Finale PDK Framework 0.77
Power Up Your Finale Music Software
The class for a "current staff state" (the sum of staff changes and staff style changes) at a specific position in the score, for diagnostic purposes. The class cannot save data. More...
#include <ff_other.h>
Public Member Functions | |
const char * | ClassName () const override |
Returns the name of the class, for diagnostic purposes. This method MUST be overwritten in each child class. | |
bool | LoadForEntry (const FCNoteEntry *pNoteEntry) |
Loads the staff spec data based on the position in the note entry. | |
bool | LoadForCell (FCCell *pCell, TimeEdu32 durationpos) |
Loads the staff spec data based on a position in a cell. | |
int | GetConnectedDurationPos () const |
Returns the connected duration position for loaded data. | |
int | GetConnectedMeasure () const |
Returns the connected measure for loaded data. | |
int | GetConnectedStaff () const |
Returns the connected staff for loaded data. | |
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const char * | ClassName () const override |
Returns the name of the class, for diagnostic purposes. This method MUST be overwritten in each child class. | |
const PDKFRAMEWORK_CLASSID | GetClassID () const override |
Returns the internal class ID for the PDK Framework class. This is implemented mostly because Lua has problems to resolve the true classes of inherited objects. | |
FCStaff () | |
The constructor. | |
FCInstrumentPlaybackData * | CreateInstrumentPlaybackData () |
Creates a FCInstrumentPlaybackData object for the staff. | |
FCFretInstrumentDef * | CreateFretInstrumentDef () |
Creates a FCFretInstrumentDef object for the connected tablature instrument. Might return NULL if there is no connected fret instrument. | |
bool | GetUseAutoNumberingStyle () const |
Gets the option of whether to use the auto-numbering style for this staff. | |
STAFFAUTONUMBER_STYLE | GetAutoNumberingStyle () const |
Gets the auto-numbering style for this staff. It is only valid if GetUseAutoNumberingStyle is true. | |
void | SetUseAutoNumberingStyle (bool state) |
Sets the option of whether to use the auto-numbering style for this staff. | |
void | SetAutoNumberingStyle (STAFFAUTONUMBER_STYLE value) |
Sets the auto-numbering style for this staff. For Finale to recognize it, you must also set SetUseAutoNumberingStyle to true. | |
int | CalcPercussionLayoutID () |
Calculates the percussion layout ID for the staff or staff style. | |
FCPercussionStaff * | CreatePercussionStaff () |
Creates a percussion staff (or staff style) object, if the staff is set to percussion. | |
bool | SavePercussionLayout (int layoutID, int mapID) |
Sets up and saves a percussion staff. The supplied percussion layout ID will be used. Please note that the FCStaff object must be saved afterwards as well. | |
FCInstrumentDef * | CreateLayerInstrumentDef (int layer) |
Creates the instrument definition object for the staff or staff style. | |
void | DebugDump () override |
Outputs the class data/information for debugging purposes. | |
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bool | Save () override |
Overloaded version of the Save method, that saves any attached objects. | |
bool | GetIgnoreKeySig () const |
Returns true if "Ignore Key Signature" is set for the staff. | |
bool | GetIndependentTimeSig () const |
Returns true if independent time signatures is set for the staff. | |
bool | GetIndependentKeySig () const |
Returns true if independent key sigs is set for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowMeasureNumbers () const |
Returns true if measure numbers should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowKeySignatures () const |
Returns true if the key signature should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowTimeSignatures () const |
Returns true if the time signature should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowScoreTimeSignatures () const |
Returns true if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in the score. | |
bool | GetShowPartTimeSignatures () const |
Returns true if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in parts. | |
bool | GetShowClefs () const |
Returns true if clefs should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowChords () const |
Returns true if chords should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowBarlines () const |
Returns true if barlines should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowTextRepeats () const |
Returns true if endings and text repeats should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowRepeats () const |
Returns true if repeats should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowScoreStaffNames () const |
Returns true if score staff names should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetBreakBarlines () const |
Returns the "Break barlines between staves" state. | |
bool | GetBreakRepeatBarlines () const |
Returns the "Break repeat barlines between staves" state. | |
bool | GetShowAugmentationDots () const |
Returns true if augmentation dots should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetIndependentFont () const |
Returns if a independent notehead font should be used for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowNoteColors () const |
Returns if the staff should display note colors. | |
bool | GetShowNoteShapes () const |
Returns if the staff should display note colors. | |
twobyte | GetHalfRestPosition () const |
Returns the vertical position for the half rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
twobyte | GetOtherRestPosition () const |
Returns the vertical position for the "other" rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
twobyte | GetWholeRestPosition () const |
Returns the vertical position for the whole rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
twobyte | GetDoubleWholeRestPosition () const |
Returns the vertical position for the double whole rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup dialog box". | |
twobyte | GetStemReversalPosition () const |
Returns the stem reversal position offset for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
bool | GetShowTopRepeatDot () const |
Returns if the top repeat dot should be displayed for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
bool | GetShowBottomRepeatDot () const |
Returns if the bottom repeat dot should be displayed for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
twobyte | GetTopRepeatDotPosition () const |
Returns the top repeat dot position for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
twobyte | GetBottomRepeatDotPosition () const |
Returns the bottom repeat dot position for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
bool | GetTransposeChromatic () const |
Returns the chromatic transposition status for the staff. | |
bool | GetTransposeUseClef () const |
Returns the "Set to clef" state in the transposition dialog. | |
bool | GetShowLyrics () const |
Returns true if lyrics should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowRests () const |
Returns true if rests should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowPartStaffNames () const |
Returns true if part staff names should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowStems () const |
Returns true if stems should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetShowBeams () const |
Returns true if beams should be displayed for the staff. | |
STAFFSTEMDIRS | GetStemsDirection () const |
Returns the stem direction for note entries on the staff. (Staff Stem Settings dialog.) | |
bool | GetStemsUseVerticalOffsetForNoteheadEnd () const |
Returns the value of "Use Vertical Offset For Notehead End Of Stem" checkbox in the Staff Stem Settings dialog. | |
bool | GetStemsNoteheadEndFixedToStaff () const |
Returns the value of "Use Vertical Offset For Notehead End Of Stem: Offset From" radio buttons in the Staff Stem Settings dialog. | |
bool | GetStemsUseVerticalOffsetForBeamEnd () const |
Returns the value of "Use Vertical Offset For Beam End Of Stem (Offset From Staff)" checkbox in the Staff Stem Settings dialog. | |
Efix32 | GetStemsUpHorizontalOffset () const |
Returns the horizontal stem offset for up stems. | |
Efix32 | GetStemsDownHorizontalOffset () const |
Returns the horizontal stem offset for down stems. | |
Efix32 | GetStemsUpVerticalOffsetForNoteheadEnd () const |
Returns the vertical stem offset for the notehead end of up stems. | |
Efix32 | GetStemsDownVerticalOffsetForNoteheadEnd () const |
Returns the vertical stem offset for the notehead end of down stems. | |
Efix32 | GetStemsUpVerticalOffsetForBeamEnd () const |
Returns the vertical stem offset for the beam of end up stems. | |
Efix32 | GetStemsDownVerticalOffsetForBeamEnd () const |
Returns the vertical stem offset for the beam of end down stems. | |
bool | GetShowTies () const |
Returns true if ties should be displayed for the staff. | |
bool | GetAltNotationDisplayOtherLayerNotes () const |
Returns true if notes in the non-alternate layers should be displayed. | |
bool | GetTransposeSimplifyKey () const |
Returns the state of the "Simplify Key Sig" in the transposition dialog box. | |
bool | GetDisplayEmptyRests () const |
Returns the "Display Rests in empty measures" state. | |
bool | GetFlatBeams () const |
Returns the "Flat beams" state. | |
bool | GetShowTuplets () const |
For tablature notation: returns if tuplets should show or not. | |
bool | GetShowOnlyFirstMeasureClef () const |
For tablature notation: returns if the clef should show only on the first measure. | |
bool | GetFretLetters () const |
For tablature notation: returns if fret letters should be used. | |
bool | GetBreakTablatureLines () const |
For tablature notation: returns if tablature lines should break at fret numbers. | |
bool | GetShowFretboards () const |
Returns true if fretboards should be displayed for the staff. | |
STAFFNOTATION_STYLE | GetNotationStyle () const |
Returns the notation style for the staff. | |
bool | GetAllowHiding () const |
