Finale PDK Framework 0.77
Power Up Your Finale Music Software
C__FCBase | Base class for the Finale Framework classes |
C__FCBaseData | Base class for all data-related classes (that handles Finale data) |
C__FCBaseStream | Abstract base class for streams |
C__FCBrowserBase | Base class for all browser classes. A browser is a bit like collection, but it doesn't store any data - it just browses throgh the database |
C__FCBrowserBaseData | Base class for all browser classes of data elements |
C__FCBrowserNoInciOther | A browser class for "other" elements with no incis |
C__FCBrowserRegionBase | Base class for data that's by nature accessed by music regions |
C__FCCellDetail | Base class for data that attach to cells. A call to the ConnectCell method is required prior to loading/saving data |
C__FCCollection | Base class for all collection classes. A collection is a storage that can store multiple objects of similar types |
C__FCCollectionCellDetail | Base class specially designed for collections of detail classes connected to cell data |
C__FCCollectionData | Base class for all collections based on decendants from __FCBaseData |
C__FCCollectionDetail | Base class specially designed for collections of detail classes |
C__FCCollectionEntryDetail | Base class specially designed for collections of entry detail classes |
C__FCCollectionGlobal | Base class for "Global" data |
C__FCCollectionInciOther | Base class for "other" data with incis of the __FCInciOther class (where it's common to collect all incis from the same CMPER.) |
C__FCCollectionNoInciCellDetail | Base class specially designed for collections of detail classes (where inci always is 0) connected to cell data |
C__FCCollectionNoInciDetail | Base class specially designed for collections of detail classes that doesn't use the inci |
C__FCCollectionNoInciOther | Base class for "other" data without incis (inci always 0.) |
C__FCCollectionPrefs | Base class specially designed for collections of prefs classes |
C__FCCollectionTinyXML | Base class for all collections that are streamable to XML |
C__FCCompositeTimeSigBottomElement | An internal inci holder for composite time signature bottom elements |
C__FCCompositeTimeSigTopElement | An internal inci holder for composite time signature top elements |
C__FCDetail | Base class for all classes that access Finale's detail records |
C__FCEntryDetail | Base class that provides the basic functionality for entry detail data (such as Special Tools modifications) |
C__FCEntryDetailNoteID | Base class that provide entry details that are based on noteIDs, such as notehead modifications, augmentation dot modifications etc |
C__FCFileDialogBase | Base class that contains the basic functionality for the operating system's modal dialog boxes for selecting files |
C__FCFretItemBase | Base class for classes that describe a single fret item on a fret and string |
C__FCFretItemsBase | Base collection class of FCFretItem class objects. Inherit from this to get get FCFretItems or FCFretBarreItems |
C__FCGlobals | Base class for all data that use the global part of the EDataID |
C__FCInci | An inci subrecord class for multi-inci data |
C__FCInciOther | Base class for "other" (ot_*) data with incis |
C__FCIteratorBase | The base class for both browser and collection classes |
C__FCLyricsBase | The base class for all lyrics text classes |
C__FCNoInciCellDetail | Base class for details data where inci always is 0 |
C__FCNoInciDetail | Abstract data class that contains a detail record without using the inci |
C__FCNoInciOther | Base class for the "Other" (ot_*) Enigma structures that don't use the inci parameter |
C__FCNoteEntryCollection | Abstract class that encapsulate collections of note entries (of the FCNoteEntry class). The note entries doesn't need to belong to the same TGF frame |
C__FCOther | Base class for all "Other" (ot_*) Enigma structures |
C__FCOtherText | The base class for text classes that loads from 'other' (not as regular raw text) |
C__FCPrefsBase | Base class for all preference data classes |
C__FCStaffBase | The base class for FCStaff (and its subclass FCCurrentStaffSpec), as well FCStaffStyleDef |
C__FCUndoBlockHandler | The base class for the block handler. Intented for inheritance for use with the FCUndoController utility class |
