Finale PDK Framework 0.74
Public Types | Public Member Functions | List of all members
FCMeasureNumberRegion Class Reference

The class for a measure number region. More...

#include <ff_other.h>

Inheritance diagram for FCMeasureNumberRegion:
__FCNoInciOther __FCOther __FCBaseData __FCBase

Public Types

 Numbering styles for measure numbers. More...
 The number views where the region should show. More...
 The measure number alignment values. More...
 The measure number justification values. More...
- Public Types inherited from __FCBase
 Constants for the GetClassID method. More...
 Constants for Finale's standard measurement units. More...

Public Member Functions

const char * ClassName () const override
 Returns the name of the class, for diagnostic purposes. This method MUST be overwritten in each child class. More...
const PDKFRAMEWORK_CLASSID GetClassID () const override
 Returns the internal class ID for the PDK Framework class. This is implemented mostly because Lua has problems to resolve the true classes of inherited objects. More...
 FCMeasureNumberRegion ()
 The constructor. More...
void SetStartMeasure (twobyte measure)
 Sets the start measure for the measure number region. More...
void SetEndMeasure (twobyte measure)
 Sets the end measure for the measure number region. More...
void SetStartNumber (twobyte offset)
 Sets the start measure for the measure number region. More...
void SetPrefix (FCString *pString)
 Sets the prefix string. More...
void SetSuffix (FCString *pString)
 Sets the suffix string. More...
void SetUseScoreInfoForParts (bool value)
 Sets if parts should use the score information section of the measure number region appearance. More...
void SetID (twobyte newid)
 Sets the unique measure number region ID. USE WITH CARE!!!
void SetStartFontInfo (FCFontInfo *pFontInfo, bool parts)
 Sets the start font for the measure number region. More...
void SetMultipleFontInfo (FCFontInfo *pFontInfo, bool parts)
 Sets the multiple font for the measure number region. More...
void SetMultiMeasureFontInfo (FCFontInfo *pFontInfo, bool parts)
 Sets the font to be used for multi-measure rests. More...
void SetUseEnclosureStart (bool use, bool parts)
 Sets if enclosures should be used for start numbers. More...
void SetExcludeOtherStaves (bool exclude, bool parts)
 Sets if the numbers should be excluded on other staves. More...
void SetUseEnclosureMultiple (bool use, bool parts)
 Sets if enclosures should be used for multiple numbers. More...
void SetShowOnTopStaff (bool showontop, bool parts)
 Sets if the measure number should be shown on top staff or not. More...
void SetShowOnSystemStart (bool showonstart, bool parts)
 Sets if the measure number should be shown on system starts or not. More...
void SetShowOnBottomStaff (bool showonbottom, bool parts)
 Sets if the measure number should be displayed on the bottom staff or not. More...
void SetShowMultiples (bool showmultiples, bool parts)
 Sets if the "multiple" numbering should be used or not. More...
void SetHideFirstNumber (bool hide, bool parts)
 Sets if the first occurence should be hidden or not. More...
void SetShowMultiMeasureRange (bool show, bool parts)
 Sets if the measure range should be displayed for multimeasure rests or not. More...
void SetShowOnMultiMeasureRests (bool show, bool parts)
 Sets if the measure numbers should show on multimeasure rests. More...
void SetMultipleValue (twobyte value, bool parts)
 Sets the "Show on every" value for multiple measure numbers. More...
void SetMultipleStartMeasure (twobyte measure, bool parts)
 Sets the "Show on every" start value for multiple measure numbers. More...
void SetMultiMeasureBracketLeft (eUniChar32 character, bool parts)
 Sets the left-side range bracket character for multimeasure rest ranges. More...
void SetMultiMeasureBracketRight (eUniChar32 character, bool parts)
 Sets the right-side range bracket character for multimeasure rest ranges. More...
void SetBreakMultiMeasureRests (bool breakstate, bool parts)
 Sets if "multiple" measure numbers should break multimeasure rests or not. More...
void SetStartAlignment (MNALIGNMENTS alignment, bool parts)
 Sets the alignment for start measure numbers. More...
void SetStartJustification (MNJUSTIFICATIONS justification, bool parts)
 Sets the justification for the start measure numbers. More...
void SetMultipleAlignment (MNALIGNMENTS alignment, bool parts)
 Sets the alignment for "multiple" measure numbers. More...
void SetMultipleJustification (MNJUSTIFICATIONS justification, bool parts)
 Sets the justification for the "multiple" measure numbers. More...
void SetMultiMeasureAlignment (MNALIGNMENTS alignment, bool parts)
 Sets the alignment for multimeasure measure numbers. More...
void SetMultiMeasureJustification (MNJUSTIFICATIONS justification, bool parts)
 Sets the justification for the start measure numbers. More...
void SetStartHorizontalPosition (twobyte distance, bool parts)
 Sets the default horizontal position of start numbers. More...
void SetStartVerticalPosition (twobyte distance, bool parts)
 Sets the default vertical position of start numbers. More...
void SetMultipleHorizontalPosition (twobyte distance, bool parts)
 Sets the horizontal position of multiple numbers. More...
void SetMultipleVerticalPosition (twobyte distance, bool parts)
 Sets the vertical position of multiple numbers. More...
void SetMultiMeasureHorizontalPosition (twobyte distance, bool parts)
 Sets the horizontal position of multimeasure rest numbers. More...
void SetMultiMeasureVerticalPosition (twobyte distance, bool parts)
 Sets the vertical position of multimeasure rest numbers. More...
void SetView (NUMBERVIEWS view)
 Sets the view where the region should show. More...
void SetNumberingStyle (NUMBERINGSTYLE style)
 Sets the numbering style. More...
void SetBase (twobyte base)
 Sets the base for the measure numbering style. More...
void SetStartCharacter (eUniChar32 character)
 Sets the starting character of the measure numbering style. More...
void SetTime (bool state)
 Sets if a time mode is used. More...
void SetTimeFrames (bool state)
 Returns true if "frames" for time measure numbers. More...
void SetUseHours (bool state)
 Returns if time measure numbers should include hours. More...
void SetTimePrecision (twobyte precision)
 Sets the time precision, for the time modes that aren't based on frames. More...
void SetCountFromOne (bool value)
 Sets if the measuring should start from one instead of zero. More...
void SetNoZero (bool value)
 Sets if no zero should be used. More...
void SetDoubleUp (bool value)
 Sets if the double-up (=duplicating the first character) style should be used or not. More...
twobyte GetStartMeasure () const
 Returns the start measure of the measure number region. More...
twobyte GetEndMeasure () const
 Returns the end measure of the measure number region. More...
twobyte GetStartNumber () const
 Returns the measure region's starting number (for display). More...
bool GetTime () const
 Returns true if a time mode is used. More...
bool GetTimeFrames () const
 Returns true if "frames" for time measure numbers. More...
bool GetUseHours () const
 Returns if time measure numbers should include hours. More...
twobyte GetTimePrecision () const
 Returns the time precision, for the time modes that aren't based on frames. More...
bool GetNoZero () const
 Returns if no zero should be used. More...
bool GetDoubleUp () const
 Returns true if the numbering model is a "double up" (a, b, c, .... aa, bb, cc, etc) More...
bool GetCountFromOne () const
 Returns true if the numbering model starts with 1 (numbers) or 0 (letters). More...
eUniChar32 GetStartCharacter () const
 Gets the base character. More...
twobyte GetBase () const
 Returns the number base. More...
bool GetUseScoreInfoForParts () const
 Returns true if parts should use the score information section of the measure number region appearance. More...
twobyte GetID ()
 Returns the unique measure number region ID. More...
bool GetDisplayedNumber (eMeas number, FCString *pString)
 Formats the displayed number for a measure (without prefix/suffix) More...
bool GetDisplayedNumberWithID (eMeas number, FCString *pString)
 Formats the displayed number for a measure, with the region ID. More...
void GetPrefix (FCString *pString)
 Copies the prefix string to a FCString object. More...
void GetSuffix (FCString *pString)
 Gets the suffix string. More...
FCEnclosureGetEnclosureStart (bool parts)
 Gets the pointer to the start enclosure object. This object is a part of the measure number region and should not be saved separately. More...
FCEnclosureGetEnclosureMultiple (bool parts)
 Gets the pointer to the multiple enclosure object. This object is a part of the measure number region and should not be saved separately. More...
bool GetUseEnclosureStart (bool parts)
