EFIXes. | |
__FCStaffBase::ALTERNATE_STAFF | GetAltNotationStyle () |
Returns the alternate notation style for the staff. | |
twobyte | GetAltNotationLayer () const |
Returns the 1-based layer that is used for the alternate notation. | |
bool | GetAltShowArticulations () const |
Returns if articulations should be diplayed on the altered layer. | |
bool | GetAltShowLyrics () const |
Returns if lyrics should be diplayed on the altered layer. | |
bool | GetAltShowSmartShapes () const |
Returns if smart shapes should be diplayed n the altered layer. | |
bool | GetAltShowExpression () const |
Returns if expressions should be diplayed on the altered layer. | |
bool | GetAltShowOtherNotes () const |
Returns if notes should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
bool | GetAltShowOtherArticulations () const |
Returns if articulations should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
bool | GetAltShowOtherLyrics () const |
Returns if lyrics should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
bool | GetAltShowOtherSmartShapes () const |
Returns if smart shapes should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
bool | GetAltShowOtherExpressions () const |
Returns if expressions should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
bool | GetAltRhythmStemsUp () const |
Returns if stems should be freezes up in rhythmic notation (for altered layers). This setting is only used with rhythmic notation. | |
bool | GetAltSlashDots () const |
Returns if dots should be added to slashes in compound meters (for altered layers). This setting is only used with slash notation. | |
twobyte | GetTransposeClefIndex () const |
Returns the clef state in the transposition dialog. This value is valid only of GetTransposeUseClef returns true. | |
twobyte | GetDefaultClef () const |
Returns the start/default clef. | |
STAFF_HIDEMODES | GetHideMode () const |
Returns how the staff should be hidden. | |
bool | GetRedisplayOtherLayerAccidentals () const |
Returns the "Redisplay accidentals in other layers within measures" state. | |
bool | GetNoKeySigShowAccidentals () const |
Returns the "Hide key signature & show all accidentals" state, available in the Finale 2014 Score Manager. | |
CMPER | GetAbbreviatedNameID () |
Returns the text block ID for the abbreviated name. Usually not needed, use CreateAbbreviatedNameString or CreateTrimmedAbbreviatedNameString instead. | |
CMPER | GetFullNameID () |
Returns the text block ID for the full name. Usually not needed, use CreateFullNameString or CreateTrimmedFullNameString instead. | |
virtual FCStaffNamePosition * | GetFullNamePosition () |
Gets the name position object for the full staff name. The object is of the FCStaffNamePosition class. | |
virtual FCStaffNamePosition * | GetAbbreviatedNamePosition () |
Gets the name position object for the abbreviated staff name. The object is of the FCStaffNamePosition class. | |
twobyte | GetCapoPosition () const |
For tablature notation: returns the capo position. | |
twobyte | GetLowestFret () const |
For tablature notation, returns the default lowest fret number. | |
Efix32 | GetVerticalFretOffset () const |
For tablature notation: returns the vertical offset for fret numbers. | |
CMPER | GetFretInstrumentDefID () const |
Returns the ID for the tablature instrument (for tablature notation). Use the FCFretInstrumentDef class to load the instrument data. | |
Evpu16 | GetBottomBarlineOffset () const |
Returns the bottom barline offset, in EVPUs. This parameter controls how far the barlines extends downwards. | |
Evpu16 | GetTopBarlineOffset () const |
Returns the top barline offset, in EVPUs. This parameter controls how far the barlines extends upwards. | |
const char * | GetInstrumentUUID () const |
Returns the assigned instrument UUID for the staff. | |
void | SetIgnoreKeySig (bool state) |
Sets the "Ignore Key Signature" state for the staff. | |
void | SetIndependentTimeSig (bool state) |
Sets the independent time sigs state for the staff. | |
void | SetShowMeasureNumbers (bool value) |
Sets if measure numbers should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowKeySignatures (bool value) |
Sets if the key signature should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowTimeSignatures (bool value) |
Sets if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in both score and parts. | |
void | SetShowScoreTimeSignatures (bool value) |
Sets if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in the score. | |
void | SetShowPartTimeSignatures (bool value) |
Sets if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in parts. This does nothing on Finale versions earlier than Finale 2025. | |
void | SetShowClefs (bool value) |
Sets if clefs should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowChords (bool value) |
Sets if chords should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowBarlines (bool value) |
Sets if barlines should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowTextRepeats (bool value) |
Sets if endings and text repeats should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowRepeats (bool value) |
Sets if repeats should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowScoreStaffNames (bool value) |
Sets if score staff names should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetBreakBarlines (bool state) |
Sets the "Break barlines between staves" state. | |
void | SetBreakRepeatBarlines (bool state) |
Sets the "Break repeat barlines between staves" state. | |
void | SetShowAugmentationDots (bool value) |
Sets if augmentation dots should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetIndependentFont (bool state) |
Sets if a independent notehead font should be used for the staff. | |
void | SetShowNoteColors (bool state) |
Sets if the staff should display note colors. | |
void | SetShowNoteShapes (bool state) |
Sets if the staff should display note colors. | |
void | SetHalfRestPosition (twobyte position) |
Sets the vertical position for the half rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
void | SetOtherRestPosition (twobyte position) |
Sets the vertical position for the "other" rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
void | SetWholeRestPosition (twobyte position) |
Sets the vertical position for the whole rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
void | SetDoubleWholeRestPosition (twobyte position) |
Sets the vertical position for the double whole rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
void | SetStemReversalPosition (twobyte position) |
Sets the stem reversal position offset for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
void | SetShowTopRepeatDot (bool state) |
Sets if the top repeat dot should be displayed for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
void | SetShowBottomRepeatDot (bool state) |
Sets if the bottom repeat dot should be displayed for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
void | SetTopRepeatDotPosition (twobyte position) |
Sets the top repeat dot position for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
void | SetBottomRepeatDotPosition (twobyte position) |
Sets the bottom repeat dot position for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
void | SetTransposeChromatic (bool state) |
Sets the chromatic transposition status for the staff. | |
void | SetTransposeUseClef (bool state) |
Sets the "Set to clef" state in the transposition dialog. | |
void | SetShowFretboards (bool value) |
Sets if fretboards should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowLyrics (bool value) |
Sets if lyrics should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowRests (bool value) |
Sets if rests should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowPartStaffNames (bool value) |
Sets if part staff names should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowStems (bool value) |
Sets if stems should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowBeams (bool value) |
Returns true if beams should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetStemsDirection (STAFFSTEMDIRS value) |
Sets the stem direction for note entries on the staff. (Staff Stem Settings dialog.) | |
void | SetStemsUseVerticalOffsetForNoteheadEnd (bool value) |
Sets the value of "Use Vertical Offset For Notehead End Of Stem" checkbox in the Staff Stem Settings dialog. | |
void | SetStemsNoteheadEndFixedToStaff (bool value) |
Sets the value of "Use Vertical Offset For Notehead End Of Stem: Offset From" radio buttons in the Staff Stem Settings dialog. | |
void | SetStemsUseVerticalOffsetForBeamEnd (bool value) |
Sets the value of "Use Vertical Offset For Beam End Of Stem (Offset From Staff)" checkbox in the Staff Stem Settings dialog. | |
void | SetStemsUpHorizontalOffset (Efix32 value) |
Sets the horizontal stem offset for up stems. | |
void | SetStemsDownHorizontalOffset (Efix32 value) |
Sets the horizontal stem offset for down stems. | |
void | SetStemsUpVerticalOffsetForNoteheadEnd (Efix32 value) |
Sets the vertical stem offset for the notehead end of up stems. | |
void | SetStemsDownVerticalOffsetForNoteheadEnd (Efix32 value) |
Sets the vertical stem offset for the notehead end of down stems. | |
void | SetStemsUpVerticalOffsetForBeamEnd (Efix32 value) |
Sets the vertical stem offset for the beam of end up stems. | |
void | SetStemsDownVerticalOffsetForBeamEnd (Efix32 value) |
Sets the vertical stem offset for the beam of end down stems. | |
void | SetShowTies (bool state) |
Sets if ties should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetAltNotationDisplayOtherLayerNotes (bool state) |
Sets if the non-alternate layers should be displayed or not. | |
void | SetTransposeSimplifyKey (bool state) |
Sets the state of the "Simplify Key Sig" in the transposition dialog box. | |
void | SetDisplayEmptyRests (bool state) |
Sets the "Display Rests in empty measures" state. | |
void | SetFlatBeams (bool state) |
Sets the "Flat beams" state. | |
void | SetShowTuplets (bool state) |
For tablature notation: sets if tuplets should show or not. | |
void | SetShowOnlyFirstMeasureClef (bool state) |
For tablature notation: sets if the clef should show only on the first measure. | |
void | SetFretLetters (bool state) |
For tablature notation: sets if sets letters should be used. | |
void | SetBreakTablatureLines (bool state) |
For tablature notation: sets if tablature lines should break at fret numbers. | |
void | SetNotationStyle (STAFFNOTATION_STYLE value) |
Sets the notation style for the staff. | |
void | SetIndependentKeySig (bool state) |
Sets the state of independent key sigs for the staff. | |
void | SetAllowHiding (bool state) |
Sets the "Allow hiding when empty" state. If set, the staff allows "optimization". | |
twobyte | GetTransposeAlteration () const |
Returns the transposition key alteration. | |
void | SetTransposeAlteration (twobyte value) |
Sets the transposition key alteration when transposition is used. | |
void | SetTransposeInterval (twobyte value) |
Sets the transposition interval. | |
void | SetShowStaffLines (bool value) |
Sets if staff lines should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetLineCount (twobyte value) |
Sets the number of staff lines. Please note that it's usually more efficient to call the 'Make' methods that fills all the necessary values, such as MakeStandard5LineStaff(). | |
void | SetLineSpacing (Efix32 distance) |
Sets the distance between the staff lines, in EFIXs. | |
void | SetAltNotationStyle (ALTERNATE_STAFF value) |
Sets the alternate notation style for the staff or staff style. | |
void | SetAltNotationLayer (int value) |
Sets the 1-based layer that is used for the alternate notation. | |
void | SetAltShowArticulations (bool state) |
Sets if articulations should be diplayed on the alternate layer. | |
void | SetAltShowLyrics (bool state) |
Sets if lyrics should be diplayed on the altered layer. | |
void | SetAltShowSmartShapes (bool state) |
Sets if smart shapes should be diplayed n the altered layer. | |
void | SetAltShowExpression (bool state) |
Sets if expressions should be diplayed on the altered layer. | |
void | SetAltShowOtherNotes (bool state) |
Sets if notes should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
void | SetAltShowOtherArticulations (bool state) |
Sets if articulations should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
void | SetAltShowOtherLyrics (bool state) |
Sets if lyrics should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
void | SetAltShowOtherSmartShapes (bool state) |
Sets if smart shapes should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
void | SetAltShowOtherExpressions (bool state) |
Sets if expressions should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
void | SetAltRhythmStemsUp (bool state) |
Sets if stems should be freezes up in rhythmic notation (for altered layers). This setting is only used with rhythmic notation. | |
void | SetAltSlashDots (bool state) |
Sets if dots should be added to slashes in compound meters (for altered layers). This setting is only used with slash notation. | |