C__FCUserWindow | Base class for all other dialog/window classes |
CFCAccidentalMod | Class for acciental modifications (as in Finale's Special Tools) |
CFCAccidentalMods | Collection class for FCAccidentalMod class objects |
CFCActiveLyric | Class that provides access to the active lyrics block and syllable |
CFCAllotment | Class for allotment data (in the Document Options) |
CFCAllotments | Collection class for FCAllotment class objects |
CFCArticulation | Class for attaching an articulation definition to an entry |
CFCArticulationDef | The class for an articulation definition. On Finale 2012 and above, this class supports the Unicode character range |
CFCArticulationDefs | Collection class for FCArticulationDef class objects |
CFCArticulations | Collection class for FCArticulation class objects |
CFCBackwardRepeat | The class for a backward repeat definition |
CFCBaseline | Encapsulates baselines offset values for lyrics, expressions, fretboards and chords |
CFCBaselines | Collection class for FCBaseline class objects |
CFCBeamExtensionMod | Class for beam extensions (in Finale's Special Tools) |
CFCBeamMod | Class for custom beam adjustments (in Finale's Special Tools) |
CFCBeatChartElement | The class for one single beat chart element |
CFCBeatChartElements | Collection class for FCBeatChartElement class objects (which is a beat chart for a measure) |
CFCBookmark | The class for a Finale bookmark |
CFCBookmarks | Collection class for FCBookmark class objects |
CFCBookmarkText | Text used for a bookmarks. Please refer to the FCBookmark class |
CFCBrokenBeamMod | Class for manually broken beam adjustments (in Finale's Special Tools) |
CFCBrokenBeamMods | Generic collection class for FCBrokenBeamMod class objects |
CFCBrowserArticulationDefs | Browser class for FCArticulationDef class objects |
CFCBrowserChords | Browser class for chords (of the FCChord class) |
CFCBrowserExpressions | Browser class for expressions (of the FCExpression class) |
CFCBrowserMeasures | Browser class for FCMeasure class objects |
CFCBrowserMidiExpressions | Browser class for continous MIDI data (of the FCMidiExpression class) |
CFCBrowserNoteEntries | Browser class for note entries |
CFCBrowserPages | Browser class for FCPage class objects |
CFCBrowserStaffSystems | Browser class for FCStaffSystem class objects |
CFCBrowserStaves | Browser class for FCStaff class objects |
CFCBrowserTuplets | Browser class for continous MIDI data (of the FCMidiExpression class) |
CFCCategoryDef | Class for a category definition |
CFCCategoryDefs | Collection class for FCCategoryDef class objects |
CFCCell | The class that reference a cell (one measure on one staff) in the musical "grid" |
CFCCellClefChange | Contains a clef change inside a cell. This is an item member in a FCCellClefChanges collection (created by the FCCellFrameHold::CreateCellClefChanges() method) |
CFCCellClefChanges | Collection class for FCCellClefChange class objects, containing all mid-clef changes in a cell |
CFCCellFrameHold | Class that holds the TGF frames and the clef changes of a TGF frame |
CFCCellFrameHolds | Collection class for FCCellFrameHold class objects |
CFCCellGraphic | Class for measure/cell-attached graphic objects. Currently, this class can only be used to edit existing cell-attached graphics objects |
CFCCellGraphics | Collection class for FCCellGraphic class objects |
CFCCellMetrics | Class that encapsulate the measure metrics info data |
CFCCellPos | This class is similar to FCCell, but also includes a position within the measure. It represents a "music position" |
CFCCells | A collection of FCCell members |
CFCCellText | Class for measure-attached (cell-attached) text blocks. The ConnectCell method must be called prior to load/save |
CFCCellTexts | Collection class for FCCellText class objects |
CFCCenterSmartShape | Class that contains data that appears in the middle of a long smart shape. This class is normally linked through the FCSmartShape class |
CFCChord | Class for chord assignments to a measure/staff |
CFCChordPrefs | Class for document-specific chord settings. Some additional chord-related settings are available in FCMiscDocPrefs |
CFCChords | Collection class for FCChord class objects |
CFCChordSuffixElement | Class that stores one record of a chord suffix definition |