 Returns true if start measure numbers should use the enclosure data. More...
bool GetExcludeOtherStaves (bool parts)
 Returns true if measure numbers should be excluded on other staves. More...
bool GetUseEnclosureMultiple (bool parts)
 Returns true if "multiple" measure numbers should use the enclosure data. More...
bool GetShowOnTopStaff (bool parts)
 Returns true if top staff should show a measure number. More...
bool GetShowOnSystemStart (bool parts)
 Returns true if the system start should show a measure number.
bool GetShowOnBottomStaff (bool parts)
 Returns true if bottom staff should show a measure number. More...
bool GetShowMultiples (bool parts)
 Returns true if repeated numbered sequences are used. More...
bool GetHideFirstNumber (bool parts)
 Returns true if the first number in the measure number region should be hidden. More...
bool GetShowMultiMeasureRange (bool parts)
 Returns true if the measure range should be displayed for multimeasure rests.
bool GetShowOnMultiMeasureRests (bool parts)
 Returns true if the measure numbers should show on multimeasure rests. More...
twobyte GetMultipleValue (bool parts)
 Returns the "Show on every" value for multiple measure numbers. More...
twobyte GetMultipleStartMeasure (bool parts)
 Returns the "Show on every" value for multiple measure numbers. More...
eUniChar32 GetMultiMeasureBracketLeft (bool parts)
 Returns the left-side range bracket character for multimeasure rest ranges. More...
eUniChar32 GetMultiMeasureBracketRight (bool parts)
 Returns the right-side range bracket character for multimeasure rest ranges. More...
bool GetBreakMultiMeasureRests (bool parts)
 Returns true if multiple measure numbers should break multi-measure rests. More...
MNALIGNMENTS GetStartAlignment (bool parts)
 Returns the alignment for start measure numbers. More...
MNJUSTIFICATIONS GetStartJustification (bool parts)
 Returns the justifications for start measure numbers. More...
MNALIGNMENTS GetMultipleAlignment (bool parts)
 Returns the alignment for "multiple" measure numbers. More...
MNJUSTIFICATIONS GetMultipleJustification (bool parts)
 Returns the justifications for "multiple" measure numbers. More...
MNALIGNMENTS GetMultiMeasureAlignment (bool parts)
 Returns the alignment for multimeasure rest measure numbers. More...
MNJUSTIFICATIONS GetMultiMeasureJustification (bool parts)
 Returns the justifications for multimeasure rest measure numbers. More...
twobyte GetStartHorizontalPosition (bool parts)
 Returns the default horizontal position for start numbers. More...
twobyte GetStartVerticalPosition (bool parts)
 Returns the default vertical position for start numbers. More...
twobyte GetMultipleHorizontalPosition (bool parts)
 Returns the default horizontal position for the multiple numbers. More...
twobyte GetMultipleVerticalPosition (bool parts)
 Returns the default vertical position for the multiple numbers. More...
twobyte GetMultiMeasureHorizontalPosition (bool parts)
 Returns the horizontal position of for multimeasure rests. More...
twobyte GetMultiMeasureVerticalPosition (bool parts)
 Returns the vertical position of for multimeasure rests. More...
NUMBERVIEWS GetView () const
 Returns the view where the number region should show. More...
NUMBERINGSTYLE GetNumberingStyle () const
 Returns the numbering style. More...
void GetStartFontInfo (FCFontInfo *pFontInfo, bool parts)
 Gets the start font for the measure number region. More...
FCFontInfoCreateStartFontInfo (bool parts)
 Creates a FCFontInfo object with the font information about the start measure numbers. More...
void GetMultipleFontInfo (FCFontInfo *pFontInfo, bool parts)
 Gets the multiple font for the measure number region. More...
FCFontInfoCreateMultipleFontInfo (bool parts)
 Creates a FCFontInfo object with the font information about the "multiple" measure numbers. More...
void GetMultiMeasureFontInfo (FCFontInfo *pFontInfo, bool parts)
 Gets the font to be used for multi-measure rests. More...
FCFontInfoCreateMultiMeasureFontInfo (bool parts)
 Creates a FCFontInfo object with the font information about the multimeasure rest measure numbers. More...
FCStringCreateDisplayedString (twobyte measure)
 Creates a string with the measure number as it would be displayed for the measure. More...
void CloneFormattingFrom (FCMeasureNumberRegion *pRegionFrom, bool score, bool parts)
 Copies the formatting part (visual appearance + positioning) of the measure number region. More...
bool IsMeasureIncluded (twobyte measureno)
 Returns true if the measure is within the measure number region. More...
bool AssignAllNonNumberedMeasures (FCNumbers *pAllNonNumberedMeasures)
 Assigns a reference table for all non-numbered measures in the document. More...
void _SetTempNonIncludedMeasures (FCNumbers *pNonNumberedMeasuresToUse)
 For internal use only. More...
void _RestoreTempNonIncludedMeasures ()
 For internal use only. More...
void DebugDump () override
 Outputs the class data/information for debugging purposes. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from __FCNoInciOther
 __FCNoInciOther ()
 The constructor.
virtual bool Load (CMPER itemno)
 Loads the indicated item. More...
bool Reload () override
 Overridden Reload() method to support complex data types. More...
virtual bool SaveAs (CMPER itemno)
 Saves the data under another item number. The object will now be connected to the new item number. More...
virtual bool DeepSaveAs (CMPER itemno)
 Saves the data under another item number, but also makes a deep copy of the object. More...
bool DeepDeleteData () override
 Deletes the data and all related data available in other data structures. More...
virtual bool SaveNew ()
 Creates the data as completely new item number. The object will now be connected to the new item number. More...
virtual CMPER GetItemNo () const
 Returns the item number. This typically points to items such as a page number, a measure number, a 1-based expression definition number, etc. More...
void SetItemNo (CMPER cmper)
 Sets the item number. Use with extreme care! This is mostly intended for situations when creating new records isn't supported by Finale (preventing SaveAs to work). More...
bool LoadFirst () override
 Loads the first element of 1-based data. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from __FCOther
void SetCmperAndInci (CMPER cmper, twobyte inci)
 Sets both the CMPER and the incident number in the dataID record. Mainly for internal use.
 __FCOther ()
 The constructor.
bool IsIdenticalRecord (__FCOther *pCompare)
 Compares an object to see if both objects point to the same data record. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from __FCBaseData
EDOCID GetConnectedDocID () const
 Returns the document ID that was connected to the last load/save of the data. More...
bool VerifyConnectedDocID ()
 Checks that the stored document ID for the data object matches the current document's ID. More...
virtual EXTAG Tag () const =0
 The Enigma tag for the derived class. More...
virtual EVERSION EnigmaVersion () const
 The Enigma version for save/load/create/delete operations. More...
virtual int DataSizeLoad () const =0
 Returns the data size for the data structure that should be loaded. More...
virtual int DataSizeSave () const
 Returns the data size for the data structure that should be saved or created. More...
void _CloneFrom (__FCBaseData *pSource)
 For internal use only. Copies object data (except data block) from another object. More...
virtual void CloneMemoryFrom (__FCBaseData *pSource)
const EDataID * _GetDataID ()
 Intended ONLY for the _CloneFrom implementation. More...
int _GetLoadedSize () const
 Intended ONLY for the _CloneFrom implementation. More...
const void * GetDataBlock ()
 Intended ONLY for the _CloneFrom implementation. More...
EXTAG GetCustomTag () const
 Returns the custom Enigma tag, if any. More...
void SetCustomTag (EXTAG tag)
 Sets the custom Enigma tag, for classes that support multiple Enigma tags. More...
 __FCBaseData ()
 The constructor.
virtual ~__FCBaseData ()
 Virtual destructor.
virtual bool Save ()
 Saves the currently loaded to its current location. More...
virtual bool DeleteData ()
 Deletes the associated data from Finale's database. Be careful when deleting multiple objects. More...
virtual bool LoadLast ()
 Loads the very last element in the database, if any. More...
virtual bool LoadNext ()
 Loads the next element from the database, if any. More...
virtual bool LoadPrevious ()
 Loads the previous element in the database, if any. More...
bool RelinkToCurrentView ()
 Relinks the contents in the current view so that the score and part(s) match. More...
bool RelinkToScore ()
 Relinks all parts to the contents of the score. More...
__FCBaseDataCreateClone ()
 Creates an identical copy of an object. More...
void DebugDataDump () override
 Outputs a memory dump of the data block in the object for debugging purposes. More...
