Finale PDK Framework 0.74
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FCNoteEntry Class Reference

Encapsulates a note entry from an owner class (for example FCNoteEntryCell, FCNoteEntryLayer) class. More...

#include <ff_noteframe.h>

Inheritance diagram for FCNoteEntry:
__FCCollection __FCIteratorBase __FCBase

Public Types

  BREVE = 8192 , WHOLE_NOTE = 4096 , NOTE_WHOLE = 4096 , HALF_NOTE = 2048 ,
  NOTE_HALF = 2048 , QUARTER_NOTE = 1024 , NOTE_QUARTER = 1024 , EIGHTH_NOTE = 512 ,
  NOTE_8TH = 512 , SIXTEENTH_NOTE = 256 , NOTE_16TH = 256 , THIRTYSECOND_NOTE = 128 ,
  NOTE_32ND = 128 , SIXTYFOURTH_NOTE = 64 , NOTE_64TH = 64 , NOTE_128TH = 32
 Defintions of common note durations, for use with any operation where the TimeEdu32 type is used. More...
- Public Types inherited from __FCBase
 Constants for the GetClassID method. More...
 Constants for Finale's standard measurement units. More...

Public Member Functions

FCNoteGetItemAt (int index) const
 Overload version of GetItemAt(), which returns a note object (if available) for the note entry. More...
const char * ClassName () const override
 Returns the name of the class, for diagnostic purposes. This method MUST be overwritten in each child class. More...
 FCNoteEntry (EXENTRY *pEntry, EXTGF2005a *pFrame, FCNoteEntry *pPrevious)
 The constructor.
virtual ~FCNoteEntry ()
FCNoteFindNoteID (twobyte noteID)
void SetRestDisplacement (twobyte value)
 Sets the displacement for a rest entry. More...
twobyte GetRestDisplacement ()
 Returns the rest displacement. More...
FCNoteEntryPrevious ()
 Returns the previous note entry in the linked collection (layer or cell). More...
FCNoteEntryPreviousInFrame ()
 Returns the previous note entry in the linked collection (layer or cell), but only within the frame. More...
FCNoteEntryPreviousSameVInFrame ()
 Returns the previous note entry in the same V1 or V2 within the current frame. If the current instance of FCNoteEntry is V2, only the current V2 launch is searched. More...
FCNoteEntryNextInBeamedGroup ()
 Returns the next note entry in a beamed group or NULL if there is none. More...
FCNoteEntryPreviousInBeamedGroup ()
 Returns the previous note entry in a beamed group or NULL if there is none. More...
FCArticulationsCreateArticulations ()
 Creates a collection for all the articulations attached to the note entry. More...
FCNoteheadModsCreateNoteheadMods ()
 Creates a collection for all the notehead modifications attached to the note entry. More...
FCPerformanceModsCreatePerformanceMods ()
 Creates a collection for all the MIDI performance modifications attached to the note entry. More...
FCTupletsCreateTuplets ()
 Creates a collection for all the tuplets connected to the note entry. More...
ENTNUM GetEntryNumber () const
 Returns the internal entry number (ID) for the note entry. More...
bool RelinkToCurrentView ()
 Relinks the unlinkable items in the current view so that the score and part(s) match. More...
bool RelinkToScore ()
 Relinks the unlinkable items in all parts to the contents of the score. More...
void SetNoteFlag (bool state)
 Sets if the entry is a note or a rest. More...
void SetPlayback (bool state)
 Sets the playback state of the note entry. More...
void SetCombineRests (bool state)
 Sets the flag for if the rest should combine. More...
void SetFlipTie (bool state)
 Sets the "flip tie" of the note entry. More...
void SetSpacing (bool state)
 Sets the music spacing state of the note entry. More...
void SetVisible (bool state)
 Sets the visibility state of the note entry. More...
void SetGraceNote (bool state)
 Sets the grace note state of the note entry. More...
void SetSplitRest (bool state)
 Sets the split rest state of the note entry. (Applies if note entry is a rest.) More...
void SetVoice2 (bool state)
 Sets the voice 2 status for the entry. More...
void SetVoice2Launch (bool state)
 Sets the entry that controls the launch of voice 2. More...
void SetGraceNoteSlash (bool state)
 Sets the slashed state for a grace note entry. More...
void SetCrossStaff (bool state)
 Sets the cross staff state for the entry. More...
void SetBeamBeat (bool state)
 Sets the "beam/beat" state of the entry. More...
void SetFreezeBeam (bool state)
 Sets the freeze state for the "beam/beat". More...
void SetFlatBeam (bool state)
 Sets the "flat beam" state of the entry. More...
void SetLedgerLines (bool state)
 Sets the ledger line state for the note entry. More...
void SetFreezeStem (bool state)
 Sets the "Freeze Stem" state for the note entry. More...
void SetReverseUpStem (bool state)
 Sets the reverse stem setting for up stem. More...
void SetReverseDownStem (bool state)
 Sets the reverse stem setting for down stem. More...
void SetSplitStem (bool state)
 Sets the "Split Stem" state for the note entry. More...
void SetCheckAccidentals (bool state)
 Marks the entry that the accidentals should be verified when the frame is saved. More...
void SetLegality (bool state)
 Sets the legality bit, marking that the entry is valid. More...
void SetManualPosition (Evpu16 pos)
 Sets the manual positioning of the entry. More...
void SetClefIndex (eClef clef)
 Sets the clef index for the entry. More...
void SetStemUp (bool state)
 Sets the "stem up" flag for the entry. More...
void SetDuration (TimeEdu32 duration)
 Sets the symbolic duration of the note. For tuplet entries, the symbolic duration would be different from the actual duration. More...
void SetFloatingRest (bool state)
 Sets the floating rest status of the entry. More...
void SetNoteDetailFlag (bool state)
 Sets the flag state for note detail records. More...
void SetPerformanceDataFlag (bool state)
 Sets the flag state for performance data records. More...
void SetSpecialAltsFlag (bool state)
 Sets the flag state for special alteration records. More...
void SetArticulationFlag (bool state)
 Sets the flag that marks that an articulation is attached to the entry. More...
void SetSmartShapeFlag (bool state)
 Sets the flag that marks that a smart shape is attached to the entry. More...
void SetTupletStartFlag (bool state)
 Sets the flag that marks that a tuplet starts on the entry. More...
void SetLyricFlag (bool state)
 Sets the flag that marks that an entry has syllable attached to it. More...
void SetStemDetailFlag (bool state)
 Sets the flag state for stem detail records. More...
void SetSecondaryBeamFlag (bool state)
 Sets the flag state for secondary beam detail records. More...
void SetBeamExtensionFlag (bool state)
 Sets the flag state for beam extension detail records. More...
void SetActualDuration (TimeEdu32 value)
 Sets the actual duration for the entry. More...
void SetMeasurePos (TimeEdu32 value)
 Sets the elapsed position in the measure for the entry. More...
bool GetBeamBeat () const
 Gets the "beam/beat" flag state of the entry. More...
bool GetCheckAccidentals () const
 Returns the accidental "refresh" flag. More...
bool GetLedgerLines () const
 Gets the ledger line state for the note entry. More...
bool GetFreezeStem () const
 Gets the "Freeze Stem" state for the note entry. More...
bool GetReverseUpStem () const
 Gets the reverse stem setting for up stem. More...
bool GetReverseDownStem () const
 Gets the reverse stem setting for down stem. More...
bool GetSplitStem () const
 Gets the "Split Stem" state for the note entry. More...
bool GetLegality () const
 Gets the legality bit, that marks that the entry is valid. More...
bool GetFreezeBeam () const
 Gets the freeze state for the "beam/beat". More...
bool GetFlatBeam () const
 Gets the "flat beam" state of the entry. More...
bool GetPlayback () const
 Gets the playback state of the note entry. More...
bool GetCombineRests () const
 Returns the flag for if the rest should combine. More...
bool GetFlipTie () const
 Gets the "flip tie" state of the note entry. More...
bool GetSpacing () const
 Gets the music spacing state of the note entry. More...
bool GetVisible () const
 Gets the visibility state of the note entry. More...
bool GetGraceNote () const
 Gets the grace note state of the note entry. More...
bool GetSplitRest () const
 Gets the split rest state of the note entry. (Applies if note entry is a rest.) More...
bool GetGraceNoteSlash () const
 Gets the grace note slash state of the note entry. More...
bool GetVoice2 () const
 Returns true if it's a voice 2 entry. More...
bool GetVoice2Launch () const
 Returns true if the entry launches voice 2. More...
bool GetStemUp () const
 Returns the state of the "up" bit for the entry. This is NOT the same as the true direction for the stem! More...
bool GetCrossStaff () const
 Returns the cross staff state for the entry. More...
TimeEdu32 GetDuration () const
 Gets the symbolic duration of the entry. For tuplet entries, the symbolic duration would be different from the actual duration. Compare with the GetActualDuration method. More...
bool GetFloatingRest () const
 Gets the floating rest status of the entry. More...
TimeEdu32 GetActualDuration () const
 Gets the actual duration of the entry. For tuplet entries, the symbolic duration would be different from the actual duration. Compare with the GetDuration method. More...
TimeEdu32 CalcNondottedDuration ()
 Returns the non-dotted symbolic duration of the entry. More...
twobyte CalcDots ()
 Returns the number of dots for a dotted entry. More...
bool CalcUniquePitchString (FCString *pString)
 Creates a "pitch ID" string for the entry. More...
twobyte GetLayerNumber () const
 Returns the 1-based layer number that the entry belongs to. More...
Evpu16 GetManualPosition () const
 Gets the manual positioning of the entry. More...
eClef GetClefIndex () const
 Gets the clef that's used for the entry. More...
int CalcGraceNoteIndex ()
 Returns the grace note index for the entry. More...
int CalcNumberOfVisibleNotes () const
 Calculates the number of notes visible in the current score or part view, taking into account any that may not be displayed due to voiced part settings. (See FCPartStaffVoicing.) More...
bool CalcDisplaysAsRest () const
 Calculates if this entry displays as a rest in the current score or part view, taking into account the FCPartStaffVoicing settings for a voiced part (if any). More...
