Finale PDK Framework 0.77
Power Up Your Finale Music Software
Encapsulates one note in a note entry (from the FCNoteEntry class). More...
#include <ff_noteframe.h>
Public Member Functions | |
const char * | ClassName () const override |
Returns the name of the class, for diagnostic purposes. This method MUST be overwritten in each child class. | |
FCNote (int index, EXNOTE *pexnote, FCNoteEntry *pParent) | |
The constructor. | |
FCNoteEntry * | GetEntry () const |
Returns the note entry object for the note. | |
bool | GetAccidental () const |
Gets the accidental state bit for the note. This method should normally NOT be used (use CalcAccidental instead). | |
bool | GetAccidentalFreeze () const |
Returns the freezed accidental state. | |
bool | GetAccidentalParentheses () const |
Returns the parentheses accidental state. | |
twobyte | GetDisplacement () const |
Returns the vertical note position on the staff. | |
bool | GetLegality () const |
Gets the legality bit, that marks that the note is valid. | |
twobyte | GetRaiseLower () const |
Returns the raised/lowered state of the note. | |
bool | GetSpacing () const |
Returns if the note should be used in the spacing algorithm or not. | |
bool | GetPlayback () const |
Gets the playback status for the note. | |
bool | GetTie () const |
Gets the tie start state for the note. | |
bool | GetTieBackwards () const |
Gets the backwards tie state for the note. | |
bool | GetCrossStaff () const |
Gets the cross staff state for the note. | |
bool | GetDownstem2nd () const |
Gets the Downstem 2nd state for the note. | |
bool | GetUpstem2nd () const |
Gets the Upstem 2nd state for the note. | |
bool | GetUpstemSplit () const |
Gets the upstem split state for the note. | |
eNoteID | GetNoteID () const |
Returns the unique note ID. | |
int | GetNoteIndex () const |
Returns the index of the note within its FCNoteEntry. | |
void | GetString (FCString *pString, FCKeySignature *pKey, bool simplifydoublesharp=false, bool writtenpitch=false) |
Creates a string representation of the note. | |
bool | CalcAccidental () const |
Returns the displayed state of an accidental. This is the method that should be used to find out if an accidental is displayed. | |
twobyte | CalcOctave (FCKeySignature *pKey, int transposeinterval=0) |
Returns the sounding octave for the note. | |
twobyte | CalcWrittenOctave (FCKeySignature *pKey, int transposevalue, bool simplifytranspose, bool chromatictranspose) |
Returns the written octave for the note, taking a specific transposition into account. | |
bool | SetString (FCString *pString, FCKeySignature *pKey, bool writtenpitch) |
Changes the note based on the string representation. See FCNote::GetString for syntax. | |
FCTransposer * | GetTransposer () |
Returns a transposer that can be used to transpose this note. | |
void | SetAccidental (bool state) |
Sets the accidental state for the note. | |
void | SetAccidentalFreeze (bool state) |
Sets the freezed accidental state. | |
void | SetAccidentalParentheses (bool state) |
Sets the parentheses accidental state. | |
void | SetSpacing (bool state) |
Sets if the note should be used in the spacing algorithm or not. | |
void | SetPlayback (bool state) |
Sets if the note should play back or be muted. | |
void | SetLegality (bool state) |
Sets the legality bit, marking that the note is valid. | |
void | SetDisplacement (twobyte disp) |
Sets the note's vertical position on the staff. The displacement is relative to the key. | |
void | SetRaiseLower (twobyte amount) |
Raises or lowers the pitch of the note. | |
void | SetNoteID (eNoteID noteid) |
Sets the unique note ID. Use with extreme care! | |
void | SetTie (bool value) |
Sets the tie state for the note. | |
void | SetTieBackwards (bool value) |
Sets the "tie end" state for the note. | |
void | SetCrossStaff (bool state) |
Sets the cross staff state for the note. | |
void | SetUpstemSplit (bool state) |
Sets the upstem split state for the note. | |
int | CalcNumberOfLedgerLines () |
Returns the number of ledger lines the note appears on. | |
bool | CalcOnLedgerLine () |
Returns true if the note appears specifically on a ledger line. The ledger line must coincide with the staff position of the note. If the note falls in a space above or below a ledger line, the function returns false. To determine if any particular note has ledger lines, use CalcNumberOfLedgerLines. | |
int | CalcCrossStaffNumber () |
Returns the staff ID that belongs to the cross staff note. | |
bool | CalcRightsidePlacement () |
Returns true if the notehead is on the right side of the stem. | |
twobyte | CalcNoteheadWidth () |
Returns the width of the notehead. | |
twobyte | CalcStaffPosition () |
Calculates the displacement from the top staffline. It takes the current score position into account (including clefs, staff styles and so on). | |
char | CalcPitchChar () |
Returns the sounding note name character for the note. | |
char | CalcWrittenPitchChar () |
Returns the written note name character for the note. | |