void DebugDataByteArrayDump () override
 Outputs a memory dump of the data block in the object for debugging purposes, as a C++ byte array. More...
void DebugDataOffsetDump (int offset, int size)
 For debug mode only. Dumps a data memory block at a specific offset and with a specific size.
FCNumbersCreateRawDataDump ()
 Creates a byte collection with the raw loaded data block for the object (if the object type supports single data blocks). This method is only intended for debug purposes. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from __FCBase
virtual ~__FCBase ()
 Virtual destructor, so all inherited classes get the virtual destructor.
void DebugMsgInt (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in decimal presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
void DebugMsgHex (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (as a hexadecimal number) appearing afterwards. More...
void DebugMsgString (const char *pszPrefixText, const char *thestring)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. More...
void DebugMsg (const char *pszMsg)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes with just one text string. More...
void DebugOutMenuInfo (FCUI *pUI, int menuixd_horiz, int menuixd_vert) const
 Outputs the menu command info for debugging purposes. More...
int DebugOutFormat (const char *fmt,...)
 Outputs debug text using C style "printf" syntax. More...
void Set16BitFlag (FLAG_16 *flag, FLAG_16 flagbits, bool state)
 Sets a 16 bit flag. More...
void Set32BitFlag (FLAG_32 *flag, FLAG_32 flagbits, bool state)
 Sets/resets a 32 bit flag, by using a bit mask. More...
bool GetBitFlag (FLAG_32 flag, FLAG_32 flagbits) const
 Gets a state from flag bits. Returns true if any bit in the mask is set. More...
int GetBitCount (FLAG_32 flag)
 Returns the total number of set bits in a 32-bit unsigned int.
void SetSpecific32Bit (FLAG_32 *flag, int bitnumber, bool state)
 Sets/resets a single bit in a 32 bit flag, by specifying one specific bit. More...
void SetUserData (void *pData)
 Sets the user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
void SetUserData2 (void *pData)
 Sets the additional user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
void * GetUserData () const
 Gets the user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
void * GetUserData2 () const
 Gets the additional user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
virtual bool IsIdentical (const __FCBase *pCompareObject) const
 Returns true if the data in the passed object is considered to be identical to the current object, otherwise false. More...
void StoreXML_String (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper function to store FCString objects in the XML file. More...
void StoreXML_Integer (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, int value)
 Helper function to store integer objects in the XML file. More...
void StoreXML_Bool (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, bool value)
 Helper function to store boolean objects in the XML file. More...
void StoreXML_StringAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper function to store FCString objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
void StoreXML_IntegerAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, int value)
 Helper function to store integer objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
void StoreXML_BoolAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, bool value)
 Helper function to store boolean objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
void StoreXML_FloatAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, float value)
 Helper function to store floating point objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
virtual void StoreToXML (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode)
 Virtual method that is used to store an object's data. More...
bool ReadXML_String (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper method to read FCString objects from the XML file. More...
bool ReadXML_Integer (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, int *pValue)
 Helper method to read integer objects from the XML file. More...
bool ReadXML_Bool (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, bool *pValue)
 Helper method to read boolean objects from the XML file. More...
bool ReadXML_StringAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper method to read FCString objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
bool ReadXML_IntegerAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, int *pValue)
 Helper method to read integer objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
bool ReadXML_BoolAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, bool *pValue)
 Helper method to read boolean objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
bool ReadXML_FloatAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, float *pValue)
 Helper method to read floating point objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
virtual bool ReadFromXML (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode)
 Virtual method that is used to read object data. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from __FCBase
static void DebugOutPtr (const char *pszPrefixText, void *ptr)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The prefix text appears with the extra ptr (in hexadeximal representation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutInt (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in decimal presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutFloat (const char *pszPrefixText, double f)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra float value appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutTag (const char *pszPrefixText, EXTAG extag)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the EXTAG (in text) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutHex (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in hexadecimal presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutBin (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in binary presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutString (const char *pszPrefixText, const char *thestring)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes (C string version). The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutString (const char *pszPrefixText, FCString *pString)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes (FCString version). The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutBool (const char *pszPrefixText, bool state)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The boolean state appears afterwards as either "TRUE" or "FALSE". More...
static void DebugOutBlock (const void *pBuffer, int startoffset, int size)
 Static method that outputs a memory block for debugging purposes. Eight bytes per line will appear (as hex digits) until the whole memory block is dumped. More...
static void DebugOutByteArrayBlock (const void *pBuffer, int startoffset, int size)
 Static method that outputs a memory block for debugging purposes. Eight bytes per line will appear (as hex digits) as a C++ onebyte array, until the whole memory block is dumped. More...
static void DebugOut (const char *pszLine)
 Static method to output a line of text for debugging purposes. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from __FCBaseData
virtual void * Allocate ()=0
virtual void Deallocate ()
virtual bool IsDynamicSize ()
bool LoadDataBlock ()
 Loads the data. If the object is of dynamic size, the old memory block is freed and a new is allocated.
void ClearData ()
virtual twobyte CalcLastInci ()
 For internal use only! More...
virtual __FCBaseDataCreateObject ()=0
 Creates a new instance of the object. More...
bool DataIsLoaded () const
 Returns true is any data has been loaded into the object.
void _TagDocumentID ()
 For internal use only. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from __FCBase
 __FCBase ()
 The constructor.
- Protected Attributes inherited from __FCBaseData
EDOCID _connecteddocID
 The "connected" document ID., which is the document the where the document was loaded (or last saved). This is for a mechanism to prevent resaving of certain data in other documents.
void * _datablock
 Pointer to the object's data block, the meaning is implementation-specific for each derived subclass.
bool _heapdatablock
 Variable that tells if _datablock is dynamically created on the heap (and should be deleted at object destruction).
int _loadedsize
 Loaded size of the data block for a loaded object, in bytes. Since the datablock is implementation-specific, the _loadedsize should be updated by child classes that create new data. More...
EDataID _dataid
 The EdataID for the last loaded/saved object.