CFCChordSuffixElements | Collection class for FCChordSuffixElement class objects, usually created with FCChord:CreateChordSuffixElements() |
CFCChordSuffixKeyNumberOffsets | A number collection of key offsets for playback of chord suffixes |
CFCChorusLyricsText | The class for chorus lyrics texts |
CFCChorusSyllable | The class for a chorus syllable |
CFCChorusSyllables | Collection class for FCChorusSyllable class objects |
CFCClefDef | Data class for the global clef definitions |
CFCClefDefs | Collection class for FCClefDef class objects |
CFCCompositeTimeSigBottom | A collection of __FCCompositeTimeSigBottomElement records |
CFCCompositeTimeSigTop | A collection of __FCCompositeTimeSigTopElement records |
CFCControl | Base class for all UI controls in a dialog |
CFCCppGarbageCollector | Very simple garbage collection for C++. Use the GC_Add method to add items |
CFCCrossStaffMod | Class that specifies the cross-staff connection for a note |
CFCCrossStaffMods | Collection class for FCCrossStaffMod class objects |
CFCCtrlButton | Control class for push buttons. It inherits the FCCtrlCheckbox class, so the checked state can be set even for push buttons (if the push button style supports it) |
CFCCtrlCheckbox | Control class for a checkbox control |
CFCCtrlComboBox | UI class that handles a combo box, which is a combination of a edit field and a popup list |
CFCCtrlDataList | Class that handles a contol with multiple lines of data, arranged in columns |
CFCCtrlEdit | Class that handles edit controls |
CFCCtrlHorizontalLine | UI class representing a horizontal graphical line |
CFCCtrlImage | UI class that handles a control with a static image |
CFCCtrlLine | UI class representing a graphical line |
CFCCtrlListBox | A list box control |
CFCCtrlPopup | UI class that handles a popup (on the Mac) and a combo list (on Windows) |
CFCCtrlRadioButton | A UI class that handles a single radio button |
CFCCtrlRadioButtonGroup | Class for radio button groups |
CFCCtrlSlider | Control class for sliders |
CFCCtrlStatic | UI class that handles a control with static text |
CFCCtrlSwitcher | A control to switch between multiple pages |
CFCCtrlTextEditor | UI class that handles a multiline edit control for viewing or modifying text (optionally formatted with font information). It has a vertical scroll bar when needed and captures the Enter and Tab keys when it has focus. The text either wraps horizontally within the control or scrolls to the left, depending on the value specified in SetWordWrap. (The default is to wrap.) |
CFCCtrlTree | A tree UI control |
CFCCtrlUpDown | A UI class that handles an Up/Down control. The control has 2 arrows, one pointing up and one down |
CFCCtrlVerticalLine | UI class representing a horizontal graphical line |
CFCCurrentStaffSpec | The class for a "current staff state" (the sum of staff changes and staff style changes) at a specific position in the score, for diagnostic purposes. The class cannot save data |
CFCCustomKeyModeDef | Class that allows access to custom key modes. (Finale calls them "Nonstandard Key Signatures", but they define modes rather than key signatures.) |
CFCCustomKeyModeDefs | Collection class for FCCustomKeyModeDef class objects |
CFCCustomKeyModeSymbolList | Class that encapsulates the list of accidental symbols for instances of FCCustomKeyModeDef. A single symbol list may be shared amongst multiple instances of FCCustomKeyModeDef, so these lists must be separately maintained |
CFCCustomKeyModeSymbolLists | Collection class for FCCustomKeyModeSymbolList class objects |
CFCCustomLuaWindow | Special FCCustomWindow child class, that provides the additional functionality to hook up JW Lua callback functions as dialog handlers (that can be called during the run of the dialog) |
CFCCustomSmartLineDef | The class for a custom smart shape lines |
CFCCustomSmartLineDefs | Collection class for FCCustomSmartLineDef class objects |
CFCCustomStemMod | Class for custom stem shapes (in Finale's Special Tools). The data is connected to either an upstem or downstem note |
CFCCustomStemMods | Generic collection class for FCCustomStemMods class objects |
CFCCustomWindow | A class that supports programmatically created controls (that are not defined in resource files) |
CFCDataListRow | A class that represents one row of data in a FCCtrlDataList UI control |