twobyte CalcHighestStaffPosition ()
 Calculates the highest staff position for a note in the entry's chord. More...
twobyte CalcLowestStaffPosition ()
 Calculates the lowest staff position for a note in the entry's chord. More...
twobyte CalcHighestDisplacement ()
 Calculates the highest displacement value found in the entry's chord. More...
twobyte CalcLowestDisplacement ()
 Calculates the lowest displacement value found in the entry's chord. More...
twobyte CalcDisplacementRange ()
 Calculates the range of the highest and lowest note in a chord. More...
twobyte CalcBeamCount ()
 Returns the number of beams/flags for the entry, based on the duration. More...
bool CalcMultiLayeredCell ()
 Returns true if the entry is in a cell with multiple layers of music. More...
int CalcDisplacementMatchCount (FCNoteEntry *pCompareEntry)
 Calculates the number of matching note displacements between the entries. More...
FCNoteCalcHighestNote (FCNote *pCeiling=NULL)
 Finds the note with the highest pitch in the chord. More...
FCNoteCalcLowestNote (FCNote *pFloor=NULL)
 Finds the note with the lowest pitch in the chord. More...
bool CalcHiddenThroughAltNotation ()
 Calculates if entry is hidden through alternate notation. More...
FCNoteCalcHighestPercussionNote ()
 For percussion notation, calculates the topmost percussion note. More...
FCNoteCalcLowestPercussionNote ()
 For percussion notation, calculates the bottommost percussion note. More...
bool HasSameNotes (FCNoteEntry *pEntry)
 Compares the notes with the notes in another note entry. More...
FCNoteFindDisplacement (twobyte displacement)
 Tries to finds a note in the chord with a specific displacement value. More...
FCNoteFindPitch (FCNote *pPitchNote)
 Tries to finds a note in the chord with the identical pitch as the suppied note. More...
TimeEdu32 GetMeasurePos () const
 Returns the elapsed duration position in the measure for the entry. More...
bool GetNoteDetailFlag () const
 Returns true for existing note detail records. More...
bool GetPerformanceDataFlag () const
 Returns true for existing performance data records. More...
bool GetSpecialAltsFlag () const
 Returns true for existing special alteration records. More...
bool GetTupletStartFlag () const
 Returns true if the entry is marked to start a tuplet. More...
bool GetLyricFlag () const
 Returns the flag that marks that an entry has syllable attached to it. More...
bool GetStemDetailFlag () const
 Gets the flag state for stem detail records. More...
bool GetSecondaryBeamFlag () const
 Returns true for secondary beam detail records. More...
bool GetBeamExtensionFlag () const
 Returns true for beam extension detail records. More...
bool GetArticulationFlag () const
 Returns true if the entry is marked to contain articulations. More...
bool GetSmartShapeFlag () const
 Returns true if the entry is marked to contain smart shapes. More...
twobyte GetMeasure () const
 Returns the entry's measure. More...
twobyte GetStaff () const
 Returns the entry's staff. More...
FCNoteEntryNext ()
 Returns the next entry in the loaded entry chain (within the same layer). More...
FCNoteEntryNextInFrame ()
 Returns the next note entry in the linked collection (layer or cell), but only within the frame. More...
FCNoteEntryNextSameVInFrame ()
 Returns the next note entry in the same V1 or V2 within the current frame. If the current instance of FCNoteEntry is V2, only the current V2 launch is searched. More...
bool IsNote ()
 Returns true if entry is a note. More...
bool IsRest () const
 Returns true if entry is a rest. More...
bool IsDotted ()
 Returns true if it's a dotted entry. More...
bool IsStartOfTuplet ()
 Returns true if the entry is the start of a tuplet. More...
bool IsSameMeasurePosAs (FCNoteEntry *pCompareEntry)
 Returns true if the compared entry is at the same measure/measure position as the object.
bool IsStartOfTupletParam (TupletInfo *pInfoStorage=NULL)
 Returns true if the entry is the start of a tuplet (parameter version). More...
bool IsPartOfTuplet ()
 Returns true if the entry is part of a tuplet. More...
bool IsOverlappedEntry (FCNoteEntry *pTestEntry)
 Returns true if the test entry is at least partly overlapping the current entry. More...
bool IsPartOfTupletParam (TupletInfo *pInfoStorage=NULL)
 Returns true if the entry is part of a tuplet (parameter version). More...
bool IsLastInMeasure ()
 Returns true if it's the last entry in the measure frame. More...
FCNoteEntryCalcLastTupletEntry (FCTuplet *pTuplet)
 Scans forward and returns the end entry of a tuplet that's connected to this entry object. More...
bool CalcFlippable ()
 Signals if the entry would flip when the up/down state is changed. More...
bool CalcBeamedGroupEnd ()
 Returns true if it's the end entry in a beamed group. More...
bool CalcUnbeamedNote ()
 Returns true if the entry is a non-beamed note (=not part of a beamed group.) More...
FCNoteEntryCalcBeamStartEntry ()
 Returns the start entry of the beamed group where the entry belongs. If the "Extend beams over rests" option is set, this method might return a rest. More...
int CalcLowestBeamStart ()
 Returns the lowest beam number starting at this entry, where 1 = 8th note beam, 2 = 16th note beam, etc. More...
int CalcLowestBeamEnd ()
 Returns the lowest beam number ending at this entry, where 1 = 8th note beam, 2 = 16th note beam, etc. More...
int CalcLowestBeamStub ()
 Returns the lowest beam number that is a stand-alone beam stub. 1 = 8th note beam, 2 = 16th note beam, etc. More...
bool CalcLargestNoteheadResize (FCNumber *pLargestFontSize, FCNumber *pLargestResize)
 Calculates the largest point size and the largest notehead % resize for the entry. More...
bool CalcSmallestNoteheadResize (FCNumber *pSmallestFontSize, FCNumber *pSmallestResize)
 Calculates the smallest point size and the smallest notehead % resize for the entry. More...
twobyte CalcWidestNoteheadWidth ()
 Returns the widest width of a notehead in the entry, as the non-printing width. More...
bool CalcStemUp ()
 Returns the direction of the beam. More...
twobyte CalcResize ()
 Calculates the resize percent for the note entry. More...
twobyte CalcStemLength ()
 Calculates the stem length, based on the entry metrics. More...
bool IsTied ()
 Returns true if any of the notes in the chord is tied to the next entry. More...
bool IsTiedBackwards ()
 Returns true if any of the notes in the chord is flagged to be tied from the previous entry. More...
bool IsTiedToPrevious ()
 Return true if the previous entry has a tie to this entry. More...
bool IsAllTied ()
 Returns true if all of the notes in the chord is tied to the next entry. More...
bool IsAllTiedBackwards ()
 Returns true if all of the notes in the chord has a flagged to be tied from the previous entry. More...
void ClearPitches ()
 Clears all pitches from the entry, to prepare to add new notes. More...
FCNoteAddNewNote ()
 Adds a new note to the chord. More...
int AddPitches (FCNoteEntry *pSourceEntry, bool unique, bool settie=false)
 Adds (appends to the existing notes) all notes from another entry. More...
int AddPitches (FCNotePitches *pPitches, bool unique)
 Adds (appends to the existing notes) all notes from a pith collection. More...
int AddPitch (FCNote *pNote)
 Adds a note to a chord. More...
int AddArticulations (FCNoteEntry *pSourceEntry, bool bNoDuplicates=true)
 Adds (appends to the existing ones) all articulations from another entry. More...
void TieAll (bool bTie)
 Ties or unties all chord notes for the entry. More...
void SetAccidentals (bool bAccidental)
 Sets/removes accidental display for all chord notes in the entry. More...
void CopyNotes (FCNoteEntry *pFrom)
 Copies all pitches and other note information from another entry. The old notes for the entry will be erased. The tie information and other note flags will also be identical to the source. More...
void CopyNote (FCNote *pFrom)
 Copies all pitches and other note information from one single note. The old notes for the entry will be erased. The tie information and other note flags will also be identical to the source. More...
void CopyEntry (FCNoteEntry *pFromEntry)
 Copies the duration and notes (or rest) from the source entry. More...
void CopyEntryDetails (FCNoteEntry *pFromEntry, bool copytuplets)
 Copies note-related data from another entry. More...
void CopyEntryPercussionDetails (FCNoteEntry *pFromEntry)
 Copies note-related data between percussion entries. More...
bool DeleteNote (FCNote *pNote)
 Deletes a note from a chord. The note collection is rebuilt after the deletion. More...
void CacheArticulations ()
 Stores the available articulations in a cache memory. More...
bool IsRestMovable ()
 Returns true if it's a movable rest. More...
void MakeRest ()
 Turns the entry into a rest (without any displacement). More...
void MakeMovableRest ()
 Turns the entry into a movable rest. More...
void MakeNote ()
 Turns the entry into a note. More...
FCNoteEntryCreateShallowClone ()
 Creates a shallow copy of the note entry, meaning that the reference to the entry, TGF and notes are the same. The object instance is new, though.
FCNotePitchesCreateNotePitches ()
 Create local copies of the note pitches in a collection. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from __FCCollection
 __FCCollection ()
 The constructor.
virtual ~__FCCollection ()
 The virtual destructor, which deallocates the array and also all its elements. More...
int GetCount () const
 Returns the number of elements of the collection. More...
void Add (__FCBase *pNewItem)
 Adds an element to the end of the collection. More...
bool UniqueAdd (__FCBase *pNewItem)
 Adds an element to the end of the collection, but only if it doesn't exist in the collection before. More...
void InsertItemAt (__FCBase *pNewItem, int index)
 Inserts an item into the collection. More...
bool ElementExists (__FCBase *pQueryItem)
 Returns true if the element is found in the collection, otherwise false.
void ClearAll ()
 Destroys all the objects in the collection and empties the collection. More...
void DetachAll ()
 Removes all the objects from the collection, without freeing/destroying the objects. More...