twobyte | CalcPitchRaiseLower (bool writtenpitch) |
Returns the number of sharps or flats the note actually has in the key signature. | |
twobyte | CalcMIDIKey () |
Returns the MIDI key number for the note. | |
bool | CalcVisibleInPart () const |
Returns true if the note is visible in the current part or score. The only time it might be false is if the note is suppressed by voiced part settings. (See FCPartStaffVoicing.) | |
bool | CalcIsTopNote () const |
Returns true if the note is the top note in the entry. If some notes in the entry are suppressed in the current voiced part, the function returns true for the top visible note in the part. (See FCPartStaffVoicing.) | |
bool | CalcIsBottomNote () const |
Returns true if the note is the bottom visible note note in the entry. If some notes in the entry are suppressed in the current voiced part, the function returns true for the bottom visible note in the part. (See FCPartStaffVoicing.) | |
void | SetMIDIKey (twobyte midikey) |
Sets the MIDI key number for the note. | |
bool | IsIdenticalPitch (FCNote *pPitchNote) |
Returns true if the pitch is identical to the supplied note. | |
bool | IsHigherPitchThan (FCNote *pPitchCompareNote) |
Returns true if the pitch is higher than the pitch in the parameter's note. | |
bool | IsLowerPitchThan (FCNote *pPitchCompareNote) |
Returns true if the pitch is lower than the pitch in the parameter's note. | |
bool | IsUpper2nd () const |
Returns true if this note is an upper 2nd in a chord. | |
bool | IsLower2nd () const |
Returns true if this note is a lower 2nd in a chord. | |
bool | IsNonAligned2nd () const |
Returns true if this note is not aligned with its entry. | |
bool | MatchSpellingToScore () |
Reverts a part's note spelling to that of the score. It is useful for reversing an unlinked enharmonic flip. | |
void | MarkForErase () |
Marks the note for erase when the entry is saved. | |
void | DebugDump () override |
Outputs the class data/information for debugging purposes. | |
![]() | |
virtual const PDKFRAMEWORK_CLASSID | GetClassID () const |
Returns the internal class ID for the PDK Framework class. This is implemented mostly because Lua has problems to resolve the true classes of inherited objects. | |
virtual | ~__FCBase () |
Virtual destructor, so all inherited classes get the virtual destructor. | |
void | DebugMsgInt (const char *pszPrefixText, int i) |
Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in decimal presentation) appearing afterwards. | |
void | DebugMsgHex (const char *pszPrefixText, int i) |
Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (as a hexadecimal number) appearing afterwards. | |
void | DebugMsgString (const char *pszPrefixText, const char *thestring) |
Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. | |
void | DebugMsg (const char *pszMsg) |
Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes with just one text string. | |
void | DebugOutMenuInfo (FCUI *pUI, int menuixd_horiz, int menuixd_vert) const |
Outputs the menu command info for debugging purposes. | |
int | DebugOutFormat (const char *fmt,...) |
Outputs debug text using C style "printf" syntax. | |
virtual void | DebugDataDump () |
Outputs a memory dump of the data block in the object for debugging purposes. | |
virtual void | DebugDataByteArrayDump () |
Outputs a memory dump of the data block in the object for debugging purposes, as a C++ byte array. | |
void | Set16BitFlag (FLAG_16 *flag, FLAG_16 flagbits, bool state) |
Sets a 16 bit flag. | |
void | Set32BitFlag (FLAG_32 *flag, FLAG_32 flagbits, bool state) |
Sets/resets a 32 bit flag, by using a bit mask. | |
bool | GetBitFlag (FLAG_32 flag, FLAG_32 flagbits) const |
Gets a state from flag bits. Returns true if any bit in the mask is set. | |
int | GetBitCount (FLAG_32 flag) |
Returns the total number of set bits in a 32-bit unsigned int. | |
void | SetSpecific32Bit (FLAG_32 *flag, int bitnumber, bool state) |
Sets/resets a single bit in a 32 bit flag, by specifying one specific bit. | |
void | SetUserData (void *pData) |
Sets the user data attached to the instance of an object. | |
void | SetUserData2 (void *pData) |
Sets the additional user data attached to the instance of an object. | |
void * | GetUserData () const |
Gets the user data attached to the instance of an object. | |
void * | GetUserData2 () const |
Gets the additional user data attached to the instance of an object. | |
virtual bool | IsIdentical (const __FCBase *pCompareObject) const |
Returns true if the data in the passed object is considered to be identical to the current object, otherwise false. | |
void | StoreXML_String (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, FCString *pStringValue) |
Helper function to store FCString objects in the XML file. | |
void | StoreXML_Integer (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, int value) |
Helper function to store integer objects in the XML file. | |
void | StoreXML_Bool (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, bool value) |