void | SetHideMode (STAFF_HIDEMODES value) |
Sets how the staff should be hidden. | |
void | SetTransposeClefIndex (twobyte clefindex) |
Sets the clef state in the transposition dialog. This value is valid only of GetTransposeUseClef returns true. | |
void | SetDefaultClef (twobyte clefindex) |
Sets the start/default clef. | |
void | SetRedisplayOtherLayerAccidentals (bool state) |
Sets the "Redisplay accidentals in other layers within measures" state. | |
void | SetNoKeySigShowAccidentals (bool state) |
Sets the "Hide key signature & show all accidentals" state, available in the Finale 2014 Score Manager. | |
void | SetLowestFret (twobyte value) |
For tablature notation, set the default lowest fret number. | |
void | SetCapoPosition (twobyte value) |
For tablature notation: sets the capo position. | |
void | SetVerticalFretOffset (Efix32 value) |
For tablature notation: sets the vertical offset for fret numbers. | |
void | SetFretInstrumentDefID (CMPER newid) |
Sets the ID for the tablature instrument (for tablature notation). | |
void | SetBottomBarlineOffset (Evpu16 distance) |
Sets the bottom barline offset, in EVPUs. This parameter controls how far the barlines extends downwards. | |
void | SetTopBarlineOffset (Evpu16 distance) |
Sets the top barline offset, in EVPUs. This parameter controls how far the barlines extends upwards. | |
void | SetInstrumentUUID (const char *pszUUID) |
Sets a predefined UUID for the staff. | |
void | MakeNormalNotation () |
Transforms a staff to "normal" (not TAB and not percussion). | |
bool | IsPercussion () |
Returns true if the staff is a percussion staff. | |
bool | IsTablature () |
Returns true if the staff is a tablature staff. | |
bool | IsNormalNotation () |
Returns true if the staff is using "normal" music notation (not percussion and not TAB notation). | |
bool | GetTranspose () const |
Returns the transposition status of the staff. | |
int | CalcTopStaffLinePosition (bool forledgerlines=false) const |
Calculates the staff position of the top staff line. For standard 5-lines staves, this value is 0. | |
int | CalcBottomStaffLinePosition (bool forledgerlines=false) const |
Calculates the staff position of the bottom staff line. For standard 5-lines staves, this value is -8. | |
bool | SaveFullNameString (FCString *pString) |
Saves the full string. A full name text block ID must exist for the staff, otherwise this method will return false. | |
bool | SaveAbbreviatedNameString (FCString *pString) |
Saves the abbreviated string. A abbreviated name text block ID must exist for the staff, otherwise this method will return false. | |
bool | SaveNewFullNameString (FCString *pString) |
Saves the full string as a new staff name block. The staff object must be saved afterwards, for the settings to take effect. | |
bool | SaveNewAbbreviatedNameString (FCString *pString) |
Saves the abbreviated string as a new staff name block. The staff object must be saved afterwards, for the settings to take effect. | |
void | MakeStandard5LineStaff () |
Fills the necessary values in the Staff Setup dialog to make a standard 5-line staff. | |
void | Make1LineFullBarlineStaff () |
Fills the necessary values in the Staff Setup dialog to make a 1-line staff with full-length barlines. | |
void | Make1LineShortBarlineStaff () |
Fills the necessary values in the Staff Setup dialog to make a 1-line staff with short-length barlines. | |
void | Make0LineFullBarlineStaff () |
Fills the necessary values in the Staff Setup dialog to make a staff without staff lines with full-length barlines. | |
FCFontInfo * | CreateIndependentFontInfo () const |
Creates a FCFontInfo object for the alternate notehead font. GetIndependentFont must be true for this to have any effect. | |
void | SetIndependentFontInfo (const FCFontInfo &font) |
Sets the FCFontInfo for the alternate notehead font. You must all set SetIndependentFont to true. | |
FCString * | CreateFullNameString () |
Creates a FCString object of the full staff name (including the Enigma text tags). | |
FCString * | CreateAbbreviatedNameString () |
Creates a string object of the abbreviated staff name (including the Enigma text tags). | |
FCString * | CreateDisplayFullNameString () |
Creates a staff name for display purposes. | |
FCString * | CreateDisplayAbbreviatedNameString () |
Creates an abbreviated staff name for display purposes. | |
FCString * | CreateTrimmedFullNameString () |
Creates a string object of the full staff name without any font information. | |
FCString * | CreateTrimmedAbbreviatedNameString () |
Creates a string object of the abbreviated staff name without any font information. | |
bool | InstrumentMatchesUUID (const char *pszUUID) |
Returns true if the UUID string matches the instrument UUID for the staff. | |
bool | HasInstrumentAssigned () |
Returns true if there is an instrument assigned to the staff. | |
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__FCNoInciOther () | |
The constructor. | |
virtual bool | Load (CMPER itemno) |
Loads the indicated item. | |
bool | Reload () override |
Overridden Reload() method to support complex data types. | |
virtual bool | SaveAs (CMPER itemno) |
Saves the data under another item number. The object will now be connected to the new item number. | |
virtual bool | DeepSaveAs (CMPER itemno) |
Saves the data under another item number, but also makes a deep copy of the object. | |
bool | DeepDeleteData () override |
Deletes the data and all related data available in other data structures. | |
virtual bool | SaveNew () |
Creates the data as completely new item number. The object will now be connected to the new item number. | |
virtual CMPER | GetItemNo () const |
Returns the item number. This typically points to items such as a page number, a measure number, a 1-based expression definition number, etc. | |
void | SetItemNo (CMPER cmper) |
Sets the item number. Use with extreme care! This is mostly intended for situations when creating new records isn't supported by Finale (preventing SaveAs to work). | |
bool | LoadFirst () override |
Loads the first element of 1-based data. | |
void | DebugDump () override |
Outputs the class data/information for debugging purposes. | |
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void | SetCmperAndInci (CMPER cmper, twobyte inci) |
Sets both the CMPER and the incident number in the dataID record. Mainly for internal use. | |
__FCOther () | |
The constructor. | |
bool | IsIdenticalRecord (__FCOther *pCompare) |
Compares an object to see if both objects point to the same data record. | |
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const PDKFRAMEWORK_CLASSID | GetClassID () const override=0 |
Returns the internal class ID for the PDK Framework class. This is implemented mostly because Lua has problems to resolve the true classes of inherited objects. | |
EDOCID | GetConnectedDocID () const |
Returns the document ID that was connected to the last load/save of the data. | |
bool | VerifyConnectedDocID () |
Checks that the stored document ID for the data object matches the current document's ID. | |
virtual EXTAG | Tag () const =0 |
The Enigma tag for the derived class. | |
virtual EVERSION | EnigmaVersion () const |
The Enigma version for save/load/create/delete operations. | |
virtual int | DataSizeLoad () const =0 |
Returns the data size for the data structure that should be loaded. | |
virtual int | DataSizeSave () const |
Returns the data size for the data structure that should be saved or created. | |
void | _CloneFrom (__FCBaseData *pSource) |
For internal use only. Copies object data (except data block) from another object. | |
virtual void | CloneMemoryFrom (__FCBaseData *pSource) |
const EDataID * | _GetDataID () |
Intended ONLY for the _CloneFrom implementation. | |
int | _GetLoadedSize () const |
Intended ONLY for the _CloneFrom implementation. | |
const void * | GetDataBlock () |
Intended ONLY for the _CloneFrom implementation. | |
EXTAG | GetCustomTag () const |
Returns the custom Enigma tag, if any. | |
void | SetCustomTag (EXTAG tag) |
Sets the custom Enigma tag, for classes that support multiple Enigma tags. | |
__FCBaseData () | |
The constructor. | |
virtual | ~__FCBaseData () |
Virtual destructor. | |
virtual bool | DeleteData () |
Deletes the associated data from Finale's database. Be careful when deleting multiple objects. | |
virtual bool | LoadLast () |
Loads the very last element in the database, if any. | |
virtual bool | LoadNext () |
Loads the next element from the database, if any. | |
virtual bool | LoadPrevious () |
Loads the previous element in the database, if any. | |
bool | RelinkToCurrentView () |
Relinks the contents in the current view so that the score and part(s) match. | |
bool | RelinkToScore () |
Relinks all parts to the contents of the score. | |
__FCBaseData * | CreateClone () |
Creates an identical copy of an object. | |
void | DebugDataDump () override |
Outputs a memory dump of the data block in the object for debugging purposes. | |
void | DebugDataByteArrayDump () override |
Outputs a memory dump of the data block in the object for debugging purposes, as a C++ byte array. | |
void | DebugDataOffsetDump (int offset, int size) |
For debug mode only. Dumps a data memory block at a specific offset and with a specific size. | |
FCNumbers * | CreateRawDataDump () |
Creates a byte collection with the raw loaded data block for the object (if the object type supports single data blocks). This method is only intended for debug purposes. | |
![]() | |
virtual | ~__FCBase () |
Virtual destructor, so all inherited classes get the virtual destructor. | |
void | DebugMsgInt (const char *pszPrefixText, int i) |
Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in decimal presentation) appearing afterwards. | |
void | DebugMsgHex (const char *pszPrefixText, int i) |
Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (as a hexadecimal number) appearing afterwards. | |
void | DebugMsgString (const char *pszPrefixText, const char *thestring) |
Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. | |
void | DebugMsg (const char *pszMsg) |
Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes with just one text string. | |
void | DebugOutMenuInfo (FCUI *pUI, int menuixd_horiz, int menuixd_vert) const |
Outputs the menu command info for debugging purposes. | |
int | DebugOutFormat (const char *fmt,...) |
Outputs debug text using C style "printf" syntax. | |
void | Set16BitFlag (FLAG_16 *flag, FLAG_16 flagbits, bool state) |
Sets a 16 bit flag. | |
void | Set32BitFlag (FLAG_32 *flag, FLAG_32 flagbits, bool state) |
Sets/resets a 32 bit flag, by using a bit mask. | |
bool | GetBitFlag (FLAG_32 flag, FLAG_32 flagbits) const |
Gets a state from flag bits. Returns true if any bit in the mask is set. | |
int | GetBitCount (FLAG_32 flag) |
Returns the total number of set bits in a 32-bit unsigned int. | |
void | SetSpecific32Bit (FLAG_32 *flag, int bitnumber, bool state) |
Sets/resets a single bit in a 32 bit flag, by specifying one specific bit. | |
void | SetUserData (void *pData) |
Sets the user data attached to the instance of an object. | |
void | SetUserData2 (void *pData) |
Sets the additional user data attached to the instance of an object. | |
void * | GetUserData () const |
Gets the user data attached to the instance of an object. | |
void * | GetUserData2 () const |
Gets the additional user data attached to the instance of an object. | |
virtual bool | IsIdentical (const __FCBase *pCompareObject) const |
Returns true if the data in the passed object is considered to be identical to the current object, otherwise false. | |
void | StoreXML_String (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, FCString *pStringValue) |
Helper function to store FCString objects in the XML file. | |
void | StoreXML_Integer (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, int value) |
Helper function to store integer objects in the XML file. | |
void | StoreXML_Bool (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, bool value) |
Helper function to store boolean objects in the XML file. | |
void | StoreXML_StringAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, FCString *pStringValue) |
Helper function to store FCString objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
void | StoreXML_IntegerAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, int value) |
Helper function to store integer objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
void | StoreXML_BoolAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, bool value) |
Helper function to store boolean objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
void | StoreXML_FloatAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, float value) |
Helper function to store floating point objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
virtual void | StoreToXML (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode) |
Virtual method that is used to store an object's data. | |
bool | ReadXML_String (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, FCString *pStringValue) |