Returns the "Allow hiding when empty" state. If set, the staff allows "optimization". | |
twobyte | GetTransposeInterval () const |
Returns the transposition interval. | |
bool | GetShowStaffLines () const |
Returns true if staff lines should be displayed for the staff. | |
twobyte | GetLineCount () const |
Returns the number of staff lines for the staff. | |
Efix32 | GetLineSpacing () const |
Returns the distance between the staff lines, in EFIXes. | |
__FCStaffBase::ALTERNATE_STAFF | GetAltNotationStyle () |
Returns the alternate notation style for the staff. | |
twobyte | GetAltNotationLayer () const |
Returns the 1-based layer that is used for the alternate notation. | |
bool | GetAltShowArticulations () const |
Returns if articulations should be diplayed on the altered layer. | |
bool | GetAltShowLyrics () const |
Returns if lyrics should be diplayed on the altered layer. | |
bool | GetAltShowSmartShapes () const |
Returns if smart shapes should be diplayed n the altered layer. | |
bool | GetAltShowExpression () const |
Returns if expressions should be diplayed on the altered layer. | |
bool | GetAltShowOtherNotes () const |
Returns if notes should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
bool | GetAltShowOtherArticulations () const |
Returns if articulations should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
bool | GetAltShowOtherLyrics () const |
Returns if lyrics should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
bool | GetAltShowOtherSmartShapes () const |
Returns if smart shapes should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
bool | GetAltShowOtherExpressions () const |
Returns if expressions should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
bool | GetAltRhythmStemsUp () const |
Returns if stems should be freezes up in rhythmic notation (for altered layers). This setting is only used with rhythmic notation. | |
bool | GetAltSlashDots () const |
Returns if dots should be added to slashes in compound meters (for altered layers). This setting is only used with slash notation. | |
twobyte | GetTransposeClefIndex () const |
Returns the clef state in the transposition dialog. This value is valid only of GetTransposeUseClef returns true. | |
twobyte | GetDefaultClef () const |
Returns the start/default clef. | |
STAFF_HIDEMODES | GetHideMode () const |
Returns how the staff should be hidden. | |
bool | GetRedisplayOtherLayerAccidentals () const |
Returns the "Redisplay accidentals in other layers within measures" state. | |
bool | GetNoKeySigShowAccidentals () const |
Returns the "Hide key signature & show all accidentals" state, available in the Finale 2014 Score Manager. | |
CMPER | GetAbbreviatedNameID () |
Returns the text block ID for the abbreviated name. Usually not needed, use CreateAbbreviatedNameString or CreateTrimmedAbbreviatedNameString instead. | |
CMPER | GetFullNameID () |
Returns the text block ID for the full name. Usually not needed, use CreateFullNameString or CreateTrimmedFullNameString instead. | |
virtual FCStaffNamePosition * | GetFullNamePosition () |
Gets the name position object for the full staff name. The object is of the FCStaffNamePosition class. | |
virtual FCStaffNamePosition * | GetAbbreviatedNamePosition () |
Gets the name position object for the abbreviated staff name. The object is of the FCStaffNamePosition class. | |
twobyte | GetCapoPosition () const |
For tablature notation: returns the capo position. | |
twobyte | GetLowestFret () const |
For tablature notation, returns the default lowest fret number. | |
Efix32 | GetVerticalFretOffset () const |
For tablature notation: returns the vertical offset for fret numbers. | |
CMPER | GetFretInstrumentDefID () const |
Returns the ID for the tablature instrument (for tablature notation). Use the FCFretInstrumentDef class to load the instrument data. | |
Evpu16 | GetBottomBarlineOffset () const |
Returns the bottom barline offset, in EVPUs. This parameter controls how far the barlines extends downwards. | |
Evpu16 | GetTopBarlineOffset () const |
Returns the top barline offset, in EVPUs. This parameter controls how far the barlines extends upwards. | |
const char * | GetInstrumentUUID () const |
Returns the assigned instrument UUID for the staff. | |
void | SetIgnoreKeySig (bool state) |
Sets the "Ignore Key Signature" state for the staff. | |
void | SetIndependentTimeSig (bool state) |
Sets the independent time sigs state for the staff. | |
void | SetShowMeasureNumbers (bool value) |
Sets if measure numbers should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowKeySignatures (bool value) |
Sets if the key signature should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowTimeSignatures (bool value) |
Sets if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in both score and parts. | |
void | SetShowScoreTimeSignatures (bool value) |
Sets if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in the score. | |
void | SetShowPartTimeSignatures (bool value) |
Sets if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in parts. This does nothing on Finale versions earlier than Finale 2025. | |
void | SetShowClefs (bool value) |
Sets if clefs should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowChords (bool value) |
Sets if chords should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowBarlines (bool value) |
Sets if barlines should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowTextRepeats (bool value) |
Sets if endings and text repeats should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowRepeats (bool value) |
Sets if repeats should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowScoreStaffNames (bool value) |
Sets if score staff names should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetBreakBarlines (bool state) |
Sets the "Break barlines between staves" state. | |
void | SetBreakRepeatBarlines (bool state) |
Sets the "Break repeat barlines between staves" state. | |
void | SetShowAugmentationDots (bool value) |
Sets if augmentation dots should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetIndependentFont (bool state) |
Sets if a independent notehead font should be used for the staff. | |
void | SetShowNoteColors (bool state) |
Sets if the staff should display note colors. | |
void | SetShowNoteShapes (bool state) |
Sets if the staff should display note colors. | |
void | SetHalfRestPosition (twobyte position) |
Sets the vertical position for the half rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
void | SetOtherRestPosition (twobyte position) |
Sets the vertical position for the "other" rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
void | SetWholeRestPosition (twobyte position) |
Sets the vertical position for the whole rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
void | SetDoubleWholeRestPosition (twobyte position) |
Sets the vertical position for the double whole rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
void | SetStemReversalPosition (twobyte position) |
Sets the stem reversal position offset for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
void | SetShowTopRepeatDot (bool state) |
Sets if the top repeat dot should be displayed for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
void | SetShowBottomRepeatDot (bool state) |
Sets if the bottom repeat dot should be displayed for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
void | SetTopRepeatDotPosition (twobyte position) |
Sets the top repeat dot position for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
void | SetBottomRepeatDotPosition (twobyte position) |
Sets the bottom repeat dot position for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. | |
void | SetTransposeChromatic (bool state) |
Sets the chromatic transposition status for the staff. | |
void | SetTransposeUseClef (bool state) |
Sets the "Set to clef" state in the transposition dialog. | |
void | SetShowFretboards (bool value) |
Sets if fretboards should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowLyrics (bool value) |
Sets if lyrics should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowRests (bool value) |
Sets if rests should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowPartStaffNames (bool value) |
Sets if part staff names should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowStems (bool value) |
Sets if stems should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetShowBeams (bool value) |
Returns true if beams should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetStemsDirection (STAFFSTEMDIRS value) |
Sets the stem direction for note entries on the staff. (Staff Stem Settings dialog.) | |
void | SetStemsUseVerticalOffsetForNoteheadEnd (bool value) |
Sets the value of "Use Vertical Offset For Notehead End Of Stem" checkbox in the Staff Stem Settings dialog. | |
void | SetStemsNoteheadEndFixedToStaff (bool value) |
Sets the value of "Use Vertical Offset For Notehead End Of Stem: Offset From" radio buttons in the Staff Stem Settings dialog. | |
void | SetStemsUseVerticalOffsetForBeamEnd (bool value) |
Sets the value of "Use Vertical Offset For Beam End Of Stem (Offset From Staff)" checkbox in the Staff Stem Settings dialog. | |
void | SetStemsUpHorizontalOffset (Efix32 value) |
Sets the horizontal stem offset for up stems. | |
void | SetStemsDownHorizontalOffset (Efix32 value) |
Sets the horizontal stem offset for down stems. | |
void | SetStemsUpVerticalOffsetForNoteheadEnd (Efix32 value) |
Sets the vertical stem offset for the notehead end of up stems. | |
void | SetStemsDownVerticalOffsetForNoteheadEnd (Efix32 value) |
Sets the vertical stem offset for the notehead end of down stems. | |
void | SetStemsUpVerticalOffsetForBeamEnd (Efix32 value) |
Sets the vertical stem offset for the beam of end up stems. | |
void | SetStemsDownVerticalOffsetForBeamEnd (Efix32 value) |
Sets the vertical stem offset for the beam of end down stems. | |
void | SetShowTies (bool state) |
Sets if ties should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetAltNotationDisplayOtherLayerNotes (bool state) |