CFCDistancePrefs | Class for preferences values that controls distances (between objects, etc) |
CFCDocument | Class for an opened Finale document. An opened Finale document has a 1-based ID and can be displayed in multiple document windows |
CFCDocuments | Class for a collection of documents. Usually used to get all the currently loaded documents in Finale |
CFCDotMod | Class with adjustments to the augmentation dots (in Finale's Special Tools) |
CFCDotMods | Collection class for FCDotMod class objects |
CFCEnclosure | Class to encapsulate enclosures (available for example in expressions and measure numbers.) |
CFCEndingRepeat | The class for a start of repeat bracket in the document. There can only be one ending repeat in each measure |
CFCEndingRepeatText | Text in repeat endings |
CFCEndTieMods | Collection class for FCTieMod class objects for end tie alterations |
CFCEnigmaTextStyle | Class that specifies Enigma text style. This includes font, size, efx, superscript, baseline adjustments, and interspacing. MakeMusic has provided a mechansism whereby it can include color is well, but as of at least Finale 27.3 there is no support for color in Enigma strings |
CFCEntryAlterMod | Class for (what it seems) the sole purpose of note entry resize |
CFCEntryMetrics | Class that encapsulate the entry metrics data |
CFCExecutableShapeDef | The class for an executable shape definition |
CFCExecutableShapeDefs | Collection class for FCExecutableShapeDef class objects |
CFCExpression | Class for expression assignments to a measure/staff |
CFCExpressions | Collection class for FCExpression class objects |
CFCFileInfoText | The class for file information text fields |
CFCFileOpenDialog | Class to display the operating system's "Open File" modal dialog box |
CFCFileSaveAsDialog | Class to display the operating system's "Save File As" modal dialog box |
CFCFileStream | Generic file stream class |
CFCFolderBrowseDialog | Class to display the operating system's modal folder browser dialog box |
CFCFontDialog | Class to display the font selection dialog box to the user |
CFCFontInfo | Class for document-independent font information |
CFCFontPrefs | Font preferences data in the Document Options |
CFCFreezeSystem | Class for freezing a system at a specific measure |
CFCFreezeSystems | Collection class for FCFreezeSystem class objects. LoadAll doesn't work for this class |
CFCFretBarreItem | Class that describes a single fret item on a fret and string |
CFCFretBarreItems | Collection class of FCFretItem class objects that are barres |
CFCFretboardGroup | Class that represents a fretboard group. A correctly constructed fretboard group has exactly 12 FCFretboardGroupItem instances, one per possible root index of the standard chromatic scale. Index 0 is A, and the indices continue upwards to G#/Ab which is index 11 |
CFCFretboardGroupDef | Class that stores one record of a fretboard chord definition |
CFCFretboardGroupDefs | Collection class for FCFretboardGroupDef class objects |
CFCFretboardGroupItem | Class that represents a single fretboard group item. The fretboard group item has a header and a list of fret items |
CFCFretboardStyleDef | The class for a fretboard style definition, which reflects the content the "Fretboard Style" dialog box in Finale |
CFCFretboardStyleDefs | Collection class for FCFretboardStyleDef class objects |
CFCFretInstrumentDef | Class for tablature instruments definitions |
CFCFretInstrumentDefs | Collection class for FCFretInstrumentDef class objects |
CFCFretItem | Class that describes a single fret item on a fret and string |
CFCFretItems | Collection class of FCFretItem class objects that are not barres |
CFCGeneralPrefs | The "Program Options" (program-wide options that is not stored in the document) |
CFCGridsGuidesPrefs | Class for document preferences related to guides and grids |
CFCGroup | Encapsulates a staff group |
CFCGroupNamePositionPrefs | Default positioning for full and abbreviated group names |
CFCGroups | Collection class for FCGroup class objects |
CFCGuide | The class for a guide in the document |
CFCGuides | Class that contains the guides for a document. This class is handled through the FCGridsGuidesPrefs class |
CFCHumanPlaybackPrefs | Class for Human Playback preferences |