__FCBaseGetItemAt (int index) const
 Returns the object at the index position. Index is 0-based. More...
__FCBaseGetLastItem () const
 Returns the last item in the collection.
__FCBaseoperator[] (int index) const
 Identical to the GetItemAt method.
int GetIndexOf (__FCBase *pObject) const
 Returns the 0-based order index for the object within the collection. More...
__FCBaseDetachItemAt (int index)
 Removes the object at the index position. Index is 0-based. More...
bool ClearItemAt (int index)
 Deletes the object at the index position and disposes the object. Index is 0-based. More...
int ToEndFrom (int index, FCIteratorHandler *pIterator)
 Processes one element after another and iterates from one specific index to the end of the collection. More...
int ForEach (FCIteratorHandler *pIterator) override
 Processes all elements in the collection (starting with item 0), or until the iterator Iterate() returns false. More...
virtual int ForEachIndex (FCIteratorHandler *pIterator)
 Same as ForEach, but the IterateIndex callback of the iterator handler is used instead.
__FCBaseFindFirst (FCIteratorHandler *pIterator) override
 Process elements until a match is found. More...
__FCBaseFindUserData (void *data_to_find)
 Returns the first element in the collection that has the indicated userdata. More...
bool Sort (FCIteratorHandler *pIterator)
 Sorts the elements of. More...
bool Swap (int index1, int index2)
 Swaps to items in the collection. More...
bool IsEmpty () const
 Returns true if the collection contains no elements. More...
int MoveFrom (__FCCollection *pOtherCollection, bool unique=false)
 Moves elements from another collection into this collection. The other will be empty after the operation. More...
bool IsIdentical (const __FCBase *pCompareObject) const override
 Returns true if two collections are considered to be identical. More...
void DebugDump () override
 Outputs the class data/information for debugging purposes. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from __FCIteratorBase
 __FCIteratorBase ()
 The constructor.
- Public Member Functions inherited from __FCBase
virtual const PDKFRAMEWORK_CLASSID GetClassID () const
 Returns the internal class ID for the PDK Framework class. This is implemented mostly because Lua has problems to resolve the true classes of inherited objects. More...
virtual ~__FCBase ()
 Virtual destructor, so all inherited classes get the virtual destructor.
void DebugMsgInt (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in decimal presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
void DebugMsgHex (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (as a hexadecimal number) appearing afterwards. More...
void DebugMsgString (const char *pszPrefixText, const char *thestring)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. More...
void DebugMsg (const char *pszMsg)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes with just one text string. More...
void DebugOutMenuInfo (FCUI *pUI, int menuixd_horiz, int menuixd_vert) const
 Outputs the menu command info for debugging purposes. More...
int DebugOutFormat (const char *fmt,...)
 Outputs debug text using C style "printf" syntax. More...
virtual void DebugDataDump ()
 Outputs a memory dump of the data block in the object for debugging purposes. More...
virtual void DebugDataByteArrayDump ()
 Outputs a memory dump of the data block in the object for debugging purposes, as a C++ byte array. More...
void Set16BitFlag (FLAG_16 *flag, FLAG_16 flagbits, bool state)
 Sets a 16 bit flag. More...
void Set32BitFlag (FLAG_32 *flag, FLAG_32 flagbits, bool state)
 Sets/resets a 32 bit flag, by using a bit mask. More...
bool GetBitFlag (FLAG_32 flag, FLAG_32 flagbits) const
 Gets a state from flag bits. Returns true if any bit in the mask is set. More...
int GetBitCount (FLAG_32 flag)
 Returns the total number of set bits in a 32-bit unsigned int.
void SetSpecific32Bit (FLAG_32 *flag, int bitnumber, bool state)
 Sets/resets a single bit in a 32 bit flag, by specifying one specific bit. More...
void SetUserData (void *pData)
 Sets the user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
void SetUserData2 (void *pData)
 Sets the additional user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
void * GetUserData () const
 Gets the user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
void * GetUserData2 () const
 Gets the additional user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
void StoreXML_String (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper function to store FCString objects in the XML file. More...
void StoreXML_Integer (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, int value)
 Helper function to store integer objects in the XML file. More...
void StoreXML_Bool (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, bool value)
 Helper function to store boolean objects in the XML file. More...
void StoreXML_StringAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper function to store FCString objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
void StoreXML_IntegerAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, int value)
 Helper function to store integer objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
void StoreXML_BoolAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, bool value)
 Helper function to store boolean objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
void StoreXML_FloatAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, float value)
 Helper function to store floating point objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
virtual void StoreToXML (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode)
 Virtual method that is used to store an object's data. More...
bool ReadXML_String (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper method to read FCString objects from the XML file. More...
bool ReadXML_Integer (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, int *pValue)
 Helper method to read integer objects from the XML file. More...
bool ReadXML_Bool (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, bool *pValue)
 Helper method to read boolean objects from the XML file. More...
bool ReadXML_StringAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper method to read FCString objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
bool ReadXML_IntegerAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, int *pValue)
 Helper method to read integer objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
bool ReadXML_BoolAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, bool *pValue)
 Helper method to read boolean objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
bool ReadXML_FloatAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, float *pValue)
 Helper method to read floating point objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
virtual bool ReadFromXML (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode)
 Virtual method that is used to read object data. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void MarkEntryMetricsForUpdate ()
 Static method that mark that the entry-related layout info needs to be rebuilt (for CalcStemUp(), for example). More...
static TimeEdu32 CalcNondottedDurationForDuration (TimeEdu32 duration)
 Static method that truncates duration to give only return the non-dotted duration value. More...
static int CalcDotsForDuration (TimeEdu32 duration)
 Static method that calculates the number of dots a specific duration would get. More...
static bool IsValidDuration (TimeEdu32 duration)
 Static method that evaluates the validity of a duration value. More...
static TimeEdu32 CalcValidDuration (TimeEdu32 duration)
 Static method that calculates a valid note duration value by truncating the value if necessary. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from __FCBase
static void DebugOutPtr (const char *pszPrefixText, void *ptr)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The prefix text appears with the extra ptr (in hexadeximal representation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutInt (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in decimal presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutFloat (const char *pszPrefixText, double f)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra float value appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutTag (const char *pszPrefixText, EXTAG extag)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the EXTAG (in text) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutHex (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in hexadecimal presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutBin (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in binary presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutString (const char *pszPrefixText, const char *thestring)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes (C string version). The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutString (const char *pszPrefixText, FCString *pString)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes (FCString version). The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutBool (const char *pszPrefixText, bool state)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The boolean state appears afterwards as either "TRUE" or "FALSE". More...
static void DebugOutBlock (const void *pBuffer, int startoffset, int size)
 Static method that outputs a memory block for debugging purposes. Eight bytes per line will appear (as hex digits) until the whole memory block is dumped. More...
static void DebugOutByteArrayBlock (const void *pBuffer, int startoffset, int size)
 Static method that outputs a memory block for debugging purposes. Eight bytes per line will appear (as hex digits) as a C++ onebyte array, until the whole memory block is dumped. More...
static void DebugOut (const char *pszLine)
 Static method to output a line of text for debugging purposes. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from __FCBase
 __FCBase ()
 The constructor.