Helper function to store boolean objects in the XML file. | |
void | StoreXML_StringAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, FCString *pStringValue) |
Helper function to store FCString objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
void | StoreXML_IntegerAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, int value) |
Helper function to store integer objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
void | StoreXML_BoolAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, bool value) |
Helper function to store boolean objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
void | StoreXML_FloatAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, float value) |
Helper function to store floating point objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
virtual void | StoreToXML (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode) |
Virtual method that is used to store an object's data. | |
bool | ReadXML_String (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, FCString *pStringValue) |
Helper method to read FCString objects from the XML file. | |
bool | ReadXML_Integer (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, int *pValue) |
Helper method to read integer objects from the XML file. | |
bool | ReadXML_Bool (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, bool *pValue) |
Helper method to read boolean objects from the XML file. | |
bool | ReadXML_StringAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, FCString *pStringValue) |
Helper method to read FCString objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
bool | ReadXML_IntegerAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, int *pValue) |
Helper method to read integer objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
bool | ReadXML_BoolAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, bool *pValue) |
Helper method to read boolean objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
bool | ReadXML_FloatAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, float *pValue) |
Helper method to read floating point objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. | |
virtual bool | ReadFromXML (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode) |
Virtual method that is used to read object data. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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Constants for the GetClassID method. More... | |
Constants for Finale's standard measurement units. More... | |
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static void | DebugOutPtr (const char *pszPrefixText, void *ptr) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The prefix text appears with the extra ptr (in hexadeximal representation) appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutInt (const char *pszPrefixText, int i) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in decimal presentation) appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutFloat (const char *pszPrefixText, double f) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra float value appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutTag (const char *pszPrefixText, EXTAG extag) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the EXTAG (in text) appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutHex (const char *pszPrefixText, int i) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in hexadecimal presentation) appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutBin (const char *pszPrefixText, int i) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in binary presentation) appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutString (const char *pszPrefixText, const char *thestring) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes (C string version). The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutString (const char *pszPrefixText, FCString *pString) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes (FCString version). The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. | |
static void | DebugOutBool (const char *pszPrefixText, bool state) |
Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The boolean state appears afterwards as either "TRUE" or "FALSE". | |
static void | DebugOutBlock (const void *pBuffer, int startoffset, int size) |
Static method that outputs a memory block for debugging purposes. Eight bytes per line will appear (as hex digits) until the whole memory block is dumped. | |
static void | DebugOutByteArrayBlock (const void *pBuffer, int startoffset, int size) |
Static method that outputs a memory block for debugging purposes. Eight bytes per line will appear (as hex digits) as a C++ onebyte array, until the whole memory block is dumped. | |
static void | DebugOut (const char *pszLine) |
Static method to output a line of text for debugging purposes. | |
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__FCBase () | |
The constructor. | |
Encapsulates one note in a note entry (from the FCNoteEntry class).