Detailed Description

The class for a measure number region.

Member Enumeration Documentation


The measure number alignment values.



Left alignment




Right aligned


The measure number justification values.



Left justified


Center justified


Right justified


Numbering styles for measure numbers.

All these can be returned by GetNumberingStyle().

All and NUMBERING_CUSTOM can be used by SetNumberingStyle().



"1, 2, 3, 4"


"a, b, c...aa, bb, cc"


"A, B, C...AA, BB, CC"


"a, b, c...aa, ab, ac"


"A, B, C...AA, AB, AC"


Time stamp numbering - Use time in whole seconds


Time stamp numbering - Use time in 1/10 of a second


Time stamp numbering - Use time in 1/100 of a second


Time stamp numbering - Use time in 1/1000 of a second


Time stamp numbering - Use frames


Custom numbering


The number views where the region should show.



Show in all views


Show in Page View only


Show in Scroll/Studio View only

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FCMeasureNumberRegion()

FCMeasureNumberRegion::FCMeasureNumberRegion ( )

The constructor.


Member Function Documentation

◆ _RestoreTempNonIncludedMeasures()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::_RestoreTempNonIncludedMeasures ( )

For internal use only.

See _SetTempAllMeasures() docs.

◆ _SetTempNonIncludedMeasures()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::_SetTempNonIncludedMeasures ( FCNumbers pNonNumberedMeasuresToUse)

For internal use only.

_SetTempNonIncludedMeasures()+_RestoreTempNonIncludedMeasures() are used by FCMeasureNumberRegions as a mechanism to temporarily set a collection of all measures for a FCMeasureNumberRegions object.

Since FCMeasureNumberRegions can't claim ownership over the FCMeasure collection in another object, this approach is used instead.

_SetTempNonIncludedMeasures() and _RestoreTempNonIncludedMeasures() must ALWAYS appear in pairs around the method call.

◆ AssignAllNonNumberedMeasures()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::AssignAllNonNumberedMeasures ( FCNumbers pAllNonNumberedMeasures)

Assigns a reference table for all non-numbered measures in the document.

Use this method to provide accurate calculation of the displayed measure number strings in the document. The reference table is used to check the "Include in measure number regions" setting.

This function replaces AssignAllMeasures in versions before v0.54.


pAllNonNumberedMeasuresA pointer to a collection containing all 1-based measures that don't have measure numbering.
True on success.

◆ ClassName()

const char * FCMeasureNumberRegion::ClassName ( ) const

Returns the name of the class, for diagnostic purposes. This method MUST be overwritten in each child class.


Reimplemented from __FCNoInciOther.