Detailed Description

Encapsulates a note entry from an owner class (for example FCNoteEntryCell, FCNoteEntryLayer) class.

This class requires PDK_FRAMEWORK_ENTRIES to be defined.

The class is also a collection of notes (of the FCNote class).

When a note entry that uses standard notation is loaded from Finale, the notes are sorted in pitch order from lowest to highest. For percussion and tabulature notation however, there is no relation between displayed position and order in the entry. It's safest to not assume that entries are sorted.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Defintions of common note durations, for use with any operation where the TimeEdu32 type is used.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~FCNoteEntry()

FCNoteEntry::~FCNoteEntry ( )

The destructor

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddArticulations()

int FCNoteEntry::AddArticulations ( FCNoteEntry pSourceEntry,
bool  bNoDuplicates = true 

Adds (appends to the existing ones) all articulations from another entry.

It's the caller's responsibility that the both source and destination entries are in the same document.

If the source entry has an articulation cache, that will be used as source. Otherwise, the articulations will load from the Finale database.

If articulations were added, the articulation flag is set for the entry. (The entry has to be saved separately through the TGF frame.)


pSourceEntryThe entry to copy from.
bNoDuplicatesIf true (default), articulations duplicates will not be copied.
Number of articulation added to the entry. If the note entry doesn't have an entry number to add the articulations to, 0 will be returned.

◆ AddNewNote()

FCNote * FCNoteEntry::AddNewNote ( )

Adds a new note to the chord.


NULL if no note could be added. Otherwise, the note object that was added to the collection.

◆ AddPitch()

int FCNoteEntry::AddPitch ( FCNote pNote)

Adds a note to a chord.

Method will not do anything on rests.


pNoteThe note to copy from.
Number of notes added to the chord. (Either 0 or 1.)

◆ AddPitches() [1/2]

int FCNoteEntry::AddPitches ( FCNoteEntry pSourceEntry,
bool  unique,
bool  settie = false 

Adds (appends to the existing notes) all notes from another entry.

This method will not do anything on rests.

March 10, 2013: Changed so the full entry is now automatically set to update the accidentals for the frame.


pSourceEntryThe entry to copy from.
uniqueIf true, only add note pitches that don't exist.
settieIf true, copy the tie state.
Number of notes added to the chord.

◆ AddPitches() [2/2]

int FCNoteEntry::AddPitches ( FCNotePitches pPitches,
bool  unique 

Adds (appends to the existing notes) all notes from a pith collection.

Method will not do anything on rests.

pPitchesThe pitch collection to copy from.
uniqueIf true, only add note pitches that don't exist.
Number of notes added to the chord.

◆ CacheArticulations()

void FCNoteEntry::CacheArticulations ( )

Stores the available articulations in a cache memory.

This is for the instances where the entry has been removed from the document (and the articulation data gets removed as well).

A cache will not be created if there isn't any articulations attached to the note.

If a articulation cache is available, it's used by the AddArticulations method.


◆ CalcBeamCount()

twobyte FCNoteEntry::CalcBeamCount ( )

Returns the number of beams/flags for the entry, based on the duration.

This method will handle dotted values.


A quarter note will return 0, an eighth note will return 1, 16th note will return 2, etc.

◆ CalcBeamedGroupEnd()

bool FCNoteEntry::CalcBeamedGroupEnd ( )

Returns true if it's the end entry in a beamed group.

If the document preferences is set to extend beams over rests, rests might end beams.

Beamed groups can be nested. Examples of nested beams are V2 beams nested inside V1 beams and grace note beams nested inside either of those. You can use CalcBeamStartEntry to find the first entry when CalcBeamedGroupEnd is true. You can use NextInBeamedGroup to iterate the entries in a beam from first to last entry.

This method requires that PDK_FRAMEWORK_PREFS is defined.


◆ CalcBeamStartEntry()

FCNoteEntry * FCNoteEntry::CalcBeamStartEntry ( )

Returns the start entry of the beamed group where the entry belongs. If the "Extend beams over rests" option is set, this method might return a rest.

This method requires that PDK_FRAMEWORK_PREFS is defined.

NULL if not part of a beamed group.


◆ CalcDisplacementMatchCount()

int FCNoteEntry::CalcDisplacementMatchCount ( FCNoteEntry pCompareEntry)

Calculates the number of matching note displacements between the entries.

This method only checks matching displacements. (Keys, accidentals and everything else might differ between the entries.)


[in]pCompareEntryThe entry containing the notes to compare.
The number of displacement matches between the entries.

◆ CalcDisplacementRange()

twobyte FCNoteEntry::CalcDisplacementRange ( )

Calculates the range of the highest and lowest note in a chord.

Starting in v0.65, this method skips any notes that are suppressed due to voiced parts. (See FCPartStaffVoicing.) If you wish to process all notes, switch to the score before calling this function. (See FCPart::SwitchTo.)


0 for single notes and rests. Otherwise, the range of the chord (normally in steps).

◆ CalcDisplaysAsRest()

bool FCNoteEntry::CalcDisplaysAsRest ( ) const

Calculates if this entry displays as a rest in the current score or part view, taking into account the FCPartStaffVoicing settings for a voiced part (if any).

Note that Finale may combine several entries into a single displayed rest if all the notes have been suppressed in the current voiced part. There is no straightforward or reliable way to detect the actual displayed rest in this case.

Lua-supported (0.65)

◆ CalcDots()

twobyte FCNoteEntry::CalcDots ( )

Returns the number of dots for a dotted entry.


◆ CalcDotsForDuration()

int FCNoteEntry::CalcDotsForDuration ( TimeEdu32  duration)

Static method that calculates the number of dots a specific duration would get.


durationThe duration in EDUs.
The number of dots that the duration would need. 0 for undotted duration values.

◆ CalcFlippable()

bool FCNoteEntry::CalcFlippable ( )

Signals if the entry would flip when the up/down state is changed.

This function is more of a test to see if the entry breaks a beam than if it actually flips. However, rests get some special handling. For processing beams, you may be better off using CalcBeamStartEntry, CalcUnbeamedNote, and/or CalcBeamedGroupEnd.
True if the entry would flip (first in a beamed group or a single note), otherwise false. Rests are always false if FCMiscDocPrefs::GetExtendBeamsOverRests is false.

If the document preferences is set to extend beams over rests, rests might end beams.

This method requires that PDK_FRAMEWORK_PREFS is defined.


◆ CalcGraceNoteIndex()

int FCNoteEntry::CalcGraceNoteIndex ( )

Returns the grace note index for the entry.

The leftmost grace note in a grace note group has index 0, the second in the same group has index 1, and so on.


-1 if it isn't a grace note. Otherwise, the 0-based index.

◆ CalcHiddenThroughAltNotation()

bool FCNoteEntry::CalcHiddenThroughAltNotation ( )

Calculates if entry is hidden through alternate notation.

Since alternate notation might show the notes in different layers dependent on the settings, this method verifies if the entry really is hidden.


For an entry with normal notation, false is always returned. Otherwise, true if alternate notation hides the entry.

◆ CalcHighestDisplacement()

twobyte FCNoteEntry::CalcHighestDisplacement ( )

Calculates the highest displacement value found in the entry's chord.

Starting in v0.65, this method skips any notes that are suppressed due to voiced parts. (See FCPartStaffVoicing.) If you wish to process all notes, switch to the score before calling this function. (See FCPart::SwitchTo.)


0 for rests. Otherwise, the highest displacement found in the entry's chord.

◆ CalcHighestNote()

FCNote * FCNoteEntry::CalcHighestNote ( FCNote pCeiling = NULL)

Finds the note with the highest pitch in the chord.

Starting in v0.65, this method skips any notes that are suppressed due to voiced parts. (See FCPartStaffVoicing.) If you wish to process all notes, switch to the score before calling this function. (See FCPart::SwitchTo.)


pCeilingIf NULL, the highest pitch in the whole chord will be returned. Otherwise, the highest pitch that's lower than the "ceiling note" is returned. This note doesn't need to belong to the entry.
NULL for rests or if all pitches are suppressed in a voiced part. Otherwise the note object that contains the highest pitch. If there's no note lower than the ceiling note, NULL is also returned.

◆ CalcHighestPercussionNote()

FCNote * FCNoteEntry::CalcHighestPercussionNote ( )

For percussion notation, calculates the topmost percussion note.

Starting in v0.65, this method skips any notes that are suppressed due to voiced parts. (See FCPartStaffVoicing.) If you wish to process all notes, switch to the score before calling this function. (See FCPart::SwitchTo.)


◆ CalcHighestStaffPosition()

twobyte FCNoteEntry::CalcHighestStaffPosition ( )

Calculates the highest staff position for a note in the entry's chord.

Starting in v0.65, this method skips any notes that are suppressed due to voiced parts. (See FCPartStaffVoicing.) If you wish to process all notes, switch to the score before calling this function. (See FCPart::SwitchTo.)


0 for rests. Otherwise, the highest staff position for a note in the entry's chord.

◆ CalcLargestNoteheadResize()

bool FCNoteEntry::CalcLargestNoteheadResize ( FCNumber pLargestFontSize,
FCNumber pLargestResize 

Calculates the largest point size and the largest notehead % resize for the entry.

This method requires that PDK_FRAMEWORK_PREFS are defined.


pLargestFontSizePointer to FCNumber object where the largest font size will be stored.
pLargestResizePointer to FCNumber where the largest % resize will be stored.
true if the pointers have been filled with correct data. false on error or if it's a rest or if any of the pointers are NULL.

◆ CalcLastTupletEntry()

FCNoteEntry * FCNoteEntry::CalcLastTupletEntry ( FCTuplet pTuplet)

Scans forward and returns the end entry of a tuplet that's connected to this entry object.


NULL on error, or if the end entry isn't found.