Sets if the non-alternate layers should be displayed or not. | |
void | SetTransposeSimplifyKey (bool state) |
Sets the state of the "Simplify Key Sig" in the transposition dialog box. | |
void | SetDisplayEmptyRests (bool state) |
Sets the "Display Rests in empty measures" state. | |
void | SetFlatBeams (bool state) |
Sets the "Flat beams" state. | |
void | SetShowTuplets (bool state) |
For tablature notation: sets if tuplets should show or not. | |
void | SetShowOnlyFirstMeasureClef (bool state) |
For tablature notation: sets if the clef should show only on the first measure. | |
void | SetFretLetters (bool state) |
For tablature notation: sets if sets letters should be used. | |
void | SetBreakTablatureLines (bool state) |
For tablature notation: sets if tablature lines should break at fret numbers. | |
void | SetNotationStyle (STAFFNOTATION_STYLE value) |
Sets the notation style for the staff. | |
void | SetIndependentKeySig (bool state) |
Sets the state of independent key sigs for the staff. | |
void | SetAllowHiding (bool state) |
Sets the "Allow hiding when empty" state. If set, the staff allows "optimization". | |
twobyte | GetTransposeAlteration () const |
Returns the transposition key alteration. | |
void | SetTransposeAlteration (twobyte value) |
Sets the transposition key alteration when transposition is used. | |
void | SetTransposeInterval (twobyte value) |
Sets the transposition interval. | |
void | SetShowStaffLines (bool value) |
Sets if staff lines should be displayed for the staff. | |
void | SetLineCount (twobyte value) |
Sets the number of staff lines. Please note that it's usually more efficient to call the 'Make' methods that fills all the necessary values, such as MakeStandard5LineStaff(). | |
void | SetLineSpacing (Efix32 distance) |
Sets the distance between the staff lines, in EFIXs. | |
void | SetAltNotationStyle (ALTERNATE_STAFF value) |
Sets the alternate notation style for the staff or staff style. | |
void | SetAltNotationLayer (int value) |
Sets the 1-based layer that is used for the alternate notation. | |
void | SetAltShowArticulations (bool state) |
Sets if articulations should be diplayed on the alternate layer. | |
void | SetAltShowLyrics (bool state) |
Sets if lyrics should be diplayed on the altered layer. | |
void | SetAltShowSmartShapes (bool state) |
Sets if smart shapes should be diplayed n the altered layer. | |
void | SetAltShowExpression (bool state) |
Sets if expressions should be diplayed on the altered layer. | |
void | SetAltShowOtherNotes (bool state) |
Sets if notes should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
void | SetAltShowOtherArticulations (bool state) |
Sets if articulations should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
void | SetAltShowOtherLyrics (bool state) |
Sets if lyrics should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
void | SetAltShowOtherSmartShapes (bool state) |
Sets if smart shapes should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
void | SetAltShowOtherExpressions (bool state) |
Sets if expressions should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. | |
void | SetAltRhythmStemsUp (bool state) |
Sets if stems should be freezes up in rhythmic notation (for altered layers). This setting is only used with rhythmic notation. | |
void | SetAltSlashDots (bool state) |
Sets if dots should be added to slashes in compound meters (for altered layers). This setting is only used with slash notation. | |
void | SetHideMode (STAFF_HIDEMODES value) |
Sets how the staff should be hidden. | |
void | SetTransposeClefIndex (twobyte clefindex) |
Sets the clef state in the transposition dialog. This value is valid only of GetTransposeUseClef returns true. | |
void | SetDefaultClef (twobyte clefindex) |
Sets the start/default clef. | |
void | SetRedisplayOtherLayerAccidentals (bool state) |
Sets the "Redisplay accidentals in other layers within measures" state. | |
void | SetNoKeySigShowAccidentals (bool state) |
Sets the "Hide key signature & show all accidentals" state, available in the Finale 2014 Score Manager. | |
void | SetLowestFret (twobyte value) |
For tablature notation, set the default lowest fret number. | |
void | SetCapoPosition (twobyte value) |
For tablature notation: sets the capo position. | |
void | SetVerticalFretOffset (Efix32 value) |
For tablature notation: sets the vertical offset for fret numbers. | |
void | SetFretInstrumentDefID (CMPER newid) |
Sets the ID for the tablature instrument (for tablature notation). | |
void | SetBottomBarlineOffset (Evpu16 distance) |
Sets the bottom barline offset, in EVPUs. This parameter controls how far the barlines extends downwards. | |
void | SetTopBarlineOffset (Evpu16 distance) |
Sets the top barline offset, in EVPUs. This parameter controls how far the barlines extends upwards. | |
void | SetInstrumentUUID (const char *pszUUID) |
Sets a predefined UUID for the staff. | |
void | MakeNormalNotation () |
Transforms a staff to "normal" (not TAB and not percussion). | |
bool | IsPercussion () |
Returns true if the staff is a percussion staff. | |
bool | IsTablature () |
Returns true if the staff is a tablature staff. | |
bool | IsNormalNotation () |
Returns true if the staff is using "normal" music notation (not percussion and not TAB notation). | |
bool | GetTranspose () const |
Returns the transposition status of the staff. | |
int | CalcTopStaffLinePosition (bool forledgerlines=false) const |
Calculates the staff position of the top staff line. For standard 5-lines staves, this value is 0. | |
int | CalcBottomStaffLinePosition (bool forledgerlines=false) const |
Calculates the staff position of the bottom staff line. For standard 5-lines staves, this value is -8. | |
bool | SaveFullNameString (FCString *pString) |
Saves the full string. A full name text block ID must exist for the staff, otherwise this method will return false. | |
bool | SaveAbbreviatedNameString (FCString *pString) |
Saves the abbreviated string. A abbreviated name text block ID must exist for the staff, otherwise this method will return false. | |
bool | SaveNewFullNameString (FCString *pString) |
Saves the full string as a new staff name block. The staff object must be saved afterwards, for the settings to take effect. | |
bool | SaveNewAbbreviatedNameString (FCString *pString) |
Saves the abbreviated string as a new staff name block. The staff object must be saved afterwards, for the settings to take effect. | |
void | MakeStandard5LineStaff () |
Fills the necessary values in the Staff Setup dialog to make a standard 5-line staff. | |
void | Make1LineFullBarlineStaff () |
Fills the necessary values in the Staff Setup dialog to make a 1-line staff with full-length barlines. | |
void | Make1LineShortBarlineStaff () |
Fills the necessary values in the Staff Setup dialog to make a 1-line staff with short-length barlines. | |
void | Make0LineFullBarlineStaff () |
Fills the necessary values in the Staff Setup dialog to make a staff without staff lines with full-length barlines. | |
FCFontInfo * | CreateIndependentFontInfo () const |
Creates a FCFontInfo object for the alternate notehead font. GetIndependentFont must be true for this to have any effect. | |
void | SetIndependentFontInfo (const FCFontInfo &font) |
Sets the FCFontInfo for the alternate notehead font. You must all set SetIndependentFont to true. | |
FCString * | CreateFullNameString () |
Creates a FCString object of the full staff name (including the Enigma text tags). | |
FCString * | CreateAbbreviatedNameString () |
Creates a string object of the abbreviated staff name (including the Enigma text tags). | |
FCString * | CreateDisplayFullNameString () |
Creates a staff name for display purposes. | |
FCString * | CreateDisplayAbbreviatedNameString () |
Creates an abbreviated staff name for display purposes. | |
FCString * | CreateTrimmedFullNameString () |
Creates a string object of the full staff name without any font information. | |
FCString * | CreateTrimmedAbbreviatedNameString () |
Creates a string object of the abbreviated staff name without any font information. | |
bool | InstrumentMatchesUUID (const char *pszUUID) |
Returns true if the UUID string matches the instrument UUID for the staff. | |
bool | HasInstrumentAssigned () |
Returns true if there is an instrument assigned to the staff. | |
![]() | |
__FCNoInciOther () | |
The constructor. | |
virtual bool | Load (CMPER itemno) |
Loads the indicated item. | |
bool | Reload () override |
Overridden Reload() method to support complex data types. | |
virtual bool | SaveAs (CMPER itemno) |
Saves the data under another item number. The object will now be connected to the new item number. | |
virtual bool | DeepSaveAs (CMPER itemno) |
Saves the data under another item number, but also makes a deep copy of the object. | |
bool | DeepDeleteData () override |
Deletes the data and all related data available in other data structures. | |
virtual bool | SaveNew () |
Creates the data as completely new item number. The object will now be connected to the new item number. | |
virtual CMPER | GetItemNo () const |
Returns the item number. This typically points to items such as a page number, a measure number, a 1-based expression definition number, etc. | |
void | SetItemNo (CMPER cmper) |
Sets the item number. Use with extreme care! This is mostly intended for situations when creating new records isn't supported by Finale (preventing SaveAs to work). | |
bool | LoadFirst () override |
Loads the first element of 1-based data. | |
![]() | |
void | SetCmperAndInci (CMPER cmper, twobyte inci) |
Sets both the CMPER and the incident number in the dataID record. Mainly for internal use. | |
__FCOther () | |
The constructor. | |
bool | IsIdenticalRecord (__FCOther *pCompare) |
Compares an object to see if both objects point to the same data record. | |
![]() | |
EDOCID | GetConnectedDocID () const |
Returns the document ID that was connected to the last load/save of the data. | |
bool | VerifyConnectedDocID () |