◆ CloneFormattingFrom()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::CloneFormattingFrom ( FCMeasureNumberRegion pRegionFrom,
bool  score,
bool  parts 

Copies the formatting part (visual appearance + positioning) of the measure number region.

pRegionFromSource measure number region to retrieve data from.
scoreCopy to score formatting data.
partsCopy to parts formatting data. If the source uses score info for parts, the source's score data will be copied.
Implement pre-2010 FCMeasureNumberRegion::CloneFormattingFrom()

◆ CreateDisplayedString()

FCString * FCMeasureNumberRegion::CreateDisplayedString ( twobyte  measure)

Creates a string with the measure number as it would be displayed for the measure.

If the document contains measures that shouldn't be included for measure numbering, use AssignAllNonNumberedMeasures() prior to calling this method.

Lua-supported (0.55)

measureThe 1-based measure number.
The pointer to a created string object. This must be destroyed after use. If the measure number is out of range for the region, NULL is returned.

◆ CreateMultiMeasureFontInfo()

FCFontInfo * FCMeasureNumberRegion::CreateMultiMeasureFontInfo ( bool  parts)

Creates a FCFontInfo object with the font information about the multimeasure rest measure numbers.

The caller is responsible to delete the created object from the heap after use.


partsIf true, gets the parts font (for Finale 2010 and above). If false, gets the score font.
Pointer to a FCFontInfo object.

◆ CreateMultipleFontInfo()

FCFontInfo * FCMeasureNumberRegion::CreateMultipleFontInfo ( bool  parts)

Creates a FCFontInfo object with the font information about the "multiple" measure numbers.

The caller is responsible to delete the created object from the heap after use.


partsIf true, gets the parts font (for Finale 2010 and above). If false, gets the score font.
Pointer to a FCFontInfo object.

◆ CreateStartFontInfo()

FCFontInfo * FCMeasureNumberRegion::CreateStartFontInfo ( bool  parts)

Creates a FCFontInfo object with the font information about the start measure numbers.

The caller is responsible to delete the created object from the heap after use.


partsIf true, gets the parts font (for Finale 2010 and above). If false, gets the score font.
Pointer to a FCFontInfo object.

◆ DebugDump()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::DebugDump ( )

Outputs the class data/information for debugging purposes.

Accessible if PDK_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG is defined.

When child class inherit this method to output the contents of its own members, it should call the parent before providing its own output.

Reimplemented from __FCNoInciOther.

◆ GetBase()

twobyte FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetBase ( ) const

Returns the number base.

Used for custom measure number styles. For most numbering cases, this method isn't required, since it can be handled automatically by the GetNumberingStyle method.


10 for decimal digits, 26 for letters.

◆ GetBreakMultiMeasureRests()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetBreakMultiMeasureRests ( bool  parts)

Returns true if multiple measure numbers should break multi-measure rests.


◆ GetClassID()

const PDKFRAMEWORK_CLASSID FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetClassID ( ) const

Returns the internal class ID for the PDK Framework class. This is implemented mostly because Lua has problems to resolve the true classes of inherited objects.

This method must be overwritten by all child classes.

Lua-supported (also read-only property) (0.55).

Implements __FCBaseData.

◆ GetCountFromOne()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetCountFromOne ( ) const

Returns true if the numbering model starts with 1 (numbers) or 0 (letters).

Used for custom measure number styles. For most numbering cases, this method isn't required, since it can be handled automatically by the GetNumberingStyle method.


The number index where the counting should start. 1 - numbers 0 - letters.

◆ GetDisplayedNumber()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetDisplayedNumber ( eMeas  number,
FCString pString 

Formats the displayed number for a measure (without prefix/suffix)

If the document contains measures that shouldn't be included for measure numbering, use AssignAllNonNumberedMeasures() prior to calling this method.

numberThe 1-based measure number
pStringPointer to the FCString object that should contain the information. This cannot be NULL.
True if successful. False if the number is out of range, or if the target string object is NULL.

◆ GetDisplayedNumberWithID()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetDisplayedNumberWithID ( eMeas  number,
FCString pString 

Formats the displayed number for a measure, with the region ID.

Instead of a string with a syntax like "10", this method would create a string with a syntax like "1:10".

If the document contains measures that shouldn't be included for measure numbering, use AssignAllNonNumberedMeasures() prior to calling this method.

numberThe 1-based measure number
pStringPointer to the FCString object that should contain the information.
True if successful. False if the number is out of range.

◆ GetDoubleUp()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetDoubleUp ( ) const

Returns true if the numbering model is a "double up" (a, b, c, .... aa, bb, cc, etc)

The double-up affects what happens after the counter wraps around. For letters, a double-up sequence would be: a,b,c,....z,aa,bb,cc,dd,...zz,aaa,bbb,ccc...

Used for custom measure number styles. For most numbering cases, this method isn't required, since it can be handled automatically by the GetNumberingStyle method.


If true for letters, a double-up sequence would be: a,b,c,....z,aa,bb,cc,dd,...zz,aaa,bbb,ccc...

◆ GetEnclosureMultiple()

FCEnclosure * FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetEnclosureMultiple ( bool  parts)

Gets the pointer to the multiple enclosure object. This object is a part of the measure number region and should not be saved separately.

In, C++ this pointer should not be freed.


partsIf true, gets the multiple enclosure for parts. If false, gets the score enclosure.

◆ GetEnclosureStart()

FCEnclosure * FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetEnclosureStart ( bool  parts)

Gets the pointer to the start enclosure object. This object is a part of the measure number region and should not be saved separately.

In C++, this pointer should not be freed.


partsIf true, gets the parts enclosure. If false, gets the score enclosure.

◆ GetEndMeasure()

twobyte FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetEndMeasure ( ) const

Returns the end measure of the measure number region.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetExcludeOtherStaves()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetExcludeOtherStaves ( bool  parts)

Returns true if measure numbers should be excluded on other staves.

This method always returns false on pre-2010 versions.


◆ GetHideFirstNumber()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetHideFirstNumber ( bool  parts)

Returns true if the first number in the measure number region should be hidden.


◆ GetID()

twobyte FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetID ( )

Returns the unique measure number region ID.

The 1-based unique ID for the region.

◆ GetMultiMeasureAlignment()

FCMeasureNumberRegion::MNALIGNMENTS FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetMultiMeasureAlignment ( bool  parts)

Returns the alignment for multimeasure rest measure numbers.

Any of the MNALIGN_ constants.

◆ GetMultiMeasureBracketLeft()

eUniChar32 FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetMultiMeasureBracketLeft ( bool  parts)

Returns the left-side range bracket character for multimeasure rest ranges.


