Finale PDK Framework 0.74
Collection classes hooked up to JW Lua scripting. More...
Classes | |
class | __FCCollection |
Base class for all collection classes. A collection is a storage that can store multiple objects of similar types. More... | |
class | FCNumbers |
Simple collection class for FCNumber class objects. More... | |
class | __FCCollectionEntryDetail |
Base class specially designed for collections of entry detail classes. More... | |
class | __FCCollectionInciOther |
Base class for "other" data with incis of the __FCInciOther class (where it's common to collect all incis from the same CMPER.) More... | |
class | __FCCollectionNoInciOther |
Base class for "other" data without incis (inci always 0.) More... | |
class | FCStrings |
Collection class for FCString class objects. More... | |
class | FCRanges |
Simple collection class for FCRange class objects. More... | |
class | FCChordSuffixKeyNumberOffsets |
A number collection of key offsets for playback of chord suffixes. More... | |
class | FCCells |
A collection of FCCell members. More... | |
class | FCSeparateMeasureNumbers |
Collection class for FCSeparateMeasureNumber class objects, that contains the separate added or adjusted measure numbers. More... | |
class | FCCellGraphics |
Collection class for FCCellGraphic class objects. More... | |
class | FCCellTexts |
Collection class for FCCellText class objects. More... | |
class | FCMidiExpressions |
Collection class for FCMidiExpression class objects. More... | |
class | FCChords |
Collection class for FCChord class objects. More... | |
class | FCGroups |
Collection class for FCGroup class objects. More... | |
class | FCBaselines |
Collection class for FCBaseline class objects. More... | |
class | __FCFretItemsBase |
Base collection class of FCFretItem class objects. Inherit from this to get get FCFretItems or FCFretBarreItems. More... | |
class | FCFretItems |
Collection class of FCFretItem class objects that are not barres. More... | |
class | FCFretBarreItems |
Collection class of FCFretItem class objects that are barres. More... | |
class | FCFretboardGroup |
Class that represents a fretboard group. A correctly constructed fretboard group has exactly 12 FCFretboardGroupItem instances, one per possible root index of the standard chromatic scale. Index 0 is A, and the indices continue upwards to G#/Ab which is index 11. More... | |
class | FCArticulations |
Collection class for FCArticulation class objects. More... | |
class | FCPrimaryBeamMods |
Collection class for FCBeamMod class objects that belong specifically to primary beams. (There can only be one primary beam per entry.) More... | |
class | FCSecondaryBeamMods |
Collection class for FCBeamMod class objects that belong specifically to secondary beams. (There can only be one primary beam, and that is not part of this collection.) More... | |
class | FCTuplets |
Collection class for FCTuplet class objects. More... | |
class | FCVerseSyllables |
Collection class for FCVerseSyllable class objects. More... | |
class | FCChorusSyllables |
Collection class for FCChorusSyllable class objects. More... | |
class | FCSectionSyllables |
Collection class for FCSectionSyllable class objects. More... | |
class | FCNoteheadMods |
Collection class for FCNoteheadMod class objects. The collection would typically collect all notehead modification records for a single note entry. More... | |
class | FCAccidentalMods |
Collection class for FCAccidentalMod class objects. More... | |
class | FCPercussionNoteMods |
Collection class for FCPercussionNoteMod class objects. More... | |
class | FCTablatureNoteMods |
Collection class for FCPercussionNoteMod class objects. More... | |
class | FCStartTieMods |
Collection class for FCTieMod class objects for start tie alterations. More... | |
class | FCEndTieMods |
Collection class for FCTieMod class objects for end tie alterations. More... | |
class | FCDotMods |
Collection class for FCDotMod class objects. More... | |
class | FCCrossStaffMods |
Collection class for FCCrossStaffMod class objects. More... | |
class | FCPerformanceMods |
Collection class for FCPerformanceMod class objects (which contains the playback modification data for a single note). The collection would contain all performance modification records for a single note entry. More... | |
class | FCCompositeTimeSigTop |
A collection of __FCCompositeTimeSigTopElement records. More... | |
class | FCCompositeTimeSigBottom |
A collection of __FCCompositeTimeSigBottomElement records. More... | |