◆ CalcLowestBeamEnd()

int FCNoteEntry::CalcLowestBeamEnd ( )

Returns the lowest beam number ending at this entry, where 1 = 8th note beam, 2 = 16th note beam, etc.

This method requires that PDK_FRAMEWORK_PREFS is defined.

0 if not beamed or no beam ends on this entry; 1 if the primary (8th note) beam ends on this entry; 2 or higher if a secondary beam ends on this entry.

Lua-supported (0.74).

◆ CalcLowestBeamStart()

int FCNoteEntry::CalcLowestBeamStart ( )

Returns the lowest beam number starting at this entry, where 1 = 8th note beam, 2 = 16th note beam, etc.

This method requires that PDK_FRAMEWORK_PREFS is defined.

0 if not beamed or no beam starts on this entry; 1 if the primary (8th note) beam starts on this entry; 2 or higher if a secondary beam starts on this entry.

Lua-supported (0.74).

◆ CalcLowestBeamStub()

int FCNoteEntry::CalcLowestBeamStub ( )

Returns the lowest beam number that is a stand-alone beam stub. 1 = 8th note beam, 2 = 16th note beam, etc.

This method requires that PDK_FRAMEWORK_PREFS is defined.

0 if not beamed or no beam stub exists on this entry; 1 if the primary (8th note) beam is a beam stub; 2 or higher if a secondary beam is a beam stub.

Lua-supported (0.74).

◆ CalcLowestDisplacement()

twobyte FCNoteEntry::CalcLowestDisplacement ( )

Calculates the lowest displacement value found in the entry's chord.

Starting in v0.65, this method skips any notes that are suppressed due to voiced parts. (See FCPartStaffVoicing.) If you wish to process all notes, switch to the score before calling this function. (See FCPart::SwitchTo.)

Lua-supported (0.55).

0 for rests. Otherwise, the lowest displacement found in the entry's chord.

◆ CalcLowestNote()

FCNote * FCNoteEntry::CalcLowestNote ( FCNote pFloor = NULL)

Finds the note with the lowest pitch in the chord.

Starting in v0.65, this method skips any notes that are suppressed due to voiced parts. (See FCPartStaffVoicing.) If you wish to process all notes, switch to the score before calling this function. (See FCPart::SwitchTo.)


pFloorIf NULL, the lowest pitch in the whole chord will be returned. Otherwise, the lowest pitch that's higher than the "floor note" is returned. This note doesn't need to belong to the entry.
NULL for rests or if all pitches are suppressed in a voiced part. Otherwise the note object that contains the lowest pitch. If there's no note higher than the floor note, NULL is also returned.

◆ CalcLowestPercussionNote()

FCNote * FCNoteEntry::CalcLowestPercussionNote ( )

For percussion notation, calculates the bottommost percussion note.

Starting in v0.65, this method skips any notes that are suppressed due to voiced parts. (See FCPartStaffVoicing.) If you wish to process all notes, switch to the score before calling this function. (See FCPart::SwitchTo.)


◆ CalcLowestStaffPosition()

twobyte FCNoteEntry::CalcLowestStaffPosition ( )

Calculates the lowest staff position for a note in the entry's chord.

Starting in v0.65, this method skips any notes that are suppressed due to voiced parts. (See FCPartStaffVoicing.) If you wish to process all notes, switch to the score before calling this function. (See FCPart::SwitchTo.)

Lua-supported (0.55).

0 for rests. Otherwise, the lowest staff position for a note in the entry's chord.

◆ CalcMultiLayeredCell()

bool FCNoteEntry::CalcMultiLayeredCell ( )

Returns true if the entry is in a cell with multiple layers of music.


◆ CalcNondottedDuration()

TimeEdu32 FCNoteEntry::CalcNondottedDuration ( )

Returns the non-dotted symbolic duration of the entry.

Example: A double-dotted quarter note will be returned as QUARTER_NOTE.

(Was earlier called 'GetNondottedDuration')


The non-dotted duration of the entry.

◆ CalcNondottedDurationForDuration()

TimeEdu32 FCNoteEntry::CalcNondottedDurationForDuration ( TimeEdu32  duration)

Static method that truncates duration to give only return the non-dotted duration value.


durationAny input duration in EDUs.
The truncated duration in EDUs.

◆ CalcNumberOfVisibleNotes()

int FCNoteEntry::CalcNumberOfVisibleNotes ( ) const

Calculates the number of notes visible in the current score or part view, taking into account any that may not be displayed due to voiced part settings. (See FCPartStaffVoicing.)

Lua-supported (0.65)

◆ CalcResize()

twobyte FCNoteEntry::CalcResize ( )

Calculates the resize percent for the note entry.

This method loads the FCEntryAlterMod data for the note entry. It's provided as a more convenient approach to resized entries.


The resize value in percents.

◆ CalcSmallestNoteheadResize()

bool FCNoteEntry::CalcSmallestNoteheadResize ( FCNumber pSmallestFontSize,
FCNumber pSmallestResize 

Calculates the smallest point size and the smallest notehead % resize for the entry.

This method requires that PDK_FRAMEWORK_PREFS are defined.


pSmallestFontSizePointer to FCNumber object where the smallest font size will be stored.
pSmallestResizePointer to FCNumber where the smallest % resize will be stored.
true if the pointers have been filled with correct data. false on error or if it's a rest or if any of the pointers are NULL.

◆ CalcStemLength()

twobyte FCNoteEntry::CalcStemLength ( )

Calculates the stem length, based on the entry metrics.

Call the MarkEntryMetricsForUpdate method if the entry-related layout info needs to be rebuilt.


-1 on error or if it's a rest. Otherwise, the stem length in EVPUs.

◆ CalcStemUp()

bool FCNoteEntry::CalcStemUp ( )

Returns the direction of the beam.

Call the MarkEntryMetricsForUpdate static method if the entry-related layout info needs to be rebuilt.


True if stem goes up. False if stem goes down.

◆ CalcUnbeamedNote()

bool FCNoteEntry::CalcUnbeamedNote ( )

Returns true if the entry is a non-beamed note (=not part of a beamed group.)

This method requires that PDK_FRAMEWORK_PREFS is defined.


◆ CalcUniquePitchString()

bool FCNoteEntry::CalcUniquePitchString ( FCString pString)

Creates a "pitch ID" string for the entry.

The ID calculation itself is arbitrary, so don't use it for anything else than equal/not equal comparisons.
The idea is that a chord with the same pitch content should have the same ID.

[in]pStringThe string buffer (a FCString object).
True on success.

◆ CalcValidDuration()

TimeEdu32 FCNoteEntry::CalcValidDuration ( TimeEdu32  duration)

Static method that calculates a valid note duration value by truncating the value if necessary.

If only non-dotted is required, use CalcNondottedDurationForDuration instead.


durationA duration in EDUs to test.
0 on error. Otherwise a valid (non-dotted or dotted) note duration.

◆ CalcWidestNoteheadWidth()

twobyte FCNoteEntry::CalcWidestNoteheadWidth ( )

Returns the widest width of a notehead in the entry, as the non-printing width.

The left side of the widest notehead is (kind of) a connection point for articulations on up-stem notes using stem side placement.


◆ ClassName()

const char * FCNoteEntry::ClassName ( ) const

Returns the name of the class, for diagnostic purposes. This method MUST be overwritten in each child class.


Reimplemented from __FCCollection.

◆ ClearPitches()

void FCNoteEntry::ClearPitches ( )

Clears all pitches from the entry, to prepare to add new notes.

This method will not turn the entry into a rest! Use this method rather than ClearAll().


◆ CopyEntry()

void FCNoteEntry::CopyEntry ( FCNoteEntry pFromEntry)

Copies the duration and notes (or rest) from the source entry.

Flags for individual notes in the entry are copied, but the note entry flags (such as beam/beat and attachment flags) are not copied.


◆ CopyEntryDetails()

void FCNoteEntry::CopyEntryDetails ( FCNoteEntry pFromEntry,
bool  copytuplets 

Copies note-related data from another entry.

Entry details that are dependent on stem/beam direction are NOT copied.

These details are copied:

  • Articulations
  • Tuplets (optionally)
  • Note entry resize
  • Notehead mods
  • Accidental mods
  • Dot mods
  • MIDI performance data
  • Tie start mods
  • Tie end mods


◆ CopyEntryPercussionDetails()

void FCNoteEntry::CopyEntryPercussionDetails ( FCNoteEntry pFromEntry)

Copies note-related data between percussion entries.

Both source and destination entries must belong to a percussion staff. No remapping is made if the source and destination belongs to different percussion maps.

◆ CopyNote()

void FCNoteEntry::CopyNote ( FCNote pFrom)

Copies all pitches and other note information from one single note. The old notes for the entry will be erased. The tie information and other note flags will also be identical to the source.


pFromPointer to an note from where the info should be copied.

◆ CopyNotes()

void FCNoteEntry::CopyNotes ( FCNoteEntry pFrom)

Copies all pitches and other note information from another entry. The old notes for the entry will be erased. The tie information and other note flags will also be identical to the source.


pFromPointer to an entry from where the pitches should be copied.

◆ CreateArticulations()

FCArticulations * FCNoteEntry::CreateArticulations ( )

Creates a collection for all the articulations attached to the note entry.