Checks that the stored document ID for the data object matches the current document's ID. | |
virtual EXTAG | Tag () const =0 |
The Enigma tag for the derived class. | |
virtual EVERSION | EnigmaVersion () const |
The Enigma version for save/load/create/delete operations. | |
virtual int | DataSizeLoad () const =0 |
Returns the data size for the data structure that should be loaded. | |
virtual int | DataSizeSave () const |
Returns the data size for the data structure that should be saved or created. | |
void | _CloneFrom (__FCBaseData *pSource) |
For internal use only. Copies object data (except data block) from another object. | |
virtual void | CloneMemoryFrom (__FCBaseData *pSource) |
const EDataID * | _GetDataID () |
Intended ONLY for the _CloneFrom implementation. | |
int | _GetLoadedSize () const |
Intended ONLY for the _CloneFrom implementation. | |
const void * | GetDataBlock () |
Intended ONLY for the _CloneFrom implementation. | |
EXTAG | GetCustomTag () const |
Returns the custom Enigma tag, if any. | |
void | SetCustomTag (EXTAG tag) |
Sets the custom Enigma tag, for classes that support multiple Enigma tags. | |
__FCBaseData () | |
The constructor. | |
virtual | ~__FCBaseData () |
Virtual destructor. | |
virtual bool | DeleteData () |
Deletes the associated data from Finale's database. Be careful when deleting multiple objects. | |
virtual bool | LoadLast () |
Loads the very last element in the database, if any. | |
virtual bool | LoadNext () |
Loads the next element from the database, if any. | |
virtual bool | LoadPrevious () |
Loads the previous element in the database, if any. | |
bool | RelinkToCurrentView () |
Relinks the contents in the current view so that the score and part(s) match. | |
bool | RelinkToScore () |
Relinks all parts to the contents of the score. | |
__FCBaseData * | CreateClone () |
Creates an identical copy of an object. | |
void | DebugDataDump () override |
Outputs a memory dump of the data block in the object for debugging purposes. | |
void | DebugDataByteArrayDump () override |
Outputs a memory dump of the data block in the object for debugging purposes, as a C++ byte array. | |
void | DebugDataOffsetDump (int offset, int size) |
For debug mode only. Dumps a data memory block at a specific offset and with a specific size. | |
FCNumbers * | CreateRawDataDump () |
Creates a byte collection with the raw loaded data block for the object (if the object type supports single data blocks). This method is only intended for debug purposes. | |
![]() | |
virtual | ~__FCBase () |
Virtual destructor, so all inherited classes get the virtual destructor. | |
void | DebugMsgInt (const char *pszPrefixText, int i) |
Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in decimal presentation) appearing afterwards. | |
void | DebugMsgHex (const char *pszPrefixText, int i) |
Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (as a hexadecimal number) appearing afterwards. | |
void | DebugMsgString (const char *pszPrefixText, const char *thestring) |
Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. | |
void | DebugMsg (const char *pszMsg) |
Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes with just one text string. | |
void | DebugOutMenuInfo (FCUI *pUI, int menuixd_horiz, int menuixd_vert) const |
Outputs the menu command info for debugging purposes. | |
int | DebugOutFormat (const char *fmt,...) |
Outputs debug text using C style "printf" syntax. | |
void | Set16BitFlag (FLAG_16 *flag, FLAG_16 flagbits, bool state) |
Sets a 16 bit flag. | |
void | Set32BitFlag (FLAG_32 *flag, FLAG_32 flagbits, bool state) |
Sets/resets a 32 bit flag, by using a bit mask. | |
bool | GetBitFlag (FLAG_32 flag, FLAG_32 flagbits) const |
Gets a state from flag bits. Returns true if any bit in the mask is set. | |
int | GetBitCount (FLAG_32 flag) |
Returns the total number of set bits in a 32-bit unsigned int. | |
void | SetSpecific32Bit (FLAG_32 *flag, int bitnumber, bool state) |
Sets/resets a single bit in a 32 bit flag, by specifying one specific bit. | |
void | SetUserData (void *pData) |
Sets the user data attached to the instance of an object. | |
void | SetUserData2 (void *pData) |
Sets the additional user data attached to the instance of an object. | |
void * | GetUserData () const |
Gets the user data attached to the instance of an object. | |
void * | GetUserData2 () const |
Gets the additional user data attached to the instance of an object. | |
virtual bool | IsIdentical (const __FCBase *pCompareObject) const |
Returns true if the data in the passed object is considered to be identical to the current object, otherwise false. | |
void | StoreXML_String (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, FCString *pStringValue) |
Helper function to store FCString objects in the XML file. | |
void | StoreXML_Integer (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, int value) |
Helper function to store integer objects in the XML file. | |
void | StoreXML_Bool (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, bool value) |
Helper function to store boolean objects in the XML file. | |
void | StoreXML_StringAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, FCString *pStringValue) |
Helper function to store FCString objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
void | StoreXML_IntegerAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, int value) |
Helper function to store integer objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
void | StoreXML_BoolAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, bool value) |
Helper function to store boolean objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
void | StoreXML_FloatAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, float value) |
Helper function to store floating point objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
virtual void | StoreToXML (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode) |
Virtual method that is used to store an object's data. | |
bool | ReadXML_String (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, FCString *pStringValue) |
Helper method to read FCString objects from the XML file. | |
bool | ReadXML_Integer (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, int *pValue) |
Helper method to read integer objects from the XML file. | |
bool | ReadXML_Bool (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, bool *pValue) |
Helper method to read boolean objects from the XML file. | |
bool | ReadXML_StringAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, FCString *pStringValue) |
Helper method to read FCString objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
bool | ReadXML_IntegerAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, int *pValue) |
Helper method to read integer objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
bool | ReadXML_BoolAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, bool *pValue) |
Helper method to read boolean objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
bool | ReadXML_FloatAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, float *pValue) |
Helper method to read floating point objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
virtual bool | ReadFromXML (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode) |
Virtual method that is used to read object data. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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Style types for the GetAutoNumberingStyle and SetAutoNumberingStyle methods. More... | |
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Styles for the FCStaff::GetNotationStyle() and FCStaff::SetNotationStyle() methods. The constants are also used for the similar FCStaffStyleDef methods. More... | |
Options for the directions in which the staff displays note stems. More... | |
Alternate staff notation styles for FCStaff::GetAltNotationStyle() and FCStaff::SetAltNotationStyle() methods. The constants are also used for the similar FCStaffStyleDef methods. More... | |
The different hide modes for FCStaff::GetHideMode() and FCStaff::SetHideMode(). More... | |
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Constants for the GetClassID method. More... | |
Constants for Finale's standard measurement units. More... | |
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static void | DebugOutPtr (const char *pszPrefixText, void *ptr) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The prefix text appears with the extra ptr (in hexadeximal representation) appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutInt (const char *pszPrefixText, int i) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in decimal presentation) appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutFloat (const char *pszPrefixText, double f) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra float value appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutTag (const char *pszPrefixText, EXTAG extag) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the EXTAG (in text) appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutHex (const char *pszPrefixText, int i) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in hexadecimal presentation) appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutBin (const char *pszPrefixText, int i) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in binary presentation) appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutString (const char *pszPrefixText, const char *thestring) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes (C string version). The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutString (const char *pszPrefixText, FCString *pString) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes (FCString version). The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutBool (const char *pszPrefixText, bool state) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The boolean state appears afterwards as either "TRUE" or "FALSE". | |
static void | DebugOutBlock (const void *pBuffer, int startoffset, int size) |