Helper method to read FCString objects from the XML file. | |
bool | ReadXML_Integer (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, int *pValue) |
Helper method to read integer objects from the XML file. | |
bool | ReadXML_Bool (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, bool *pValue) |
Helper method to read boolean objects from the XML file. | |
bool | ReadXML_StringAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, FCString *pStringValue) |
Helper method to read FCString objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
bool | ReadXML_IntegerAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, int *pValue) |
Helper method to read integer objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
bool | ReadXML_BoolAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, bool *pValue) |
Helper method to read boolean objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
bool | ReadXML_FloatAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, float *pValue) |
Helper method to read floating point objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
virtual bool | ReadFromXML (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode) |
Virtual method that is used to read object data. | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const char | FFUUID_BLANKSTAFF [] = "54422b22-4627-4100-abbf-064eedc15fe3" |
static const char | FFUUID_GRANDSTAFF [] = "24b4c18d-6f6a-461c-983f-e0b0c3abcdbc" |
static const char | FFUUID_UNKNOWN [] = "a925648a-abc9-4dc7-a619-a6ce355ad33c" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLIN [] = "29d81c10-dfed-42e4-8d93-64af7d6d5689" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLA [] = "992dcb2b-64a2-454b-b043-2a530d24fc18" |
static const char | FFUUID_CELLO [] = "33894688-c326-4f8f-b4e2-7a08745e7bcc" |
static const char | FFUUID_DOUBLEBASS [] = "4924f736-97a2-443d-b386-03de2ae6a848" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLINSECTION [] = "5bab3582-2dbd-4864-baa9-b022efd075ad" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLASECTION [] = "5a55eca7-40f5-454b-b920-c8879fa03bcc" |
static const char | FFUUID_CELLOSECTION [] = "255c105e-78a1-4c78-8755-8febc86d0f43" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLONCELLOSECTION [] = "df0e2c08-adcf-4095-a3c1-dd355216bedd" |
static const char | FFUUID_DOUBLEBASSSECTION [] = "08a26335-79bc-4d10-a879-7f9d752c199a" |
static const char | FFUUID_CONTRABASSSECTION [] = "639064b2-b067-4c4a-a114-392c1ef6ebd8" |
static const char | FFUUID_STRINGENSEMBLE [] = "d73cf404-a025-4395-a7d1-10d10e8e3b4c" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLADAMORE [] = "7e264095-22f9-4cea-98ce-cfde9f1588b6" |
static const char | FFUUID_AJAENG [] = "4da5baf0-a6c8-4993-83d7-882bbb2adbb9" |
static const char | FFUUID_ARPEGGIONE [] = "cec73493-406a-4100-9d9f-7706940a39f0" |
static const char | FFUUID_BARYTON [] = "73eff966-03ff-4c38-b71a-f48fdfe47312" |
static const char | FFUUID_BYZANTINELYRA [] = "f240ab3f-8799-4834-a265-2f6b6abc8f4c" |
static const char | FFUUID_CRETANLYRA [] = "b0c43bb0-eae5-410f-ba40-cf33d63994f1" |
static const char | FFUUID_CRWTH [] = "e40c329a-cc79-4477-a314-0786731390b3" |
static const char | FFUUID_DAHU [] = "562a0d3f-0073-44e5-a4f1-430935a72f7e" |
static const char | FFUUID_DANGAO [] = "d07f465c-0d1a-4eef-884e-feb414088078" |
static const char | FFUUID_DIHU [] = "9102cdc2-13f9-4818-ba25-34226bd2d893" |
static const char | FFUUID_ERHU [] = "df24de8e-08c8-4c1b-8f20-8673ce15009d" |
static const char | FFUUID_ERXIAN [] = "8fd59c9c-f49d-4f05-b8db-dba34d1bf462" |
static const char | FFUUID_FIDDLE [] = "00fb6661-7b4a-411e-8ec6-7f6c15d9f3b3" |
static const char | FFUUID_GAOHU [] = "06d74eb0-5dd8-46ac-b1f9-dfdb5e1b1857" |
static const char | FFUUID_GEHU [] = "ced43fa4-9b0c-4413-be51-290a8e7b70d6" |
static const char | FFUUID_HAEGEUM [] = "2c6d5aaa-04f6-4536-9564-40eb62ef9f1e" |
static const char | FFUUID_HARDANGERFIDDLE [] = "c0666be0-a127-465c-9608-76cbdeb5e902" |
static const char | FFUUID_HURDYGURDY [] = "06a9413e-9739-4635-b968-bafedcb11db6" |
static const char | FFUUID_IGIL [] = "99b31179-d930-48ef-b59b-de49a5630156" |
static const char | FFUUID_KAMANCHA [] = "50d11032-113c-4799-a473-e40db1161e8f" |
static const char | FFUUID_KOKYU [] = "89102882-aa4f-46aa-abed-255d279b679e" |
static const char | FFUUID_KORA [] = "78e799d1-9c1f-42fc-86d3-0a518050ec81" |
static const char | FFUUID_LARUAN [] = "517fac0f-760c-4cdb-aae8-8a29625db520" |
static const char | FFUUID_LEIQIN [] = "eacec010-a733-439e-ab56-5ed48f16aa31" |
static const char | FFUUID_LIRONE [] = "1092088e-ba6b-4147-883d-a39b2f4b0d9a" |
static const char | FFUUID_MORINKHUUR [] = "32ec0199-96ef-49a5-ad89-fb180f7a3a2a" |
static const char | FFUUID_NYCKELHARPA [] = "77bc62ef-8724-4ffd-83af-4fcfcbb65b12" |
static const char | FFUUID_OCTOBASS [] = "22b93602-f5a2-4aa3-a581-99dc3ac3aac6" |
static const char | FFUUID_REBAB [] = "ba835d76-ee03-4d68-92cf-37c47aa774e4" |
static const char | FFUUID_REBEC [] = "252f3cc6-4cc4-4b31-ba9d-4b0f1a7a729a" |
static const char | FFUUID_SARANGI [] = "37021f3f-2acd-4c00-b2e0-71bb0f07ae7e" |
static const char | FFUUID_SARANGIDRONE [] = "341ba385-fda1-473b-afa9-8bfd0d576f7f" |
static const char | FFUUID_STROHVIOLIN [] = "013f1005-058e-4270-97b6-89fe25d11979" |
static const char | FFUUID_TROMBAMARINA [] = "71822c45-e84e-44ce-8031-46092e74dc5e" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIELLE [] = "7b07fc24-0b7a-484a-a1bf-abaab3d97411" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOL [] = "6fed40b7-1524-429b-8560-bb3f08209a99" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLADAGAMBA [] = "37fad7f4-b52f-4af5-b75a-ab214d9e3a5a" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLINOPICCOLO [] = "ae4668c7-0766-4dfd-92c3-cd16a487ff83" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLONCELLOPICCOLO [] = "121fb3dd-37d9-4fd0-bbaf-8074ba143f03" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLOTTA [] = "baad2449-f875-4360-9585-b7f3d8ceed1c" |
static const char | FFUUID_ZHONGHU [] = "08e9eb3f-42d8-4e64-8b51-1b30afcb76dc" |
static const char | FFUUID_PIANO [] = "776a2734-3f38-4cac-8fa2-90e62b368ec1" |
static const char | FFUUID_PIANONONAME [] = "38cd3cd9-3160-4baa-9bfd-c2d9f353dafd" |
static const char | FFUUID_HARPSICHORD [] = "5f34a4c0-b181-4d6d-8475-725374517ac5" |
static const char | FFUUID_ORGAN [] = "723972d2-a005-492a-b92c-2cb1a6b3f21d" |
static const char | FFUUID_ORGAN2STAFF [] = "ab39d5e6-a742-4af3-a0a6-269422e21ec3" |
static const char | FFUUID_CELESTA [] = "2827e1dc-72a3-4228-87fb-c0daee5ca2ad" |
static const char | FFUUID_ACCORDION [] = "58734c17-246e-4e83-8975-9a0d55577d16" |
static const char | FFUUID_MELODICA [] = "a41f4a27-6e41-47f1-973f-2c7fc66b3e68" |
static const char | FFUUID_ELECTRICPIANO [] = "4b54f9c4-35e3-41f8-9a17-a8797df0f057" |
static const char | FFUUID_CLAVINET [] = "ba97d794-3171-49e6-ac1b-af4b29ee61b8" |
static const char | FFUUID_SYNTHPAD [] = "962083d1-baf2-4904-a6f2-5c7e8f91de66" |
static const char | FFUUID_SYNTHLEAD [] = "de90a22f-c65d-4e20-8aff-9f4bcbf2ae4f" |
static const char | FFUUID_SYNTHBRASS [] = "e15cdc19-cb49-4f00-8ee4-7555af7c7759" |
static const char | FFUUID_SYNTHSOUNDTRACK [] = "55248216-3918-474d-b5e4-3349f253392d" |
static const char | FFUUID_SOUNDFX [] = "654cb42c-6127-4c60-bdb9-6b2accf66f22" |
static const char | FFUUID_HARMONIUM [] = "f3caf816-7be6-48e0-8067-07202cdb9b49" |
static const char | FFUUID_ONDESMARTENOT [] = "8fae711b-6eb2-4e99-9216-9248a25a4d3c" |
static const char | FFUUID_THEREMIN [] = "39515883-5827-44f6-bc14-99e5a4976237" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIRGINAL [] = "88eb2453-6649-4f3f-b98c-af2226bb4099" |
static const char | FFUUID_CLAVICHORD [] = "9322d689-68bc-4699-b77e-d370340830d7" |
static const char | FFUUID_SOPRANOVOICE [] = "b35a14d8-c981-4b8a-a7e4-9a2f8f6be99a" |
static const char | FFUUID_ALTOVOICE [] = "ab3fc62c-9de9-4018-adf7-58a9d4441a1a" |
static const char | FFUUID_TENORVOICE [] = "03844f81-9f10-431d-813c-659d7533b794" |
static const char | FFUUID_BARITONEVOICE [] = "6637f6a3-8f69-4dbf-9654-2287933ee7d3" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSVOICE [] = "e9a8eb68-25a0-4c9b-81a1-6e0517ca15be" |
static const char | FFUUID_VOCALS [] = "a253b03e-dc1e-43e3-a252-534c618fe473" |
static const char | FFUUID_VOICE [] = "3a3622cc-fc9a-42e0-a743-6b200dd8ce88" |
static const char | FFUUID_VOICENONAME [] = "07639481-d9a4-4c3a-b754-f454002bb742" |
static const char | FFUUID_MEZZOSOPRANOVOICE [] = "9b62dc60-4b05-41e1-9b4d-d8b7d19553d0" |
static const char | FFUUID_CONTRALTOVOICE [] = "aba0e110-478a-4c69-b8be-908c280d64b2" |
static const char | FFUUID_COUNTERTENORVOICE [] = "e61680e6-4a19-48bd-a0d7-f0f1373c8be2" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSBAROTONEVOICE [] = "e453be0a-d0fc-44b3-8b0a-5c4a95157d44" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHOIRAAHS [] = "cc4e753f-85b9-43c6-b462-a5ec36a01167" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHOIROOHS [] = "28426f8d-3f42-448b-913d-3ee37dc1c871" |
static const char | FFUUID_YODEL [] = "d7373ec2-d4ad-4ce8-84e7-ae9c5f216db6" |
static const char | FFUUID_BEATBOX [] = "ac62ce27-0e7a-4f23-849c-fe3dee395910" |
static const char | FFUUID_KAZOO [] = "c79f9662-44d7-442f-b5e6-a8b0085e92f4" |
static const char | FFUUID_TALKBOX [] = "465cb9eb-e1a3-4573-8572-7cc1096075db" |
static const char | FFUUID_VOCALPERCUSSION [] = "c4843056-dd9e-45b2-a3af-eca60fdb97ab" |
static const char | FFUUID_PICCOLO [] = "7423e6af-ab6f-41a4-832f-ffc6453c6bb5" |
static const char | FFUUID_FLUTE [] = "2575136d-9927-47bd-a727-f554c169257e" |
static const char | FFUUID_ALTOFLUTE [] = "71d2b8ec-becd-42ef-b99f-ee9264db925d" |
static const char | FFUUID_OBOE [] = "172a455a-d1b9-4a03-aa80-c863d587f209" |
static const char | FFUUID_OBOEDAMORE [] = "b70397fa-18ef-4841-8ccb-d5a9602e457d" |
static const char | FFUUID_ENGLISHHORN [] = "e4fc7b0a-5cd3-445b-ae1f-776764513741" |
static const char | FFUUID_CLARINETBFLAT [] = "a16af0c1-8df8-476d-8d74-0d6e1972846b" |
static const char | FFUUID_CLARINETA [] = "9d3e28eb-0640-41f7-9144-0fdef3046d7c" |
static const char | FFUUID_CLARINETEFLAT [] = "7e83467b-162e-4f30-b4a6-18a6d8beb202" |
static const char | FFUUID_ALTOCLARINET [] = "6c186f89-5f5d-45ea-ab13-26e4bf267d80" |
static const char | FFUUID_CONTRALTOCLARINET [] = "5a1020cd-f0ce-45e8-bc99-49fbf5f6890f" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSCLARINET [] = "40d3efff-30c3-4fd7-b830-03907360feed" |
static const char | FFUUID_CONTRABASSCLARINET [] = "7724f2be-b200-4404-bc08-4ef719a1373c" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSOON [] = "ec6fcc9b-d539-4a4a-a677-92a37298fec1" |
static const char | FFUUID_CONTRABASSOON [] = "0d158020-9bf8-4d56-b62c-a6f0bf5f4ccf" |
static const char | FFUUID_WINDSECTION [] = "0a798583-8a07-42c3-a6c1-c0e6c5cc622b" |
static const char | FFUUID_SOPRANOSAX [] = "ef0f2594-d57b-4cac-b351-f2f906538424" |
static const char | FFUUID_ALTOSAX [] = "4cb4cfa1-0b19-4053-8bf5-6b2cb0a2363b" |
static const char | FFUUID_TENORSAX [] = "7093ddd4-385c-481d-ab3d-39f03bc03b19" |
static const char | FFUUID_BARITONESAX [] = "8f767980-0718-4154-a312-20f458ee2096" |
static const char | FFUUID_SOPRANORECORDER [] = "0057fd7f-aba1-4149-97b5-98fe8ca28993" |
static const char | FFUUID_SOPRANINORECORDER [] = "52559fd3-bb96-403f-97d3-b1f2c5c2f468" |
static const char | FFUUID_ALTORECORDER [] = "6b43616e-06ad-4397-9ca5-889dcbda20a9" |
static const char | FFUUID_TENORRECORDER [] = "7c64b00d-cbd1-45a4-9969-77335de7f99c" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSRECORDER [] = "ed544580-e477-410b-a54d-dbb14edbb31e" |
static const char | FFUUID_DESCANTRECORDER [] = "56470843-614b-4bbd-bb83-bf928bb10d7d" |
static const char | FFUUID_OCARINA [] = "b0330079-36e9-4f3a-8b2e-e1e3432292fe" |
static const char | FFUUID_PENNYWHISTLE [] = "37bb50bc-04fb-494c-8d52-942149b0e757" |
static const char | FFUUID_PENNYWHISTLED [] = "54b39327-75aa-417b-a4d3-70bd5be2be9c" |
static const char | FFUUID_PENNYWHISTLEG [] = "c94c25b2-83fa-44c3-8ba6-a218d6e12eca" |
static const char | FFUUID_LOWIRISHWHISTLE [] = "dd31d2dc-cca6-489e-98ae-7447584b7ce9" |
static const char | FFUUID_TINWHISTLEBFLAT [] = "c2853206-ce69-4670-94e6-095278d7eca9" |
static const char | FFUUID_HARMONICA [] = "59b8b559-24c6-4ef0-8e67-8dcf4e1708fb" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSHARMONICA [] = "941ded93-3dc2-41cb-85d0-4c033988caef" |
static const char | FFUUID_CONCERTINA [] = "cc65d11c-9cfc-46ed-ba60-cf9ec7bee3d5" |
static const char | FFUUID_BANDONEON [] = "3320f54a-d594-438c-b276-6ac67d3d26b0" |
static const char | FFUUID_HORNF_WWQUINTET [] = "6cc5f057-3980-4562-b9a4-257403d17e96" |
static const char | FFUUID_BAGPIPES [] = "85399b62-95db-463e-abaf-da5f8405d57f" |
static const char | FFUUID_UILLEANNPIPES [] = "62a9c9ce-4379-4a58-9f80-2818b66774b4" |
static const char | FFUUID_GAIDAPIPES [] = "0bef0abc-85a3-4f5f-940a-3a9cfc7c128b" |
static const char | FFUUID_CONTRAALTOFLUTE [] = "9efb024e-88cb-4d91-97c8-1b84bc85185e" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSFLUTE [] = "b15ed58a-8c7d-487b-b54a-049f52b0a264" |