The caller must delete the collection from the heap after use. (Not necessary with Lua.)


A collection with the articulations of the FCArticulations class.

◆ CreateNoteheadMods()

FCNoteheadMods * FCNoteEntry::CreateNoteheadMods ( )

Creates a collection for all the notehead modifications attached to the note entry.

The caller must delete the collection from the heap after use. (Not necessary with Lua.)


A collection with the notehead modifications of the FCNoteheadMods class.

◆ CreateNotePitches()

FCNotePitches * FCNoteEntry::CreateNotePitches ( )

Create local copies of the note pitches in a collection.

Pointer to the collection of note pitches. The pointer must be deleted from the heap after use.

◆ CreatePerformanceMods()

FCPerformanceMods * FCNoteEntry::CreatePerformanceMods ( )

Creates a collection for all the MIDI performance modifications attached to the note entry.

The caller must delete the collection from the heap after use. (Not necessary with Lua.)


A collection with the MIDI performance modifications of the FCPerformanceMods class.

◆ CreateTuplets()

FCTuplets * FCNoteEntry::CreateTuplets ( )

Creates a collection for all the tuplets connected to the note entry.

The caller must delete the collection from the heap after use. (Not necessary with Lua.)


A collection with the tuplets of the FCTuplets class.

◆ DeleteNote()

bool FCNoteEntry::DeleteNote ( FCNote pNote)

Deletes a note from a chord. The note collection is rebuilt after the deletion.

Make sure to note make any assumption about the note states or positions within the entry after the delete.


pNotePointer to the note object to delete.
True if successful. False if the note wasn't found in the entry.

◆ FindDisplacement()

FCNote * FCNoteEntry::FindDisplacement ( twobyte  displacement)

Tries to finds a note in the chord with a specific displacement value.


[in]displacementThe displacement value to match.
NULL for rests or if a matching note wasn't found. Otherwise the note object that contains the displacement value.

◆ FindNoteID()

FCNote * FCNoteEntry::FindNoteID ( twobyte  noteID)

Finds the FCNote object that matches a specific note ID.


[in]noteIDThe note ID to search for.
The pointer to the found note object. NULL if not found.

◆ FindPitch()

FCNote * FCNoteEntry::FindPitch ( FCNote pPitchNote)

Tries to finds a note in the chord with the identical pitch as the suppied note.


[in]pPitchNotePointer to the note that should be matched in pitch.
NULL for rests or if a matching note wasn't found. Otherwise the note object that contains the identical pitch.

◆ GetActualDuration()

TimeEdu32 FCNoteEntry::GetActualDuration ( ) const

Gets the actual duration of the entry. For tuplet entries, the symbolic duration would be different from the actual duration. Compare with the GetDuration method.

Lua-supported (also as property).

The actual of the entry.

◆ GetArticulationFlag()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetArticulationFlag ( ) const

Returns true if the entry is marked to contain articulations.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetBeamBeat()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetBeamBeat ( ) const

Gets the "beam/beat" flag state of the entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

True if the entry is not a continuation of a beamed group.

◆ GetBeamExtensionFlag()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetBeamExtensionFlag ( ) const

Returns true for beam extension detail records.

Lua-supported (also as property).

True = there is beam extension detail data.

◆ GetCheckAccidentals()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetCheckAccidentals ( ) const

Returns the accidental "refresh" flag.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetClefIndex()

eClef FCNoteEntry::GetClefIndex ( ) const

Gets the clef that's used for the entry.

Use the FCClefDef class to load information about the clef.

Lua-supported (also as property).

The clef index.

◆ GetCombineRests()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetCombineRests ( ) const

Returns the flag for if the rest should combine.

Available only on Finale 2014 and above.

Always returns false on Finale versions lower than Finale 2014.

◆ GetCrossStaff()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetCrossStaff ( ) const

Returns the cross staff state for the entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

  • Returns
    True if the entry contains a cross staff note.

◆ GetDuration()

TimeEdu32 FCNoteEntry::GetDuration ( ) const

Gets the symbolic duration of the entry. For tuplet entries, the symbolic duration would be different from the actual duration. Compare with the GetActualDuration method.

Lua-supported (also as property).

The duration of the entry.

◆ GetEntryNumber()

ENTNUM FCNoteEntry::GetEntryNumber ( ) const

Returns the internal entry number (ID) for the note entry.

Lua-supported (also as a read-only property).

◆ GetFlatBeam()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetFlatBeam ( ) const

Gets the "flat beam" state of the entry.

The beam is only visually affected if the entry is first in a beamed group.

Lua-supported (also as property).

True if the entry has a flat beam.

◆ GetFlipTie()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetFlipTie ( ) const

Gets the "flip tie" state of the note entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetFloatingRest()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetFloatingRest ( ) const

Gets the floating rest status of the entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

True = Floating rest, false = vertically moved rest.

◆ GetFreezeBeam()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetFreezeBeam ( ) const

Gets the freeze state for the "beam/beat".

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetFreezeStem()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetFreezeStem ( ) const

Gets the "Freeze Stem" state for the note entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetGraceNote()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetGraceNote ( ) const

Gets the grace note state of the note entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

True if the entry is a grace note, false for normal note.

◆ GetGraceNoteSlash()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetGraceNoteSlash ( ) const

Gets the grace note slash state of the note entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

True if the grace note should be slashed, false if it shouldn't have slash.

◆ GetItemAt()

FCNote * FCNoteEntry::GetItemAt ( int  index) const

Overload version of GetItemAt(), which returns a note object (if available) for the note entry.


◆ GetLayerNumber()

twobyte FCNoteEntry::GetLayerNumber ( ) const

Returns the 1-based layer number that the entry belongs to.

Lua-supported (also as read-only property).

◆ GetLedgerLines()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetLedgerLines ( ) const

Gets the ledger line state for the note entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

True if ledger lines are used for the entry.

◆ GetLegality()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetLegality ( ) const

Gets the legality bit, that marks that the entry is valid.

All entries should have this bit set to be valid to Finale.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetLyricFlag()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetLyricFlag ( ) const

Returns the flag that marks that an entry has syllable attached to it.


◆ GetManualPosition()

Evpu16 FCNoteEntry::GetManualPosition ( ) const

Gets the manual positioning of the entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetMeasure()

twobyte FCNoteEntry::GetMeasure ( ) const

Returns the entry's measure.

Lua-supported (also as a read-only property).

The measure that the entry belongs to.

◆ GetMeasurePos()

TimeEdu32 FCNoteEntry::GetMeasurePos ( ) const

Returns the elapsed duration position in the measure for the entry.

First entry in measure starts at 0. Please note that the position is based on duration, not on measurement.

Lua-supported (also as property).

The elapsed position for the note entry, in EDUs.

◆ GetNoteDetailFlag()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetNoteDetailFlag ( ) const

Returns true for existing note detail records.

Lua-supported (also as property).

True = there are available note detail data.

◆ GetPerformanceDataFlag()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetPerformanceDataFlag ( ) const

Returns true for existing performance data records.

Use the FCPerformanceMod class to access the performance data.

Lua-supported (also as property).

True = there are available performance data.

◆ GetPlayback()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetPlayback ( ) const

Gets the playback state of the note entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

True to allow playback, false to mute.

◆ GetRestDisplacement()

twobyte FCNoteEntry::GetRestDisplacement ( )

Returns the rest displacement.


0 if the rest is non-movable or if it's a note. Otherwise, the displacement for the rest.

◆ GetReverseDownStem()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetReverseDownStem ( ) const

Gets the reverse stem setting for down stem.

Lua-supported (also as property) (0.68).

◆ GetReverseUpStem()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetReverseUpStem ( ) const

Gets the reverse stem setting for up stem.

Lua-supported (also as property) (0.68).

◆ GetSecondaryBeamFlag()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetSecondaryBeamFlag ( ) const

Returns true for secondary beam detail records.

Lua-supported (also as property).

True = there is secondary beam detail data.

◆ GetSmartShapeFlag()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetSmartShapeFlag ( ) const

Returns true if the entry is marked to contain smart shapes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetSpacing()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetSpacing ( ) const

Gets the music spacing state of the note entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

True includes it in music spacing, false excludes it from spacing.

◆ GetSpecialAltsFlag()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetSpecialAltsFlag ( ) const

Returns true for existing special alteration records.

Lua-supported (also as property).

True = there are available special alteration data.

◆ GetSplitRest()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetSplitRest ( ) const

Gets the split rest state of the note entry. (Applies if note entry is a rest.)

Lua-supported (also as property) (0.61).

True if the rest splits from other layers, false if it combines.

◆ GetSplitStem()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetSplitStem ( ) const

Gets the "Split Stem" state for the note entry.

Lua-supported (also as property) (0.61).

◆ GetStaff()

twobyte FCNoteEntry::GetStaff ( ) const

Returns the entry's staff.

Lua-supported (also as a read-only property).

The staff that the entry belongs to.

◆ GetStemDetailFlag()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetStemDetailFlag ( ) const

Gets the flag state for stem detail records.

Lua-supported (also as property).

True = there is stem detail data.

◆ GetStemUp()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetStemUp ( ) const

Returns the state of the "up" bit for the entry. This is NOT the same as the true direction for the stem!