class | FCPages |
Collection class for FCPage class objects. More... | |
class | FCStaffSystems |
Collection class for FCStaffSystem class objects. A collection typically contains all staff systems for the score or a part. More... | |
class | FCMeasures |
Collection class for FCMeasure class objects. More... | |
class | FCStaves |
Collection class for FCStaff class objects. More... | |
class | FCMeasureNumberRegions |
Collection class for FCMeasureNumberRegion class objects. More... | |
class | FCArticulationDefs |
Collection class for FCArticulationDef class objects. More... | |
class | FCSystemStaves |
Collection class for FCSystemStaff class objects, which contains the list of staves available within a system. More... | |
class | FCCategoryDefs |
Collection class for FCCategoryDef class objects. More... | |
class | FCTextExpressionDefs |
Collection class for FCTextExpressionDef class objects. More... | |
class | FCShapeExpressionDefs |
Collection class for FCShapeExpressionDef class objects. More... | |
class | FCExpressions |
Collection class for FCExpression class objects. More... | |
class | FCPageTexts |
Collection class for FCPageText class objects. More... | |
class | FCTextBlocks |
Collection class for FCTextBlock class objects. More... | |
class | FCSeparatePlacements |
Collection class for FCSeparatePlacement records, that handles separate placements in repeats. More... | |
class | FCStaffStyleDefs |
Collection class for FCStaffStyleDef class objects. More... | |
class | FCStaffStyleAssigns |
Collection class for FCStaffStyleAssign class objects. More... | |
class | FCMultiMeasureRests |
Collection class for FCMultiMeasureRest class objects. More... | |
class | FCMultiStaffInstruments |
Collection class for FCMultiStaffInstrument class objects. More... | |
class | FCAllotments |
Collection class for FCAllotment class objects. More... | |
class | FCPageGraphics |
Collection class for FCPageGraphic class objects. More... | |
class | FCTextRepeatDefs |
Collection class for FCTextRepeatDef class objects. More... | |
class | FCFretInstrumentDefs |
Collection class for FCFretInstrumentDef class objects. More... | |
class | FCTextRepeats |
Collection class for FCTextRepeat class objects. More... | |
class | FCShapeDefs |
Collection class for FCShapeDef class objects, which defines the shape definitions in the document. More... | |
class | FCChordSuffixElements |
Collection class for FCChordSuffixElement class objects, usually created with FCChord:CreateChordSuffixElements(). More... | |
class | FCFretboardStyleDefs |
Collection class for FCFretboardStyleDef class objects. More... | |
class | FCFretboardGroupDefs |
Collection class for FCFretboardGroupDef class objects. More... | |
class | FCBeatChartElements |
Collection class for FCBeatChartElement class objects (which is a beat chart for a measure). More... | |
class | FCTempoElements |
Collection class for FCTempoElements class objects for one measure. The tempo elements should be stored in measure position order for each measure. More... | |
class | FCPercussionLayoutNotes |
Collection class for FCPercussionLayoutNote class objects (=a percussion layout). More... | |
class | FCInstrumentDefs |
Collection class for FCInstrumentDef class objects. More... | |
class | FCStaffLists |
Collection class for FCStaffList class objects. The SetMode() method should be used before any loading to the collection. More... | |
class | FCStaffListLookup |
A specialized collection class that has the purpose to handle the different score lists that a document contains in an automatic way. More... | |
class | FCCellClefChanges |
Collection class for FCCellClefChange class objects, containing all mid-clef changes in a cell. More... | |
class | FCGuides |
Class that contains the guides for a document. This class is handled through the FCGridsGuidesPrefs class. More... | |
class | FCMetatoolAssignments |
Collection class for FCMetatoolAssignment class objects. More... | |
class | FCBookmarks |
Collection class for FCBookmark class objects. More... | |
class | FCCustomKeyModeSymbolLists |
Collection class for FCCustomKeyModeSymbolList class objects. More... | |
class | FCCustomKeyModeDefs |
Collection class for FCCustomKeyModeDef class objects. More... | |
class | FCParts |
Collection class for FCPart objects. More... | |
class | FCLuaScriptItems |
A collection of FCLuaScriptItem members. More... | |
Collection classes hooked up to JW Lua scripting.