static const char | FFUUID_CONTRABASSFLUTE [] = "76326fd2-1a85-4620-9696-2b4b8d6e8f63" |
static const char | FFUUID_DOUBLECONTRABASSFLUTE [] = "1b7dc77e-17ef-4a7f-80d7-01b8eb47aef5" |
static const char | FFUUID_HYPERBASSFLUTE [] = "4413d227-8660-45ff-beb1-584161ccbf7e" |
static const char | FFUUID_PANPIPES [] = "a8bd8c3b-577d-4812-b500-f76b3cf9ab2b" |
static const char | FFUUID_FIFE [] = "54ebe5da-7965-4829-b919-b21841ffd05a" |
static const char | FFUUID_BOTTLEBLOW [] = "9fc11d96-9d40-4c07-8135-d6178c1548fe" |
static const char | FFUUID_JUG [] = "1799027e-dfff-49f9-a637-03b3db915e9f" |
static const char | FFUUID_PICCOLOOBOE [] = "f5424bcc-295a-4763-9c4c-52cbaa5356ea" |
static const char | FFUUID_PICCOLOHECKELPHONE [] = "9b97fd4a-5e7d-45ec-a85f-00304efa6fd3" |
static const char | FFUUID_HECKELPHONE [] = "944e0d72-f13a-43e3-985d-272b12776c8a" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSOBOE [] = "99f375d2-da09-4eac-aa7c-11bc0df567f3" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSETCLARINET [] = "b74f3793-ed8e-4b0b-93ab-864097d4658b" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSETHORN [] = "5a02ed14-9fbb-41b6-b0b2-1ae2052d28ca" |
static const char | FFUUID_HORNPIPE [] = "e6449624-6912-454b-8f16-a8d44692ac8d" |
static const char | FFUUID_PICCOLOCLARINET [] = "00b0b3a3-8906-46a1-9bc5-c5801f307a73" |
static const char | FFUUID_SAXONETTE [] = "ee4bfc3d-e50a-41c4-984a-0b5c6a002cb8" |
static const char | FFUUID_SOPRANINOSAX [] = "1ac144c7-73e3-4c96-9c3d-4f8a7324f2a0" |
static const char | FFUUID_MEZZOSOPRANOSAX [] = "aefe6f0b-3ccc-41f8-b421-d94c9e7a167d" |
static const char | FFUUID_SOPRILLO [] = "977e30e3-9333-4973-8342-24190390238d" |
static const char | FFUUID_CMELODYSAX [] = "04d3f8ec-bb16-431f-b609-580d2d2d1169" |
static const char | FFUUID_AULOCHROME [] = "e09e3499-e833-48a5-a2ba-b86e01c6dfe9" |
static const char | FFUUID_XAPHOON [] = "5be7a8a7-99e6-45a7-b625-3561788e585e" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSSAX [] = "1e325f9e-bd57-49ca-9c94-e53a51f6108d" |
static const char | FFUUID_CONTRABASSSAX [] = "5f4bbe18-a82f-4435-80ff-2f39f4492f3e" |
static const char | FFUUID_SUBCONTRABASSSAX [] = "dfd0e0dc-c1b2-4f6a-b85f-41a1c59b3976" |
static const char | FFUUID_TUBAX [] = "99c073a3-70b4-4418-9380-09f2f550e15c" |
static const char | FFUUID_BANSURI [] = "f26581a2-9cad-4523-b472-95d058b1a82e" |
static const char | FFUUID_DANSO [] = "63208df8-8e11-4e19-b7b3-27c097e861f5" |
static const char | FFUUID_DIZI [] = "442552fd-b7f8-488b-880a-f141f617cf90" |
static const char | FFUUID_DILLIKAVAL [] = "abfc63a8-9453-4958-a3fb-60e2fc05006f" |
static const char | FFUUID_DIPLE [] = "5a6e6ce3-155a-46cd-8c15-177e2e46ec3d" |
static const char | FFUUID_DOUBLEFLUTE [] = "bf8d7ea1-c1fa-44b7-adc3-6d7006dd7637" |
static const char | FFUUID_DVOJNICE [] = "867c9afa-428f-4918-99fb-a580c3941dd1" |
static const char | FFUUID_DVOJNICEDRONE [] = "73019a0e-2f69-4b89-947e-cadbc91340ad" |
static const char | FFUUID_FLAGEOLET [] = "8070a42b-09f7-4142-bceb-5d48f0bccf9a" |
static const char | FFUUID_FUJARA [] = "dbebe448-5f02-4cbe-b2af-8037506a0928" |
static const char | FFUUID_GEMSHORN [] = "4c4bf6bd-b778-48ee-9212-d463522c0213" |
static const char | FFUUID_HOCCHIKU [] = "4a12d25d-5726-4886-8e98-991d5625b317" |
static const char | FFUUID_HUN [] = "1fd77046-302d-49fe-8342-d869272c148c" |
static const char | FFUUID_IRISHFLUTE [] = "badaf8de-498d-4629-b853-97fdb849c83d" |
static const char | FFUUID_KAVAL [] = "7792014c-81e2-4ff5-b45a-ca00f6d5a137" |
static const char | FFUUID_KHLUI [] = "cdf417bc-db53-4488-8941-14bc8044f2f7" |
static const char | FFUUID_KNOTWEEDFLUTE [] = "3387f5dc-573e-4d38-b6aa-d8892360ef8a" |
static const char | FFUUID_KONCOVKAALTOFLUTE [] = "3e47d131-819b-4d32-ae83-95ef468e65fd" |
static const char | FFUUID_KOUDI [] = "280914ad-66c8-4f22-86e1-f471a13ac008" |
static const char | FFUUID_NEY [] = "a21f447b-7fa8-49de-8c0e-3b9954ad986a" |
static const char | FFUUID_NOHKAN [] = "8708a296-2db3-452a-b654-daadc164d0a9" |
static const char | FFUUID_NOSEFLUTE [] = "3dcf456a-b87a-46fb-ba6c-90d3a11c0e22" |
static const char | FFUUID_PALENDAG [] = "6fd5d411-2f73-427b-a278-a129381c6a1d" |
static const char | FFUUID_QUENA [] = "f92e2b02-3e6f-4267-9242-415cf95a9cf8" |
static const char | FFUUID_RYUTEKI [] = "52e2cabb-0314-402e-8bbe-997e98a65f4b" |
static const char | FFUUID_SHAKUHACHI [] = "9259887f-83a7-4e91-b0cb-03d3bed5886c" |
static const char | FFUUID_SHEPHERDSPIPE [] = "4c8ad2dd-c863-4272-a317-6e33194969db" |
static const char | FFUUID_SHINOBUE [] = "0dc9af9e-4a7a-44d9-9ede-a092a3e0fdf6" |
static const char | FFUUID_SHIVAWHISTLE [] = "0a0c1873-83fe-4bc7-bdb8-5e68e6bd09db" |
static const char | FFUUID_SHVI [] = "a788598c-02a8-42ff-a1c5-f575d5c8610c" |
static const char | FFUUID_SULING [] = "33b4ae63-2222-4d2d-b37c-b138bf383428" |
static const char | FFUUID_TARKA [] = "c19c42f1-42cf-417c-a362-77b3f4522d44" |
static const char | FFUUID_TENOROVERTONEFLUTE [] = "7ec8bc7c-76de-4473-946a-336df9312f68" |
static const char | FFUUID_TUMPONG [] = "f3050b4d-1a0e-4d00-9e34-3caedbb3ac5b" |
static const char | FFUUID_VENU [] = "91139f31-7457-4d12-b5d2-b7742178f4c2" |
static const char | FFUUID_XIAO [] = "dcb76d8d-16bc-4034-9571-27aa999634c3" |
static const char | FFUUID_XUN [] = "6bd9746f-aec7-4e09-bcf0-6b85ebac1ddd" |
static const char | FFUUID_ALBOGUE [] = "cc046dd9-f5b7-4e0e-aacc-349e38da8ff3" |
static const char | FFUUID_ALBOKA [] = "068a2f5d-dd22-47e8-ad53-b4b4dbd149ee" |
static const char | FFUUID_ALTOCRUMHORN [] = "43a2bdba-df71-4768-ae08-955c380f4adb" |
static const char | FFUUID_ARGHUL [] = "f79879d9-f370-4acb-a1b5-0ce2dc6c3895" |
static const char | FFUUID_BAWU [] = "0c0a399c-6e82-4fb7-8f5a-c7fe3d12dedb" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHALUMEAU [] = "2b0e17ba-f185-4b97-b094-71a4668edfe2" |
static const char | FFUUID_CLARINETTEDAMOUR [] = "58054d04-a50d-4c3b-9b99-abbb13c28850" |
static const char | FFUUID_CORNAMUSE [] = "b68788f5-aed1-4d72-b4d4-facd99f28e90" |
static const char | FFUUID_DIPLICA [] = "eb27b9dd-b27c-47bb-b8c8-a0284535bece" |
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static const char | FFUUID_HECKELPHONECLARINET [] = "cba3d8dd-e7a9-4b5e-bb6b-0e4ddc20fe63" |
static const char | FFUUID_HIRTENSCHALMEI [] = "81777381-f632-4f78-aa8b-bfd7b4fef7fa" |
static const char | FFUUID_LAUNEDDAS [] = "2f5cac27-b724-466e-904e-af3ecd5e64d6" |
static const char | FFUUID_MAQRUNAH [] = "a6140a3d-2ccb-494c-b96d-005d6abc2a6b" |
static const char | FFUUID_MIJWIZ [] = "55b4d551-ed21-4705-af1a-dcd986fd08ef" |
static const char | FFUUID_OCTAVIN [] = "ee6e58a7-20f5-474e-b541-9fb456de6904" |
static const char | FFUUID_PIBGORN [] = "079610c3-1203-4dff-b231-af31f1fce20c" |
static const char | FFUUID_RAUSCHPFEIFE [] = "f454c420-f6af-45e7-bb73-5e4031b27918" |
static const char | FFUUID_SIPSI [] = "b379e5e9-44d5-4ca3-b039-3feea42ccd55" |
static const char | FFUUID_MODERNTAROGATO [] = "0545a1b4-452a-40dc-a4df-3e4746966614" |
static const char | FFUUID_TENORCRUMHORN [] = "48fa8484-5bc0-4d60-b632-c11c668f5143" |
static const char | FFUUID_ZHALEIKA [] = "101e2231-696e-49fb-955d-500b3ce3ac31" |
static const char | FFUUID_ALGAITA [] = "d841d923-42f6-4edb-8b6e-8842edb170b9" |
static const char | FFUUID_BIFORA [] = "7ccb817f-82e7-4b52-88b1-2f097de86773" |
static const char | FFUUID_BOMBARDE [] = "103e61ac-6b51-4a70-92ef-3fc3ae6b170c" |
static const char | FFUUID_CROMORNE [] = "07786b62-f42f-4db3-90f1-35e6e12a9f8f" |
static const char | FFUUID_DUDUK [] = "9525113b-19b7-4ca6-a846-b417bc44bfcf" |
static const char | FFUUID_DULCIAN [] = "43620b28-a8bd-478e-a610-85af5c9a0480" |
static const char | FFUUID_DULZAINA [] = "a7a2cb49-c0b2-4bc2-b733-af19bc46076a" |
static const char | FFUUID_GUAN [] = "5466f457-7976-457f-a993-a5827497f54c" |
static const char | FFUUID_GUANZI [] = "ab97d8ca-ebcb-4ebe-b107-d1924a89ea74" |
static const char | FFUUID_HICHIRIKI [] = "c372616c-4d6c-4f25-a930-d19204582be0" |
static const char | FFUUID_HNE [] = "ee53523b-5209-466d-b10e-c5f65ee442e7" |
static const char | FFUUID_JOGIBAJA [] = "5ac64ac7-54ce-441b-8339-33af4f695113" |
static const char | FFUUID_KENBAU [] = "1d80222d-bcc3-4605-9979-729847c83b51" |
static const char | FFUUID_MIZMAR [] = "0f976aa0-7c54-45f8-a1a9-451125809ea8" |
static const char | FFUUID_NADASWARAM [] = "8089cf04-f4a9-4c33-8327-3989757b825b" |
static const char | FFUUID_OBOEDACACCIA [] = "d228748f-7e5c-4646-9316-f7a2a85e4c31" |
static const char | FFUUID_PI [] = "7471f961-590b-4382-b4a6-d05069cd19ae" |
static const char | FFUUID_PIRI [] = "54ed0ce3-2d02-4aab-985e-8b1af576a294" |
static const char | FFUUID_PUNGISNAKECHARMER [] = "25b468b4-ff45-4689-8774-ad13eb7b32c1" |
static const char | FFUUID_RACKETT [] = "ec8aad53-c0ae-471d-99f4-86eec9897f1b" |
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static const char | FFUUID_RHAITA [] = "c308dfcd-8e56-48a3-b008-d2b0cc30c161" |
static const char | FFUUID_ROTHPHONE [] = "01ba3b66-731b-4980-b994-89b481b5565b" |
static const char | FFUUID_SARRUSOPHONE [] = "8b6d9de3-7100-4926-8405-18d32a046fa8" |
static const char | FFUUID_SHAWM [] = "654efca8-6eb3-460e-880b-c0193285887f" |
static const char | FFUUID_SHEHNAI [] = "416debd0-939a-4241-8ce4-f1c9beaf7be6" |
static const char | FFUUID_SOPILA [] = "3fbb3534-6714-4d41-8f65-1bec853cf688" |
static const char | FFUUID_SORNA [] = "e7d11adf-252f-4d95-a3ff-3fce49e798ba" |
static const char | FFUUID_SRALAI [] = "ee80b114-9697-4edb-ba40-57930ec6ab03" |
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static const char | FFUUID_SURNAY [] = "2d9c16cf-72c4-4a00-bb91-a6a8ab0b32a0" |
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static const char | FFUUID_HULUSI [] = "a040181f-4ded-4a8d-8725-70efd42767ce" |
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static const char | FFUUID_TRUMPETC [] = "f0458710-e401-4a33-a9a7-bff5b24006df" |
static const char | FFUUID_TRUMPETD [] = "04f55e2f-8a18-4f89-8338-0525605dedf2" |
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static const char | FFUUID_HORNF [] = "616b3bf9-58df-4b44-8339-9f66461ac910" |
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static const char | FFUUID_BARITONETC [] = "3900022b-ae13-4520-8432-1a212d36b6f7" |
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static const char | FFUUID_FISCORN [] = "e330bdcd-889a-4314-b60d-aa05085790e7" |
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static const char | FFUUID_CIMBASSO [] = "ccae2f20-379c-4c2c-bdb1-c52f2139ff5c" |
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static const char | FFUUID_HELICON [] = "08ef463b-e7a9-42e6-9c2a-ed5a700e0bf5" |
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static const char | FFUUID_STEELDRUMS_BCLEF [] = "799fdd4c-d3d2-4145-9bb0-017e0d519264" |
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static const char | FFUUID_SLENTHEMSGAMELAN [] = "b43f7d64-6923-409a-9a8c-d93d90d72d25" |
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static const char | FFUUID_ANGKLUNG [] = "907d080c-1d5a-4fba-bdd1-ee216d2de7cc" |
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static const char | FFUUID_BIANQING [] = "3ed3be98-578f-463e-bcfb-83cf4bbb01cc" |
static const char | FFUUID_BIANZHONG [] = "65ada1c3-785b-46fb-87c4-60a2e3dd464d" |
static const char | FFUUID_FANGXIANG [] = "b5ae31ef-eae4-4458-a2bd-639c23658fe8" |
static const char | FFUUID_GANDINGANAKAYO [] = "96457207-743e-4abc-8bd5-091af9c6e218" |
static const char | FFUUID_GYIL [] = "bbb6a603-31c3-4a44-bc05-2c0cd440bfa0" |
static const char | FFUUID_KUBING [] = "b02c5df1-7cc5-4db7-985c-24924ce2d5c7" |
static const char | FFUUID_KULINTANG [] = "5fbbb49e-0478-4793-8a1e-2dc0c225437b" |
static const char | FFUUID_KULINTANGAKAYO [] = "a27276b5-7273-4419-a2c2-2fbb3755e37b" |
static const char | FFUUID_KULINTANGATINIOK [] = "dc558a38-0e81-45f6-9b51-4473fc10ac0e" |
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static const char | FFUUID_LIKEMBE [] = "ba6ba1e7-c821-4f93-9eff-dbcf57a95529" |
static const char | FFUUID_LUNTANG [] = "add2f782-01f9-4d35-b430-2de82a21768c" |
static const char | FFUUID_MBIRA [] = "d46210c3-2cb9-4e61-b953-d1f4664e4b86" |
static const char | FFUUID_MURCHANG [] = "eb36788a-e84c-4be3-ac32-13a901f7beca" |
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static const char | FFUUID_RANATTHUMLEK [] = "6cfb36b6-f39c-4022-8f02-3b6a732e6f18" |
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static const char | FFUUID_SNARELINE [] = "f733401d-2494-4a1d-8f55-ddc0294cbfaa" |
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static const char | FFUUID_DJEMBE [] = "4e17f6c6-9365-47f1-aa66-89e7cb56cc01" |
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static const char | FFUUID_APENTEMMA [] = "22173e36-209e-4b91-95c2-fbef21596ec8" |
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static const char | FFUUID_ASHIKO [] = "d0bd0218-d248-43ce-89f4-584de4625c0f" |
static const char | FFUUID_ATABAQUE [] = "9ff9e754-b3d3-428f-80d7-a30a4b102d4c" |
static const char | FFUUID_BATA [] = "b1dea916-1f2f-4e05-984f-33a882febd40" |