To get the true direction of a stem for an entry, use the CalcStemUp method.

Lua-supported (also as property).

True if the "up" bit is set.

◆ GetTupletStartFlag()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetTupletStartFlag ( ) const

Returns true if the entry is marked to start a tuplet.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVisible()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetVisible ( ) const

Gets the visibility state of the note entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

True shows the entry, false hides it.

◆ GetVoice2()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetVoice2 ( ) const

Returns true if it's a voice 2 entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ GetVoice2Launch()

bool FCNoteEntry::GetVoice2Launch ( ) const

Returns true if the entry launches voice 2.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ HasSameNotes()

bool FCNoteEntry::HasSameNotes ( FCNoteEntry pEntry)

Compares the notes with the notes in another note entry.


True if all notes matches between the entries, or if both entries are rests.

◆ IsAllTied()

bool FCNoteEntry::IsAllTied ( )

Returns true if all of the notes in the chord is tied to the next entry.


Always returns false if the entry is a rest.

◆ IsAllTiedBackwards()

bool FCNoteEntry::IsAllTiedBackwards ( )

Returns true if all of the notes in the chord has a flagged to be tied from the previous entry.


Always returns false if the entry is a rest.

◆ IsDotted()

bool FCNoteEntry::IsDotted ( )

Returns true if it's a dotted entry.


◆ IsLastInMeasure()

bool FCNoteEntry::IsLastInMeasure ( )

Returns true if it's the last entry in the measure frame.


◆ IsNote()

bool FCNoteEntry::IsNote ( )

Returns true if entry is a note.


True if it's a note, false if entry is a rest.

◆ IsOverlappedEntry()

bool FCNoteEntry::IsOverlappedEntry ( FCNoteEntry pTestEntry)

Returns true if the test entry is at least partly overlapping the current entry.

The method checks the left/right overlap only. Entries can be placed on different staves and still overlap.


pTestEntryEntry to test against.

◆ IsPartOfTuplet()

bool FCNoteEntry::IsPartOfTuplet ( )

Returns true if the entry is part of a tuplet.

This method only works correctly if the frame has been accurately saved.


◆ IsPartOfTupletParam()

bool FCNoteEntry::IsPartOfTupletParam ( TupletInfo *  pInfoStorage = NULL)

Returns true if the entry is part of a tuplet (parameter version).

This method only works correctly if the frame has been accurately saved.

pInfoStorageThe optional pointer to where information about the matching tuplet should be copied.

◆ IsRest()

bool FCNoteEntry::IsRest ( ) const

Returns true if entry is a rest.


True if it's a rest, false if entry is a note.

◆ IsRestMovable()

bool FCNoteEntry::IsRestMovable ( )

Returns true if it's a movable rest.


◆ IsStartOfTuplet()

bool FCNoteEntry::IsStartOfTuplet ( )

Returns true if the entry is the start of a tuplet.

This method only works correctly if the frame has been accurately saved. It goes deeper than just looking at the entry's tuplet flag.


◆ IsStartOfTupletParam()

bool FCNoteEntry::IsStartOfTupletParam ( TupletInfo *  pInfoStorage = NULL)

Returns true if the entry is the start of a tuplet (parameter version).

This method only works correctly if the frame has been accurately saved. It goes deeper than just looking at the entry's tuplet flag.

pInfoStorageThe optional pointer to where information about the matching tuplet should be copied.

◆ IsTied()

bool FCNoteEntry::IsTied ( )

Returns true if any of the notes in the chord is tied to the next entry.


Always returns false if the entry is a rest.

◆ IsTiedBackwards()

bool FCNoteEntry::IsTiedBackwards ( )

Returns true if any of the notes in the chord is flagged to be tied from the previous entry.


Always returns false if the entry is a rest.

◆ IsTiedToPrevious()

bool FCNoteEntry::IsTiedToPrevious ( )

Return true if the previous entry has a tie to this entry.

This method will not scan past the layer/cell boundaries. If the previous entry is further away than 1 measure, it's not considered to be a tie.


◆ IsValidDuration()

bool FCNoteEntry::IsValidDuration ( TimeEdu32  duration)

Static method that evaluates the validity of a duration value.


durationA duration in EDUs to test.
Returns true if the duration can correctly be notated as a non-dotted or dotted note.

◆ MakeMovableRest()

void FCNoteEntry::MakeMovableRest ( )

Turns the entry into a movable rest.


◆ MakeNote()

void FCNoteEntry::MakeNote ( )

Turns the entry into a note.


◆ MakeRest()

void FCNoteEntry::MakeRest ( )

Turns the entry into a rest (without any displacement).

By design, this function sets the following properties to false:


If you want to preserve them, you must save and restore them. Otherwise, be sure to delete any of these items before calling MakeRest.


◆ MarkEntryMetricsForUpdate()

static void FCNoteEntry::MarkEntryMetricsForUpdate ( )

Static method that mark that the entry-related layout info needs to be rebuilt (for CalcStemUp(), for example).

It will also set the flag to rebuild the cell metrics, since that is used for some entry-related calculations. This flag is cleared once the metrics has been rebuilt internally.


◆ Next()

FCNoteEntry * FCNoteEntry::Next ( )

Returns the next entry in the loaded entry chain (within the same layer).

Please note that what this method will return is dependent on how the owner loaded the TGF data.


The pointer to the next object in the chain. NULL if the entry is in the end of the chain.

◆ NextInBeamedGroup()

FCNoteEntry * FCNoteEntry::NextInBeamedGroup ( )

Returns the next note entry in a beamed group or NULL if there is none.

You can use this function to iterate the entries in a beamed group. Frequently you will start with an entry returned by CalcBeamStartEntry, but this is not required. This function skips over nested beams and iterates through only the entries associated with the beam that contains the current instance of FCNoteEntry. (See CalcBeamedGroupEnd for additional comments about nested beams.)

This method requires that PDK_FRAMEWORK_PREFS is defined.

Lua-supported (0.72).

the next entry is the beamed group or NULL if this entry is not beamed or is the last in the beam.

◆ NextInFrame()

FCNoteEntry * FCNoteEntry::NextInFrame ( )

Returns the next note entry in the linked collection (layer or cell), but only within the frame.

Lua-supported (0.72).

NULL if it's the last entry, or if the next linked entry belongs to another measure or TGF layer.

◆ NextSameVInFrame()

FCNoteEntry * FCNoteEntry::NextSameVInFrame ( )

Returns the next note entry in the same V1 or V2 within the current frame. If the current instance of FCNoteEntry is V2, only the current V2 launch is searched.

Lua-supported (0.72).

NULL if no next note entry found in the current frame with matching V1 or V2.

◆ Previous()

FCNoteEntry * FCNoteEntry::Previous ( )

Returns the previous note entry in the linked collection (layer or cell).

This method looks past frames, if the owner collection supports it.


NULL if it's the first entry.

◆ PreviousInBeamedGroup()

FCNoteEntry * FCNoteEntry::PreviousInBeamedGroup ( )

Returns the previous note entry in a beamed group or NULL if there is none.

You can use this function to iterate the entries in a beamed group. Frequently you will start with an entry where by CalcBeamedGroupEnd is true, but this is not required. This function skips over nested beams and iterates through only the entries associated with the beam that contains the current instance of FCNoteEntry. (See CalcBeamedGroupEnd for additional comments about nested beams.)

This method requires that PDK_FRAMEWORK_PREFS is defined.

Lua-supported (0.72).

the previous entry is the beamed group or NULL if this entry is not beamed or is the first in the beam.

◆ PreviousInFrame()

FCNoteEntry * FCNoteEntry::PreviousInFrame ( )

Returns the previous note entry in the linked collection (layer or cell), but only within the frame.


NULL if it's the first entry, or if the previous linked entry belongs to another measure or TGF layer.

◆ PreviousSameVInFrame()

FCNoteEntry * FCNoteEntry::PreviousSameVInFrame ( )

Returns the previous note entry in the same V1 or V2 within the current frame. If the current instance of FCNoteEntry is V2, only the current V2 launch is searched.

Lua-supported (0.72).

NULL if no previous note entry found in the current frame with matching V1 or V2.

◆ RelinkToCurrentView()

bool FCNoteEntry::RelinkToCurrentView ( )

Relinks the unlinkable items in the current view so that the score and part(s) match.

If the current edit focus is the score, the parts are relinked to the score. If the current edit focus is a part, all parts and score are linked with the values in the current part.

You do not need to save the FCNoteEntry for the relink to take effect. Lua scripts may use either eachentry, eachentrysaved, or any other iteration technique, and the relink still happens.

As of Finale 27.3, the following properties are unlinkable in FCNoteEntry:

This function relinks them all. Finale provides no means for a plugin to relink them selectively. That said, you can relink them all and then re-unlink the items yourself that you want to keep unlinked. For this to work, you need to use eachentrysaved. Here is an example of how relink feeze stems while keeping manual positioning unlinked. (Run it with the part in edit focus.)

-- start with the part in edit focus
for entry in eachentrysaved(finenv.Region()) do
-- save the unlinked manual positioning
local manpos = entry.ManualPosition
-- relink all unlinkable entry values to the score values
-- restore the unlinked manual positioning, which also unlinks it if the part is in edit focus.
entry.ManualPosition = manpos

Lua-supported (0.67).

success if true

◆ RelinkToScore()

bool FCNoteEntry::RelinkToScore ( )

Relinks the unlinkable items in all parts to the contents of the score.