This class requires PDK_FRAMEWORK_ENTRIES to be defined.
NOTE! Objects of this class should not be created directly, they are created by the methods in the FCNoteEntry class.
bool FCNote::CalcAccidental | ( | ) | const |
Returns the displayed state of an accidental. This is the method that should be used to find out if an accidental is displayed.
On Finale versions lower than Finale 2014, the accidental state bit is returned. On Finale 2014 and higher, the displayed state (based on Finale's settings) is returned.
On Finale 2014 and higher, the entry metrics must be up to date when this method is called.
Lua-supported (this is used for the "Accidental" property as well).
int FCNote::CalcCrossStaffNumber | ( | ) |
Returns the staff ID that belongs to the cross staff note.
For a proper return value, both the entry and note must have the flags set for cross staff. The method loads the FCCrossStaff connected with the note object.
bool FCNote::CalcIsBottomNote | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if the note is the bottom visible note note in the entry. If some notes in the entry are suppressed in the current voiced part, the function returns true for the bottom visible note in the part. (See FCPartStaffVoicing.)
Lua-supported (0.65).
bool FCNote::CalcIsTopNote | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if the note is the top note in the entry. If some notes in the entry are suppressed in the current voiced part, the function returns true for the top visible note in the part. (See FCPartStaffVoicing.)
Lua-supported (0.65).
twobyte FCNote::CalcMIDIKey | ( | ) |
Returns the MIDI key number for the note.
twobyte FCNote::CalcNoteheadWidth | ( | ) |
Returns the width of the notehead.
int FCNote::CalcNumberOfLedgerLines | ( | ) |
Returns the number of ledger lines the note appears on.
Lua-supported (0.66).
twobyte FCNote::CalcOctave | ( | FCKeySignature * | pKey, |
int | transposeinterval = 0 ) |
Returns the sounding octave for the note.
For transposed instrument, the transpose interval needs to be supplied and the key needs to include the transposed key alteration.
This method requires the PDK_FRAMEWORK_PREFS define, since the octave number is dependent on the Program options.
[in] | pKey | The key that the calculation should be based on. |
[in] | transposeinterval | When using chromatic transposition, the interval needs to be 1 step less than the value found in the transposition dialog box (or returned by the FCStaff.GetTransposeInterval method). For traditionally transposed instruments, the usual transposition interval value should be used. |
bool FCNote::CalcOnLedgerLine | ( | ) |
Returns true if the note appears specifically on a ledger line. The ledger line must coincide with the staff position of the note. If the note falls in a space above or below a ledger line, the function returns false. To determine if any particular note has ledger lines, use CalcNumberOfLedgerLines.
char FCNote::CalcPitchChar | ( | ) |
Returns the sounding note name character for the note.
twobyte FCNote::CalcPitchRaiseLower | ( | bool | writtenpitch | ) |
Returns the number of sharps or flats the note actually has in the key signature.
writtenpitch | false = calculate for the sounding pitch, true = calculate for the written pitch |
bool FCNote::CalcRightsidePlacement | ( | ) |
Returns true if the notehead is on the right side of the stem.
This method looks at the actual layout of the noteheads. If the noteheads are manually moved with the Special Tools, the method will take that into account.
twobyte FCNote::CalcStaffPosition | ( | ) |
Calculates the displacement from the top staffline. It takes the current score position into account (including clefs, staff styles and so on).
For percussion notation, the actual percussion note position will be returned, if the positioning info is found in the percussion layout. The percussion note's position will be adjusted to the same vertical levels as non-percussion notes.
Even when the score is displayed in concert pitch, the calculated value will be as if the score was transposing.
bool FCNote::CalcVisibleInPart | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if the note is visible in the current part or score. The only time it might be false is if the note is suppressed by voiced part settings. (See FCPartStaffVoicing.)
Lua-supported (0.65).
twobyte FCNote::CalcWrittenOctave | ( | FCKeySignature * | pKey, |
int | transposevalue, | ||
bool | simplifytranspose, | ||
bool | chromatictranspose ) |
Returns the written octave for the note, taking a specific transposition into account.