static const char | FFUUID_BENDIR [] = "250a5eb3-5a2a-4963-a919-22b9dd282cf1" |
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static const char | FFUUID_DHOL [] = "b2392c7c-dc7f-4d37-9ac4-20e48dc5424d" |
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static const char | FFUUID_INGOMA [] = "0ea2481e-27ac-4b3f-8fb5-9295eec2f88c" |
static const char | FFUUID_INYAHURA [] = "b2e7b4ca-33b1-407b-950c-072f385c2305" |
static const char | FFUUID_JANGGU [] = "f5b42332-d846-426c-8cc7-1eda8488b739" |
static const char | FFUUID_KAKKO [] = "8c780a43-f35b-4fc1-8640-04fbfa82ecbf" |
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static const char | FFUUID_KENKENI [] = "eba780e1-d50a-46af-90da-17f75c7e6f08" |
static const char | FFUUID_KHOL [] = "a64b0861-2418-408f-82cc-47818d13bd95" |
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static const char | FFUUID_KUDUM [] = "cb1022f0-6fcd-4817-aae7-84619b198700" |
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static const char | FFUUID_MRIDANGAM [] = "789b259d-0dc1-49ba-bf44-cb8442301b66" |
static const char | FFUUID_NAAL [] = "bd072d15-7ed4-4b85-a4fd-e485bab60d7f" |
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static const char | FFUUID_PAKHAVAJ [] = "d73561df-e770-46e7-975d-d13def5a6183" |
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static const char | FFUUID_MARACAS [] = "e0d6ae08-7634-47dc-831c-40a559673d3b" |
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static const char | FFUUID_WASHBOARD [] = "e018a8b2-3734-4d87-970c-8906c195e97e" |
static const char | FFUUID_WHIP [] = "ac55ce39-2c07-400e-b2d6-8b45d5488a0f" |
static const char | FFUUID_WINDMACHINE [] = "ebee9d97-92e9-4b2d-87c3-cce779fe0a49" |
static const char | FFUUID_WOODBLOCKS [] = "09c4b5a0-5f4c-4bde-8060-fad1e8759aa6" |
static const char | FFUUID_CENGCENGGAMELAN [] = "fb57f7da-2a1e-4451-a795-0db01b55ba6b" |
static const char | FFUUID_GONGAGENGGAMELAN [] = "7731a5ea-76c7-4086-ac26-f57e9532d17c" |
static const char | FFUUID_KEMPULGAMELAN [] = "4e74c977-7fcf-42a4-89f6-b40b004cb069" |
static const char | FFUUID_KEMPYANGGAMELAN [] = "19b4b362-f073-4ef6-9a9b-b788ea060971" |
static const char | FFUUID_KENONGGAMELAN [] = "894e33c2-daa0-42fd-ae04-ecf066e063a0" |
static const char | FFUUID_KETUKGAMELAN [] = "22bc67fc-69ae-4293-aa5a-448898d32b56" |
static const char | FFUUID_REYONGGAMELAN [] = "a16d527d-7ee4-4463-a4f9-e1330cf215cd" |
static const char | FFUUID_ADODO [] = "afe27a81-d1b2-40ae-a844-e01690a2eef8" |
static const char | FFUUID_AEOLIANHARP [] = "872e204b-4e82-4543-a816-a6cec42e60e7" |
static const char | FFUUID_AFOXE [] = "5ff79093-45b2-45fe-89fc-4598b82885f9" |
static const char | FFUUID_AGOGOBLOCK [] = "0315f2bd-67a3-4fcb-924c-d85e13edefb2" |
static const char | FFUUID_AGUNG [] = "34b63a98-197d-42c8-bee7-70ce5ff50d6e" |
static const char | FFUUID_AGUNGATAMLANG [] = "f9091d1e-4db0-4427-8755-37f5fcfaaf49" |
static const char | FFUUID_AHOKO [] = "e9d454f3-ae77-4774-b31b-174eba15dc39" |
static const char | FFUUID_BABENDIL [] = "797c2be3-64a7-4366-a943-11f7fc1078ba" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASICINDIANPERCUSSION [] = "aedc8963-5421-4062-b6fd-1d6b38695009" |
static const char | FFUUID_BERIMBAU [] = "556ee363-7ce1-4b09-8c1f-30bd3055675d" |
static const char | FFUUID_BO [] = "db2f5e5d-2c2f-4e81-9ff4-5447d528c8e3" |
static const char | FFUUID_BONES [] = "c765c7c2-1513-4a2d-8855-972327c86114" |
static const char | FFUUID_BONGOBELLS [] = "48bd0c4a-2fd0-43d1-bcc9-8a1a0607ad73" |
static const char | FFUUID_BULLROARER [] = "6ec38faa-25aa-41f3-ba0c-e807ce598dcc" |
static const char | FFUUID_CAXIXI [] = "739baf27-004b-4a91-b8ac-41dbfd95edc3" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHACHABELLS [] = "fcd4fd88-6114-4ef7-86f3-23077bce7e1b" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHABARA [] = "212255a2-6a02-4416-be8c-37457d2f9ae2" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHANCHIKI [] = "173fbe79-502e-4cd4-8cbd-0a0ef15649ce" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHIMTA [] = "f6c1d0e5-e207-404b-8bfc-114296d61763" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHINATEMPLEBLOCKS [] = "ecad5d50-26b7-46b9-8f76-b7e2de364d10" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHINESECYMBALS [] = "4374eeae-6f31-469f-a0f0-3d389a1d8234" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHINESEGONGS [] = "24356658-bf82-4e95-8365-34cafc677e0f" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHINESEPERCUSSIONENSEMBLE [] = "1da58bd6-ebd4-43c2-8e26-e0476aedf9c6" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHING [] = "581059ef-57fa-48c0-89f2-bc843047476e" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHIPPLI [] = "84398568-363c-433e-82e4-348490ecc3c4" |
static const char | FFUUID_DAFF [] = "bc469d9c-f499-4714-aee3-40ae8f19cd55" |
static const char | FFUUID_DAFLI [] = "6273fbe8-0f9f-423a-9a5f-f513bab3b20b" |
static const char | FFUUID_DAWURO [] = "80cb13ed-f144-4426-9677-de5e9f949363" |
static const char | FFUUID_DEF [] = "49e7851b-adef-4a82-8d4c-31ee9681f66a" |
static const char | FFUUID_DOIRA [] = "1e3f9946-dba3-4864-a004-bcebcebaf84a" |
static const char | FFUUID_EWEDRUMATOKE [] = "e0fd2f0f-a398-446a-accf-60f42416a719" |
static const char | FFUUID_EWEDRUMAXATSE [] = "535f2ee9-846b-4d5d-b375-7fd513e3500c" |
static const char | FFUUID_EWEDRUMGANGOKUI [] = "6ffc2237-7d6d-43b6-beff-d6cd492ae9c8" |
static const char | FFUUID_FLEXATONE_PERC [] = "86a0dbdf-3c84-4add-b8c0-464eb9003a69" |
static const char | FFUUID_GANDINGAN [] = "e98ccb19-0178-485f-90c0-f134a8fe5841" |
static const char | FFUUID_GANZA [] = "88215348-7b83-4522-bcc7-68b5aaebebcf" |
static const char | FFUUID_GHATAM [] = "f0ecc0f9-7862-4304-a8e4-262b46e9049b" |
static const char | FFUUID_GHUNGROO [] = "a80d5310-b1d0-4642-9e45-08c072028444" |
static const char | FFUUID_GOME [] = "4c9e9269-c014-4467-aa97-6b60172ac701" |
static const char | FFUUID_GUBAN [] = "bd46bd5e-16a0-40d1-bad2-ea5680ee585f" |
static const char | FFUUID_HANDCYMBAL [] = "950b7f44-1fd3-451a-831c-e66d4944bf44" |
static const char | FFUUID_HANG [] = "41968e98-a916-4cc0-817b-fc4c39befa51" |
static const char | FFUUID_HATHELI [] = "50804279-39f4-4dd0-b8e3-392950d6587d" |
static const char | FFUUID_HOSHO [] = "f4e6e4dc-030d-4ace-9548-6821e90e4553" |
static const char | FFUUID_HYOUSHIGI [] = "3efb5b5f-e0fd-4814-8386-9cfb2bc57020" |
static const char | FFUUID_IBO [] = "3450e084-0952-4e16-9c35-0c37732f9b5f" |
static const char | FFUUID_INDIANGONG [] = "72e3b743-fe70-4748-b888-0ed6099c25f8" |
static const char | FFUUID_IPU [] = "eb3126e3-659f-49c1-bd84-c38d32980256" |
static const char | FFUUID_JAWBONE [] = "b87bb002-1bdf-44c9-b8a6-dcbcb07ef73d" |
static const char | FFUUID_KAEKEEKE [] = "64b61662-f6b0-479d-917e-23cc12e81922" |
static const char | FFUUID_KAGUL [] = "0d348566-292f-4457-8d4e-24294742dc47" |
static const char | FFUUID_KALAAU [] = "94e1a66f-1baa-4d64-a03f-25f5cc34dc35" |
static const char | FFUUID_KASHIKLAR [] = "360cff2c-cee0-4fa1-a049-91c87a318348" |
static const char | FFUUID_KESI [] = "515e74a1-0f6e-4cf6-a904-589e34676fea" |
static const char | FFUUID_KHARTAL [] = "db43d176-446d-4500-ad9e-da15577f3c6e" |
static const char | FFUUID_KKWAENGGWARI [] = "eb190c98-d799-48e4-8d77-b69b78f5c4d6" |
static const char | FFUUID_KPOKOKPOKO [] = "6288a051-dd88-4ff2-aafd-7871d9665b22" |
static const char | FFUUID_KRINSLITDRUM [] = "1a47d8b9-5f4d-4f0e-81b0-670bc3c02113" |
static const char | FFUUID_LAVASTONES [] = "e234cf01-adce-46b3-8ea2-3bbaad459953" |
static const char | FFUUID_LUOGONG [] = "3585b4c8-bac9-452a-b5a4-cb8bd8ce887f" |
static const char | FFUUID_MANJEERA [] = "5eea74d5-bc25-4257-911c-ca0c2b432aa8" |
static const char | FFUUID_PANCLAPPERS [] = "1ed902ac-d3d2-4f1f-a961-237400996ea8" |
static const char | FFUUID_PATSCHEN [] = "25034241-d9b2-4c08-96d4-fdf267f217c5" |
static const char | FFUUID_RATTLECOG [] = "d25d39ea-5c5b-4785-85fc-61c6c6359ac3" |
static const char | FFUUID_RIQ [] = "1b88998b-88f1-4523-baaa-cc632a35dbdc" |
static const char | FFUUID_SHEKERE [] = "15281c38-e3a9-4087-b674-a448e20b2600" |
static const char | FFUUID_SISTRE [] = "6f823de8-b971-4ffd-8869-2fdfc2391860" |
static const char | FFUUID_SISTRUM [] = "6968b0bd-2f1b-4d33-b365-b95d2e76a4cf" |
static const char | FFUUID_SLIDEWHISTLE_PERCCLEF [] = "e0e54746-94f8-4daf-a97d-d0c83f60ee22" |
static const char | FFUUID_SLITDRUM [] = "92251af7-b395-44c3-a1f8-67d6b81b1e48" |
static const char | FFUUID_SNAP [] = "354bd88b-0ddd-42d3-a451-1b2741a2631c" |
static const char | FFUUID_STAMP [] = "72299f8e-8ad3-4ec8-9ca4-b33d1632fe3f" |
static const char | FFUUID_STIRDRUM [] = "39a19cd7-59f4-44db-8491-f2faebcf5891" |
static const char | FFUUID_TEBYOSHI [] = "f2fa4052-1ec9-4095-8152-267e468f8f8a" |
static const char | FFUUID_TELEVI [] = "6d226f46-3a93-4926-87c5-fb721b7b36df" |
static const char | FFUUID_TEPONAXTLI [] = "78d475c3-fe32-4bcf-9f5b-a2e43a5aa107" |
static const char | FFUUID_THAIGONG [] = "e16a3a94-a372-4b9d-8eef-90fe388697cb" |
static const char | FFUUID_TIBETANCYMBALS [] = "e010f505-dedf-4e73-915c-4b414998fd1b" |
static const char | FFUUID_TICTOCBLOCK [] = "f2d76def-ecd6-4835-8061-11af1fa42d28" |
static const char | FFUUID_TIMBALEBELL [] = "2c13efbd-a8dd-4cfe-a064-fb7060a2d983" |
static const char | FFUUID_TINAJA [] = "e6a5d781-821e-48aa-aeae-26ea8427580e" |
static const char | FFUUID_TINGSHA [] = "71165815-e46a-479d-a0db-38d1b9dcf0af" |
static const char | FFUUID_TOERE [] = "824793c3-fd68-41b7-9dc7-b21e27abdb75" |
static const char | FFUUID_TONETANG [] = "85076645-1553-4b7e-9a5f-c20d1d48323b" |
static const char | FFUUID_TRYCHEL [] = "0f664fec-fc69-4638-aea7-850ebde17591" |
static const char | FFUUID_UDU [] = "c6c172fe-b04f-4d5e-bd02-0d98b8b00bab" |
static const char | FFUUID_ZILLS [] = "3150178c-160e-43d6-b55c-d0ac6da44c6d" |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static void | DebugOutPtr (const char *pszPrefixText, void *ptr) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The prefix text appears with the extra ptr (in hexadeximal representation) appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutInt (const char *pszPrefixText, int i) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in decimal presentation) appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutFloat (const char *pszPrefixText, double f) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra float value appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutTag (const char *pszPrefixText, EXTAG extag) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the EXTAG (in text) appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutHex (const char *pszPrefixText, int i) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in hexadecimal presentation) appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutBin (const char *pszPrefixText, int i) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in binary presentation) appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutString (const char *pszPrefixText, const char *thestring) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes (C string version). The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutString (const char *pszPrefixText, FCString *pString) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes (FCString version). The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutBool (const char *pszPrefixText, bool state) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The boolean state appears afterwards as either "TRUE" or "FALSE". | |
static void | DebugOutBlock (const void *pBuffer, int startoffset, int size) |
Static method that outputs a memory block for debugging purposes. Eight bytes per line will appear (as hex digits) until the whole memory block is dumped. | |
static void | DebugOutByteArrayBlock (const void *pBuffer, int startoffset, int size) |
Static method that outputs a memory block for debugging purposes. Eight bytes per line will appear (as hex digits) as a C++ onebyte array, until the whole memory block is dumped. | |
static void | DebugOut (const char *pszLine) |
Static method to output a line of text for debugging purposes. | |
![]() | |
virtual void * | Allocate ()=0 |
virtual void | Deallocate () |
virtual bool | IsDynamicSize () |
bool | LoadDataBlock () |
Loads the data. If the object is of dynamic size, the old memory block is freed and a new is allocated. | |
void | ClearData () |
virtual twobyte | CalcLastInci () |
For internal use only! | |
virtual __FCBaseData * | CreateObject ()=0 |
Creates a new instance of the object. | |
bool | DataIsLoaded () const |
Returns true is any data has been loaded into the object. | |
void | _TagDocumentID () |
For internal use only. | |
![]() | |
__FCBase () | |
The constructor. | |
![]() | |
EDOCID | _connecteddocID |
The "connected" document ID., which is the document the where the document was loaded (or last saved). This is for a mechanism to prevent resaving of certain data in other documents. | |
void * | _datablock |
Pointer to the object's data block, the meaning is implementation-specific for each derived subclass. | |
bool | _heapdatablock |