CFCHyperClick | Class for Hyperscript click data. It corresponds to the data fields associated with the Metronome Source in the "Click and Countoff" dialog box |
CFCIndependentCellDetail | Class that contains independent key/time signatures for a cell |
CFCInstrumentDef | The class for an instrument definition item (in the instrument list/Score Manager) |
CFCInstrumentDefs | Collection class for FCInstrumentDef class objects |
CFCInstrumentDefText | Text used for an instrument definition. Please refer to the FCInstrumentDef class |
CFCInstrumentPlaybackData | The class for instrument playback data. This is also the link between staves/staff styles and the FCInstrumentDef definition |
CFCIteratorHandler | Class for iterator handlers |
CFCKeySignature | Class for key signatures. Instances of this class are auto-created by FCMeasure:GetKeySignature and FCCell:GetKeySignature when needed |
CFCLayerPlaybackData | Helper class for FCInstrumentPlaybackData, providing the playback data for the Chord Layer, the MIDI Expression Layer, and the note layers |
CFCLayerPrefs | Layer preferences for one specific layer |
CFCListenToMidiResult | Class to return the results of the ListenToMidi dialog box |
CFCLuaIterator | Class for Lua callback iterators. This class is not part of the C++ PDK Framework |
CFCLuaScriptItem | Class that represents a single Lua script item. This class is not part of the C++ PDK Framework |
CFCLuaScriptItems | A collection of FCLuaScriptItem members |
CFCLyricsPrefs | Contains the lyrics preferences data |
CFCMeasure | The class for a measure (the full vertical measure stack) in the document. It maps the Measure Attributes dialog settings, the internal measure optimization flag settings and more |
CFCMeasureNumberRegion | The class for a measure number region |
CFCMeasureNumberRegions | Collection class for FCMeasureNumberRegion class objects |
CFCMeasures | Collection class for FCMeasure class objects |
CFCMetatoolAssignment | Class for a metatool key assignment |
CFCMetatoolAssignments | Collection class for FCMetatoolAssignment class objects |
CFCMidiExpression | Encapsulates the continous MIDI data in a cell |
CFCMidiExpressions | Collection class for FCMidiExpression class objects |
CFCMiscDocPrefs | Class that contains document preferences that doesn't fit in any other class |
CFCMultiMeasureRest | Class for a multi-measure rest instance |
CFCMultiMeasureRestPrefs | Class for Multimeasure rests document preferences (in the Document Options dialog box) |
CFCMultiMeasureRests | Collection class for FCMultiMeasureRest class objects |
CFCMultiStaffInstrument | Class for a multi-staff instrument defined in the Score Manager |
CFCMultiStaffInstruments | Collection class for FCMultiStaffInstrument class objects |
CFCMusicCharacterPrefs | Contains the document options for music character preferences |
CFCMusicRegion | Class that encapsulates EREGION and provides additional functionality to region handling |
CFCMusicSpacingPrefs | Options that affects Music (Note) Spacing in the document |
CFCNote | Encapsulates one note in a note entry (from the FCNoteEntry class) |
CFCNoteEntries | Collection class for FCNoteEntry class objects. This class is intended for the collection of random entries |
CFCNoteEntry | Encapsulates a note entry from an owner class (for example FCNoteEntryCell, FCNoteEntryLayer) class |
CFCNoteEntryCell | Class that encapsulate a cell of note entries |
CFCNoteEntryCellMetrics | Class that encapsulate ALL the entry metrics data in a note entry cell, as well as the cell metrics. Only supports Finale 2014 and above |
CFCNoteEntryLayer | Class to load a layer on the same staff. This class is for example suitable when working with music lines that moves over barlines. Please note that this class uses 0-based layer numbers |
CFCNoteEntryLayers | Collection class to load all layers for a staff, to be used when the entries in the layers need to interact |
CFCNoteheadMod | Class for notehead modifications (as in Finale's Special Tools) |
CFCNoteheadMods | Collection class for FCNoteheadMod class objects. The collection would typically collect all notehead modification records for a single note entry |
CFCNotePitch | Encapsulates a note as a locally stored data, instead of a reference in a TGF |
CFCNotePitches | Class that contains information about the note, without being dependent on a note entry frame |