See additional comments at RelinkToCurrentView.

Lua-supported (0.67).

success if true

◆ SetAccidentals()

void FCNoteEntry::SetAccidentals ( bool  bAccidental)

Sets/removes accidental display for all chord notes in the entry.

This method doesn't affect rests.


bAccidentaltrue - puts accidentals on all chord notes for the note entry. false - remove accidentals for all chord notes.

◆ SetActualDuration()

void FCNoteEntry::SetActualDuration ( TimeEdu32  value)

Sets the actual duration for the entry.

This value is never saved. It's only used for diagnostic purposes.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetArticulationFlag()

void FCNoteEntry::SetArticulationFlag ( bool  state)

Sets the flag that marks that an articulation is attached to the entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateTrue = there are articulations attached to the entry.

◆ SetBeamBeat()

void FCNoteEntry::SetBeamBeat ( bool  state)

Sets the "beam/beat" state of the entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateSet to true if the entry is not a continuation of a beamed group.

◆ SetBeamExtensionFlag()

void FCNoteEntry::SetBeamExtensionFlag ( bool  state)

Sets the flag state for beam extension detail records.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateTrue = there is beam extension detail data.

◆ SetCheckAccidentals()

void FCNoteEntry::SetCheckAccidentals ( bool  state)

Marks the entry that the accidentals should be verified when the frame is saved.

When run on Finale 2014 and higher, this method does nothing.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateTrue to mark that Finale should check the states of the accidentals for the entry.

◆ SetClefIndex()

void FCNoteEntry::SetClefIndex ( eClef  clef)

Sets the clef index for the entry.

Note that this value is not saved. By rights, ClefIndex should be a read-only property, but the setter exists for backwards compatibility. The class instance remembers the changed value but it isn't saved and has no effect. Use FCCellFrameHold to change the clef.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetCombineRests()

void FCNoteEntry::SetCombineRests ( bool  state)

Sets the flag for if the rest should combine.

Available only on Finale 2014 and above (will do nothing on pre-Fin2014).

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetCrossStaff()

void FCNoteEntry::SetCrossStaff ( bool  state)

Sets the cross staff state for the entry.

Generally speaking you do not need to use this method to create cross-staff notes. Instead, create the note's FCCrossStaffMod. Saving it sets all the required flags automatically.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateSet to true if the entry contains a cross staff note.

◆ SetDuration()

void FCNoteEntry::SetDuration ( TimeEdu32  duration)

Sets the symbolic duration of the note. For tuplet entries, the symbolic duration would be different from the actual duration.

Lua-supported (also as property).

durationThe duration of the entry.

◆ SetFlatBeam()

void FCNoteEntry::SetFlatBeam ( bool  state)

Sets the "flat beam" state of the entry.

The beam is only affected if the entry is first in a beamed group.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateSet to true if the entry should have a flat beam.

◆ SetFlipTie()

void FCNoteEntry::SetFlipTie ( bool  state)

Sets the "flip tie" of the note entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetFloatingRest()

void FCNoteEntry::SetFloatingRest ( bool  state)

Sets the floating rest status of the entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateTrue = Floating rest, false = vertically moved rest.

◆ SetFreezeBeam()

void FCNoteEntry::SetFreezeBeam ( bool  state)

Sets the freeze state for the "beam/beat".

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateSet to true to freeze. False to unfreeze.

◆ SetFreezeStem()

void FCNoteEntry::SetFreezeStem ( bool  state)

Sets the "Freeze Stem" state for the note entry.

If you flip the stem from its current direction using SetFreezeStem or any other mechanism, you must save all entries and rebuild metrics (MarkEntryMetricsForUpdate) before creating or modifying any of the entry mods that depend on stem direction. Examples of entry mods that depend on stem direction include FCBeamMod, FCCustomStemMod, and FCBeamExtensionMod.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetGraceNote()

void FCNoteEntry::SetGraceNote ( bool  state)

Sets the grace note state of the note entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateTrue for grace note, false for normal note.

◆ SetGraceNoteSlash()

void FCNoteEntry::SetGraceNoteSlash ( bool  state)

Sets the slashed state for a grace note entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateTrue for a grace note slash, false for no slash.

◆ SetLedgerLines()

void FCNoteEntry::SetLedgerLines ( bool  state)

Sets the ledger line state for the note entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateTrue to turn on ledger lines for the entry.

◆ SetLegality()

void FCNoteEntry::SetLegality ( bool  state)

Sets the legality bit, marking that the entry is valid.

All entries should have this bit set to be valid to Finale.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateTrue to set the entry as valid.

◆ SetLyricFlag()

void FCNoteEntry::SetLyricFlag ( bool  state)

Sets the flag that marks that an entry has syllable attached to it.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetManualPosition()

void FCNoteEntry::SetManualPosition ( Evpu16  pos)

Sets the manual positioning of the entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetMeasurePos()

void FCNoteEntry::SetMeasurePos ( TimeEdu32  value)

Sets the elapsed position in the measure for the entry.

First entry in measure starts at 0. This is a diagnostic value only, but for some future calculations this value can be good to set when changing durations of previous entries.


Lua-supported (also as property).

valueThe ellapsed position for the note entry, in EDUs.

◆ SetNoteDetailFlag()

void FCNoteEntry::SetNoteDetailFlag ( bool  state)

Sets the flag state for note detail records.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateTrue = there are available note detail data.

◆ SetNoteFlag()

void FCNoteEntry::SetNoteFlag ( bool  state)

Sets if the entry is a note or a rest.

stateTrue = entry is a note. False = entry is a rest.

◆ SetPerformanceDataFlag()

void FCNoteEntry::SetPerformanceDataFlag ( bool  state)

Sets the flag state for performance data records.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateTrue = there are available performance data.

◆ SetPlayback()

void FCNoteEntry::SetPlayback ( bool  state)

Sets the playback state of the note entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateTrue to allow playback, false to mute.

◆ SetRestDisplacement()

void FCNoteEntry::SetRestDisplacement ( twobyte  value)

Sets the displacement for a rest entry.

If the rest isn't movable, it's changed to a movable rest. This method does nothing for non-rests.


◆ SetReverseDownStem()

void FCNoteEntry::SetReverseDownStem ( bool  state)

Sets the reverse stem setting for down stem.

Lua-supported (also as property) (0.68).

◆ SetReverseUpStem()

void FCNoteEntry::SetReverseUpStem ( bool  state)

Sets the reverse stem setting for up stem.

Lua-supported (also as property) (0.68).

◆ SetSecondaryBeamFlag()

void FCNoteEntry::SetSecondaryBeamFlag ( bool  state)

Sets the flag state for secondary beam detail records.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateTrue = there is secondary beam detail data.

◆ SetSmartShapeFlag()

void FCNoteEntry::SetSmartShapeFlag ( bool  state)

Sets the flag that marks that a smart shape is attached to the entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetSpacing()

void FCNoteEntry::SetSpacing ( bool  state)

Sets the music spacing state of the note entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateTrue to include in music spacing, false to exclude from spacing.

◆ SetSpecialAltsFlag()

void FCNoteEntry::SetSpecialAltsFlag ( bool  state)

Sets the flag state for special alteration records.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateTrue = there are available special alteration data.

◆ SetSplitRest()

void FCNoteEntry::SetSplitRest ( bool  state)

Sets the split rest state of the note entry. (Applies if note entry is a rest.)

Lua-supported (also as property) (0.61).

stateTrue if the rest should be split, false for combined.

◆ SetSplitStem()

void FCNoteEntry::SetSplitStem ( bool  state)

Sets the "Split Stem" state for the note entry.

Lua-supported (also as property) (0.61).

◆ SetStemDetailFlag()

void FCNoteEntry::SetStemDetailFlag ( bool  state)

Sets the flag state for stem detail records.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateTrue = there is stem detail data.

◆ SetStemUp()

void FCNoteEntry::SetStemUp ( bool  state)

Sets the "stem up" flag for the entry.

The stem will use this setting if it is a "beam/beat" entry (in other words, if it is not a continuation of a beamed group).

See comments at SetFreezeStem about flipping the current stem direction. If you want the up/down status here to stick, you must also set SetFreezeStem to true.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateTrue to put the stems up.

◆ SetTupletStartFlag()

void FCNoteEntry::SetTupletStartFlag ( bool  state)

Sets the flag that marks that a tuplet starts on the entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVisible()

void FCNoteEntry::SetVisible ( bool  state)

Sets the visibility state of the note entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

stateTrue to show the entry, false to hide it.

◆ SetVoice2()

void FCNoteEntry::SetVoice2 ( bool  state)

Sets the voice 2 status for the entry.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ SetVoice2Launch()

void FCNoteEntry::SetVoice2Launch ( bool  state)

Sets the entry that controls the launch of voice 2.

Lua-supported (also as property).

◆ TieAll()

void FCNoteEntry::TieAll ( bool  bTie)

Ties or unties all chord notes for the entry.

This method doesn't affect rests.


bTietrue - tie all chord notes for the note entry. false - untie all chord notes.