Finale PDK Framework 0.77
Power Up Your Finale Music Software
These classes handle Finale document data. More...
Classes | |
class | FCMidiExpression |
Encapsulates the continous MIDI data in a cell. More... | |
class | FCSeparateMeasureNumber |
Class for a manually added or edited measure number in a cell. More... | |
class | FCChord |
Class for chord assignments to a measure/staff. More... | |
class | FCGroup |
Encapsulates a staff group. More... | |
class | FCBaseline |
Encapsulates baselines offset values for lyrics, expressions, fretboards and chords. More... | |
class | FCActiveLyric |
Class that provides access to the active lyrics block and syllable. More... | |
class | FCNoteheadMod |
Class for notehead modifications (as in Finale's Special Tools). More... | |
class | FCDotMod |
Class with adjustments to the augmentation dots (in Finale's Special Tools). More... | |
class | FCCrossStaffMod |
Class that specifies the cross-staff connection for a note. More... | |
class | FCSecondaryBeamBreakMod |
Class for secondary beam breaks (in Finale's Special Tools). More... | |
class | FCBeamExtensionMod |
Class for beam extensions (in Finale's Special Tools). More... | |
class | FCStemMod |
Class for manual stem adjustments (in Finale's Special Tools). More... | |
class | FCArticulation |
Class for attaching an articulation definition to an entry. More... | |
class | FCTuplet |
Class for attaching an tuplet to an entry. More... | |
class | FCSyllableBase |
Base class for attaching an syllable to an entry. More... | |
class | FCVerseSyllable |
The class for a verse syllable. More... | |
class | FCChorusSyllable |
The class for a chorus syllable. More... | |
class | FCSectionSyllable |
The class for a section syllable. More... | |
class | FCSyllableEntryMod |
Class for controlling justification/alignment for all syllables that are connected to an entry. More... | |
class | FCEntryAlterMod |
Class for (what it seems) the sole purpose of note entry resize. More... | |
class | FCAccidentalMod |
Class for acciental modifications (as in Finale's Special Tools). More... | |
class | FCPercussionNoteMod |
Class for percussion note modification. More... | |
class | FCCustomStemMod |
Class for custom stem shapes (in Finale's Special Tools). The data is connected to either an upstem or downstem note. More... | |
class | FCBeamMod |
Class for custom beam adjustments (in Finale's Special Tools). More... | |
class | FCPerformanceMod |
Class for performance/playback modifications attached to note entires (as in Finale's MIDI Tool). If Human Playback is enabled, this data record is ignored. More... | |
class | FCTieMod |
Class with adjustments to the ties (in Finale's Special Tools). More... | |
class | FCBrokenBeamMod |
Class for manually broken beam adjustments (in Finale's Special Tools). More... | |
class | FCTablatureNoteMod |
Class with info about one tablature note. More... | |
class | FCClefDef |
Data class for the global clef definitions. More... | |
class | FCNote |
Encapsulates one note in a note entry (from the FCNoteEntry class). More... | |
class | FCNotePitch |
Encapsulates a note as a locally stored data, instead of a reference in a TGF. More... | |
class | FCNoteEntry |
Encapsulates a note entry from an owner class (for example FCNoteEntryCell, FCNoteEntryLayer) class. More... | |
class | FCNoteEntryCell |
Class that encapsulate a cell of note entries. More... | |
class | FCShapeDef |
Class for a shape definition (as in Finale's Shape selection dialog). More... | |
class | FCPage |
The class representing a physical page in Finale. More... | |
class | FCStaffSystem |
The class for a staff system on a page. More... | |
class | FCMeasure |
The class for a measure (the full vertical measure stack) in the document. It maps the Measure Attributes dialog settings, the internal measure optimization flag settings and more. More... | |
class | FCMeasureNumberRegion |
The class for a measure number region. More... | |
class | FCStaff |
The class for a staff in the score. It is also a base class for staff styles. More... | |
class | FCCurrentStaffSpec |
The class for a "current staff state" (the sum of staff changes and staff style changes) at a specific position in the score, for diagnostic purposes. The class cannot save data. More... | |
class | FCArticulationDef |