CFCNumber | Simple class to put numbers into collections |
CFCNumberCollection | Collection class for FCNumber instances |
CFCNumbers | Simple collection class for FCNumber class objects |
CFCOtherInci | Utility class to provide a mechanism for loading blob data blocks consisting of more than 1 inci. This is used in combination with the FCOtherIncis collection class. This class should normally not be inherited. Set the custom tag in FCOtherIncis |
CFCOtherIncis | Collection specialized on handling all incis (the traditional 12-byte type) from a cmper. Useful internally, if the storage is a memory block rather than data records |
CFCPage | The class representing a physical page in Finale |
CFCPageFormatPrefs | Class for the "Page Format for Score/Parts" preference data |
CFCPageGraphic | Class for page-assigned graphics. Currently, this class can only be used to edit existing page graphics objects |
CFCPageGraphics | Collection class for FCPageGraphic class objects |
CFCPages | Collection class for FCPage class objects |
CFCPageText | Class for a page-connected text block |
CFCPageTexts | Collection class for FCPageText class objects |
CFCPart | Class that represents one linked part in a document. The class also provides methods to switch between linked parts |
CFCPartExtractPrefs | Preferences that controls the part extraction options in the document |
CFCParts | Collection class for FCPart objects |
CFCPartScopePrefs | Contains data that are specific to one part scope. Each part have their own records, and the part scope needs to be switched prior to a load/save |
CFCPartStaffVoicing | Class that represents the Voicing information for a single staff in a part |
CFCPDFPage | A representation of a page in a created PDF file |
CFCPDFWriter | Class to create a PDF and write it to disk. This is also a collection of FCPDFPage objects |
CFCPercussionLayoutNote | The class for a note definition in a percussion layout |
CFCPercussionLayoutNotes | Collection class for FCPercussionLayoutNote class objects (=a percussion layout) |
CFCPercussionLayoutNotesLookup | A lookup table for FCPercussionLayoutNotes collections |
CFCPercussionLayoutNotesText | Text used for the name of a percussion layout. Please refer to the FCPercussionLayoutNotes class |
CFCPercussionMapNote | Class for an individual note in a percussion map, read from Finale's XML file |
CFCPercussionMapNotes | Collection class for FCPercussionMapNote class objects, used by the FCInstrumentDef class |
CFCPercussionMapNotesLookup | A lookup table for FCPercussionMapNotes notes |
CFCPercussionNoteMod | Class for percussion note modification |
CFCPercussionNoteMods | Collection class for FCPercussionNoteMod class objects |
CFCPercussionNoteType | Class that contains one of Finale's global percussion note type definition |
CFCPercussionNoteTypes | A collection of FCPercussionNoteType objects, created by loading and parsing Finale's PercNoteTypes.txt file. The collection is loaded by the LoadAll() method |
CFCPercussionStaff | Class that stores the information for drum mapping, either for a staff or staff style |
CFCPerformanceMod | Class for performance/playback modifications attached to note entires (as in Finale's MIDI Tool). If Human Playback is enabled, this data record is ignored |
CFCPerformanceMods | Collection class for FCPerformanceMod class objects (which contains the playback modification data for a single note). The collection would contain all performance modification records for a single note entry |
CFCPianoBracePrefs | Preferences that controls the visual appearance of the piano braces in the document |
CFCPlaybackPrefs | Class for the document's playback preferences values |
CFCPoint | Simple class for the representation of x, y coordinates |
CFCPrimaryBeamMods | Collection class for FCBeamMod class objects that belong specifically to primary beams. (There can only be one primary beam per entry.) |
CFCPrintSettings | Class containing printing settings (and the ability to print documents) |
CFCRange | Class that encapsulates a range (start, length) |
CFCRanges | Simple collection class for FCRange class objects |
CFCRawText | The class for raw text objects. All other text classes are based on this class, but it can also be used by its own for tx_TextBlock text |
CFCRepeatPrefs | Class for repeat-related document preferences |