Always 0 on Finale versions earlier than 2010.

◆ GetMultiMeasureBracketRight()

eUniChar32 FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetMultiMeasureBracketRight ( bool  parts)

Returns the right-side range bracket character for multimeasure rest ranges.


Always 0 on Finale versions earlier than 2010.

◆ GetMultiMeasureFontInfo()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetMultiMeasureFontInfo ( FCFontInfo pFontInfo,
bool  parts 

Gets the font to be used for multi-measure rests.

This method does nothing if run of pre-Finale2010 systems.


pFontInfoPointer to the font information object.
partsIf true, gets the parts multi-measure font. If false, gets the score multi-measure font.

◆ GetMultiMeasureHorizontalPosition()

twobyte FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetMultiMeasureHorizontalPosition ( bool  parts)

Returns the horizontal position of for multimeasure rests.


◆ GetMultiMeasureJustification()

FCMeasureNumberRegion::MNJUSTIFICATIONS FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetMultiMeasureJustification ( bool  parts)

Returns the justifications for multimeasure rest measure numbers.

Any of the MNJUSTI_ constants.

◆ GetMultiMeasureVerticalPosition()

twobyte FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetMultiMeasureVerticalPosition ( bool  parts)

Returns the vertical position of for multimeasure rests.


◆ GetMultipleAlignment()

FCMeasureNumberRegion::MNALIGNMENTS FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetMultipleAlignment ( bool  parts)

Returns the alignment for "multiple" measure numbers.

Any of the MNALIGN_ constants.

◆ GetMultipleFontInfo()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetMultipleFontInfo ( FCFontInfo pFontInfo,
bool  parts 

Gets the multiple font for the measure number region.

This method does nothing if run of pre-Finale2010 systems.


pFontInfoPointer to the font information object.
partsIf true, gets the parts "multiple" font. If false, gets the score "multiple" font.

◆ GetMultipleHorizontalPosition()

twobyte FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetMultipleHorizontalPosition ( bool  parts)

Returns the default horizontal position for the multiple numbers.


◆ GetMultipleJustification()

FCMeasureNumberRegion::MNJUSTIFICATIONS FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetMultipleJustification ( bool  parts)

Returns the justifications for "multiple" measure numbers.

Any of the MNJUSTI_ constants.

◆ GetMultipleStartMeasure()

twobyte FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetMultipleStartMeasure ( bool  parts)

Returns the "Show on every" value for multiple measure numbers.


◆ GetMultipleValue()

twobyte FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetMultipleValue ( bool  parts)

Returns the "Show on every" value for multiple measure numbers.


◆ GetMultipleVerticalPosition()

twobyte FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetMultipleVerticalPosition ( bool  parts)

Returns the default vertical position for the multiple numbers.


◆ GetNoZero()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetNoZero ( ) const

Returns if no zero should be used.

Used for custom measure number styles. For most numbering cases, this method isn't required, since it can be handled automatically by the GetNumberingStyle method.


For letter numbering, this would typically be the reverse of the double-up value.

◆ GetNumberingStyle()

FCMeasureNumberRegion::NUMBERINGSTYLE FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetNumberingStyle ( ) const

Returns the numbering style.

Lua-supported (also as property).

Any of the NUMBERING_ constants.

◆ GetPrefix()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetPrefix ( FCString pString)

Copies the prefix string to a FCString object.


pStringThe FCString object that should contain the prefix. This cannot not be NULL.

◆ GetShowMultiMeasureRange()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetShowMultiMeasureRange ( bool  parts)

Returns true if the measure range should be displayed for multimeasure rests.


Always false on Finale versions earlier than Finale 2010.

◆ GetShowMultiples()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetShowMultiples ( bool  parts)

Returns true if repeated numbered sequences are used.


◆ GetShowOnBottomStaff()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetShowOnBottomStaff ( bool  parts)

Returns true if bottom staff should show a measure number.


◆ GetShowOnMultiMeasureRests()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetShowOnMultiMeasureRests ( bool  parts)

Returns true if the measure numbers should show on multimeasure rests.


Always false on Finale versions earlier than Finale 2010.

◆ GetShowOnSystemStart()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetShowOnSystemStart ( bool  parts)

Returns true if the system start should show a measure number.


◆ GetShowOnTopStaff()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetShowOnTopStaff ( bool  parts)

Returns true if top staff should show a measure number.


◆ GetStartAlignment()

FCMeasureNumberRegion::MNALIGNMENTS FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetStartAlignment ( bool  parts)

Returns the alignment for start measure numbers.

Any of the MNALIGN_ constants.

◆ GetStartCharacter()

eUniChar32 FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetStartCharacter ( ) const

Gets the base character.

On Finale 2012 and above, this is a Unicode character.

Used for custom measure number styles. For most numbering cases, this method isn't required, since it can be handled automatically by the GetNumberingStyle method.


'0' for decimal digits, 'a' or 'A' for letters.

◆ GetStartFontInfo()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetStartFontInfo ( FCFontInfo pFontInfo,
bool  parts 

Gets the start font for the measure number region.

When run on Finale versions earlier than 2010, it will be used to just set the main font.


pFontInfoPointer to the font information object.
partsIf true, gets the parts font (for Finale 2010 and above). If false, gets the score font.

◆ GetStartHorizontalPosition()

twobyte FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetStartHorizontalPosition ( bool  parts)

Returns the default horizontal position for start numbers.


◆ GetStartJustification()

FCMeasureNumberRegion::MNJUSTIFICATIONS FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetStartJustification ( bool  parts)

Returns the justifications for start measure numbers.

Any of the MNJUSTI_ constants.

◆ GetStartMeasure()

twobyte FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetStartMeasure ( ) const

Returns the start measure of the measure number region.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetStartNumber()

twobyte FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetStartNumber ( ) const

Returns the measure region's starting number (for display).

Lua-supported (also as property).

1-based offset value. Even if it's a non-numeric format, it's 1-based (A = 1, B = 2, etc).

◆ GetStartVerticalPosition()

twobyte FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetStartVerticalPosition ( bool  parts)

Returns the default vertical position for start numbers.


◆ GetSuffix()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetSuffix ( FCString pString)

Gets the suffix string.


pStringThe FCString object that should contain the suffix. This cannot not be NULL.

◆ GetTime()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetTime ( ) const

Returns true if a time mode is used.