The class for an articulation definition. On Finale 2012 and above, this class supports the Unicode character range. More... | |
class | FCCategoryDef |
Class for a category definition. More... | |
class | FCFreezeSystem |
Class for freezing a system at a specific measure. More... | |
class | FCTextExpressionDef |
Class for a text expression definition. More... | |
class | FCShapeExpressionDef |
Class for a shape expression definition. More... | |
class | FCTextBlock |
Class for a text block. More... | |
class | FCPageText |
Class for a page-connected text block. More... | |
class | FCSeparatePlacement |
Class that handles separate placement for repeats. More... | |
class | FCExpression |
Class for expression assignments to a measure/staff. More... | |
class | FCStaffStyleDef |
Class for a staff style definition. More... | |
class | FCStaffStyleAssign |
Class for staff style assignments to a staff. More... | |
class | FCMultiMeasureRest |
Class for a multi-measure rest instance. More... | |
class | FCMultiStaffInstrument |
Class for a multi-staff instrument defined in the Score Manager. More... | |
class | FCAllotment |
Class for allotment data (in the Document Options). More... | |
class | FCTextRepeatDef |
The class for a text repeat definition. More... | |
class | FCTextRepeat |
Class for text repeat assignments to a measure. The assignment is connected with a FCTextRepeatDef definition. More... | |
class | FCExecutableShapeDef |
The class for an executable shape definition. More... | |
class | FCChordSuffixElement |
Class that stores one record of a chord suffix definition. More... | |
class | FCFretboardStyleDef |
The class for a fretboard style definition, which reflects the content the "Fretboard Style" dialog box in Finale. More... | |
class | FCEndingRepeat |
The class for a start of repeat bracket in the document. There can only be one ending repeat in each measure. More... | |
class | FCBackwardRepeat |
The class for a backward repeat definition. More... | |
class | FCBeatChartElement |
The class for one single beat chart element. More... | |
class | FCTempoElement |
The class for a single tempo change in the Tempo Tool. The tempo elements should be stored in measure position order for each measure. More... | |
class | FCInstrumentDef |
The class for an instrument definition item (in the instrument list/Score Manager). More... | |
class | FCInstrumentPlaybackData |
The class for instrument playback data. This is also the link between staves/staff styles and the FCInstrumentDef definition. More... | |
class | FCPercussionLayoutNote |
The class for a note definition in a percussion layout. More... | |
class | FCFretInstrumentDef |
Class for tablature instruments definitions. More... | |
class | FCCellClefChange |
Contains a clef change inside a cell. This is an item member in a FCCellClefChanges collection (created by the FCCellFrameHold::CreateCellClefChanges() method). More... | |
class | FCMetatoolAssignment |
Class for a metatool key assignment. More... | |
class | FCBookmark |
The class for a Finale bookmark. More... | |
class | FCCustomKeyModeDef |
Class that allows access to custom key modes. (Finale calls them "Nonstandard Key Signatures", but they define modes rather than key signatures.) More... | |
class | FCSmartShapeMeasureMark |
Class for smartshape assignments to a measure. More... | |
class | FCSmartShapeEntryMark |
Class for smartshape assignments/connections to an entry. More... | |
class | FCSmartShape |
A record that represents a smart shape in the score. It is connected to the score through FCSmartShapeMeasureMark objects in each measure where the smart shape occurs. In addition, some shapes also have FCSmartShapeEntryMark objects that connect them to entries. These entry-attached shapes can be identified with the IsEntryBased method. More... | |
class | FCCustomSmartLineDef |
The class for a custom smart shape lines. More... | |
class | FCRawText |
The class for raw text objects. All other text classes are based on this class, but it can also be used by its own for tx_TextBlock text. More... | |
class | FCVerseLyricsText |
The class for verse lyrics texts. More... | |
class | FCSectionLyricsText |
The class for section lyrics texts. More... | |
class | FCChorusLyricsText |
The class for chorus lyrics texts. More... | |
class | FCFileInfoText |
The class for file information text fields. More... | |
These classes handle Finale document data.