Static method that outputs a memory block for debugging purposes. Eight bytes per line will appear (as hex digits) until the whole memory block is dumped. | |
static void | DebugOutByteArrayBlock (const void *pBuffer, int startoffset, int size) |
Static method that outputs a memory block for debugging purposes. Eight bytes per line will appear (as hex digits) as a C++ onebyte array, until the whole memory block is dumped. | |
static void | DebugOut (const char *pszLine) |
Static method to output a line of text for debugging purposes. | |
![]() | |
static const char | FFUUID_BLANKSTAFF [] = "54422b22-4627-4100-abbf-064eedc15fe3" |
static const char | FFUUID_GRANDSTAFF [] = "24b4c18d-6f6a-461c-983f-e0b0c3abcdbc" |
static const char | FFUUID_UNKNOWN [] = "a925648a-abc9-4dc7-a619-a6ce355ad33c" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLIN [] = "29d81c10-dfed-42e4-8d93-64af7d6d5689" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLA [] = "992dcb2b-64a2-454b-b043-2a530d24fc18" |
static const char | FFUUID_CELLO [] = "33894688-c326-4f8f-b4e2-7a08745e7bcc" |
static const char | FFUUID_DOUBLEBASS [] = "4924f736-97a2-443d-b386-03de2ae6a848" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLINSECTION [] = "5bab3582-2dbd-4864-baa9-b022efd075ad" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLASECTION [] = "5a55eca7-40f5-454b-b920-c8879fa03bcc" |
static const char | FFUUID_CELLOSECTION [] = "255c105e-78a1-4c78-8755-8febc86d0f43" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLONCELLOSECTION [] = "df0e2c08-adcf-4095-a3c1-dd355216bedd" |
static const char | FFUUID_DOUBLEBASSSECTION [] = "08a26335-79bc-4d10-a879-7f9d752c199a" |
static const char | FFUUID_CONTRABASSSECTION [] = "639064b2-b067-4c4a-a114-392c1ef6ebd8" |
static const char | FFUUID_STRINGENSEMBLE [] = "d73cf404-a025-4395-a7d1-10d10e8e3b4c" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLADAMORE [] = "7e264095-22f9-4cea-98ce-cfde9f1588b6" |
static const char | FFUUID_AJAENG [] = "4da5baf0-a6c8-4993-83d7-882bbb2adbb9" |
static const char | FFUUID_ARPEGGIONE [] = "cec73493-406a-4100-9d9f-7706940a39f0" |
static const char | FFUUID_BARYTON [] = "73eff966-03ff-4c38-b71a-f48fdfe47312" |
static const char | FFUUID_BYZANTINELYRA [] = "f240ab3f-8799-4834-a265-2f6b6abc8f4c" |
static const char | FFUUID_CRETANLYRA [] = "b0c43bb0-eae5-410f-ba40-cf33d63994f1" |
static const char | FFUUID_CRWTH [] = "e40c329a-cc79-4477-a314-0786731390b3" |
static const char | FFUUID_DAHU [] = "562a0d3f-0073-44e5-a4f1-430935a72f7e" |
static const char | FFUUID_DANGAO [] = "d07f465c-0d1a-4eef-884e-feb414088078" |
static const char | FFUUID_DIHU [] = "9102cdc2-13f9-4818-ba25-34226bd2d893" |
static const char | FFUUID_ERHU [] = "df24de8e-08c8-4c1b-8f20-8673ce15009d" |
static const char | FFUUID_ERXIAN [] = "8fd59c9c-f49d-4f05-b8db-dba34d1bf462" |
static const char | FFUUID_FIDDLE [] = "00fb6661-7b4a-411e-8ec6-7f6c15d9f3b3" |
static const char | FFUUID_GAOHU [] = "06d74eb0-5dd8-46ac-b1f9-dfdb5e1b1857" |
static const char | FFUUID_GEHU [] = "ced43fa4-9b0c-4413-be51-290a8e7b70d6" |
static const char | FFUUID_HAEGEUM [] = "2c6d5aaa-04f6-4536-9564-40eb62ef9f1e" |
static const char | FFUUID_HARDANGERFIDDLE [] = "c0666be0-a127-465c-9608-76cbdeb5e902" |
static const char | FFUUID_HURDYGURDY [] = "06a9413e-9739-4635-b968-bafedcb11db6" |
static const char | FFUUID_IGIL [] = "99b31179-d930-48ef-b59b-de49a5630156" |
static const char | FFUUID_KAMANCHA [] = "50d11032-113c-4799-a473-e40db1161e8f" |
static const char | FFUUID_KOKYU [] = "89102882-aa4f-46aa-abed-255d279b679e" |
static const char | FFUUID_KORA [] = "78e799d1-9c1f-42fc-86d3-0a518050ec81" |
static const char | FFUUID_LARUAN [] = "517fac0f-760c-4cdb-aae8-8a29625db520" |
static const char | FFUUID_LEIQIN [] = "eacec010-a733-439e-ab56-5ed48f16aa31" |
static const char | FFUUID_LIRONE [] = "1092088e-ba6b-4147-883d-a39b2f4b0d9a" |
static const char | FFUUID_MORINKHUUR [] = "32ec0199-96ef-49a5-ad89-fb180f7a3a2a" |
static const char | FFUUID_NYCKELHARPA [] = "77bc62ef-8724-4ffd-83af-4fcfcbb65b12" |
static const char | FFUUID_OCTOBASS [] = "22b93602-f5a2-4aa3-a581-99dc3ac3aac6" |
static const char | FFUUID_REBAB [] = "ba835d76-ee03-4d68-92cf-37c47aa774e4" |
static const char | FFUUID_REBEC [] = "252f3cc6-4cc4-4b31-ba9d-4b0f1a7a729a" |
static const char | FFUUID_SARANGI [] = "37021f3f-2acd-4c00-b2e0-71bb0f07ae7e" |
static const char | FFUUID_SARANGIDRONE [] = "341ba385-fda1-473b-afa9-8bfd0d576f7f" |
static const char | FFUUID_STROHVIOLIN [] = "013f1005-058e-4270-97b6-89fe25d11979" |
static const char | FFUUID_TROMBAMARINA [] = "71822c45-e84e-44ce-8031-46092e74dc5e" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIELLE [] = "7b07fc24-0b7a-484a-a1bf-abaab3d97411" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOL [] = "6fed40b7-1524-429b-8560-bb3f08209a99" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLADAGAMBA [] = "37fad7f4-b52f-4af5-b75a-ab214d9e3a5a" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLINOPICCOLO [] = "ae4668c7-0766-4dfd-92c3-cd16a487ff83" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLONCELLOPICCOLO [] = "121fb3dd-37d9-4fd0-bbaf-8074ba143f03" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIOLOTTA [] = "baad2449-f875-4360-9585-b7f3d8ceed1c" |
static const char | FFUUID_ZHONGHU [] = "08e9eb3f-42d8-4e64-8b51-1b30afcb76dc" |
static const char | FFUUID_PIANO [] = "776a2734-3f38-4cac-8fa2-90e62b368ec1" |
static const char | FFUUID_PIANONONAME [] = "38cd3cd9-3160-4baa-9bfd-c2d9f353dafd" |
static const char | FFUUID_HARPSICHORD [] = "5f34a4c0-b181-4d6d-8475-725374517ac5" |
static const char | FFUUID_ORGAN [] = "723972d2-a005-492a-b92c-2cb1a6b3f21d" |
static const char | FFUUID_ORGAN2STAFF [] = "ab39d5e6-a742-4af3-a0a6-269422e21ec3" |
static const char | FFUUID_CELESTA [] = "2827e1dc-72a3-4228-87fb-c0daee5ca2ad" |
static const char | FFUUID_ACCORDION [] = "58734c17-246e-4e83-8975-9a0d55577d16" |
static const char | FFUUID_MELODICA [] = "a41f4a27-6e41-47f1-973f-2c7fc66b3e68" |
static const char | FFUUID_ELECTRICPIANO [] = "4b54f9c4-35e3-41f8-9a17-a8797df0f057" |
static const char | FFUUID_CLAVINET [] = "ba97d794-3171-49e6-ac1b-af4b29ee61b8" |
static const char | FFUUID_SYNTHPAD [] = "962083d1-baf2-4904-a6f2-5c7e8f91de66" |
static const char | FFUUID_SYNTHLEAD [] = "de90a22f-c65d-4e20-8aff-9f4bcbf2ae4f" |
static const char | FFUUID_SYNTHBRASS [] = "e15cdc19-cb49-4f00-8ee4-7555af7c7759" |
static const char | FFUUID_SYNTHSOUNDTRACK [] = "55248216-3918-474d-b5e4-3349f253392d" |
static const char | FFUUID_SOUNDFX [] = "654cb42c-6127-4c60-bdb9-6b2accf66f22" |
static const char | FFUUID_HARMONIUM [] = "f3caf816-7be6-48e0-8067-07202cdb9b49" |
static const char | FFUUID_ONDESMARTENOT [] = "8fae711b-6eb2-4e99-9216-9248a25a4d3c" |
static const char | FFUUID_THEREMIN [] = "39515883-5827-44f6-bc14-99e5a4976237" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIRGINAL [] = "88eb2453-6649-4f3f-b98c-af2226bb4099" |
static const char | FFUUID_CLAVICHORD [] = "9322d689-68bc-4699-b77e-d370340830d7" |
static const char | FFUUID_SOPRANOVOICE [] = "b35a14d8-c981-4b8a-a7e4-9a2f8f6be99a" |
static const char | FFUUID_ALTOVOICE [] = "ab3fc62c-9de9-4018-adf7-58a9d4441a1a" |
static const char | FFUUID_TENORVOICE [] = "03844f81-9f10-431d-813c-659d7533b794" |
static const char | FFUUID_BARITONEVOICE [] = "6637f6a3-8f69-4dbf-9654-2287933ee7d3" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSVOICE [] = "e9a8eb68-25a0-4c9b-81a1-6e0517ca15be" |
static const char | FFUUID_VOCALS [] = "a253b03e-dc1e-43e3-a252-534c618fe473" |
static const char | FFUUID_VOICE [] = "3a3622cc-fc9a-42e0-a743-6b200dd8ce88" |
static const char | FFUUID_VOICENONAME [] = "07639481-d9a4-4c3a-b754-f454002bb742" |
static const char | FFUUID_MEZZOSOPRANOVOICE [] = "9b62dc60-4b05-41e1-9b4d-d8b7d19553d0" |
static const char | FFUUID_CONTRALTOVOICE [] = "aba0e110-478a-4c69-b8be-908c280d64b2" |
static const char | FFUUID_COUNTERTENORVOICE [] = "e61680e6-4a19-48bd-a0d7-f0f1373c8be2" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSBAROTONEVOICE [] = "e453be0a-d0fc-44b3-8b0a-5c4a95157d44" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHOIRAAHS [] = "cc4e753f-85b9-43c6-b462-a5ec36a01167" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHOIROOHS [] = "28426f8d-3f42-448b-913d-3ee37dc1c871" |
static const char | FFUUID_YODEL [] = "d7373ec2-d4ad-4ce8-84e7-ae9c5f216db6" |
static const char | FFUUID_BEATBOX [] = "ac62ce27-0e7a-4f23-849c-fe3dee395910" |
static const char | FFUUID_KAZOO [] = "c79f9662-44d7-442f-b5e6-a8b0085e92f4" |
static const char | FFUUID_TALKBOX [] = "465cb9eb-e1a3-4573-8572-7cc1096075db" |
static const char | FFUUID_VOCALPERCUSSION [] = "c4843056-dd9e-45b2-a3af-eca60fdb97ab" |
static const char | FFUUID_PICCOLO [] = "7423e6af-ab6f-41a4-832f-ffc6453c6bb5" |
static const char | FFUUID_FLUTE [] = "2575136d-9927-47bd-a727-f554c169257e" |
static const char | FFUUID_ALTOFLUTE [] = "71d2b8ec-becd-42ef-b99f-ee9264db925d" |
static const char | FFUUID_OBOE [] = "172a455a-d1b9-4a03-aa80-c863d587f209" |
static const char | FFUUID_OBOEDAMORE [] = "b70397fa-18ef-4841-8ccb-d5a9602e457d" |
static const char | FFUUID_ENGLISHHORN [] = "e4fc7b0a-5cd3-445b-ae1f-776764513741" |
static const char | FFUUID_CLARINETBFLAT [] = "a16af0c1-8df8-476d-8d74-0d6e1972846b" |
static const char | FFUUID_CLARINETA [] = "9d3e28eb-0640-41f7-9144-0fdef3046d7c" |
static const char | FFUUID_CLARINETEFLAT [] = "7e83467b-162e-4f30-b4a6-18a6d8beb202" |
static const char | FFUUID_ALTOCLARINET [] = "6c186f89-5f5d-45ea-ab13-26e4bf267d80" |
static const char | FFUUID_CONTRALTOCLARINET [] = "5a1020cd-f0ce-45e8-bc99-49fbf5f6890f" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSCLARINET [] = "40d3efff-30c3-4fd7-b830-03907360feed" |
static const char | FFUUID_CONTRABASSCLARINET [] = "7724f2be-b200-4404-bc08-4ef719a1373c" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSOON [] = "ec6fcc9b-d539-4a4a-a677-92a37298fec1" |
static const char | FFUUID_CONTRABASSOON [] = "0d158020-9bf8-4d56-b62c-a6f0bf5f4ccf" |
static const char | FFUUID_WINDSECTION [] = "0a798583-8a07-42c3-a6c1-c0e6c5cc622b" |