A time mode will either displaying the time or the frame, dependent on the GetTimeFrames() return value.

◆ GetTimeFrames()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetTimeFrames ( ) const

Returns true if "frames" for time measure numbers.

The return value makes sense only if the GetTime() returns true.

◆ GetTimePrecision()

twobyte FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetTimePrecision ( ) const

Returns the time precision, for the time modes that aren't based on frames.

The number of decimals for the precision. 0 means whole seconds.

◆ GetUseEnclosureMultiple()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetUseEnclosureMultiple ( bool  parts)

Returns true if "multiple" measure numbers should use the enclosure data.


◆ GetUseEnclosureStart()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetUseEnclosureStart ( bool  parts)

Returns true if start measure numbers should use the enclosure data.

This method always returns false on pre-2010 versions.


◆ GetUseHours()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetUseHours ( ) const

Returns if time measure numbers should include hours.

The return value makes sense only if the GetTime() returns true.


◆ GetUseScoreInfoForParts()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetUseScoreInfoForParts ( ) const

Returns true if parts should use the score information section of the measure number region appearance.

If run on versions earlier than Finale 2010, this method will always return true.

Lua-supported (also as property).

True - parts should use the settings for the score.

◆ GetView()

FCMeasureNumberRegion::NUMBERVIEWS FCMeasureNumberRegion::GetView ( ) const

Returns the view where the number region should show.

Any of the NUMBERVIEW_ constants. On versions lower than Finale 2010, NUMBERVIEW_ALL is always returned.

◆ IsMeasureIncluded()

bool FCMeasureNumberRegion::IsMeasureIncluded ( twobyte  measureno)

Returns true if the measure is within the measure number region.


measurenoThe measure number (1-based)
True if the measure appears in the measure number region.

◆ SetBase()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetBase ( twobyte  base)

Sets the base for the measure numbering style.

Used for custom measure number styles. For most numbering cases, this method isn't required, since it can be handled automatically by the GetNumberingStyle method.


baseFor numbers, this value is 10. For letters, this value is 26.

◆ SetBreakMultiMeasureRests()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetBreakMultiMeasureRests ( bool  breakstate,
bool  parts 

Sets if "multiple" measure numbers should break multimeasure rests or not.

This method does nothing on Finale versions earlier than 2010.


breakstateTrue - break multimeasure rests. False - don't break.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetCountFromOne()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetCountFromOne ( bool  value)

Sets if the measuring should start from one instead of zero.

This is typically set for numbers.

Used for custom measure number styles. For most numbering cases, this method isn't required, since it can be handled automatically by the GetNumberingStyle method.


valueFor letters, 0 is used for base. For numbers, 1 is used as base.

◆ SetDoubleUp()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetDoubleUp ( bool  value)

Sets if the double-up (=duplicating the first character) style should be used or not.

The double-up affects what happens after the counter wraps around. For letters, a double-up sequence would be: a,b,c,....z,aa,bb,cc,dd,...zz,aaa,bbb,ccc...

Used for custom measure number styles. For most numbering cases, this method isn't required, since it can be handled automatically by the GetNumberingStyle method.


valueFor letters, true would produce: a,b,c,....z,aa,bb,cc,dd,...zz,aaa,bbb,ccc...

◆ SetEndMeasure()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetEndMeasure ( twobyte  measure)

Sets the end measure for the measure number region.

Lua-supported (also as property).

measureThe 1-based end measure number (inclusive).

◆ SetExcludeOtherStaves()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetExcludeOtherStaves ( bool  exclude,
bool  parts 

Sets if the numbers should be excluded on other staves.


excludeIf true, exclude numering on other staves.
partsIf true, sets the parts' flag. If false, sets the score's flag.

◆ SetHideFirstNumber()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetHideFirstNumber ( bool  hide,
bool  parts 

Sets if the first occurence should be hidden or not.


hideIf set, hide first number in region.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetMultiMeasureAlignment()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetMultiMeasureAlignment ( MNALIGNMENTS  alignment,
bool  parts 

Sets the alignment for multimeasure measure numbers.

alignmentAny of the MNALIGN_ constants.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetMultiMeasureBracketLeft()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetMultiMeasureBracketLeft ( eUniChar32  character,
bool  parts 

Sets the left-side range bracket character for multimeasure rest ranges.

This method does nothing on Finale versions earlier than 2010.


characterThe left-side bracket character.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetMultiMeasureBracketRight()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetMultiMeasureBracketRight ( eUniChar32  character,
bool  parts 

Sets the right-side range bracket character for multimeasure rest ranges.

This method does nothing on Finale versions earlier than 2010.


characterThe right-side bracket character.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetMultiMeasureFontInfo()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetMultiMeasureFontInfo ( FCFontInfo pFontInfo,
bool  parts 

Sets the font to be used for multi-measure rests.

This method does nothing if run of pre-Finale2010 systems.


pFontInfoPointer to the font information object.
partsIf true, sets the parts' multi-measure font. If false, sets the score's multi-measure font.

◆ SetMultiMeasureHorizontalPosition()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetMultiMeasureHorizontalPosition ( twobyte  distance,
bool  parts 

Sets the horizontal position of multimeasure rest numbers.


distanceThe default horizontal position, in EVPUs.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetMultiMeasureJustification()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetMultiMeasureJustification ( MNJUSTIFICATIONS  justification,
bool  parts 

Sets the justification for the start measure numbers.

justificationAny of the MNJUSTI_ constants.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetMultiMeasureVerticalPosition()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetMultiMeasureVerticalPosition ( twobyte  distance,
bool  parts 

Sets the vertical position of multimeasure rest numbers.


distanceThe default vertical position, in EVPUs.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetMultipleAlignment()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetMultipleAlignment ( MNALIGNMENTS  alignment,
bool  parts 

Sets the alignment for "multiple" measure numbers.

alignmentAny of the MNALIGN_ constants.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetMultipleFontInfo()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetMultipleFontInfo ( FCFontInfo pFontInfo,
bool  parts 

Sets the multiple font for the measure number region.

This method does nothing if run of pre-Finale2010 systems.


pFontInfoPointer to the font information object.
partsIf true, sets the parts' "multiple" font. If false, sets the score "multiple" font.