[in] | pKey | The key for the note. This cannot be NULL. |
[in] | transposevalue | For key-based transpositions, this should be the transpose alteration. For chromatic transpositions, this should be transposition interval. |
[in] | simplifytranspose | True if the key-based transposition uses "Simplify Key". Not used for chromatic transpositions. |
[in] | chromatictranspose | True if the transposition is chromatic. False if the transposition is key-based. |
char FCNote::CalcWrittenPitchChar | ( | ) |
Returns the written note name character for the note.
Even when the score is displayed in concert pitch, the calculated value will be as if the score music transposing.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Returns the name of the class, for diagnostic purposes. This method MUST be overwritten in each child class.
Implements __FCBase.
Reimplemented in FCNotePitch.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Outputs the class data/information for debugging purposes.
Accessible if PDK_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG is defined.
When child class inherit this method to output the contents of its own members, it should call the parent before providing its own output.
Reimplemented from __FCBase.
inline |
Gets the accidental state bit for the note. This method should normally NOT be used (use CalcAccidental instead).
On Finale 2014 and above, this method will not return the true accidental state.
Lua-supported (also as property). Please note that the "Accidental" property calls CalcAccidental.
inline |
Returns the freezed accidental state.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the parentheses accidental state.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Gets the cross staff state for the note.
The note's FCCrossStaffMod contains the target staff to which the note is crossed.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the vertical note position on the staff.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Gets the Downstem 2nd state for the note.
Finale recalculates this value every time it edits the FCNoteEntry, so modifying it serves no purpose.
Lua-supported (also as read-only property) (0.61).
inline |
Returns the note entry object for the note.
Lua-supported (also as a read-only property).
inline |
Gets the legality bit, that marks that the note is valid.
Every note must have this bit set for validity.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
inline |
Returns the index of the note within its FCNoteEntry.
Lua-supported (also as read-only property) (0.62).
inline |
Gets the playback status for the note.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns the raised/lowered state of the note.
See also the CalcPitchRaiseLower method.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Returns if the note should be used in the spacing algorithm or not.
Lua-supported (also as property).
void FCNote::GetString | ( | FCString * | pString, |
FCKeySignature * | pKey, | ||
bool | simplifydoublesharp = false, | ||
bool | writtenpitch = false ) |
Creates a string representation of the note.
This method requires the PDK_FRAMEWORK_PREFS define.
pString | Pointer to the string object that should contain the pitch string. |
pKey | Pointer to a key signature object, which will be used as input to produce the string. (The key signature could be obtained from the FCMeasure and FCCell classes.) This should NOT be the transposed key. If this is NULL, the key signature from the current entry's position will be used. |
simplifydoublesharp | If true, simplifies "##" to "x". (Defaults to false.) |
writtenpitch | false = Get sounding pitch, true = Get written pitch. (Defaults to false.) |
inline |
Gets the tie start state for the note.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Gets the backwards tie state for the note.
Lua-supported (also as property).
FCTransposer * FCNote::GetTransposer | ( | ) |
Returns a transposer that can be used to transpose this note.
Do not use it with any other FCNote instance. Do not attempt to use it after the note that created it goes out of scope.
Lua-supported (0.67).
inline |
Gets the Upstem 2nd state for the note.
Finale recalculates this value every time it edits the FCNoteEntry, so modifying it serves no purpose.
Lua-supported (also as read-only property) (0.61).
inline |
Gets the upstem split state for the note.
Ignored unless FCNoteEntry::GetSplitStem == true
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.61).
bool FCNote::IsHigherPitchThan | ( | FCNote * | pPitchCompareNote | ) |
Returns true if the pitch is higher than the pitch in the parameter's note.
bool FCNote::IsIdenticalPitch | ( | FCNote * | pPitchNote | ) |
Returns true if the pitch is identical to the supplied note.
bool FCNote::IsLower2nd | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if this note is a lower 2nd in a chord.
Lua-supported (0.62).
bool FCNote::IsLowerPitchThan | ( | FCNote * | pPitchCompareNote | ) |
Returns true if the pitch is lower than the pitch in the parameter's note.
bool FCNote::IsNonAligned2nd | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if this note is not aligned with its entry.