static const char | FFUUID_SOPRANOSAX [] = "ef0f2594-d57b-4cac-b351-f2f906538424" |
static const char | FFUUID_ALTOSAX [] = "4cb4cfa1-0b19-4053-8bf5-6b2cb0a2363b" |
static const char | FFUUID_TENORSAX [] = "7093ddd4-385c-481d-ab3d-39f03bc03b19" |
static const char | FFUUID_BARITONESAX [] = "8f767980-0718-4154-a312-20f458ee2096" |
static const char | FFUUID_SOPRANORECORDER [] = "0057fd7f-aba1-4149-97b5-98fe8ca28993" |
static const char | FFUUID_SOPRANINORECORDER [] = "52559fd3-bb96-403f-97d3-b1f2c5c2f468" |
static const char | FFUUID_ALTORECORDER [] = "6b43616e-06ad-4397-9ca5-889dcbda20a9" |
static const char | FFUUID_TENORRECORDER [] = "7c64b00d-cbd1-45a4-9969-77335de7f99c" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSRECORDER [] = "ed544580-e477-410b-a54d-dbb14edbb31e" |
static const char | FFUUID_DESCANTRECORDER [] = "56470843-614b-4bbd-bb83-bf928bb10d7d" |
static const char | FFUUID_OCARINA [] = "b0330079-36e9-4f3a-8b2e-e1e3432292fe" |
static const char | FFUUID_PENNYWHISTLE [] = "37bb50bc-04fb-494c-8d52-942149b0e757" |
static const char | FFUUID_PENNYWHISTLED [] = "54b39327-75aa-417b-a4d3-70bd5be2be9c" |
static const char | FFUUID_PENNYWHISTLEG [] = "c94c25b2-83fa-44c3-8ba6-a218d6e12eca" |
static const char | FFUUID_LOWIRISHWHISTLE [] = "dd31d2dc-cca6-489e-98ae-7447584b7ce9" |
static const char | FFUUID_TINWHISTLEBFLAT [] = "c2853206-ce69-4670-94e6-095278d7eca9" |
static const char | FFUUID_HARMONICA [] = "59b8b559-24c6-4ef0-8e67-8dcf4e1708fb" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSHARMONICA [] = "941ded93-3dc2-41cb-85d0-4c033988caef" |
static const char | FFUUID_CONCERTINA [] = "cc65d11c-9cfc-46ed-ba60-cf9ec7bee3d5" |
static const char | FFUUID_BANDONEON [] = "3320f54a-d594-438c-b276-6ac67d3d26b0" |
static const char | FFUUID_HORNF_WWQUINTET [] = "6cc5f057-3980-4562-b9a4-257403d17e96" |
static const char | FFUUID_BAGPIPES [] = "85399b62-95db-463e-abaf-da5f8405d57f" |
static const char | FFUUID_UILLEANNPIPES [] = "62a9c9ce-4379-4a58-9f80-2818b66774b4" |
static const char | FFUUID_GAIDAPIPES [] = "0bef0abc-85a3-4f5f-940a-3a9cfc7c128b" |
static const char | FFUUID_CONTRAALTOFLUTE [] = "9efb024e-88cb-4d91-97c8-1b84bc85185e" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSFLUTE [] = "b15ed58a-8c7d-487b-b54a-049f52b0a264" |
static const char | FFUUID_CONTRABASSFLUTE [] = "76326fd2-1a85-4620-9696-2b4b8d6e8f63" |
static const char | FFUUID_DOUBLECONTRABASSFLUTE [] = "1b7dc77e-17ef-4a7f-80d7-01b8eb47aef5" |
static const char | FFUUID_HYPERBASSFLUTE [] = "4413d227-8660-45ff-beb1-584161ccbf7e" |
static const char | FFUUID_PANPIPES [] = "a8bd8c3b-577d-4812-b500-f76b3cf9ab2b" |
static const char | FFUUID_FIFE [] = "54ebe5da-7965-4829-b919-b21841ffd05a" |
static const char | FFUUID_BOTTLEBLOW [] = "9fc11d96-9d40-4c07-8135-d6178c1548fe" |
static const char | FFUUID_JUG [] = "1799027e-dfff-49f9-a637-03b3db915e9f" |
static const char | FFUUID_PICCOLOOBOE [] = "f5424bcc-295a-4763-9c4c-52cbaa5356ea" |
static const char | FFUUID_PICCOLOHECKELPHONE [] = "9b97fd4a-5e7d-45ec-a85f-00304efa6fd3" |
static const char | FFUUID_HECKELPHONE [] = "944e0d72-f13a-43e3-985d-272b12776c8a" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSOBOE [] = "99f375d2-da09-4eac-aa7c-11bc0df567f3" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSETCLARINET [] = "b74f3793-ed8e-4b0b-93ab-864097d4658b" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSETHORN [] = "5a02ed14-9fbb-41b6-b0b2-1ae2052d28ca" |
static const char | FFUUID_HORNPIPE [] = "e6449624-6912-454b-8f16-a8d44692ac8d" |
static const char | FFUUID_PICCOLOCLARINET [] = "00b0b3a3-8906-46a1-9bc5-c5801f307a73" |
static const char | FFUUID_SAXONETTE [] = "ee4bfc3d-e50a-41c4-984a-0b5c6a002cb8" |
static const char | FFUUID_SOPRANINOSAX [] = "1ac144c7-73e3-4c96-9c3d-4f8a7324f2a0" |
static const char | FFUUID_MEZZOSOPRANOSAX [] = "aefe6f0b-3ccc-41f8-b421-d94c9e7a167d" |
static const char | FFUUID_SOPRILLO [] = "977e30e3-9333-4973-8342-24190390238d" |
static const char | FFUUID_CMELODYSAX [] = "04d3f8ec-bb16-431f-b609-580d2d2d1169" |
static const char | FFUUID_AULOCHROME [] = "e09e3499-e833-48a5-a2ba-b86e01c6dfe9" |
static const char | FFUUID_XAPHOON [] = "5be7a8a7-99e6-45a7-b625-3561788e585e" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSSAX [] = "1e325f9e-bd57-49ca-9c94-e53a51f6108d" |
static const char | FFUUID_CONTRABASSSAX [] = "5f4bbe18-a82f-4435-80ff-2f39f4492f3e" |
static const char | FFUUID_SUBCONTRABASSSAX [] = "dfd0e0dc-c1b2-4f6a-b85f-41a1c59b3976" |
static const char | FFUUID_TUBAX [] = "99c073a3-70b4-4418-9380-09f2f550e15c" |
static const char | FFUUID_BANSURI [] = "f26581a2-9cad-4523-b472-95d058b1a82e" |
static const char | FFUUID_DANSO [] = "63208df8-8e11-4e19-b7b3-27c097e861f5" |
static const char | FFUUID_DIZI [] = "442552fd-b7f8-488b-880a-f141f617cf90" |
static const char | FFUUID_DILLIKAVAL [] = "abfc63a8-9453-4958-a3fb-60e2fc05006f" |
static const char | FFUUID_DIPLE [] = "5a6e6ce3-155a-46cd-8c15-177e2e46ec3d" |
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static const char | FFUUID_DVOJNICE [] = "867c9afa-428f-4918-99fb-a580c3941dd1" |
static const char | FFUUID_DVOJNICEDRONE [] = "73019a0e-2f69-4b89-947e-cadbc91340ad" |
static const char | FFUUID_FLAGEOLET [] = "8070a42b-09f7-4142-bceb-5d48f0bccf9a" |
static const char | FFUUID_FUJARA [] = "dbebe448-5f02-4cbe-b2af-8037506a0928" |
static const char | FFUUID_GEMSHORN [] = "4c4bf6bd-b778-48ee-9212-d463522c0213" |
static const char | FFUUID_HOCCHIKU [] = "4a12d25d-5726-4886-8e98-991d5625b317" |
static const char | FFUUID_HUN [] = "1fd77046-302d-49fe-8342-d869272c148c" |
static const char | FFUUID_IRISHFLUTE [] = "badaf8de-498d-4629-b853-97fdb849c83d" |
static const char | FFUUID_KAVAL [] = "7792014c-81e2-4ff5-b45a-ca00f6d5a137" |
static const char | FFUUID_KHLUI [] = "cdf417bc-db53-4488-8941-14bc8044f2f7" |
static const char | FFUUID_KNOTWEEDFLUTE [] = "3387f5dc-573e-4d38-b6aa-d8892360ef8a" |
static const char | FFUUID_KONCOVKAALTOFLUTE [] = "3e47d131-819b-4d32-ae83-95ef468e65fd" |
static const char | FFUUID_KOUDI [] = "280914ad-66c8-4f22-86e1-f471a13ac008" |
static const char | FFUUID_NEY [] = "a21f447b-7fa8-49de-8c0e-3b9954ad986a" |
static const char | FFUUID_NOHKAN [] = "8708a296-2db3-452a-b654-daadc164d0a9" |
static const char | FFUUID_NOSEFLUTE [] = "3dcf456a-b87a-46fb-ba6c-90d3a11c0e22" |
static const char | FFUUID_PALENDAG [] = "6fd5d411-2f73-427b-a278-a129381c6a1d" |
static const char | FFUUID_QUENA [] = "f92e2b02-3e6f-4267-9242-415cf95a9cf8" |
static const char | FFUUID_RYUTEKI [] = "52e2cabb-0314-402e-8bbe-997e98a65f4b" |
static const char | FFUUID_SHAKUHACHI [] = "9259887f-83a7-4e91-b0cb-03d3bed5886c" |
static const char | FFUUID_SHEPHERDSPIPE [] = "4c8ad2dd-c863-4272-a317-6e33194969db" |
static const char | FFUUID_SHINOBUE [] = "0dc9af9e-4a7a-44d9-9ede-a092a3e0fdf6" |
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static const char | FFUUID_SHVI [] = "a788598c-02a8-42ff-a1c5-f575d5c8610c" |
static const char | FFUUID_SULING [] = "33b4ae63-2222-4d2d-b37c-b138bf383428" |
static const char | FFUUID_TARKA [] = "c19c42f1-42cf-417c-a362-77b3f4522d44" |
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static const char | FFUUID_TUMPONG [] = "f3050b4d-1a0e-4d00-9e34-3caedbb3ac5b" |
static const char | FFUUID_VENU [] = "91139f31-7457-4d12-b5d2-b7742178f4c2" |
static const char | FFUUID_XIAO [] = "dcb76d8d-16bc-4034-9571-27aa999634c3" |
static const char | FFUUID_XUN [] = "6bd9746f-aec7-4e09-bcf0-6b85ebac1ddd" |
static const char | FFUUID_ALBOGUE [] = "cc046dd9-f5b7-4e0e-aacc-349e38da8ff3" |
static const char | FFUUID_ALBOKA [] = "068a2f5d-dd22-47e8-ad53-b4b4dbd149ee" |
static const char | FFUUID_ALTOCRUMHORN [] = "43a2bdba-df71-4768-ae08-955c380f4adb" |
static const char | FFUUID_ARGHUL [] = "f79879d9-f370-4acb-a1b5-0ce2dc6c3895" |
static const char | FFUUID_BAWU [] = "0c0a399c-6e82-4fb7-8f5a-c7fe3d12dedb" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHALUMEAU [] = "2b0e17ba-f185-4b97-b094-71a4668edfe2" |
static const char | FFUUID_CLARINETTEDAMOUR [] = "58054d04-a50d-4c3b-9b99-abbb13c28850" |
static const char | FFUUID_CORNAMUSE [] = "b68788f5-aed1-4d72-b4d4-facd99f28e90" |
static const char | FFUUID_DIPLICA [] = "eb27b9dd-b27c-47bb-b8c8-a0284535bece" |
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static const char | FFUUID_HECKELPHONECLARINET [] = "cba3d8dd-e7a9-4b5e-bb6b-0e4ddc20fe63" |
static const char | FFUUID_HIRTENSCHALMEI [] = "81777381-f632-4f78-aa8b-bfd7b4fef7fa" |
static const char | FFUUID_LAUNEDDAS [] = "2f5cac27-b724-466e-904e-af3ecd5e64d6" |
static const char | FFUUID_MAQRUNAH [] = "a6140a3d-2ccb-494c-b96d-005d6abc2a6b" |
static const char | FFUUID_MIJWIZ [] = "55b4d551-ed21-4705-af1a-dcd986fd08ef" |
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static const char | FFUUID_RAUSCHPFEIFE [] = "f454c420-f6af-45e7-bb73-5e4031b27918" |
static const char | FFUUID_SIPSI [] = "b379e5e9-44d5-4ca3-b039-3feea42ccd55" |
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static const char | FFUUID_ZHALEIKA [] = "101e2231-696e-49fb-955d-500b3ce3ac31" |
static const char | FFUUID_ALGAITA [] = "d841d923-42f6-4edb-8b6e-8842edb170b9" |
static const char | FFUUID_BIFORA [] = "7ccb817f-82e7-4b52-88b1-2f097de86773" |
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static const char | FFUUID_DULZAINA [] = "a7a2cb49-c0b2-4bc2-b733-af19bc46076a" |
static const char | FFUUID_GUAN [] = "5466f457-7976-457f-a993-a5827497f54c" |
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static const char | FFUUID_HICHIRIKI [] = "c372616c-4d6c-4f25-a930-d19204582be0" |
static const char | FFUUID_HNE [] = "ee53523b-5209-466d-b10e-c5f65ee442e7" |
static const char | FFUUID_JOGIBAJA [] = "5ac64ac7-54ce-441b-8339-33af4f695113" |
static const char | FFUUID_KENBAU [] = "1d80222d-bcc3-4605-9979-729847c83b51" |
static const char | FFUUID_MIZMAR [] = "0f976aa0-7c54-45f8-a1a9-451125809ea8" |
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static const char | FFUUID_PI [] = "7471f961-590b-4382-b4a6-d05069cd19ae" |