◆ SetMultipleHorizontalPosition()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetMultipleHorizontalPosition ( twobyte  distance,
bool  parts 

Sets the horizontal position of multiple numbers.


distanceThe default horizontal position, in EVPUs.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetMultipleJustification()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetMultipleJustification ( MNJUSTIFICATIONS  justification,
bool  parts 

Sets the justification for the "multiple" measure numbers.

justificationAny of the MNJUSTI_ constants.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetMultipleStartMeasure()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetMultipleStartMeasure ( twobyte  measure,
bool  parts 

Sets the "Show on every" start value for multiple measure numbers.


[in]measureThe 1-based start value for "Show on every" measure numbering.
[in]partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetMultipleValue()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetMultipleValue ( twobyte  value,
bool  parts 

Sets the "Show on every" value for multiple measure numbers.


valueThe "show on every" value. Example: 5 would display measure numbers every 5th bar.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetMultipleVerticalPosition()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetMultipleVerticalPosition ( twobyte  distance,
bool  parts 

Sets the vertical position of multiple numbers.


distanceThe default vertical position, in EVPUs.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetNoZero()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetNoZero ( bool  value)

Sets if no zero should be used.

Used for custom measure number styles. For most numbering cases, this method isn't required, since it can be handled automatically by the GetNumberingStyle method.


valueFor letter numbering, this should typically be the reverse of the double-up value.

◆ SetNumberingStyle()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetNumberingStyle ( NUMBERINGSTYLE  style)

Sets the numbering style.

Lua-supported (also as property).

styleAny of the NUMBERING_ constants.

◆ SetPrefix()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetPrefix ( FCString pString)

Sets the prefix string.


◆ SetShowMultiMeasureRange()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetShowMultiMeasureRange ( bool  show,
bool  parts 

Sets if the measure range should be displayed for multimeasure rests or not.

This will do nothing on Finale versions earlier than Finale 2010.


showIf set, show the multi-measure rest ranges in the region.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetShowMultiples()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetShowMultiples ( bool  showmultiples,
bool  parts 

Sets if the "multiple" numbering should be used or not.


showmultiplesIf true, use "multiple" numbering.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetShowOnBottomStaff()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetShowOnBottomStaff ( bool  showonbottom,
bool  parts 

Sets if the measure number should be displayed on the bottom staff or not.


showonbottomIf true, show number on bottom staff.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetShowOnMultiMeasureRests()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetShowOnMultiMeasureRests ( bool  show,
bool  parts 

Sets if the measure numbers should show on multimeasure rests.

This method will do nothing on Finale versions earlier than Finale 2010.


showIf set, show measure numbers at multi-measure rests.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetShowOnSystemStart()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetShowOnSystemStart ( bool  showonstart,
bool  parts 

Sets if the measure number should be shown on system starts or not.


showonstartIf true, show measure number on system starts.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetShowOnTopStaff()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetShowOnTopStaff ( bool  showontop,
bool  parts 

Sets if the measure number should be shown on top staff or not.


showontopIf true, show on top staff.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetStartAlignment()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetStartAlignment ( MNALIGNMENTS  alignment,
bool  parts 

Sets the alignment for start measure numbers.

alignmentAny of the MNALIGN_ constants.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetStartCharacter()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetStartCharacter ( eUniChar32  character)

Sets the starting character of the measure numbering style.

On Finale 2012 and above, this is a Unicode character.

Used for custom measure number styles. For most numbering cases, this method isn't required, since it can be handled automatically by the GetNumberingStyle method.


character'0' for digits. 'a' or 'A' for letters.

◆ SetStartFontInfo()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetStartFontInfo ( FCFontInfo pFontInfo,
bool  parts 

Sets the start font for the measure number region.

When run on Finale versions earlier than 2010, it will be used to just set the main font.


pFontInfoPointer to the font information object.
partsIf true, sets the parts' font (for Finale 2010 and above). If false, sets the score font.

◆ SetStartHorizontalPosition()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetStartHorizontalPosition ( twobyte  distance,
bool  parts 

Sets the default horizontal position of start numbers.


distanceThe default horizontal position, in EVPUs.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetStartJustification()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetStartJustification ( MNJUSTIFICATIONS  justification,
bool  parts 

Sets the justification for the start measure numbers.

justificationAny of the MNJUSTI_ constants.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetStartMeasure()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetStartMeasure ( twobyte  measure)

Sets the start measure for the measure number region.

Lua-supported (also as property).

measureThe 1-based start measure number.

◆ SetStartNumber()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetStartNumber ( twobyte  offset)

Sets the start measure for the measure number region.

Lua-supported (also as property).

offset1-based offset value. Even if it's a non-numeric format, it's 1-based (A = 1, B = 2, etc).

◆ SetStartVerticalPosition()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetStartVerticalPosition ( twobyte  distance,
bool  parts 

Sets the default vertical position of start numbers.


distanceThe default vertical position, in EVPUs.
partsIf true, set the parts info. If false, set the score info.

◆ SetSuffix()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetSuffix ( FCString pString)

Sets the suffix string.


◆ SetTime()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetTime ( bool  state)

Sets if a time mode is used.

A time mode will either displaying the time or the frame, dependent on the GetTimeFrames() return value.

◆ SetTimeFrames()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetTimeFrames ( bool  state)

Returns true if "frames" for time measure numbers.

The return value makes sense only if the GetTime() returns true.

◆ SetTimePrecision()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetTimePrecision ( twobyte  precision)

Sets the time precision, for the time modes that aren't based on frames.

precisionThe number of decimals for the precision. 0 means whole seconds.

◆ SetUseEnclosureMultiple()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetUseEnclosureMultiple ( bool  use,
bool  parts 

Sets if enclosures should be used for multiple numbers.


useIf true, use enclosure data.
partsIf true, sets the parts' flag. If false, sets the score's flag.

◆ SetUseEnclosureStart()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetUseEnclosureStart ( bool  use,
bool  parts 

Sets if enclosures should be used for start numbers.

This method does nothing if run of pre-Finale2010 systems.


useIf true, use enclosure data.
partsIf true, sets the parts' flag. If false, sets the score's flag.

◆ SetUseHours()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetUseHours ( bool  state)

Returns if time measure numbers should include hours.

The return value makes sense only if the GetTime() returns true.


◆ SetUseScoreInfoForParts()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetUseScoreInfoForParts ( bool  value)

Sets if parts should use the score information section of the measure number region appearance.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetView()

void FCMeasureNumberRegion::SetView ( NUMBERVIEWS  view)

Sets the view where the region should show.

This method does nothin on Finale versions lower than Finale 2010.

viewAny of the NUMBERVIEW_ constants.