Variable that tells if _datablock is dynamically created on the heap (and should be deleted at object destruction). | |
int | _loadedsize |
Loaded size of the data block for a loaded object, in bytes. Since the datablock is implementation-specific, the _loadedsize should be updated by child classes that create new data. | |
EDataID | _dataid |
The EdataID for the last loaded/saved object. | |
The base class for FCStaff (and its subclass FCCurrentStaffSpec), as well FCStaffStyleDef.
Alternate staff notation styles for FCStaff::GetAltNotationStyle() and FCStaff::SetAltNotationStyle() methods. The constants are also used for the similar FCStaffStyleDef methods.
The different hide modes for FCStaff::GetHideMode() and FCStaff::SetHideMode().
Enumerator | |
STAFFHIDE_NORMAL | Show normally |
STAFFHIDE_SCORE | For hide staff: in Score Only (Collapse) |
STAFFHIDE_SCORE_AND_PARTS | Force hide staff: and Collapse |
STAFFHIDE_CUTAWAY | Force hide staff: Cutaway |
Styles for the FCStaff::GetNotationStyle() and FCStaff::SetNotationStyle() methods. The constants are also used for the similar FCStaffStyleDef methods.
Enumerator | |
STAFFNOTATION_NORMAL | Normal notation |
STAFFNOTATION_PERCUSSION | Percussion notation style |
STAFFNOTATION_TABLATURE | Tablature notation style |
int __FCStaffBase::CalcBottomStaffLinePosition | ( | bool | forledgerlines = false | ) | const |
Calculates the staff position of the bottom staff line. For standard 5-lines staves, this value is -8.
Lua-supported (0.66).
forledgerlines | Set this value to true if you want the bottom staff line below which ledger lines will show. Set it false (or omit it) if you want the bottom visible staff line. |
int __FCStaffBase::CalcTopStaffLinePosition | ( | bool | forledgerlines = false | ) | const |
Calculates the staff position of the top staff line. For standard 5-lines staves, this value is 0.
Lua-supported (0.66).
forledgerlines | Set this value to true if you want the top staff line above which ledger lines will show. Set it false (or omit it) if you want the top visible staff line. |
inlineoverridevirtual |
Returns the name of the class, for diagnostic purposes. This method MUST be overwritten in each child class.
Reimplemented from __FCNoInciOther.
Reimplemented in FCCurrentStaffSpec, FCStaff, and FCStaffStyleDef.
FCString * __FCStaffBase::CreateAbbreviatedNameString | ( | ) |
Creates a string object of the abbreviated staff name (including the Enigma text tags).
FCString * __FCStaffBase::CreateDisplayAbbreviatedNameString | ( | ) |
Creates an abbreviated staff name for display purposes.
It removes all the Enigma font tags. It also expand the flat/sharp text inserts to text symbols.
It also supports the auto-numbering of staves on Finale 2012 and above (if the 2012 PDK or above is used).
If the staff doesn't contain a name, and empty string will be returned.
FCString * __FCStaffBase::CreateDisplayFullNameString | ( | ) |
Creates a staff name for display purposes.
It removes all the Enigma font tags. It also expand the flat/sharp text inserts to text symbols.
It also supports the auto-numbering of staves on Finale 2012 and above (if the 2012 PDK or above is used).
If the staff doesn't contain a name, and empty string will be returned.
FCString * __FCStaffBase::CreateFullNameString | ( | ) |
inline |
Creates a FCFontInfo object for the alternate notehead font. GetIndependentFont must be true for this to have any effect.
C callers must dispose of the result either with delete or a smart pointer.
Lua-supported (0.72).
FCString * __FCStaffBase::CreateTrimmedAbbreviatedNameString | ( | ) |
Creates a string object of the abbreviated staff name without any font information.
FCString * __FCStaffBase::CreateTrimmedFullNameString | ( | ) |
Creates a string object of the full staff name without any font information.
inline |
Returns the text block ID for the abbreviated name. Usually not needed, use CreateAbbreviatedNameString or CreateTrimmedAbbreviatedNameString instead.
virtual |
Gets the name position object for the abbreviated staff name. The object is of the FCStaffNamePosition class.
Requires PDK_FRAMEWORK_PREFS defined.
Reimplemented in FCStaffStyleDef.
bool __FCStaffBase::GetAllowHiding | ( | ) | const |
Returns the "Allow hiding when empty" state. If set, the staff allows "optimization".
Only available in Finale 2011 and later. On earlier Finale versions, nothing happens.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if notes in the non-alternate layers should be displayed.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the 1-based layer that is used for the alternate notation.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the alternate notation style for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns if stems should be freezes up in rhythmic notation (for altered layers). This setting is only used with rhythmic notation.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns if articulations should be diplayed on the altered layer.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns if expressions should be diplayed on the altered layer.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns if lyrics should be diplayed on the altered layer.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns if articulations should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns if expressions should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns if lyrics should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns if notes should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns if smart shapes should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns if smart shapes should be diplayed n the altered layer.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns if dots should be added to slashes in compound meters (for altered layers). This setting is only used with slash notation.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the bottom barline offset, in EVPUs. This parameter controls how far the barlines extends downwards.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the bottom repeat dot position for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the "Break barlines between staves" state.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the "Break repeat barlines between staves" state.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
For tablature notation: returns if tablature lines should break at fret numbers.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
For tablature notation: returns the capo position.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the start/default clef.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the "Display Rests in empty measures" state.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the vertical position for the double whole rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup dialog box".
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the "Flat beams" state.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the ID for the tablature instrument (for tablature notation). Use the FCFretInstrumentDef class to load the instrument data.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
For tablature notation: returns if fret letters should be used.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the text block ID for the full name. Usually not needed, use CreateFullNameString or CreateTrimmedFullNameString instead.
Lua-supported (also as property).
virtual |
Gets the name position object for the full staff name. The object is of the FCStaffNamePosition class.
Requires PDK_FRAMEWORK_PREFS defined.
Reimplemented in FCStaffStyleDef.
inline |
Returns the vertical position for the half rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box.
Lua-supported (also as property).
__FCStaffBase::STAFF_HIDEMODES __FCStaffBase::GetHideMode | ( | ) | const |
Returns how the staff should be hidden.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if "Ignore Key Signature" is set for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns if a independent notehead font should be used for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if independent key sigs is set for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if independent time signatures is set for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the assigned instrument UUID for the staff.
Only works on 2012 and later.
twobyte __FCStaffBase::GetLineCount | ( | ) | const |
Returns the number of staff lines for the staff.
inline |
Returns the distance between the staff lines, in EFIXes.
Note that although the storage is EFIXes, the value will currently be rounded off to EVPUs internally.
inline |
For tablature notation, returns the default lowest fret number.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the "Hide key signature & show all accidentals" state, available in the Finale 2014 Score Manager.
Available in Finale 2014 and later. On earlier Finale versions, false is always returned.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the notation style for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the vertical position for the "other" rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the "Redisplay accidentals in other layers within measures" state.
Available in Finale 2014 and later. On earlier Finale versions, false is always returned.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if augmentation dots should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if barlines should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if beams should be displayed for the staff.
Note that beams are not actually displayed unless GetShowStems is also true.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Returns if the bottom repeat dot should be displayed for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if chords should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if clefs should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if fretboards should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if the key signature should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if lyrics should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if measure numbers should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns if the staff should display note colors.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns if the staff should display note colors.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
For tablature notation: returns if the clef should show only on the first measure.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if part staff names should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in parts.
On Finale versions earlier than Finale 2025, this will return GetShowTimeSignatures() setting.
. FCStaff and FCStaffStyleDef do not suffer from this bug.Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if repeats should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if rests should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if score staff names should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in the score.
On Finale versions earlier than Finale 2025, the same setting is used for score and parts. For Finale 2025, this is the time signature setting for the score.
Lua-supported (also as property).
bool __FCStaffBase::GetShowStaffLines | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if staff lines should be displayed for the staff.
This value is a reverse value. The value false
indicates the lines are shown and true
indicates they are hidden.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if stems should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if endings and text repeats should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if ties should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if the time signature should be displayed for the staff.
On Finale versions earlier than Finale 2025, the same setting is used for both score and parts. For Finale 2025, this is the setting for the score.
Consider using GetShowScoreTimeSignatures and/or GetShowPartTimeSignatures instead.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns if the top repeat dot should be displayed for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
For tablature notation: returns if tuplets should show or not.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the stem reversal position offset for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the stem direction for note entries on the staff. (Staff Stem Settings dialog.)
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Returns the horizontal stem offset for down stems.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Returns the vertical stem offset for the beam of end down stems.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Returns the vertical stem offset for the notehead end of down stems.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Returns the value of "Use Vertical Offset For Notehead End Of Stem: Offset From" radio buttons in the Staff Stem Settings dialog.