Lua-supported (0.62).
bool FCNote::IsUpper2nd | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if this note is an upper 2nd in a chord.
Lua-supported (0.62).
inline |
Marks the note for erase when the entry is saved.
Please note that this shouldn't normally be called directly. Instead use methods such as FCNoteEntry.DeleteNote to immediatelly remove the note.
This mechanism makes it possible to, for example, continue to iterate through a note collection (=chord) until the entry have been saved.
bool FCNote::MatchSpellingToScore | ( | ) |
Reverts a part's note spelling to that of the score. It is useful for reversing an unlinked enharmonic flip.
This function does nothing if the score is in edit focus. Note that calling MatchSpellingToScore does not in itself relink the note's spelling to the score. To do that, you also must set FCNoteheadMod::SetEnharmonicFlip to false and relink the note's FCNoteheadMod instance to the score (or delete it if there are no other notehead modifications). See __FCBaseData::RelinkToScore.
See FCNoteheadMod::SetEnharmonicFlip for a complete Lua code example.
Lua-supported (0.66).
inline |
Sets the accidental state for the note.
Use this method to set the accidental state for freezing. If you do not also call SetAccidentalFreeze to freeze the accidental state, Finale can change it at any time.
Lua-supported (also as property).
state | True to display the accidental. |
inline |
Sets the freezed accidental state.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the parentheses accidental state.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the cross staff state for the note.
Generally speaking, you do not need this method to create cross-staff notes. Instead, load or create the note's instance of FCCrossStaffMod. There you set its target staff, and saving it sets all the proper flags (including this one).
Lua-supported (also as property).
state | true means that a note is in a cross staff. |
inline |
Sets the note's vertical position on the staff. The displacement is relative to the key.
Lua-supported (also as property).
disp | 0 is middle C in C major. |
inline |
Sets the legality bit, marking that the note is valid.
Every note should have this bit set for validity.
Lua-supported (also as property).
state | True to set the note as valid. |
void FCNote::SetMIDIKey | ( | twobyte | midikey | ) |
Sets the MIDI key number for the note.
If the note is on a regular notation staff, an enharmonic version of the note is set.
If the note is on a percussion staff, the percussion note is set.
This requires PDK_FRAMEWORK_PREFS to be defined.
inline |
Sets the unique note ID. Use with extreme care!
The note ID is a 1-based number for the note within the entry. It's referenced in the modification data records for the note (such as FCNoteheadMods, FCDotMods, and so on).
Lua-supported (also as property).
noteid | the new note ID |
inline |
Sets if the note should play back or be muted.
This flag is ignored if HP is used during playback.
Lua-supported (also as property).
state | True to play back. False to mute. |
inline |
Raises or lowers the pitch of the note.
Lua-supported (also as property).
amount | 0 is a normal diatonic note for the key. 1 is raised by one step. -1 is lowered by one step. 2 is double-raised, and so on. |
inline |
Sets if the note should be used in the spacing algorithm or not.
Lua-supported (also as property).
state | True to include note in spacing. |
bool FCNote::SetString | ( | FCString * | pString, |
FCKeySignature * | pKey, | ||
bool | writtenpitch ) |
Changes the note based on the string representation. See FCNote::GetString for syntax.
In addition to the syntax produced by FCNote::GetString, the lower-case 'x' can be used for double-sharp.
This method requires the PDK_FRAMEWORK_PREFS define.
[in] | pString | The FCString object containing the pitch. |
[in] | pKey | Pointer to the key signature object. If no key signature object was supplied, a temporary key signature object will be created, based on the entry's position. Percussion notation is handled separately. |
[in] | writtenpitch | false = Set sounding pitch, true = Set written pitch |
inline |
Sets the tie state for the note.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the "tie end" state for the note.
This method should normally not be used, since Finale handles this internally.
Lua-supported (also as property).
inline |
Sets the upstem split state for the note.
Ignored unless FCNoteEntry::GetSplitStem == true
Lua-supported (also as property) (0.61).
state | true means that the stem splits up for this note. |