static const char | FFUUID_PIRI [] = "54ed0ce3-2d02-4aab-985e-8b1af576a294" |
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static const char | FFUUID_RACKETT [] = "ec8aad53-c0ae-471d-99f4-86eec9897f1b" |
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static const char | FFUUID_SHAWM [] = "654efca8-6eb3-460e-880b-c0193285887f" |
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static const char | FFUUID_SOPILA [] = "3fbb3534-6714-4d41-8f65-1bec853cf688" |
static const char | FFUUID_SORNA [] = "e7d11adf-252f-4d95-a3ff-3fce49e798ba" |
static const char | FFUUID_SRALAI [] = "ee80b114-9697-4edb-ba40-57930ec6ab03" |
static const char | FFUUID_SUONA [] = "2e0cbdf7-bed5-4ac9-9d30-f7bc8044cdee" |
static const char | FFUUID_SURNAY [] = "2d9c16cf-72c4-4a00-bb91-a6a8ab0b32a0" |
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static const char | FFUUID_FISCORN [] = "e330bdcd-889a-4314-b60d-aa05085790e7" |
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static const char | FFUUID_POCKETTRUMPET [] = "aa29ecf9-c068-44d2-8736-099ab1728332" |
static const char | FFUUID_SAXHORN [] = "91bc1c7a-2d04-4aac-9fa3-6f3a2b190f70" |
static const char | FFUUID_SLIDETRUMPET [] = "ceb7f1b0-3841-40e2-887e-bb7102b2eb8c" |
static const char | FFUUID_CIMBASSO [] = "ccae2f20-379c-4c2c-bdb1-c52f2139ff5c" |
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static const char | FFUUID_SACKBUT [] = "6e014e35-0653-4b2b-88bd-54b9ec3bf385" |
static const char | FFUUID_HELICON [] = "08ef463b-e7a9-42e6-9c2a-ed5a700e0bf5" |
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static const char | FFUUID_ALTOGLOCKENSPIEL [] = "35d4384c-ca42-448a-a6b3-e8af86267015" |
static const char | FFUUID_MARIMBA [] = "f55049de-c37e-42bd-a081-55abe1b6bfea" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSMARIMBA [] = "5d49fe61-91e8-41fb-8b7f-1deab2736648" |
static const char | FFUUID_MARIMBASINGLESTAFF [] = "ce1b61fd-dbe1-482f-8277-40d734798f44" |
static const char | FFUUID_TUBULARBELLS [] = "ad1c30a7-bd96-420a-82a4-d45bad1cf265" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIBRAPHONE [] = "42cdb691-a98e-46ea-a32b-4008734bc10f" |
static const char | FFUUID_XYLOPHONE [] = "7a92b859-e308-42da-b919-1ee2d74d1adb" |
static const char | FFUUID_SOPRANOXYLOPHONE [] = "67feda51-a2c9-415b-b069-b218f7629886" |
static const char | FFUUID_ALTOXYLOPHONE [] = "ed798f0d-91de-4d95-a2a0-25cd8e02e98a" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASSXYLOPHONE [] = "6daa67d4-a3f2-4a1a-939d-4bdd3e72eedb" |
static const char | FFUUID_XYLORIMBA [] = "537714a3-ff03-499b-ae95-e7acba78b617" |
static const char | FFUUID_BELL_LYRE [] = "dee774df-112b-4d13-9fbd-919253eca95b" |
static const char | FFUUID_BOOMWHACKERS [] = "dfc51096-791e-47ff-9923-34e112c6009f" |
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static const char | FFUUID_CARILLON [] = "9ed685ae-e885-4b1f-b976-56ede8673922" |
static const char | FFUUID_CRYSTALGLASSES [] = "338f8ed8-390d-40fe-8aae-44dc5b8a8cf5" |
static const char | FFUUID_FLEXATONE_PITCHED [] = "a4ee65b8-5980-49b2-8543-628b03b83057" |
static const char | FFUUID_GLASSHARMONICA [] = "6ad97c39-4343-4413-9624-f73173c48a10" |
static const char | FFUUID_GLASSMARIMBA [] = "401ba530-b087-4ad4-a0b8-5c7f5a30b0cd" |
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static const char | FFUUID_HANDBELLS_BCLEF [] = "34f8ae0c-d91a-4b19-8d1f-8dcc923e4eda" |
static const char | FFUUID_HANG_TCLEF [] = "698094a5-d25f-4b34-9888-1b9d7134e539" |
static const char | FFUUID_JAWHARP [] = "24394eac-bd86-4e89-8e74-ed0bcd16567c" |
static const char | FFUUID_KALIMBA [] = "083c0880-19c8-4c2a-9bce-b5fbd864ea30" |
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static const char | FFUUID_BASSMETALLOPHONE [] = "3f810a8e-1bd2-4c62-96a5-5c2eb7b0bf77" |
static const char | FFUUID_MUSICALSAW [] = "a664f74c-a766-4407-8d1e-c84cd08390a6" |
static const char | FFUUID_SLIDEWHISTLE [] = "69edf04f-9d9f-4cb0-ac8d-611a32fa69c8" |
static const char | FFUUID_STEELDRUMS_TCLEF [] = "416066f9-4930-47b7-b226-807413a41dc1" |
static const char | FFUUID_STEELDRUMS_BCLEF [] = "799fdd4c-d3d2-4145-9bb0-017e0d519264" |
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static const char | FFUUID_GANGSAGAMELAN [] = "d71c4ab2-8272-4034-abc7-0dbbe9795cb2" |
static const char | FFUUID_GENDERGAMELAN [] = "0296a4c4-b551-4025-ace4-4216cf4558cd" |
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static const char | FFUUID_PEMADEGAMELAN [] = "e501c949-c877-43b7-8b68-2fdf420ec3c3" |
static const char | FFUUID_PENYACAHGAMELAN [] = "489a47f8-38d0-4c36-a07e-84df6e890641" |
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static const char | FFUUID_SARONPANERUSGAMELAN [] = "f66a16d0-6afe-4737-9f9f-dbf4399d108d" |
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static const char | FFUUID_SLENTHEMSGAMELAN [] = "b43f7d64-6923-409a-9a8c-d93d90d72d25" |
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static const char | FFUUID_ANGKLUNG [] = "907d080c-1d5a-4fba-bdd1-ee216d2de7cc" |
static const char | FFUUID_ARRAYMBIRA [] = "98c24536-4751-4435-8ee4-8154fc14c84a" |
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static const char | FFUUID_BIANQING [] = "3ed3be98-578f-463e-bcfb-83cf4bbb01cc" |
static const char | FFUUID_BIANZHONG [] = "65ada1c3-785b-46fb-87c4-60a2e3dd464d" |
static const char | FFUUID_FANGXIANG [] = "b5ae31ef-eae4-4458-a2bd-639c23658fe8" |
static const char | FFUUID_GANDINGANAKAYO [] = "96457207-743e-4abc-8bd5-091af9c6e218" |
static const char | FFUUID_GYIL [] = "bbb6a603-31c3-4a44-bc05-2c0cd440bfa0" |
static const char | FFUUID_KUBING [] = "b02c5df1-7cc5-4db7-985c-24924ce2d5c7" |
static const char | FFUUID_KULINTANG [] = "5fbbb49e-0478-4793-8a1e-2dc0c225437b" |
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static const char | FFUUID_MURCHANG [] = "eb36788a-e84c-4be3-ac32-13a901f7beca" |
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static const char | FFUUID_APENTEMMA [] = "22173e36-209e-4b91-95c2-fbef21596ec8" |
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static const char | FFUUID_ASHIKO [] = "d0bd0218-d248-43ce-89f4-584de4625c0f" |
static const char | FFUUID_ATABAQUE [] = "9ff9e754-b3d3-428f-80d7-a30a4b102d4c" |
static const char | FFUUID_BATA [] = "b1dea916-1f2f-4e05-984f-33a882febd40" |
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static const char | FFUUID_DHOL [] = "b2392c7c-dc7f-4d37-9ac4-20e48dc5424d" |
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static const char | FFUUID_TRIANGLE [] = "6544e314-f956-4a20-b7bb-44635a06b7e0" |
static const char | FFUUID_CYMBALS [] = "9605b878-9cdf-4e40-9716-3f64f1955c7f" |
static const char | FFUUID_FINGERCYMBALS [] = "7c0a65e2-79dd-4fb7-b270-0d445e44941a" |
static const char | FFUUID_CRASHCYMBAL [] = "cc84983d-005c-4172-987b-c13b22709f35" |
static const char | FFUUID_HIHATCYMBAL [] = "c60b115a-a287-4962-a94e-eba1e1e8e54f" |
static const char | FFUUID_RIDECYMBAL [] = "7c74b642-641d-40e7-a959-e18d3122629f" |
static const char | FFUUID_SPLASHCYMBAL [] = "0f0cf493-9257-4699-8010-66d0107600b2" |
static const char | FFUUID_TAMTAM [] = "48f24f7c-d774-4765-bee1-b4566b3ef69b" |
static const char | FFUUID_GONG [] = "5a9943e6-cc1b-439a-851e-e9e9d04f4272" |
static const char | FFUUID_AGOGOBELLS [] = "f6cf5b5b-5f89-4183-a46c-92840a7058c2" |
static const char | FFUUID_AIRHORN [] = "3bfc4287-d541-47f4-abbe-be13ed82e607" |
static const char | FFUUID_BRAKEDRUM [] = "f1eae261-5453-457a-8957-e8bf16f8a79d" |
static const char | FFUUID_CABASA [] = "8d110308-41ac-4a7f-a98f-d9e16608059f" |
static const char | FFUUID_CAJON [] = "7eacc546-2239-4c6d-9566-8df8437db871" |
static const char | FFUUID_CASTANETS [] = "aa272c8a-4584-4d53-a060-a1b8a73af80b" |
static const char | FFUUID_CLAP [] = "995b3dbf-9fff-4d1b-9aee-94a9b0d72834" |
static const char | FFUUID_CLAPPER [] = "dd57d769-fa9f-4c11-be68-3af71017604d" |
static const char | FFUUID_CLAVES [] = "58ae0978-6244-4974-a1bc-899097a1bea7" |
static const char | FFUUID_COWBELL [] = "298cc3b4-fc5e-4440-be13-f81790571580" |
static const char | FFUUID_CUICA [] = "b251ffbb-79c3-4dbf-b84b-bec3434f9bef" |
static const char | FFUUID_GUIRO [] = "d591143f-1b3a-40c2-ad20-1738923fe0d8" |
static const char | FFUUID_MARACAS [] = "e0d6ae08-7634-47dc-831c-40a559673d3b" |
static const char | FFUUID_POLICEWHISTLE [] = "35da6ce6-fec8-48c2-80ce-3412fec2222e" |
static const char | FFUUID_RAINSTICK [] = "7b06c899-ddbb-4d30-a999-89d4876527d4" |
static const char | FFUUID_RATCHET [] = "b2ece664-e51d-4dd0-8553-8bc2e4b24d5b" |
static const char | FFUUID_RATTLE [] = "d8a4b676-1fd8-4628-9847-3b48f9930671" |
static const char | FFUUID_SANDBLOCK [] = "3fee7454-6d20-435b-964f-cda2e76d9ce6" |
static const char | FFUUID_SHAKERS [] = "92b2fb6f-9473-4631-8382-2879bf8fee92" |
static const char | FFUUID_SPOONS [] = "e74a6ffa-aa6e-4712-bb85-b755352b8ab5" |
static const char | FFUUID_TEMPLEBLOCKS [] = "d27e81b7-3473-4c04-9383-23d6bc716843" |
static const char | FFUUID_VIBRASLAP [] = "65827c10-4d1c-4e24-9d60-3ace52b70109" |
static const char | FFUUID_WASHBOARD [] = "e018a8b2-3734-4d87-970c-8906c195e97e" |
static const char | FFUUID_WHIP [] = "ac55ce39-2c07-400e-b2d6-8b45d5488a0f" |
static const char | FFUUID_WINDMACHINE [] = "ebee9d97-92e9-4b2d-87c3-cce779fe0a49" |
static const char | FFUUID_WOODBLOCKS [] = "09c4b5a0-5f4c-4bde-8060-fad1e8759aa6" |
static const char | FFUUID_CENGCENGGAMELAN [] = "fb57f7da-2a1e-4451-a795-0db01b55ba6b" |
static const char | FFUUID_GONGAGENGGAMELAN [] = "7731a5ea-76c7-4086-ac26-f57e9532d17c" |
static const char | FFUUID_KEMPULGAMELAN [] = "4e74c977-7fcf-42a4-89f6-b40b004cb069" |
static const char | FFUUID_KEMPYANGGAMELAN [] = "19b4b362-f073-4ef6-9a9b-b788ea060971" |
static const char | FFUUID_KENONGGAMELAN [] = "894e33c2-daa0-42fd-ae04-ecf066e063a0" |
static const char | FFUUID_KETUKGAMELAN [] = "22bc67fc-69ae-4293-aa5a-448898d32b56" |
static const char | FFUUID_REYONGGAMELAN [] = "a16d527d-7ee4-4463-a4f9-e1330cf215cd" |
static const char | FFUUID_ADODO [] = "afe27a81-d1b2-40ae-a844-e01690a2eef8" |