CFCResourceWindow | Class for modeless and modal dialogs that are visually designed as a resource. This class is also a parent class to FCCustomWindow |
CFCSecondaryBeamBreakMod | Class for secondary beam breaks (in Finale's Special Tools) |
CFCSecondaryBeamBreakMods | Generic collection class for FCSecondaryBeamBreakMod class objects |
CFCSecondaryBeamMods | Collection class for FCBeamMod class objects that belong specifically to secondary beams. (There can only be one primary beam, and that is not part of this collection.) |
CFCSectionLyricsText | The class for section lyrics texts |
CFCSectionSyllable | The class for a section syllable |
CFCSectionSyllables | Collection class for FCSectionSyllable class objects |
CFCSeparateMeasureNumber | Class for a manually added or edited measure number in a cell |
CFCSeparateMeasureNumbers | Collection class for FCSeparateMeasureNumber class objects, that contains the separate added or adjusted measure numbers |
CFCSeparatePlacement | Class that handles separate placement for repeats |
CFCSeparatePlacements | Collection class for FCSeparatePlacement records, that handles separate placements in repeats |
CFCSettingsPair | Class for storing a "key"+"value" pair of values |
CFCSettingsPairs | Collection class for FCSettingsPair objects |
CFCShapeDef | Class for a shape definition (as in Finale's Shape selection dialog) |
CFCShapeDefInstruction | Helper class for FCShapeDef |
CFCShapeDefInstructions | Helper class for FCShapeDef |
CFCShapeDefs | Collection class for FCShapeDef class objects, which defines the shape definitions in the document |
CFCShapeExpressionDef | Class for a shape expression definition |
CFCShapeExpressionDefs | Collection class for FCShapeExpressionDef class objects |
CFCSizePrefs | Contains the document options for size and widths |
CFCSlurContourPrefs | Class for the Slur Contour preferences |
CFCSmartShape | A record that represents a smart shape in the score. It is connected to the score through FCSmartShapeMeasureMark objects in each measure where the smart shape occurs. In addition, some shapes also have FCSmartShapeEntryMark objects that connect them to entries. These entry-attached shapes can be identified with the IsEntryBased method |
CFCSmartShapeCtrlPointAdjust | Helper class for FCSmartShape. This class is only constructed indirectly by the FCSmartShape.GetCtrlPointAdjust method |
CFCSmartShapeEntryConnectStyle | The class for a smart shape entry connection style |
CFCSmartShapeEntryMark | Class for smartshape assignments/connections to an entry |
CFCSmartShapeEntryMarks | Collection class for FCSmartShapeEntryMark class objects |
CFCSmartShapeMeasureMark | Class for smartshape assignments to a measure |
CFCSmartShapeMeasureMarks | Collection class for FCSmartShapeMeasureMark class objects |
CFCSmartShapePrefs | Class for the Smart Shape preferences |
CFCSmartShapes | Collection class for FCSmartShape class objects |
CFCSmartShapeSegment | Helper class for FCSmartShape, controlling the end points of a smart shape. This class is only constructed indirectly by the FCSmartShape.GetTerminateSegmentLeft and FCSmartShape.GetTerminateSegmentRight() methods |
CFCStaff | The class for a staff in the score. It is also a base class for staff styles |
CFCStaffList | An object that contains one staff list section (out of 4). Before data is loaded/saved, the SetMode() method must be called |
CFCStaffListCategoryText | Staff list titles for staff lists in categories |
CFCStaffListLookup | A specialized collection class that has the purpose to handle the different score lists that a document contains in an automatic way |
CFCStaffLists | Collection class for FCStaffList class objects. The SetMode() method should be used before any loading to the collection |
CFCStaffListStaffAssignText | Staff list titles for staff-assigned staff lists |
CFCStaffListText | Staff list titles for staff lists in repeats |
CFCStaffNamePosition | Class for staff (or staff style) name positioning data |
CFCStaffNamePositionPrefs | Default positioning for full and abbreviated staff names |
CFCStaffStyleAssign | Class for staff style assignments to a staff |
CFCStaffStyleAssigns | Collection class for FCStaffStyleAssign class objects |
CFCStaffStyleDef | Class for a staff style definition |