This setting has no effect if GetStemsUseVerticalOffsetForNoteheadEnd is false.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Returns the horizontal stem offset for up stems.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Returns the vertical stem offset for the beam of end up stems.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Returns the vertical stem offset for the notehead end of up stems.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Returns the value of "Use Vertical Offset For Beam End Of Stem (Offset From Staff)" checkbox in the Staff Stem Settings dialog.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Returns the value of "Use Vertical Offset For Notehead End Of Stem" checkbox in the Staff Stem Settings dialog.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Returns the top barline offset, in EVPUs. This parameter controls how far the barlines extends upwards.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the top repeat dot position for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the transposition status of the staff.
twobyte __FCStaffBase::GetTransposeAlteration | ( | ) | const |
Returns the transposition key alteration.
For non-chromatic transpositions, this is the number of accidentals that are added/reduced to/from the current key signature.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the chromatic transposition status for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the clef state in the transposition dialog. This value is valid only of GetTransposeUseClef returns true.
Lua-supported (also as property).
twobyte __FCStaffBase::GetTransposeInterval | ( | ) | const |
Returns the transposition interval.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the state of the "Simplify Key Sig" in the transposition dialog box.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the "Set to clef" state in the transposition dialog.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
For tablature notation: returns the vertical offset for fret numbers.
This value is given in EFIX (1/64 of an EVPU). The Finale UI displays EVPU, so you would divide this value by 64 to get the UI display value.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the vertical position for the whole rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if there is an instrument assigned to the staff.
This method returns false if the UUID is totally blank, or if the UUID is a "Blank" or "Unknown" instrument.
Only works on Finale 2012 and later.
inline |
Returns true if the UUID string matches the instrument UUID for the staff.
Only works on Finale 2012 and later.
inline |
Returns true if the staff is using "normal" music notation (not percussion and not TAB notation).
inline |
Returns true if the staff is a percussion staff.
inline |
Returns true if the staff is a tablature staff.
inline |
Fills the necessary values in the Staff Setup dialog to make a staff without staff lines with full-length barlines.
inline |
Fills the necessary values in the Staff Setup dialog to make a 1-line staff with full-length barlines.
inline |
Fills the necessary values in the Staff Setup dialog to make a 1-line staff with short-length barlines.
inline |
Transforms a staff to "normal" (not TAB and not percussion).
inline |
Fills the necessary values in the Staff Setup dialog to make a standard 5-line staff.
overridevirtual |
Overloaded version of the Save method, that saves any attached objects.
Reimplemented from __FCBaseData.
bool __FCStaffBase::SaveAbbreviatedNameString | ( | FCString * | pString | ) |
Saves the abbreviated string. A abbreviated name text block ID must exist for the staff, otherwise this method will return false.
It's not necessary to do an additional save of the staff afterwards.
bool __FCStaffBase::SaveFullNameString | ( | FCString * | pString | ) |
Saves the full string. A full name text block ID must exist for the staff, otherwise this method will return false.
It's not necessary to do an additional save of the staff afterwards.
bool __FCStaffBase::SaveNewAbbreviatedNameString | ( | FCString * | pString | ) |
Saves the abbreviated string as a new staff name block. The staff object must be saved afterwards, for the settings to take effect.
bool __FCStaffBase::SaveNewFullNameString | ( | FCString * | pString | ) |
Saves the full string as a new staff name block. The staff object must be saved afterwards, for the settings to take effect.
void __FCStaffBase::SetAllowHiding | ( | bool | state | ) |
Sets the "Allow hiding when empty" state. If set, the staff allows "optimization".
Only available in Finale 2011 and later. On earlier Finale versions, nothing happens.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if the non-alternate layers should be displayed or not.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the 1-based layer that is used for the alternate notation.
Only values between 1 and FX_GetMaxLayers are allowed.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the alternate notation style for the staff or staff style.
Lua-supported (also as property).
value | Must be any of the ALTSTAFF_ constants or 0. |
inline |
Sets if stems should be freezes up in rhythmic notation (for altered layers). This setting is only used with rhythmic notation.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if articulations should be diplayed on the alternate layer.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if expressions should be diplayed on the altered layer.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if lyrics should be diplayed on the altered layer.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if articulations should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if expressions should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if lyrics should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if notes should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if smart shapes should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if smart shapes should be diplayed n the altered layer.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if dots should be added to slashes in compound meters (for altered layers). This setting is only used with slash notation.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the bottom barline offset, in EVPUs. This parameter controls how far the barlines extends downwards.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the bottom repeat dot position for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the "Break barlines between staves" state.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the "Break repeat barlines between staves" state.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
For tablature notation: sets if tablature lines should break at fret numbers.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
For tablature notation: sets the capo position.
Lua-supported (also as property).
value | Must be 0 or above. |
inline |
Sets the start/default clef.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the "Display Rests in empty measures" state.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the vertical position for the double whole rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the "Flat beams" state.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the ID for the tablature instrument (for tablature notation).
It's the ItemNo of a FCFretInstrumentDef class object.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
For tablature notation: sets if sets letters should be used.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the vertical position for the half rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box.
Lua-supported (also as property).
void __FCStaffBase::SetHideMode | ( | FCStaff::STAFF_HIDEMODES | value | ) |
Sets how the staff should be hidden.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the "Ignore Key Signature" state for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if a independent notehead font should be used for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the FCFontInfo for the alternate notehead font. You must all set SetIndependentFont to true.
Lua-supported (0.72).
inline |
Sets the state of independent key sigs for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the independent time sigs state for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets a predefined UUID for the staff.
Only works with Finale 2012 and later. It's absolute required that only Finale's own predefined UUIDs are used for setting the instruments. Furthermore, the Score Manager's rules for single/multiple-staff instruments must be followed.
pszUUID | A C-style string containing any of Finale's instrument UUIDs (any of the FFUUID_ constants). If the general syntax is wrong, the method will do nothing. |
void __FCStaffBase::SetLineCount | ( | twobyte | value | ) |
Sets the number of staff lines. Please note that it's usually more efficient to call the 'Make' methods that fills all the necessary values, such as MakeStandard5LineStaff().
value | Valid values are between 0 and 12. |
inline |
Sets the distance between the staff lines, in EFIXs.
Note that although the storage is EFIXes, the value will currently be truncated to EVPUs.
inline |
For tablature notation, set the default lowest fret number.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the "Hide key signature & show all accidentals" state, available in the Finale 2014 Score Manager.
Available in Finale 2014 and later. On earlier Finale versions, nothing happens.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the notation style for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
value | Any of these constants: STAFFNOTATION_PERCUSSION, STAFFNOTATION_TABLATURE, STAFFNOTATION_NORMAL Lua-supported (also as a read-only property). |
inline |
Sets the vertical position for the "other" rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the "Redisplay accidentals in other layers within measures" state.
Available in Finale 2014 and later. On earlier Finale versions, nothing happens.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if augmentation dots should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if barlines should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns true if beams should be displayed for the staff.
Note that beams are not actually displayed unless SetShowStems is also true.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Sets if the bottom repeat dot should be displayed for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if chords should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if clefs should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if fretboards should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if the key signature should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if lyrics should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if measure numbers should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if the staff should display note colors.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if the staff should display note colors.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
For tablature notation: sets if the clef should show only on the first measure.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if part staff names should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in parts. This does nothing on Finale versions earlier than Finale 2025.
Lua-supported (also as property).
value | True if the staff's time signature should display in the score. Only works on Finale 25 and above. |
inline |
Sets if repeats should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if rests should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if score staff names should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in the score.
On Finale 25 and above, this will set the score setting independently.
Lua-supported (also as property).
value | True if the staff's time signature should display in the score. |
void __FCStaffBase::SetShowStaffLines | ( | bool | value | ) |
Sets if staff lines should be displayed for the staff.
This value is a reverse value. Use false
to show the lines and true
to hide them.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if stems should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if endings and text repeats should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if ties should be displayed for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in both score and parts.
On Finale 25, this will set both the score and part value at the same time. Earlier versions of Finale don't have separate settings for score/parts.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets if the top repeat dot should be displayed for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
For tablature notation: sets if tuplets should show or not.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the stem reversal position offset for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the stem direction for note entries on the staff. (Staff Stem Settings dialog.)
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Sets the horizontal stem offset for down stems.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Sets the vertical stem offset for the beam of end down stems.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Sets the vertical stem offset for the notehead end of down stems.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Sets the value of "Use Vertical Offset For Notehead End Of Stem: Offset From" radio buttons in the Staff Stem Settings dialog.
This setting has no effect if SetStemsUseVerticalOffsetForNoteheadEnd is false.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
value | false: "Offset From Notehead"; true: "Offset From Staff" |
inline |
Sets the horizontal stem offset for up stems.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Sets the vertical stem offset for the beam of end up stems.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Sets the vertical stem offset for the notehead end of up stems.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Sets the value of "Use Vertical Offset For Beam End Of Stem (Offset From Staff)" checkbox in the Staff Stem Settings dialog.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Sets the value of "Use Vertical Offset For Notehead End Of Stem" checkbox in the Staff Stem Settings dialog.
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.72)
inline |
Sets the top barline offset, in EVPUs. This parameter controls how far the barlines extends upwards.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the top repeat dot position for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box.
Lua-supported (also as property).
void __FCStaffBase::SetTransposeAlteration | ( | twobyte | value | ) |
Sets the transposition key alteration when transposition is used.
For non-chromatic transpositions, this is the number of accidentals that are added/reduced to/from the current key signature.
Does nothing if no transposition is used.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the chromatic transposition status for the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
state | True if chromatic transposition is used. |
inline |
Sets the clef state in the transposition dialog. This value is valid only of GetTransposeUseClef returns true.
Lua-supported (also as property).
clefindex | The 0-based index to the clef. |
void __FCStaffBase::SetTransposeInterval | ( | twobyte | value | ) |
Sets the transposition interval.
Does nothing if no transposition is used.
Lua-supported (also as property).
value | The interval for either the chromatic or diatonic transposition. |
inline |
Sets the state of the "Simplify Key Sig" in the transposition dialog box.
Lua-supported (also as property).
state | True if "Simplify Key Sig" is checked. |
inline |
Sets the "Set to clef" state in the transposition dialog.
Lua-supported (also as property).
state | True if "Set to clef" is checked. |
inline |
For tablature notation: sets the vertical offset for fret numbers.
This value is given in EFIX (1/64 of an EVPU). The Finale UI displays EVPU, so you would multiply the value displayed by the UI by 64 before passing it in here.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the vertical position for the whole rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box.
Lua-supported (also as property).
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Accordion
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Acoustic Bass
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Acoustic Guitar
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Adodo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Aeolian Harp
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Afoxé
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : African Log Drum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Agogo Bells
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Agogo Block
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Agung
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Agung a Tamlang
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Ahoko
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Air Horn
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Ajaeng
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Albogue
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Alboka
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Algaita
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Almglocken
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Alphorn
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Alto Clarinet
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Alto Crumhorn
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Alto Flute
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Alto Glockenspiel
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Alto Horn
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Alto Metallophone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Alto Recorder
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Alto Sax
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Alto Trombone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Voices : Alto Voice
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Alto Xylophone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Ancient Tárogató
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Angklung
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Apentemma
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Arabian Frame Drum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Archlute
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Arghul
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Arpeggione
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Array mbira
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Ashiko
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Atabaque
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Aulochrome
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Autoharp
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Babendil
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Bağlama
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Bagpipes
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Balafon
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Balalaika
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Balaphon
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Bandoneon
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Bandura
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Banjo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Banjolele
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Bansuri
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Barbat
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Baritone (B.C.)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Baritone Sax
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Baritone (T.C.)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Voices : Baritone Voice
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Baroque Trumpet
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Baryton
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Basic Indian Percussion
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Voices : Bass-Baritone Voice
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Bass Clarinet
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Bass Drum [single line]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Bass Drums [5 line]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Basset Clarinet
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Basset Horn
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Bass Flute
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Bass Guitar
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Bass Harmonica
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Bass Marimba
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Bass Metallophone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Bassoboe
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Bassoon
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Bass Recorder
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Bass Sax
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Bass Trombone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Bass Trumpet
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Bass Tuba
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Voices : Bass Voice
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Bass Xylophone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Batá
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Bawu
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Voices : Beatbox
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Begena
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Bell Lyre
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : BELLS
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Bell Tree
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Bendir
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Berimbau
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Bianqing
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Bianzhong
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Bifora
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Biwa
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Blank staff without any specific instrument assigned to it.