static const char | FFUUID_AEOLIANHARP [] = "872e204b-4e82-4543-a816-a6cec42e60e7" |
static const char | FFUUID_AFOXE [] = "5ff79093-45b2-45fe-89fc-4598b82885f9" |
static const char | FFUUID_AGOGOBLOCK [] = "0315f2bd-67a3-4fcb-924c-d85e13edefb2" |
static const char | FFUUID_AGUNG [] = "34b63a98-197d-42c8-bee7-70ce5ff50d6e" |
static const char | FFUUID_AGUNGATAMLANG [] = "f9091d1e-4db0-4427-8755-37f5fcfaaf49" |
static const char | FFUUID_AHOKO [] = "e9d454f3-ae77-4774-b31b-174eba15dc39" |
static const char | FFUUID_BABENDIL [] = "797c2be3-64a7-4366-a943-11f7fc1078ba" |
static const char | FFUUID_BASICINDIANPERCUSSION [] = "aedc8963-5421-4062-b6fd-1d6b38695009" |
static const char | FFUUID_BERIMBAU [] = "556ee363-7ce1-4b09-8c1f-30bd3055675d" |
static const char | FFUUID_BO [] = "db2f5e5d-2c2f-4e81-9ff4-5447d528c8e3" |
static const char | FFUUID_BONES [] = "c765c7c2-1513-4a2d-8855-972327c86114" |
static const char | FFUUID_BONGOBELLS [] = "48bd0c4a-2fd0-43d1-bcc9-8a1a0607ad73" |
static const char | FFUUID_BULLROARER [] = "6ec38faa-25aa-41f3-ba0c-e807ce598dcc" |
static const char | FFUUID_CAXIXI [] = "739baf27-004b-4a91-b8ac-41dbfd95edc3" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHACHABELLS [] = "fcd4fd88-6114-4ef7-86f3-23077bce7e1b" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHABARA [] = "212255a2-6a02-4416-be8c-37457d2f9ae2" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHANCHIKI [] = "173fbe79-502e-4cd4-8cbd-0a0ef15649ce" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHIMTA [] = "f6c1d0e5-e207-404b-8bfc-114296d61763" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHINATEMPLEBLOCKS [] = "ecad5d50-26b7-46b9-8f76-b7e2de364d10" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHINESECYMBALS [] = "4374eeae-6f31-469f-a0f0-3d389a1d8234" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHINESEGONGS [] = "24356658-bf82-4e95-8365-34cafc677e0f" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHINESEPERCUSSIONENSEMBLE [] = "1da58bd6-ebd4-43c2-8e26-e0476aedf9c6" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHING [] = "581059ef-57fa-48c0-89f2-bc843047476e" |
static const char | FFUUID_CHIPPLI [] = "84398568-363c-433e-82e4-348490ecc3c4" |
static const char | FFUUID_DAFF [] = "bc469d9c-f499-4714-aee3-40ae8f19cd55" |
static const char | FFUUID_DAFLI [] = "6273fbe8-0f9f-423a-9a5f-f513bab3b20b" |
static const char | FFUUID_DAWURO [] = "80cb13ed-f144-4426-9677-de5e9f949363" |
static const char | FFUUID_DEF [] = "49e7851b-adef-4a82-8d4c-31ee9681f66a" |
static const char | FFUUID_DOIRA [] = "1e3f9946-dba3-4864-a004-bcebcebaf84a" |
static const char | FFUUID_EWEDRUMATOKE [] = "e0fd2f0f-a398-446a-accf-60f42416a719" |
static const char | FFUUID_EWEDRUMAXATSE [] = "535f2ee9-846b-4d5d-b375-7fd513e3500c" |
static const char | FFUUID_EWEDRUMGANGOKUI [] = "6ffc2237-7d6d-43b6-beff-d6cd492ae9c8" |
static const char | FFUUID_FLEXATONE_PERC [] = "86a0dbdf-3c84-4add-b8c0-464eb9003a69" |
static const char | FFUUID_GANDINGAN [] = "e98ccb19-0178-485f-90c0-f134a8fe5841" |
static const char | FFUUID_GANZA [] = "88215348-7b83-4522-bcc7-68b5aaebebcf" |
static const char | FFUUID_GHATAM [] = "f0ecc0f9-7862-4304-a8e4-262b46e9049b" |
static const char | FFUUID_GHUNGROO [] = "a80d5310-b1d0-4642-9e45-08c072028444" |
static const char | FFUUID_GOME [] = "4c9e9269-c014-4467-aa97-6b60172ac701" |
static const char | FFUUID_GUBAN [] = "bd46bd5e-16a0-40d1-bad2-ea5680ee585f" |
static const char | FFUUID_HANDCYMBAL [] = "950b7f44-1fd3-451a-831c-e66d4944bf44" |
static const char | FFUUID_HANG [] = "41968e98-a916-4cc0-817b-fc4c39befa51" |
static const char | FFUUID_HATHELI [] = "50804279-39f4-4dd0-b8e3-392950d6587d" |
static const char | FFUUID_HOSHO [] = "f4e6e4dc-030d-4ace-9548-6821e90e4553" |
static const char | FFUUID_HYOUSHIGI [] = "3efb5b5f-e0fd-4814-8386-9cfb2bc57020" |
static const char | FFUUID_IBO [] = "3450e084-0952-4e16-9c35-0c37732f9b5f" |
static const char | FFUUID_INDIANGONG [] = "72e3b743-fe70-4748-b888-0ed6099c25f8" |
static const char | FFUUID_IPU [] = "eb3126e3-659f-49c1-bd84-c38d32980256" |
static const char | FFUUID_JAWBONE [] = "b87bb002-1bdf-44c9-b8a6-dcbcb07ef73d" |
static const char | FFUUID_KAEKEEKE [] = "64b61662-f6b0-479d-917e-23cc12e81922" |
static const char | FFUUID_KAGUL [] = "0d348566-292f-4457-8d4e-24294742dc47" |
static const char | FFUUID_KALAAU [] = "94e1a66f-1baa-4d64-a03f-25f5cc34dc35" |
static const char | FFUUID_KASHIKLAR [] = "360cff2c-cee0-4fa1-a049-91c87a318348" |
static const char | FFUUID_KESI [] = "515e74a1-0f6e-4cf6-a904-589e34676fea" |
static const char | FFUUID_KHARTAL [] = "db43d176-446d-4500-ad9e-da15577f3c6e" |
static const char | FFUUID_KKWAENGGWARI [] = "eb190c98-d799-48e4-8d77-b69b78f5c4d6" |
static const char | FFUUID_KPOKOKPOKO [] = "6288a051-dd88-4ff2-aafd-7871d9665b22" |
static const char | FFUUID_KRINSLITDRUM [] = "1a47d8b9-5f4d-4f0e-81b0-670bc3c02113" |
static const char | FFUUID_LAVASTONES [] = "e234cf01-adce-46b3-8ea2-3bbaad459953" |
static const char | FFUUID_LUOGONG [] = "3585b4c8-bac9-452a-b5a4-cb8bd8ce887f" |
static const char | FFUUID_MANJEERA [] = "5eea74d5-bc25-4257-911c-ca0c2b432aa8" |
static const char | FFUUID_PANCLAPPERS [] = "1ed902ac-d3d2-4f1f-a961-237400996ea8" |
static const char | FFUUID_PATSCHEN [] = "25034241-d9b2-4c08-96d4-fdf267f217c5" |
static const char | FFUUID_RATTLECOG [] = "d25d39ea-5c5b-4785-85fc-61c6c6359ac3" |
static const char | FFUUID_RIQ [] = "1b88998b-88f1-4523-baaa-cc632a35dbdc" |
static const char | FFUUID_SHEKERE [] = "15281c38-e3a9-4087-b674-a448e20b2600" |
static const char | FFUUID_SISTRE [] = "6f823de8-b971-4ffd-8869-2fdfc2391860" |
static const char | FFUUID_SISTRUM [] = "6968b0bd-2f1b-4d33-b365-b95d2e76a4cf" |
static const char | FFUUID_SLIDEWHISTLE_PERCCLEF [] = "e0e54746-94f8-4daf-a97d-d0c83f60ee22" |
static const char | FFUUID_SLITDRUM [] = "92251af7-b395-44c3-a1f8-67d6b81b1e48" |
static const char | FFUUID_SNAP [] = "354bd88b-0ddd-42d3-a451-1b2741a2631c" |
static const char | FFUUID_STAMP [] = "72299f8e-8ad3-4ec8-9ca4-b33d1632fe3f" |
static const char | FFUUID_STIRDRUM [] = "39a19cd7-59f4-44db-8491-f2faebcf5891" |
static const char | FFUUID_TEBYOSHI [] = "f2fa4052-1ec9-4095-8152-267e468f8f8a" |
static const char | FFUUID_TELEVI [] = "6d226f46-3a93-4926-87c5-fb721b7b36df" |
static const char | FFUUID_TEPONAXTLI [] = "78d475c3-fe32-4bcf-9f5b-a2e43a5aa107" |
static const char | FFUUID_THAIGONG [] = "e16a3a94-a372-4b9d-8eef-90fe388697cb" |
static const char | FFUUID_TIBETANCYMBALS [] = "e010f505-dedf-4e73-915c-4b414998fd1b" |
static const char | FFUUID_TICTOCBLOCK [] = "f2d76def-ecd6-4835-8061-11af1fa42d28" |
static const char | FFUUID_TIMBALEBELL [] = "2c13efbd-a8dd-4cfe-a064-fb7060a2d983" |
static const char | FFUUID_TINAJA [] = "e6a5d781-821e-48aa-aeae-26ea8427580e" |
static const char | FFUUID_TINGSHA [] = "71165815-e46a-479d-a0db-38d1b9dcf0af" |
static const char | FFUUID_TOERE [] = "824793c3-fd68-41b7-9dc7-b21e27abdb75" |
static const char | FFUUID_TONETANG [] = "85076645-1553-4b7e-9a5f-c20d1d48323b" |
static const char | FFUUID_TRYCHEL [] = "0f664fec-fc69-4638-aea7-850ebde17591" |
static const char | FFUUID_UDU [] = "c6c172fe-b04f-4d5e-bd02-0d98b8b00bab" |
static const char | FFUUID_ZILLS [] = "3150178c-160e-43d6-b55c-d0ac6da44c6d" |
![]() | |
virtual void * | Allocate ()=0 |
virtual void | Deallocate () |
virtual bool | IsDynamicSize () |
bool | LoadDataBlock () |
Loads the data. If the object is of dynamic size, the old memory block is freed and a new is allocated. | |
void | ClearData () |
virtual twobyte | CalcLastInci () |
For internal use only! | |
virtual __FCBaseData * | CreateObject ()=0 |
Creates a new instance of the object. | |
bool | DataIsLoaded () const |
Returns true is any data has been loaded into the object. | |
void | _TagDocumentID () |
For internal use only. | |
![]() | |
__FCBase () | |
The constructor. | |
![]() | |
EDOCID | _connecteddocID |
The "connected" document ID., which is the document the where the document was loaded (or last saved). This is for a mechanism to prevent resaving of certain data in other documents. | |
void * | _datablock |
Pointer to the object's data block, the meaning is implementation-specific for each derived subclass. | |
bool | _heapdatablock |
Variable that tells if _datablock is dynamically created on the heap (and should be deleted at object destruction). | |
int | _loadedsize |
Loaded size of the data block for a loaded object, in bytes. Since the datablock is implementation-specific, the _loadedsize should be updated by child classes that create new data. | |
EDataID | _dataid |
The EdataID for the last loaded/saved object. | |
The class for a "current staff state" (the sum of staff changes and staff style changes) at a specific position in the score, for diagnostic purposes. The class cannot save data.
Most of its functionality comes from the inherited FCStaff class.
This is a very specialized data type, it's the only one that uses the staffSpec in EDataID.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Returns the name of the class, for diagnostic purposes. This method MUST be overwritten in each child class.
Reimplemented from __FCStaffBase.
inline |
Returns the connected duration position for loaded data.
Lua-supported (also as a read-only property).
inline |
Returns the connected measure for loaded data.
Lua-supported (also as a read-only property).
inline |
Returns the connected staff for loaded data.
Lua-supported (also as a read-only property).
bool FCCurrentStaffSpec::LoadForCell | ( | FCCell * | pCell, |
TimeEdu32 | durationpos ) |
Loads the staff spec data based on a position in a cell.
Requires PDK_FRAMEWORK_ENTRIES to be defined.
[in] | pCell | The cell that contains the position to query. |
[in] | durationpos | The duration position in the cell. Use 0 to get the left side of the cell will be used. |
bool FCCurrentStaffSpec::LoadForEntry | ( | const FCNoteEntry * | pNoteEntry | ) |
Loads the staff spec data based on the position in the note entry.
Requires PDK_FRAMEWORK_ENTRIES to be defined.
pNoteEntry | The note entry that contains the position to query. |