CFCStaffStyleDefs | Collection class for FCStaffStyleDef class objects |
CFCStaffSystem | The class for a staff system on a page |
CFCStaffSystems | Collection class for FCStaffSystem class objects. A collection typically contains all staff systems for the score or a part |
CFCStaffSystemsLookup | A lookup class designed for collecting full staff layouts for different parts in the same document in a resource-friendly way. It makes sure that each layout is only loaded once for a score/part |
CFCStartTieMods | Collection class for FCTieMod class objects for start tie alterations |
CFCStaves | Collection class for FCStaff class objects |
CFCStemConnectionTable | A very special-purpose preferences class that contains the full stem connection table from Finale's document options |
CFCStemMod | Class for manual stem adjustments (in Finale's Special Tools) |
CFCStemMods | Generic collection class for FCStemMod class objects |
CFCString | Class that provides storage for text. This is to achieve platform-transparent text handling, that can handle text storage regardless of how it's done on the platform (Mac/Window/C-style/Unicode/etc) |
CFCStrings | Collection class for FCString class objects |
CFCSyllableBase | Base class for attaching an syllable to an entry |
CFCSyllableEntryMod | Class for controlling justification/alignment for all syllables that are connected to an entry |
CFCSystemGlyphInfo | An object to handle glyph information returned by the system |
CFCSystemStaff | Class that stores one "inci" of a staff list (for a system or for the global list of staves) |
CFCSystemStaves | Collection class for FCSystemStaff class objects, which contains the list of staves available within a system |
CFCTablatureNoteMod | Class with info about one tablature note |
CFCTablatureNoteMods | Collection class for FCPercussionNoteMod class objects |
CFCTempoElement | The class for a single tempo change in the Tempo Tool. The tempo elements should be stored in measure position order for each measure |
CFCTempoElements | Collection class for FCTempoElements class objects for one measure. The tempo elements should be stored in measure position order for each measure |
CFCTextBlock | Class for a text block |
CFCTextBlocks | Collection class for FCTextBlock class objects |
CFCTextExpressionDef | Class for a text expression definition |
CFCTextExpressionDefs | Collection class for FCTextExpressionDef class objects |
CFCTextFileStream | Class for text (byte) streams |
CFCTextFileUTF8Stream | Class for UTF-8text streams |
CFCTextMetrics | A class that fetches the metrics for text (for how Finale will render it), such as the boundary boxes and the advance width |
CFCTextRepeat | Class for text repeat assignments to a measure. The assignment is connected with a FCTextRepeatDef definition |
CFCTextRepeatDef | The class for a text repeat definition |
CFCTextRepeatDefs | Collection class for FCTextRepeatDef class objects |
CFCTextRepeats | Collection class for FCTextRepeat class objects |
CFCTextRepeatText | Text used for text repeats |
CFCThread | Class for multithreading |
CFCTieContourPrefs | The 4 (short, medium, long, tie ends) tie contour definitions |
CFCTieMod | Class with adjustments to the ties (in Finale's Special Tools) |
CFCTiePlacementPrefs | Class for the 6 document sets of options that control default tie placement |
CFCTiePrefs | The preferences for ties (includes options both from tie options and tie contour options) |
CFCTimeSignature | Class for time signatures. Instances of this class are auto-created when needed by FCMeasure:GetTimeSignature and FCCell:GetTimeSignature and their "ForDisplay" counterparts |
CFCTransposer | This is a utility class to facilitate transposition. It supports: |
CFCTreeNode | Class representing a single node item in a FCCtrlTree control |
CFCTuplet | Class for attaching an tuplet to an entry |
CFCTupletPrefs | The preferences for the default tuplet definition |
CFCTuplets | Collection class for FCTuplet class objects |
CFCUI | Standard class for basic user interface functionality |
CFCUndoController | Class that handles Undo records for modeless plug-in interfaces |
CFCVerseLyricsText | The class for verse lyrics texts |
CFCVerseSyllable | The class for a verse syllable |
CFCVerseSyllables | Collection class for FCVerseSyllable class objects |