Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- l -
- Load() : __FCEntryDetail, __FCGlobals, __FCInci, __FCInciOther, __FCNoInciCellDetail, __FCNoInciDetail, __FCNoInciOther, __FCPrefsBase, FCActiveLyric, FCBaseline, FCBeamMod, FCChordSuffixKeyNumberOffsets, FCCustomKeyModeSymbolList, FCEntryMetrics, FCFretboardGroupItem, FCGroupNamePositionPrefs, FCHumanPlaybackPrefs, FCMeasure, FCMiscDocPrefs, FCMusicCharacterPrefs, FCNoteEntryCell, FCNoteEntryCellMetrics, FCNoteEntryLayer, FCPageFormatPrefs, FCRawText, FCShapeDef, FCStaffList, FCStemConnectionTable, FCSystemStaff, FCTupletPrefs
- LoadAbbreviated() : FCGroupNamePositionPrefs, FCStaffNamePositionPrefs
- LoadAll() : __FCCollectionCellDetail, __FCCollectionData, __FCCollectionEntryDetail, FCCustomKeyModeSymbolLists, FCDocuments, FCMetatoolAssignments, FCNoteEntryLayers, FCParts, FCPercussionNoteTypes, FCSmartShapeMeasureMarks
- LoadAllDefaultsForLyrics() : FCBaselines
- LoadAllForEntryNumber() : __FCCollectionEntryDetail
- LoadAllForItem() : __FCCollectionInciOther, __FCCollectionNoInciDetail, FCFretboardGroup, FCPercussionLayoutNotes
- LoadAllForMode() : FCMetatoolAssignments
- LoadAllForPiece() : FCBaselines
- LoadAllForRegion() : __FCCollectionCellDetail, FCExpressions, FCSmartShapeMeasureMarks, FCSystemStaves
- LoadAllForSystem() : FCBaselines
- LoadAllForSystemStaff() : FCBaselines
- LoadAllInCell() : __FCCollectionCellDetail, FCExpressions
- LoadAllInCellLayout() : FCExpressions
- LoadAllInRegion() : __FCCollectionNoInciCellDetail
- LoadAllLinear() : FCCustomKeyModeDefs
- LoadAllNonLinear() : FCCustomKeyModeDefs
- LoadAnElement() : __FCBrowserNoInciOther
- LoadArranger() : FCFileInfoText
- LoadArticulation() : FCTextMetrics
- LoadAssignmentList() : FCStaffListLookup
- LoadAt() : __FCEntryDetailNoteID
- LoadAtCell() : FCCellMetrics
- LoadAtEntry() : FCCellMetrics
- LoadCategoryList() : FCStaffListLookup
- LoadComposer() : FCFileInfoText
- LoadCopyright() : FCFileInfoText
- LoadDataBlock() : __FCBaseData
- LoadDefaultForLyricNumber() : FCBaseline
- LoadDefaultForMode() : FCBaseline
- LoadDescription() : FCFileInfoText
- LoadFirst() : __FCBaseData, __FCCellDetail, __FCEntryDetail, __FCGlobals, __FCNoInciOther, __FCPrefsBase, FCCustomKeyModeSymbolList, FCFretboardGroupDef, FCFretInstrumentDef, FCRawText, FCShapeDef, FCShapeExpressionDef
- LoadFolderFiles() : FCStrings
- LoadFontPrefs() : FCFontInfo
- LoadForBeamNumber() : FCBeamMod
- LoadForCell() : FCCurrentStaffSpec
- LoadForEntry() : FCCurrentStaffSpec
- LoadForStaff() : FCBaseline
- LoadFull() : FCGroupNamePositionPrefs, FCStaffNamePositionPrefs
- LoadInfo() : FCSystemGlyphInfo
- LoadIntegerResource() : FCString
- LoadLast() : __FCBaseData, __FCCellDetail
- LoadLyricist() : FCFileInfoText
- LoadNext() : __FCBaseData, __FCCellDetail, __FCEntryDetail, __FCGlobals, FCCustomKeyModeSymbolList, FCFretInstrumentDef, FCShapeDef, FCShapeExpressionDef, FCStaffList
- LoadParts() : FCPageFormatPrefs
- LoadPrevious() : __FCBaseData, __FCCellDetail
- LoadRegion() : FCMeasures
- LoadResource() : FCString
- LoadRestDotAt() : FCDotMod
- LoadScore() : FCPageFormatPrefs
- LoadScrollView() : FCSystemStaves
- LoadStaffSet() : FCSystemStaves
- LoadStandardList() : FCStaffListLookup
- LoadString() : FCTextMetrics
- LoadStudioView() : FCSystemStaves
- LoadSubfolders() : FCStrings
- LoadSubtitle() : FCFileInfoText
- LoadSymbol() : FCTextMetrics
- LoadSymbolFonts() : FCStrings
- LoadSystemFontNames() : FCStrings
- LoadTemporaryInstrumentList() : FCSystemStaves
- LoadTitle() : FCFileInfoText
- LocalizeFromPreferences() : FCTieMod