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Bo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Bodhrán
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Bolon
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Bombarde
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Bombo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Bonang (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Bones
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Bongo Bells
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Bongo Drums
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Boomwhackers® Tubes
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Bordonua
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Bottle Blow
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Bougarabou
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Bouzouki
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Brake Drum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Brass Section
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Buffalo Drum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Bugle
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Bulgarian Tambura
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Bullroarer
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Byzantine Lyra
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Cabasa
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Cajón
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Carillon
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Castanets
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Caxixi
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Celesta
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Cello
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Cello Section
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Ceng Ceng (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Chabara
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Cha Cha Bells
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Chalumeau
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Chanchiki
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Chapman Stick
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Charango
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Chenda
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Chimes
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Chime Tree
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Chimta
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : China Temple Blocks
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Chinese Cymbals
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Chinese Gongs
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Chinese Percussion Ensemble
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Ching
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Chippli
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Chitarra Battente
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Choazhou Guzheng
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Voices : Choir Aahs
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Voices : Choir Oohs
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Chroma-Notes™ Instruments
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Chu-daiko
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Cimbalom
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Cimbasso
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Cittern
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Clap
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Clapper
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Clarinet in A
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Clarinet in B flat
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Clarinet in E flat
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Clarinette D'amour
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Classical Guitar
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Claves
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Clavichord
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Clavinet
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : C Melody Sax
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Concertina
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Conch Shell
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Conga Drums
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Contra-alto Flute
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Contrabass Clarinet
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Contrabass Flute
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Contrabassoon
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Contrabass Sax
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Contrabass Section
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Contrabass Trombone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Contralto Clarinet
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Voices : Contralto Voice
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Cornamuse
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Cornet
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : E flat Cornet
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Cornetto
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Voices : Counter-Tenor Voice
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Cowbell
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Crash Cymbal
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Cretan Lyra
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Cromorne
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Crotales
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Crwth
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Crystal Glasses
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Cuatro
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Cuíca
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Cymbals
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Dabakan
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Daff
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Dafli
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Dahu
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Daibyosi
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Damroo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Đàn Bầu
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Đàn Gáo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Đàn Nguyệt
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Danso
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Đàn Tam Thập Lục
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Đàn Tranh
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Đàn Tỳ Bà
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Darabuka
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Datangu Lion Drum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Dawuro
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Def
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Descant Recorder
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Dhol
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Dholak
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Diddley Bow
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Didgeridoo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Dihu
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Dilli Kaval
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Diple
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Diplica
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Di-Zi
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Djembe
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Dobro
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Doira
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Dollu
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Domra
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Dondo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Doublebass
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Double Bass Section
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Double Bell Euphonium
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Double Clarinet
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Double Contrabass Flute
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Double Flute
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Doun Doun Ba
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Drum Set
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Duduk
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Duff
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Dulcian
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Dulcimer
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Dulcimer (8vb)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Dulzaina
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Dumbek
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Dutar
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Duxianqin
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Dvojnice
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Dvojnice Drone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Ektara First definition of the ektara, since Finale has defined duplicates.
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Ektara Second definition of the ektara, since Finale has defined duplicates.
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Electric Bass
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Electric Guitar
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Electric Piano
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : English Horn
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Erhu
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Erxian
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Euphonium
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Ewe Drum Atoke
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Ewe Drum Axatse
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Ewe Drum Gangokui
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Ewe Drum Kagan
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Ewe Drum Kpanlogo 1 Large
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Ewe Drum Kpanlogo 2 Medium
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Ewe Drum Kpanlogo 3 Combo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Ewe Drum Sogo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Fangxiang
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Fiddle
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Fife
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Finger Cymbals
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Fiscorn
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Flageolet
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Flamenco Guitar
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Flexatone Percussion version of the Flexatone. There's another version in Pitched Percussion.
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Flexatone Pitched percussion version of the Flexatone. There's another version in Percussion.
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Flugelhorn
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Flute
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Fontomfrom
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Fretless Bass
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Fujara
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Gaida Pipes
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Gandingan
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Gandingan A Kayo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Gangsa (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Ganzá
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Gaohu
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Geduk
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Gehu
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Gemshorn
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Gendér (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Geomungo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Ghatam
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Ghungroo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Giying (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Glass Harmonica
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Glass Marimba
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Glockenspiel
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Gome
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Gong
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Gong Ageng (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Gottuvadhyam
static |
Instrument ID Constant - 2 staves (a grand staff) without any specific instrument assigned.
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Guan
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Guanzi
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Guban
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Guiro
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Guitar
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Guitar (8vb)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Guitarra Quinta Huapanguera
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Guitarrón
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Guitjo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Guitjo (Double-Neck)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Guqin
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Guzheng
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Gyil
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Haegeum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Hammered Dulcimer
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Handbells
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Handbells [Bass Clef]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Handbells [Treble Clef]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Hand Cymbal
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Hand Drum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Hang
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Hang [Treble Clef]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Hardanger Fiddle
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Harmonica
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Harmonium
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Harp
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Harp Guitar
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Harpsichord
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Hatheli
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Heckel-Clarina
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Heckelphone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Heckelphone-Clarinet
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Helicon
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Hichiriki
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Hihat Cymbal
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Hira-daiko
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Hirtenschalmei
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Hne
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Hocchiku
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Horagai
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Horn in E flat
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Horn in F
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Horn in F (Woodwind Quintet). Actually a brass instrument.
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Hornpipe
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Hosho
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Hulusi
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Hun
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Hurdy Gurdy
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Hyoushigi
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Hyperbass Flute
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Ibo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Igihumurizo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Igil
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Indian Gong
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Ingoma
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Inyahura
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Ipu
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Irish Bouzouki
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Irish Flute
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Janggu
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Jarana Huasteca
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Jarana Jarocho
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Jarana Mosquito
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Jarana Segunda
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Jarana Tercera
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Jawbone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Jaw Harp
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Jingle Bells
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Jogi Baja
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Jug
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Kabosy
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Ka'eke'eke
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Kagul
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Kakko
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Kala'au
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Kalimba
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Kamancha
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Kanjira
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Kantele
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Kantil (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Kashiklar
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Kaval
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Kayagum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Voices : Kazoo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Kempul (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Kempyang (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Kèn bầu
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Kendang (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Kenkeni
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Kenong (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Kesi
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Ketuk (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Khaen Mouth Organ
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Khartal
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Khim
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Khlui
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Khol
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Kkwaenggwari
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Knotweed Flute
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Kobza
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Ko-daiko
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Kokyu
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Komuz
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Koncovka Alto Flute
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Kora
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Koto
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Koudi
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Kpoko Kpoko
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Krin Slit Drum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Kubing
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Kudum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Kuhlohorn
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Kulintang
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Kulintang A Kayo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Kulintang A Tiniok
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Kutiyapi
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Lambeg Drum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Lamellaphone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Langeleik
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Laruan
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Launeddas
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Lava Stones
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Leiqin
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Likembe
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Lirone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Logdrum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Low Irish Whistle
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Luntang
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Luo Gong
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Lute
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Lyre
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Madal
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Maddale
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Mallets
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Mandobass
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Mandocello
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Mandola
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Mandolin
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Mandora
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Mandore
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Mangbetu
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Manjeera
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Maqrunah
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Maracas
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Marimba
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Marimba [Treble Clef]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Marovany
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Mbira
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Mellophone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Melodica
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Mezzo-Soprano Sax
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Voices : Mezzo-Soprano Voice
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Mijwiz
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Mizmar
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Modern Tárogató
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Mohan Veena
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Moodswinger
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Morin Khuur
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Morocco Drum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Mridangam
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Murchang
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Musical Bow
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Musical Saw
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Naal
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Nadaswaram
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Nagado-daiko
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Nagara
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Naqara
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Native Log Drum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Ney
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Ngoni
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Nigerian Log Drum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Nohkan
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Nose Flute
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Nyckelharpa
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Oboe
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Oboe Da Caccia
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Oboe d'Amore
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Ocarina
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Octave Mandolin
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Octavin
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Octobass
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : O-daiko
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Okawa
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Okedo-daiko
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Ondes Martenot
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Ophicleide
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Organ
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Organ (2-staff)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Oud
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Pahu Hula
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Pakhavaj
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Palendag
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Pan Clappers
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Pandero
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Panpipes
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Pat (Patschen)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Pelog Panerus (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Pemade (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Pennywhistle
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Pennywhistle in D
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Pennywhistle in G
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Penyacah (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Accessories
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Percussion
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Pi
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Piano
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Piano (No Staff Name)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Pibgorn
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Piccolo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Piccolo Clarinet
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Piccolo Heckelphone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Piccolo Oboe
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Piccolo Trumpet in A
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Pipa
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Piri
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Pocket Trumpet
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Police Whistle
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Portuguese Guitar
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Post Horn
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Powwow Drum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Psaltery
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Pueblo Drum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Pungi Snake Charmer
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Quad Toms
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Quena
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Quint Toms
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Rackett
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Rain Stick
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Ranat Ek Lek
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Ranat Thum Lek
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Ratchet
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Rattle
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Rattle Cog
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Rauschpfeife
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Rebab
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Rebec
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Reed Contrabass
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Repinique
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Requinto Guitar
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Reyong (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Rhaita
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Ride Cymbal
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Riq
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Rothphone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Roto Toms
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Ruan
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Rudra Veena
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Ryūteki
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Sabar
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Sackbut
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Sakara
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Sallaneh
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Sampho
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Sand Block
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Sangban
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Sanshin
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Santoor
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Sanxian
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Sanza
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Sarangi
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Sarangi Drone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Sarod
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Saron Barung (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Saron Demong (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Saron Panerus (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Sarrusophone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Saung
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Saxhorn
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Saxonette
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Saz
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Se
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Serpent
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Setar
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Shakers
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Shakuhachi
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Shamisen
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Shawm
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Shehnai
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Shekere
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Sheng
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Shepherds Pipe
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Shime-daiko
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Shinobue
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Shiva Whistle
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Shofar
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Shvi
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Sipsi
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Sistre
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Sistrum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Sitar
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Slendro Panerus (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Slenthems (Gamelan)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Slide Trumpet
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Slide Whistle
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Slide Whistle [Percussion Clef]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Slit Drum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Snap
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Snare Drum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Snareline
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Sopila
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Sopranino Recorder
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Sopranino Sax
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Soprano Glockenspiel
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Soprano Metallophone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Soprano Recorder
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Soprano Sax
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Voices : Soprano Voice
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Soprano Xylophone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Soprillo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Sorna
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Sound FX
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Sousaphone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Splash Cymbal
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Spoons
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Sralai
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Stamp
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Steel Drums (Bass clef)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Steel Drums (Treble clef)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Steel Guitar
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Stir Drum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : String Bass
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : String Ensemble
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Stroh Violin
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Subcontrabass Sax
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Subcontrabass Tuba
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Suling
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Suona
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Surdo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Surnay
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Synth Brass
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Synth Lead
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Synth Pad
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Synth Soundtrack
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Banjo - C Tuning [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Banjo - D Tuning [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Banjo - Double C [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Banjo - G Tuning [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Banjo - G Modal [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Banjo - Plectrum [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : 4 String Bass [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : 5 String Bass [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : 6 String Bass [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Dulcimer TAB - DAA Tuning
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Dulcimer TAB - DAA Unison A's
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Dulcimer TAB - DAD Tuning
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Gamba [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Guitar [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : 7 String Guitar [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Guitar - D Tuning [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Guitar - DADGAD Tuning [TAB
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Guitar - Double D Tuning [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Guitar - Drop D Tuning [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Guitar - G Tuning [TAB
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Guitar [TAB - No Staff Name]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Guitar [TAB With Stems]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Lute - Italian [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Lute with Letters [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Mandolin [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Requinto [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Sitar - Vilayat Khan [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Sitar - Ravi Shankar [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Tenor Banjo (4 String) [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Ukulele [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Tablature : Vihuela [TAB]
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Tablas
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Taepyeongso
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Taiko Drums
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Voices : Talkbox
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Talking Drum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Tama
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Tamborita
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Tambourine
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Tambura
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Tamtam
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Tamte
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Tangku
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Tan-Tan
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Taphon
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Tar The plucked string instrument named "tar", since there's also a drum with the same name.
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Tar The drum named "tar", since there's also a plucked string instrument with the same name.
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Tarka
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Tasha
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Tebyoshi
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Televi
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Temple Bells
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Temple Blocks
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Tenor Banjo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Tenor Crumhorn
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Tenor Drum
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Tenorline
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Tenor Overtone Flute
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Tenor Recorder
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Tenor Sax
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Tenor Trombone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Tenor Ukulele
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Voices : Tenor Voice
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Teponaxtli
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Thai Gong
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Thavil
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Theorbo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Theremin
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Tibetan Bells
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Tibetan Cymbals
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Tibetan Singing Bowls
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Tic-Toc Block
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Timbale Bell
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Timbales
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Timpani
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Timple
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Tinaja
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Tingsha
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Tin Whistle in B flat
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Toere
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Tombak
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Tonetang
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Tres
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Triangle
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Tromba Marina
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Trombone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Trompeta china
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Troubador Harp
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Trumpet in B flat
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Trumpet in C
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Trumpet in D
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Trychel
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Tsuzumi
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Tsymbaly
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Tuba
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Tubax
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Tubular Bells
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Tumbak
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Tumpong
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Uchiwa-daiko
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Udaku
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Udu
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Uilleann Pipes
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Ukulele
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Unknown instrument assignment.
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Valiha
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Veena
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Venu
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Vibraphone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : VibraSlap
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Vichitra Veena
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Vielle
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Vienna Horn
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Vihuela (Mexico)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Vihuela (Spain)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Viol
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Viola
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Viola da Gamba
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Viola d'Amore
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Viola Section
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Violin
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Violino Piccolo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Violin Section
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Violoncello Piccolo
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Violoncello Section
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Violotta
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Keyboards : Virginal
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Voices : Vocal Percussion
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Voices : Vocals
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Voices : Voice
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Voices : Voice (No Staff Name)
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Vuvuzela
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Brass : Wagner Tuba
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Washboard
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Washtub Bass
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Whamola
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Whip
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Wind Chimes
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Wind Machine
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Wind Section
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Wood Blocks
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Xalam
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Xaphoon
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Xiao
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Xun
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Xylophone
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Pitched Percussion : Xylorimba
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Yangqin
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Yazheng
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Voices : Yodel
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Yueqin
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Drums : Zarb
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Zhaleika
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Strings : Zhonghu
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Percussion : Zills
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Plucked Strings : Zither
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Zurla
static |
Instrument ID Constant - Woodwinds : Zurna